2002-11-25 Claudia Emde * arts-1-1-303 * src/m_optproperties.cc: Renamed (m_scatproperties.cc) as this file now contains all workspace methods for calculating optical properties, not only the scattering properties. * src/agendas.cc (opt_prop_gas_agenda): Corrected input and output of this agenda. 2002-11-22 Claudia Emde * arts-1-1-302 * src/rte.cc/.h (rte_step): Created the general radiative transfer step function. The diagonal case I have taken from Patricks function (rte_step_clearsky_with_emission). Shifted (stokes_vecGeneral) from scat_rte.cc to this file. * src/scat_rte.cc/.h: Removed these files. All radiative transfer functions are now in rte.cc. * src/Makefile.am: Removed files above. * src/m_scatrte.cc: Modified (i_fieldUpdate1D), it uses the general RT function, now. 2002-11-22 Oliver Lemke * arts-1-1-301 * configure.in: Fixed messed up CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS. Introduced new variable DEBUG_FLAGS. 2002-11-22 Oliver Lemke * arts-1-1-300 * src/matpack*.{h,cc}, src/Makefile.am: Added cc files for matpack and moved implementation part. Otherwise, a compiler ignoring the inline keyword gets multiple defined symbols. NOTE: At the moment compilation is twice as fast as before. BUT there are some drawbacks in calculation speed because some frequently called functions (iterator stuff) have to be moved back to the header file to be inlined again. * configure.in: Increased template depth to 40 to get non-debug compiles working. Use CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS from environment variable also in debug mode. For basic optimizations set CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to something like: export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686" export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" Rerun autogen.sh afterwards. For maximum performance try something like: export CFLAGS=" -O2 -march=i686 -fforce-addr -funroll-loops -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt -falign-functions=4 -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations" export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" * ChangeLog: Removed arts-0-x-x history. * ChangeLog-0.x: Added. Moved pre-1.0 changelog entries here. 2002-11-22 Stefan Buehler * arts-1-1-299 * src/workspace.cc (define_wsv_data): Added the variables a_pressure, a_temperature, and a_vmr_list, which can hold the local pressure, temperature, and list of VMRs, respectively. They are intended for communication with agendas and methods calculating absorption coefficients. Also replaced gas_tgs by gas_species. 2002-11-21 Claudia Emde * arts-1-1-298 * src/workspace.cc: Removed *scat_rte_agenda*. * src/agendas.cc: Removed *scat_rte_agenda*. * src/m_scatrte.cc: Modified functions which uses scat_rte_agenda - (i_fieldIterate) and (i_fieldUpdate1D). Included more checks and initialized all variables for the scattering calculations in the beginning of (i_fieldIterate), where they appear first. * src/methods.cc: Changed interface of methods above. * src/m_cloudbox.cc: Included more checks. 2002-11-21 Claudia Emde * arts-1-1-297 * src/workspace.cc: Included variable for scalar gas absorption *abs_scalar_gas* and frequency index *f_index*. Modified WSVs *ext_mat* and *abs_vec*. Removed *ext_mat_gas*, *ext_mat_part*, *abs_vec_gas*, abs_vec_part*. Removed also *scat_f_index*. This variable is replaced by *f_index*. Included and removed entries for agendas (see agenda.cc). * src/methods.cc: Added: - ext_matAddGas - ext_matAddPart - abs_vecAddGas - abs_vecAddPart Removed: - ext_mat_partCalc - abs_vec_partCalc - ext_mat_gasCalc - abs_vec_gasCalc - ext_mat_partScat - ext_mat_gasExample // Commented out the examples, may be we - abs_vec_gasExample // can use them again. * src/agendas.cc: Added: - scalar_gas_absorption_agenda - opt_prop_gas_agenda - opt_prop_part_agenda Removed: - ext_mat_agenda - abs_vec_agenda * src/m_scatrte.cc: Modified the (i_fieldIterate) and (i_fieldUpdate1D) according to the new variable definitions and new agenda definitions. Moved (stokes_vecGeneral) and (stokes_vecScalar) to the new file scat.rte.cc. These methods are ordinary functions now. *scat_rte_agenda* which can use only these functions, will be removed. Replaced *scat_f_index* by *f_index*. * src/m_cloudbox.cc: Replaced *scat_f_index* by f_index*. * src/m_scatproperties.cc: Added: - ext_matAddGas - abs_vecAddGas These methods are only dummy functions, as the method scalar_gas_absExtractFromLookup is not yet implemented. - ext_matAddPart - abs_vecAddPart These are only slightly modified versions of the former methods *ext_mat_partCalc* and *abs_vec_partCalc*. Removed: - ext_mat_partCalc - abs_vec_partCalc - ext_mat_gasCalc - abs_vec_gasCalc These methods are replaced by the new method. - ext_mat_partScat This method was only used for the convergence test. I think we do not need it anymore. It does not work with the modified variables, so I commented it out. - ext_mat_gasExample - abs_vec_gasExample Commented out the Examples. They also have to be modified if they should work with the new variables. * src/scat_rte.cc/h: This file contains now the functions for a radiative step calculation with scattering integral term. * src/Makefile.am: Included scat_rte.cc/h. * src/rte.cc: Included "scat_rte.h". 2002-11-20 Oliver Lemke * arts-1-1-296 * src/Makefile.am: Fixed typos gridded_field.h -> gridded_fields.h Removed no longer existent los.h. * doc/uguide/Figs/Makefile.am: Added fm_definitions, interpolation, polarization, ppath and scattering to SUBDIRS. * doc/uguide/Figs/{polarization,interpolation,scattering}/Makefile.am: Added missing Makefiles needed to build dist. * doc/uguide/Figs/{polarization,interpolation,scattering}/.cvsignore: Added. * configure.in: WARNING_FLAGS and -ftemplate-depth- are gcc specific. Therefore, they are now only set if gcc/g++ is in use, otherwise we break compilation with non-gnu compilers (e.g. HP/NEC). Added missing Makefiles needed to build dist. 2002-11-20 Stefan Buehler * arts-1-1-295 * src/gas_abs_lookup.cc: Continued work on the lookup table. I have now a first implementation for the simple case without temperature interpolation. The next step is to test this. * src/gas_abs_lookup.h: Updated. * src/m_absorption.cc: Added. This should hold workspace methods related to the general calculation of absorption coefficients. * src/workspace.cc (define_wsv_data): Added gas_abs_lookup. * src/methods.cc (define_md_data_raw): Added gas_abs_lookupInit. * src/make_auto_wsv_h.cc: Updated. * src/make_auto_wsv_groups_h.cc: Updated. * src/m_clonesize.cc: Updated. * src/groups.cc (define_wsv_group_names): Added group GasAbsLookup. * doc/examples/absorption_lookup_example.arts.in: Added. * configure.in: Added new example file. * src/Makefile.am: Updated. 2002-11-19 Patrick Eriksson * arts-1-1-294 * src/special_interp.cc (z_at_lat_2d): Created this function. * src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_refr_std_2d): Started on this function. (get_refr_index_2d): Created this function. 2002-11-18 Patrick Eriksson * arts-1-1-293 * src/ppath.cc (refraction_gradient_2d): Created this function. (ppath_step_refr_std_1d): Some improved comments. (ppath_start_2d): Moved some code from ppath_geom_2d and created this function as this code will be common with functions for refraction. 2002-11-17 Oliver Lemke * arts-1-1-292 * src/test_scatproperties.cc: Include cmath. Required on some systems (like marvin). * src/special_interp.cc: Include iostream for cout (GCC3). * doc/uguide/arts_methods_to_latex.sh: Workaround to get it working on marvin. * doc/doxygen/Makefile.am: File 'doxyfied' is now removed with make clean in maintainer-mode. ---------- Fixes for upcoming release 1.3 of doxygen. We have to care more about the format and tags we use in our comments because it contains now a validating parser instead of a lexical scanner. * src/parser.cc (eat_whitespace): @exceptions no longer exists, it is now called @exception. * src/old_absorption.cc (get_tagindex_for_Strings): Use

	instead of verbatim environment.

	* src/partition_function_data.cc (spec): Use 
	Inserted missing end tags.

	* src/species_data.cc: Inserted missing end tags.

2002-11-15  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-291

	* src/special_interp.cc/h: Created these files and moved atmospheric
	interpolation functions to these files from interpolation.cc/h.

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_refr_std_1d): It seems that this function
	now works. So 1D with refaction should be finished. 
	This function is better than the corresponding function in arts-1.
	The tangent altitude is found with a better accuracy. The accuracy
	can be controled by a variable inside the function, which is now set
	to 0.1 m. The determination of the tangent altitude is not determined
	by the ray tracing step. 
	The maximum length of the ray tracing steps is now set by giving a 
	length. Small lengths can be used. I have tested steps down to 100m
	and it is very fast (as long as the calculation of refractive index is
	fast). However, some simple tests showed that step lengths below 1 km
	should not be needed (changing the ray tracing steps from 1 km to
	100m moved the tangent point about 250 m horisontally (for a tangent
	altitude close to ground), which should be compared to a total path
	length of many hundreds of km).

	(get_refr_index_1d): A temporary solution to get refractive index.
	The core function is taken from arts-1.

2002-11-15  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-290

	* src/gas_abs_lookup.h: Continued to work on the structure of the table.

	* src/gas_abs_lookup.cc: Continued to work on the extraction function.

	* src/xml_io.cc: Adaptations to changed lookup table structure.

2002-11-15  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-289

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (convergence_flagAbs): Modified iteration counter.
	After the scattering calculation for the first frequency has converged 
	it is set to 100. This number indicates then that the iterations 
	should no longer be printed in (Tensor6WriteIteration).

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (i_fieldSetClearsky): Initialization of i_field was

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc

	I removed or commented the "cout"s, which we had included for 

2002-11-14  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-288

	* src/interpolation.cc (itw2p): Created this function to convert
	altitudes to pressures.
	(interp_atmsurface_XXXX and interp_atmfield_XXXX): Changed the name
	of the special functions to interpolate atmospheric fields and 
	surfaces, and changed the strategy somewhat. The following functions
	exist now (use them!):

           void interp_atm_field_gp2itw
           void interp_atmfield_by_itw
           void interp_atmfield_by_gp
           Numeric interp_atmfield_by_gp
           void interp_atmsurface_gp2itw
           void interp_atmsurface_by_itw
           void interp_atmsurface_by_gp
           Numeric interp_atmsurface_by_gp

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppath_stepRefractionStd): The WSM to be used in the
	future for path calculations with refraction, using a basic/standard
	calculation approach.

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_refr_std_1d): Started on this core function 
	for 1D path calculations with refraction.

2002-11-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-287

	* ami/xml/xmlReadVector.m: Attribute is called nelem not nrows.

2002-11-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-286

	* ami/xml/xmlReadVector.m: Added.

2002-11-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-285

	* ami/xml/xmlReadTensor6.xml: Quick hack for Sreerekha. Exchanged
	order of col/rows.

2002-11-13  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-284

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (pha_matCalc): Bug fixed in this function. 
	The off-diagonal elements were calculated wrongly, now the whole phase 
	matrix is calculated correctly.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Only documentation.

2002-11-11  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-283

	* doc/doc++/Makefile.am, doc/doc++/html/Makefile.am,
	doc/doc++/tex/Makefile.am, doc/doc++/tex/docxx.sty: Removed.

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am: Remove uguide.ind after generating dvi/pdf
	to avoid conflict between latex and pdflatex.

2002-11-11  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-282

	* doc/uguide/uguide.tex: Use ifthen package to determine whether
	we are using pdflatex or vanilla latex. So, we don't need any
	longer the separate uguide_pdf.tex file.

	* doc/uguide/uguide_pdf.tex: Removed after merging into uguide.tex.

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am: Adapted to create both ps and pdf file 
	from uguide.tex.

	Everything except uguide.{ps,pdf,dvi} and automatically
	generated tex files can be removed.

	Remove uguide.toc after creation of ps/pdf file because latex and
	pdflatex use different formats for this file.

	Use -o option for dvips instead of output redirection.

	* doc/uguide/.cvsignore: Cleanup.

	* src/Makefile.am: $(EXEEXT) was still missing in some places.

2002-11-10  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-281

	* configure.in: Version number correction.

2002-11-08  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-280

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Restructured this chapter. Also 
	included some functions which have not been documented so far.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: Documentation.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Documentation.

2002-11-08  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-279

	* src/Makefile.am: Append $(EXEEXT) to overridden targets. This
	prevents automake 1.5/1.6 from outputting errors but leads to
	warnings emitted by automake 1.4. But hey, a warning is better than
	an error, right? ;-) And it has the advantage that 'make' stops on
	errors but continues on warnings. automake 1.7 also just works fine.

2002-11-08  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-278

	* configure.in: Use AM_MAINTAINER_MODE macro from automake instead
	of our homemade stuff. If --enable-maintainer-mode is used,
	additional dependencies are included in the generated Makefiles.
	E.g. when configure.in or any Makefile.am are changed the
	Makefiles are rebuild automatically with the next make. This
	is not necessary for end-users. --enable-maintainer-mode is
	passed by default to configure when you call autogen.sh.

	IMPORTANT NOTE: Dependency check on configure.in is only performed
	in top level directory. This means: After an update or modifying
	configure.in you *MUST* run make in the top level directory.

	Debugging is activated in maintainer-mode by default and disabled
	in end-user mode. This could be overridden by passing --enable-debug
	or --disable-debug to configure.

	Removed setting of arts-data path on smiles pcs to lookup2. Moved to
	autogen.sh because configure should not contain such special

	Cleanup. Removed some unused macros.

	* autogen.sh: Inserted hostname check and pass
	--with-arts-data=/pool/lookup2/arts-data to configure if we
	are on a smiles pc.

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am, doc/doxygen/Makefile.am: Use
	MAINTAINER_MODE in conditional.

	* .cvsignore: Added autom4te.cache. Sorted.

2002-11-07  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-277

	* src/xml_io.cc (ArtsXMLTag::read_from_stream): Skip
	 blocks. Comments are only allowed to be put
	directly after the  tag or in front of the  tag.

2002-11-06  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-276

	* src/xml_io.cc: Added io routines for SpeciesTag, ArrayOfSpeciesTag,
	Reading/writing of SpeciesTag writes only the empty tags because the
	implementation part of SpeciesTag is not yet done.
	Moved function declarations and template instantations to

	* src/absorption.h: Added type ArrayOfSpeciesTag. At the moment, this
	type is only used to define ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesType to keep
	consistency with the way ArraysOfArrays are defined in arts.

	* src/xml_io_private.h: Added. Separated function declarations and
	template instantiations from implementation part.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added xml_io_private.h in several places.

2002-11-05  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-275

	* autogen.sh: Cleanup. Added --gnu option to automake.

	* configure.in: Added AM_MAINTAINER_MODE.

	* absorption.h, m_abs.cc, old_absorption.cc, workspace.cc, xml_io.cc:
	Renamed OneTag to SpeciesTag.

	* absorption.h, gas_abs_lookup.h, groups.cc, m_abs.cc,
	m_clonesize.cc, old_absorption.cc, workspace.cc, xml_io.cc:
	Renamed TagGroups to ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag.

	* src/m_xml.h, src/xml_io.h: Cleanup.

	* src/xml_io.cc: Started to add io routines for GasAbsLookup.

2002-11-05  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-274

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Updated the description of the iterative

	* doc/uguide/sybol_defs: New sybols for the fields (radiation field and
	scattered field).

	* doc/uguide/references.bib: Added a new reference (Sreerekhas paper).

	* doc/uguide/Figs/scattering: Added this directory. Included also 
	figures for scattering part here.

2002-10-31  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-273

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Wrote some new text for RT and ground

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Revised old text and wrote new text, especially
	a section on finding path crossings of pressure surfaces.

	* src/ppath.cc (psurface_crossing_2d): Modified this function to also
	handle a quadratic slope term.

2002-10-31  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-272
	* src/scatproperties.cc (amp2abs): Fixed a bug here for
	calculating the absorption vector for 2nd,3rd and 4th components.
2002-10-22  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-1-271

	* src/m_lineshapes.cc (elsVoigt_Kuntz6, elsVoigt_Drayson): Added
	these new lineshapes, the Voigt-Kuntz approximation with relative
	accuracy better than 2*10^-6 and the Voigt-Drayson one.

	* src/methods.cc: Added the respective descriptions for these 
2002-10-22  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-270

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_geom_1d): Added a call of
	gridpos_force_end_fd for path steps ending on a pressure surface.
	The function was not working without this call.

	* src/interpolation.cc: Reverted to version before version 1-1-264.

2002-10-19  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-269

	* ami/xml/xmlReadTensor[56].m: Bug fixed. Where to put books without
	shelves? :-)

	* src/main.c: Beautified output of arts -v.

2002-10-21  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-268

	* src/lin_alg.cc: Fixed a bug in (norm_inf). This function is used in 
	the matrix exponential function. 

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: Small bug fix.

2002-10-18  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-267

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: some small corrections.

	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: some small corrections.

2002-10-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-266

	* ami/xml/xmlLoad.m: Removed debug output.

	* ami/xml/xmlReadArray: Bug fixes.

	* ami/xml/xmlReadTensor[3-5]: Added.

	* ami/xml/xmlCheckSize: Added. Checks whether the number of read data
	item corresponds to the intended number.

	* ami/xml/xmlReadTensor6, ami/xml/xmlReadMatrix: Corrected permutation
	of input vector.

	NOTE: The function name which is called for reading a data type from
	an XML file is put together in xmlLoad.m. So, for every new data type
	only a file called xmlRead.m has to be put into the
	directory.  Array and ArrayOfArray are working automatically
	WARNING: All implemented reading routines work as long as the input
	file is correct. There is currently nearly no error checking. All
	kinds of strange things may happen.

2002-10-17  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-265
	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (scat_iPut): The size of scat_i_p was resized
	to the 1D case.  

2002-10-17  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-264
	* src/interpolation.cc (is_gridpos_at_index_i) and (gridpos2gridrange):
	Fixed bugs here. Interpolation weights which are Numeric were 
	compared to Index which caused serious errors in the ppath_step 
	calculations. Patrick, I have included comments were I made 

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (CloudboxGetIncoming): Some modifictions. This
	method seems to work now!!!!

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (ScatteringMain): Modified according to the change
	in (CloudboxGetIncoming).

2002-10-16  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-263
	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (CloudboxGetIncoming): Modified. The function 
	calculates the initial field at the whole cloudbox boundary. Before 
	it only doing one boundary at a time.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (ScatteringMain): Modfied according to the change
	in (CloudboxGetIncoming).
	* src/methods.cc: Modified the inputs and outputs to the above
	mentioned methods.
2002-10-15  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-262

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Just removed a small out-dated 

2002-10-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-261
	* configure.in: Call init with autogen.sh instead of reconf.

	* Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Include autogen.sh instead of reconf.

	* reconf: Purged.

2002-10-14  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-260
	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: The method CloudboxGetIncoming is modified
	for using the method RteCalc.  The inputs and outputs of this
	method has to be changed quite lot.
	* src/m_scatrte.cc: The method ScatteringMain also had to be
	modified as it calls CloudboxGetIncoming.

	* src/methods.cc: Modified the inputs and outputs to the above
	mentioned methods.
2002-10-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-259
	* doc/uguide/arts_methods_to_latex.sh: Use typewriter font instead
	of verbatim environment to allow automatic linebreaks.

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am (uguide_pdf.pdf): Added dependency from
	Don't redirect output to /dev/null.

2002-10-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-258
	* doc/uguide/arts_methods_to_latex.sh: Added missing backslash in
	front of levelb.

2002-10-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-257
	* autogen.sh: Renamed reconf for GNU compliance.

2002-10-10  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-256

	* doc/uguide/references.bib: added a reference (chandrasekhar:60)
	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: Some minor corrections, and added
	the correct proof for the inequality I^2 >= Q^2 + U^2 + V^2. It is
	quite lengthy and maybe not really interesting for the uguide, but
	I wanted to write it down somewhere. 

	* doc/uguide/Figs/polarization: created this directory, moved
	figures for polarization.tex here

2002-10-10  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-255

	* src/agendas.cc: Included scat_mono_agenda.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Renamed (scat_mainCalc) Now it is called 
	(ScatteringMain). Included scat_mono_agenda in this method.

	* src/methods.cc: Modified entry for the method above.
	* src/workspace.cc: Included scat_mono_agenda.
2002-10-09  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-254
	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: The method CloudboxGetIncoming is
	implemented. Only the 1D case is implemented
	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Added the method scat_mainCalc which
	gives the interface variables and the frequency inded.
	Both these methods are to be tested to fix bugs.

	* src/methods.cc : Added these two methods.
2002-10-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-253

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Included a new figure.

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Revised some text and wrote some
	new text on RT. Included a new figure. More work to be done.

	* doc/uguide/introduction.tex: Removed some old text. Added a to do

2002-10-08  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-252

	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: extended the subsection on partial
	polarization, some minor additions to the rest

2002-10-01  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-251

	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: some small corrections

2002-09-26  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-250

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Revised this chapter to the start of
	Section 3.5. Main changes connected to that blackbody_ground is

2002-09-25  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-249
	* ami/xml/xmlGetAttrValue.m, ami/xml/xmlReadArray.m,
	ami/xml/xmlReadMatrix.m, ami/xml/xmlLoad.m,
	ami/xml/xmlReadAttributes.m, ami/xml/xmlReadTensor6.m:
	Added. Intermediate commit. Parsing of tags and attributes
	basically working. Parsing of data TBD.

	* configure.in: Added ami/xml/Makefile.

	* ami/xml/.cvsignore: Added.
	* ami/xml/Makefile.am: Added.

	* ami/xml: Created.

2002-09-25  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-248
	* src/workspace.cc : Removed the variable name i_field_Tb and
	introduced tensor6_1. 
2002-09-25  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-247
	* configure.in: Removed ami subdirs.

	* ami/: Purged.
	* ami/Makefile.am: Removed subdirs.

	* ami/init.m: Removed subdirs.

2002-09-22  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-246

	* src/interpolation.cc (interp_atmsurface): Created this function in
	two versions.

	(interp_atmsurface): Created a version of this function for a single

	* src/ppath.cc: Removed two functions to calculate the specular angle
	for ground reflections.

	* src/rte.cc (ground_specular_los): Created this function, partly
	based on code from ppath.cc.

	* src/m_atmosphere.cc (GroundNoScatteringSingleEmissivity): Created
	this function. 

	(GroundTreatAsBlackbody): Smaller changes in this function due to
	new interpolation functions.

	* src/workspace.cc: Wrote text, or extended text, for several 

	* src/agendas.cc: Wrote text for ground_refl_agenda. Added r_geoid
	and z_ground as input to the agenda.

2002-09-20  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-245

	* src/matpackI.h: Added Constructors to make a ConstVectorView and
	VectorView of a scalar. The conversion of a Vector to a 1-column
	matrix was already implemented.

	* src/matpackIII.h: Added Constructors to make a Tensor3View from
	a MatrixView. (Also constant versions.)

	* src/matpackIV.h: Added Constructors to make a Tensor4View from
	a Tensor3View. (Also constant versions.)

	* src/matpackV.h: Added Constructors to make a Tensor5View from
	a Tensor4View. (Also constant versions.)

	* src/matpackVI.h: Added Constructors to make a Tensor6View from
	a Tensor5View. (Also constant versions.)

	* src/matpackVII.h: Added Constructors to make a Tensor7View from
	a Tensor6View. (Also constant versions.)

	* doc/uguide/matrix_vector.tex: Put in documentation for the new
	matpack feature to make things appear of larger dimension than they

	* src/test_matpack.cc (test33): Added this test for the new
	capability to make things look bigger than they are.

	* src/gas_abs_lookup.cc (Extract): Continued to work on this

	* src/gas_abs_lookup.h: Changed argument type of extract to allow
	vectors of pressure and temperature.

2002-09-19  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-244

	* src/Makefile.am (arts_SOURCES): Added gas_abs_lookup.h
	and gas_abs_lookup.cc.

	* src/gas_abs_lookup.h: Started this file. It contains the
	declaration of the gas absorption lookup table.

	* src/gas_abs_lookup.cc: Started this file. It contains the
	implementation of gas absorption lookup member functions.

	* src/old_absorption.cc: Old stuff, should be removed eventually.

	* doc/uguide/old_absorption.tex: Old stuff, should be removed

	* doc/examples/old_absorption_example.arts.in: Old stuff, should
	be removed eventually. 

	* src/agenda_record.cc: Corrected file name in doxygen header.

	* ami/path/.cvsignore: Created this file. Added Makefile and

2002-09-17  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-243

	* There have been rather big changes for the clear sky RTE part.
	Some comments are given below. However, as I am the only one working
	with this part I am saving the energy to later to describe the RTE
	part in a good way in AUG and the online documentation.

	The problems I encountered for the ground reflections made me think
	in somewhat new ways, and voila, I found a new and better structure
	for the calculations. So right now I am happy.

	The RTE part is now rather complete, but I have only done practical
	tests for a few simple cases. So much bug checking is to be done.
	* src/m_rte.cc (RteEmissionStd) and (RteCalc): The functions are to a
	large extent restructured. Several tasks have been lifted from 
	rte_agenda functions (where RteEmissionStd is the only existing one so
	far) which is an advantage. The task of rte_agenda methods is now much
	The restructuring made it possible to call RteCalc in a recursive way.
	This was needed to handle ground reflections following the new
	approach. In fact, the appraoch for ground reflections could be 
	followed to make scattering calculations in another way (which however
	would require changes to the ppath calculations). It is my hope
	that this approach will allow calculation of weighting functions 
	without to much problems (the first task will be to fix WFs with
	a scattering ground).

	* src/rte.cc (get_radiative_background): The old function 
	set_to_radiative_background has been renamed and to large parts been
	rewritten. All cases execpt when the path starts inside the cloud box
	are now handled (but not tested).
	(rte_step_clearsky_with_emission): This function was created before
	last commit but I forgot to mention it. This function makes an 
	automatic switch to the best way to calculate the matrix exponential.
	Shall a simialr function be made for the cloud box?
	That is, there is no agenda for this for the clear sky part.

	* src/m_atmosphere.cc (GroundTreatAsBlackbody): Created this function.
	This is the first function implemented for ground_refl_agenda.

	* src/interpolation.cc (gridpos_copy): Created this function to copy
	a GridPos.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (CloudboxOff): The function now also sets 
	scat_i_p, scat_i_lat, scat_i_lon, scat_za_grid and scat_aa_grid to be
	empty. This is needed as the variables must be input to RteCalc.

	(CloudboxGetOutgoing): Added to cloudbox_on is input to check that the
	cloud box is actually turned on. Added also a check that scat_za_grid
	not is empty, which would be the case if CloudboxOff is called and
	later cloudbox_on is set to 1 but no cloud box calculations have been
	Claudia, should some more safety checks be added? The header of the
	file is not updated since the re-naming of the function.

2002-09-16  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-242

	* src/***: The WSV blackbody_ground is removed. It caused many and
	problematic dependencies between WSVs. Ground reflections will also
	be handled in a different way and there is no longer a big need for
	This means that there is no constrain now for placing the cloud box.
	It is up to the user to decide if it is OK to have a gap between the
	ground and the cloud box.

	* src/m_ppath and ppath: The fields ground, i_ground, symmetry and 
	i_symmetry are removed from the Ppath structure. 
	The calculation of a propagation path now stops at all intersections
	with the ground. 
	* src/workspace.cc: Removed the WSV t_ground and e_ground, and the
	corresponding agendas.
	Introduced new variables for handling ground reflections: 
	ground_refl_agenda, ground_emission, ground_los and ground_refl_coeffs.

	* src/m_rte and rte: Removed old ground variables and started to
	incorporate the new ones. 

2002-09-16  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-241

	* src/methods.cc: Included stokes_vec also as input to the methods
	(stokes_vecScalar) and (stokes_vecGeneral).

	* src/m_scatrte.cc: (stokes_vecScalar) and (stokes_vecGeneral): 
	Assertion for stokes_vec added.

2002-09-16  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-240

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (CloudboxGetOutgoing): Changed the name of the 
	method. Earlier it was (y_scatCalc). Changed the interface of the
	function. *cloudbox_los* and *cloudbox_los* are removed, instead of
	these variables there are the gridpositions *a_gp_p*, *a_gp_lat*,
	*a_gp_lon* and *a_los* for the direction. The 3D part is still 

	* src/workspace.cc: Removed WSVs *y_scat*, *cloudbox_pos* and 
	*cloudbox_los*. Added WSVs *a_gp_p*, *a_gp_lat* and *a_gp_lon*.

	* src/methods.cc: Changed (y_scatCalc) to (CloudboxGetOutgoing).

	* src/groups.cc: Included GridPos as a new group.

	* src/xml.io.cc: Added IO function dummies for GridPos.

	* src/m_clonesize.cc: Added clonesize dummy for GridPos.

2002-09-13  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-239

	* src/xml_io.cc: Added IO function dummies for TagGroups.

	* src/workspace.cc (define_wsv_data): Added WSV gas_tgs.

	* src/groups.cc (define_wsv_group_names): Added group TagGroups.

2002-09-10  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-238

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (y_scatCalc): Created this function (for 1D). It 
	returns the spectrum after a scattering calculation on the cloudbox
	boundary for given position and direction.
	(i_fieldSetConst): Generalized this method. Now you can specify 
	differnt values for each Stokes component of i_field inside 
	the cloudbox.

	* src/workspace.cc: Included the variables *y_scat*, *cloudbox_pos*
	and *cloudbox_los* for the method *y_scatCalc*.

	* src/methods.cc: Added *y_scatCalc*.

2002-09-10  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-237
	* src/xml_io.cc: Output the element that failed while reading for
	all ArrayOf and ArrayOfArray data types.
2002-09-10  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-236
	* src/m_scatrte.cc (scat_fieldCalc): Sorry that the last version
	didn't compile. I have fixed it now.   
2002-09-10  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-235
	* src/xml_io.cc: Improved error output if reading fails. Added
	output of column, row, page... of the erroneous element.
2002-09-10  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-234
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc : Included stokes_dim as input to
	methods calculating scattering properties.  Earlier stokes_dim was
	taken from inputs themselves. Now more checks are also included.  

	* src/methods.cc : Adapted all the methods calculating scattering
	properties to include stokes_dima as input.   

	* src/agendas.cc : Changed the online documentation for
	ext_mat_agenda and abs_vec_agenda.  Earlier there was a
	misunderstanding because they were not looking like examples.
	Patrick had pointed out this some time back.

2002-09-09  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-233

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): Changed the calculation of the 
	planck function for one layer. Now the mean of the temperature is
	calculated first and afterwards the planck function.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (scat_iPut): Included this method. It puts the 
	scattered radiation field into the interface variables between 
	cloudbox and clearsky calculations.
	(i_fieldSetClearsky), (i_fieldSetConst): Shifted these methods here, 
	because they have nothing to do with scattering properties.

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc: Shifted the two methods above.

	* src/methods.cc: Included entry for scat_iPut.

2002-09-06  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-232

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (scat_fieldCalc): Bug fixed. The scattering
	intergral was only calculated for 180° zenith angle, because 
	because *pha_mat_spt* was not calculated in this function.
	(i_fieldUpdate1D): Fixed another bug here. Insted of I_0 on the 
	gridpoints layer mean values were taken.

	* src/methods.cc: Modified interface for (scat_fieldCalc).

2002-09-06  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-231

	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_arbitrary.fig
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_arbitrary.eps
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_arbitrary.pdf: corrected, now zeta
	has the correct sign...

2002-09-05  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-230

	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: inserted one more figure

	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_e45.fig  
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_e45.eps
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_e45.pdf: added these files.

2002-09-03  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-229

	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_aligned.fig
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_aligned.eps
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_aligned.pdf
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_aligned.fig
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_arbitrary.eps
	* doc/uguide/Figs/pol_ellipse_arbitrary.pdf: added these files.
	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: Small corrections, and inserted 2

2002-09-03  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-228	
	* agendas.cc (spt_calc_agenda): MAde this agenda for calculating 
	the properties for single particle types. Using this agenda it is 
	easy to do the convergence test, which seems to be very important to 
	make sure, that the model delivers correct results.

	* workspace.cc: Icluded spt_calc_agenda.
	* m_scatproperties.cc (ext_mat_sptScat) (ext_mat_partScat): Created
	these methods to calculate the particle extinction due to scattering 
	(without absorption). These methods can be used for doing a
	convergence test.

	* methods.cc: Included the methods above.

	* m_scat_rte: Use *spt_calc_agenda* in (i_fieldUpdate1D).

2002-08-30  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-1-227

	* /: Increased ChangeLog number.
2002-08-30  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-1-226

	* src/methods.cc: Added the Doppler line-shape entry.
2002-08-29  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-225

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc: Removed *psh_mat_conv_sptCalc*. This was 
	only needed for testing.

2002-08-29  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-224
	* doc/examples/clearsky_field.xml : This is modified and
	corresponds to midlatitude summer case.  

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc : Modified the method
	abs_vec_gasExample.  The example absorption now corresponds to
	midlatitude summer case.

2002-08-29  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-223
	* configure.in: Removed ami/path from AC_OUTPUT.

	* ami/Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Removed path.
2002-08-29  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-222
	* ami/path: Started to remove old ami files. Tried this one to see
	if cvs handles removing of empty directory.

2002-08-28  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-221

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): Bug Fixed. The absorption 
	vector was only calculated for one direction. Before 
	abs_vec_sptCalc we have to call pha_mat_sptCalc in the same loop. 
	So I also had to modify the interface of the function, pha_mat_spt
	must not be declared as constant.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (Tensor6WriteIteration), (convergence_flagAbs): 
	Moved the iteration counter to convergence_flagAbs. Now it should 
	be posible to print out scat_field and i_field at the same time.

	* src/methods.cc: Modified entry for i_fieldUpdate1D.

2002-08-28  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-220
	* src/m_scatrte.cc (scat_fieldCalc): The method is modified so
	that it can handle 3D cases also more efficiently than before.  
2002-08-26  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-219

	* doc/example/i_field_arts.in: Included the new methods into the 

2002-08-26  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-218

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (i_fieldSetConst): Created this function
	to define a constant initial field inside the cloudbox.
	Renamed *i_fieldSet*. Now this method is called *i_fieldSetClearsky*.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (Tensor6WriteIteration): This function counts the
	number of iterations and prints the iterated fields to files. 

	* src/methods.cc: Included the methods above.

	* src/workspace.cc: Added the variable *iteration_counter* which holds 
	the actual number of iterations. 

2002-08-26  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-217
	* src/physics_funcs.cc (invrayjean): Merged bug fix from arts-1-0.

2002-08-26  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-216
	* src/m_scatrte.cc (scat_fieldCalc): Fixed a bug in this
	method. Earlier it was giving same field for all viewing angles of
	a particular pressure level.  
2002-08-23  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-215
	* doc/uguide/integration.tex: Added this documentation for

	* doc/uguide/main.tex, doc/uguide/Makefile.am : Added

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex : Improved the documentation for the
	method i_fieldSet.

2002-08-22  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-214
	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Use ostringstream instead of sprintf.

2002-08-22  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-213

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): Modified this function to get
	boundary conditions right. Some loops are rearranged so that the 
	function is more efficient. The values of the zenith angles are taken 
	as criterion for upward or downward propagation.
	The special case (zenith angle a bit higher than 90°) is still not 
	included. Here the first intersection point is at the same altitude
	as the initial point.
2002-08-22  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-212

	* src/Makefile.am (test_interpolation_SOURCES): Copy list of
	sources from arts_SOURCES (Without main.cc on second try :-))
	because we nearly need everything here.

	* src/test_interpolation.cc (test01): Don't define joker class.

2002-08-21  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-211

	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Added #include  to nmake sprintf known.

	* src/m_physics.cc: Added this file and moved methods for conversion
	to Tb to this file.

	* src/check_input.cc (chk_not_empty): Added this function to give
	an error if an agenda is empty (that should never be alowed, or?).
	This function is now called in "my parts" before an agenda is used.

	The inclusion of agendas in check_input has made that 
	test_interpolation cannot now be linked. I started to add files to
	the sources for test_interpolation, but I just needed to add more.

	What to do? Can test interpolation be removed?

	* src/rte.cc: Added header to the functions in the file. Note 
	especially the function ground_reflection_with_emission that is
	intended as a general function to call to consider ground reflections
	with emission.

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteEmissionStd): The function now uses *t_field*
	to determine the temperature along the propagation path.

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteCalc): The function has been slightly modified as
	a preperation to include Hb. 

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: The existing text, beside part on
	ground reflections, has been revised and adapted to changes in the
	source code.

2002-08-20  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-210
	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Added the method *Tensor6ToTbByPlanck* and
	removed the method i_fieldtoTb.  This
	is a Generic method following yesterday's discussion.  But the
	frequency grid is taken as specific input.  This is because,
	inside cloudbox we have only one frequency which is specified by
	the variable scat_f_index.  And mostly intensity fields inside the
	cloudbox only are Tensor6. 

	* src/methods.cc : Added the method Tensor6ToTbByPlanck and
	removed the method i_fieldtoTb.

	* doc/examples/i_field_example.i_field_Tb.xml : Removed this
	output file following ARTS convention of not including the output

	* doc//examples/i_field_example.arts.in : Usage of Generic method
	Tensor6ToTbByPlanck instead of i_fieldtoTb.

2002-08-20  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-209

	* src/scat_rte.cc (convergence_flagAbs): Included a counter for the 
	number of iterations. Each iteration field is written to a file. This
	modification is only made for testing the convergence behaviour and 
	will be removed later.

2002-08-19  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-208

	* src/scat_rte.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): Fixed some bugs related to the
	boundary conditions. 

2002-08-19  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-207
	* src/m_scatrte.cc (i_fieldtoTb): This method converts the i_field
	in radiance units to Planck brightness temperature.  This uses the
	function *invplanck* in physics_funcs.cc 

	* src/methods.cc : Added the method i_fieldtoTb.

	* src/workspace.cc : Added the workspace variable i_field_Tb.

	* doc/examples/clearskyfield.xml : This is an example file added
	to give realistic input to the interface at cloudbox boundaries.
	This is created from ARTS.1.0.  The boundaries in pressure
	altitudes are 360 hPa and 280 hPa.

	* doc/examples/i_field_example.arts.in : The cloudbox boundary is
	changed to 360 hPa and 280 hPa. The example can now read the
	interface field from the above file.  The pnd_field is changed
	from 1 to a more realistic value 1297m^(-3).  The example file was
	giving a decent output until the last update.  After the last
	update the i_field is giving 0 and nan at some places because of
	which I cannot run this example.  But for having a look at the
	initial result I have a copy of the result in my smiles_local
	which I can add to the repositary which can be removed later.  

	* doc/examples/i_field_example.i_field_Tb.xml : This is the
	i_field in brightness temperature unit for 4 pressure grids(2 at
	cloudbox boundary and 2 inside the cloud box) inside
	the cloudbox. 

2002-08-19  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-206	
	* src/m_scatrte.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): Included cloudbox boundary 
		conditions. Radiation travelling out of the cloudbox is 
		defined to be 0 as it is not needed for the iterations.
	* src/m_scatrte.cc (stokes_vecGeneral): Bug fixed.

	* src/test_linalg.cc (test_lusolve1D): Added this function to see
		if the LU decomposition also works for scalar equations.
2002-08-16  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-205		
	* configure.in: While checking in last time, I edited  cd .. in
	this file by mistake.  

	* doc/examples/i_field_example.arts.in : Forgot to add this file to
	the repository.

	* doc/examples/Makefile.am : Forgot to add this in the list

2002-08-15  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-204

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (abs_vec_gasExample): Added this
	method.  This method is implemented for test purposes.  It is
	necessary to have some realistic values of absorption coefficents
	for radiative transfer calculations. The absorption coefficients
	calculated using ARTS.1.0 are used in this method and they are
	interpolated onto the pressure grid used for RT calculations.

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (ext_mat_gasExample): This method is
	also for facilitating test calculations.  This gives extinction
	matrix for gaseous species.  The diagonal elements are the
	absorption coefficients calculated from abs_vec_gasExample and the
	off-diagonal elements are zero.  

	* src/methods.cc : Added the above two methods with minimum
	* doc/examples/i_field_example.arts : This is an example control
	file which can be used to test the scattering RT calculation.
2002-08-14  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-203

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteEmissionStd): Pieces of this function have been 
	lifted out to be functions in rte.cc. This to make it easier to make
	other verions of methods for rte_agenda.

	* src/workspace.cc: The variable *e_ground* is now a matrix to allow
	more elaborated treatments of ground reflections later.

	* To summerize. The ground is now included in the RTE part. Spectra
	can be produced, but only for dummy atmospheric temperature and 
	absorption. No connection with the cloud box yet.

2002-08-11  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-202

	* src/workspace.cc: New WSV is mblock_index. The usage of a_pos and 
	a_los has been extended.

	* src/agendas.cc: New agenda is i_space_agenda.

	* src/methods.cc: New WSM are VectorToTbByRJ, VectorToTbByPlanck,
	MatrixToTbByRJ and MatrixToTbByPlanck.

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteEmissionStd): Adopted to i_space_agenda.

	* src/math_funcs.cc (integer_div): New function.

	* src/logic.cc (is_multiple): New function.

2002-08-09  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-201
	* src/m_scatrte.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): The changes made here are
	mainly with reference to the size of i_field and scat_field.  This
	comes in all methods which use these variables.  For example, In
	the previous version the size of i_field was 
	i_field( N_p, N_lat, N_lon, N_za, N_aa, N_i ) whereas now it is
	changed to i_field( cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1,
       		        ( cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1,
       			( cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1,
       			 N_za, N_aa, N_i ).
	The code doesn't look very clean now because i have commented some
	parts of the code for Claudia to have a look at the changes i have
	made because she has written them.

	I had quite lot of problem at cloudbox boundaries while taking the
	average of *i_field* and *scat_field*.  That part has to be for
	sure rewritten.  But at present I retain them and comments on it
	will be really helpful.  

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (i_fieldIterate):There is some change in the
	input to *i_fieldIterate* which I forgot to enter in the Changelog
	file earlier.  The new input added to this method is scat_aa_grid.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (scat_fieldCalc): Some bugs are fixed, as usual.

	* src/methods.cc : Changed inputs to i_fieldIterate.

	* src/workspace.cc : Changed the dimensions of i_field,
	i_field_old and scat_field.  Change the usage of amp_mat as output
	from amp_matCalc

2002-08-09  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-200

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteCalc): This function should now be ready. 

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteEmissionStd): The first attempt to create a
	method for rte_agenda.
	* src/m_rte.cc (VectorToTbByRJ): Started on this function. Not yet 

	* src/m_rte.cc (yNoPolarisation): Created this function.

	* Polished on descriptions for included agendas, variables and methods.

	* The rather frequent commits depend on that I work both on the desktop
	and the laptop.

2002-08-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-199

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteCalc): Introduced some new variables and agendas
	around this function. Everything very preliminary so far.

2002-08-08  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-198
	* src/check_input.cc: Bug fix.

2002-08-05  Nikolay Koulev   

	* arts-1-1-197
	* src/m_lineshapes.cc (elsDoppler): Added the Doppler line shape .
2002-08-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-196

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteCalc): Modified the input arguments and moved check
	of input to this function from ppathCalc. A first step to finish this

2002-08-05  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-195
	* src/parser.cc (is_whitespace, eat_whitespace): Added backslash r
        as whitespace. Fixes bug which crashed arts when reading dos style
        control files under unix.
2002-08-01  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-194

	* src/math_funcs.cc (AngIntegrate_trapezoid): Fixed bugs in this

	* scatproperties.cc : Again, fixed some bugs, mainly related to
	units of amplitude matrix, phase matrix and cross-sections. Tested
	the routines by reading in real values from the data base and it
	seems now that the calculation of scattering properties is
	correct.  I verified it with our old calculations when stokes_dim
	is equal to 1.  

2002-07-26  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-193
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (i_fieldSet): This methods interpolates
	the radiation field on all grid points inside the cloud box from
	the clear sky field.    This is the first guess for the iterative
	solution method.  The method is successfully tested for a 1-D case
	and hope that it works for 3-D too. 
	* src/methods.cc : Included the method i_fieldSet.
	* src/workspace.cc : Some minor corrections in the description of 
	scat_i_p and scat_i_lon.  
	* doc/examples : In the control file i_field.arts, added the path
	name for amplitude matrix data file.  But this data file cannot be
	used, as it has only one frequency and interpolation cannot be
	done if the old grid has only one point.  I made a new data file
	with more than one frequency and I am presently working with it
	for testing the scattering routines.  That data file is not at
	present in the package arts-data.  
2002-07-18  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-192

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_geom_1d): Made a new version of this 
	function, using the same approach as in the same function for 2D. The
	code of the function is now much shorter and easier to understand.
	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_geom_2d): Fixed one bug. 

	* The 1D and 2D functions give the same result, for cases when this 
	shall be the case. The both functions are now hopefully finished.

2002-07-18  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-191

	* src/interpolation.cc: Included iostream.

2002-07-17  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-190

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Some corrections according to
	suggestions by Sreerekha. 

2002-07-17  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-189

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_geom_2d): 2D geometrical propagation path
	steps seem now to work, but no heavy bug checks (mainly a backup

2002-07-15  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-188

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Rewritten the explanation of the
	iteration scheme. More detailed now.

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Renamed part III. Now it is "Mathematical
	functions" instead of "Linear algebra functions". 
	Added a new part "Theoretical background". Included chapter about
	polarization there. 

2002-07-05  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-187

	* src/ppath.cc: The story continues. Things work much better now. A 
	number of problems fixed. There is code for all parts, but there are 
	still some wormholes for more rare cases that must be fixed.

2002-07-04  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-186

	* src/ppath.cc: More work on 2D geom paths. A number of bugs fixed.
	Not all cases yet tested. Getting there slowly.
	(Mainly a commit to transfer changes to the laptop).

2002-07-04  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-185
	* src/matpackVI.h (Tensor6), src/matpackVII (Tensor7): Replaced
	',' in member element initialization list in constructors by
	'*'. This was the reason for random segfaults while copying
	Tensor6 and Tensor7.

2002-07-04  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-184

	* src/ppath.cc: More work on 2D geoemtrical propagation paths. 
	A first version ready, but all bugs must be fixed and probelms with
	numerical inaccuracies must be handled (tricky, tricky).
	New functions:
2002-07-03  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-183

	* src/ppath.cc: Work to get 2D geometrical propagation paths to work.
	Not yet ready. This is mainly a backup commit.

	* src/m_ppath.cc: As above, but the work in this is hopefully ready.

	* src/interpolation.cc (ArrayOfGridPosPrint): Created this function.

	* src/math_funcs.cc (sign): Created this function.

2002-07-03  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-182

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am (texfiles): Added entries
	polarization.tex and scattering.tex 

2002-07-03  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-181
	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Added documentation for the method

2002-07-02  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-180

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Added description for the scattering 
	database and the reading routines. Furthermore the documentation
	for the convergence test.

	* doc/uguide/references.bib: Added references for Mishchenko code.

	* src/workspace.cc: Fixed documentation for *amp_mat_raw*.

2002-07-02  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-179
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (amp_matCalc): Added the method
	amp_matCalc which calculates the workspace variable
	amp_mat from amp_mat_raw.  amp_mat_raw is in this
	method an ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6.

	* src/methods.cc : Added this method.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc : Fixed some bugs in the method 

2002-07-02  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-178

	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: Added more details, especially on
	how to measure the Stokes parameters.

2002-07-01  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-177

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (ParticleTypeAdd), (ParticleTypeInit): Modified
	the methods. Now, it is avoided to copy tensors so that the
	methods are more efficient.

	* src/workspace.cc: Modified entries for the methods above.
	* src/groups.cc, m_clonesize.cc, matpackIII.h, matpackVI.h,
	xml_io.cc,groups.cc: Included ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 and
	ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 everywhere. These datatypes are needed to be
	able to use the gridded fields efficiently.

2002-06-29  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-176

	* src/m_abs.cc (xsec_per_tgAddLines): Suppressed output of all
	transitions to do to out3. This takes longer than the calculation
	itself, if you calculate with the entire HITRAN database!

2002-06-28  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-175

	* src/interpolation.cc (interpweights): Added "red" interpweights
	functions for dimensions 1 to 6.
	(interp): Added "red" interp functions for dimensions 1 to 6.
	Red interpolation means interpolation to a scalar. This is not yet
	tested at all.

2002-06-28  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-174
	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (ParticleTypeAdd): Bugfix - endl not working
	in out2, replaced by newline.
2002-06-28  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-173
	* src/gridded_fields.cc: Include iostream.
	* src/scatproperties.h: Removed non-used headers from includes.
	* src/scatproperties.cc: Moved include logic.h from header file.

	* src/test_tensor.cc, src/ppath.cc, src/poly_roots.cc,
	src/physics_funcs.cc, src/m_scatrte.cc, src/m_scatproperties.cc,
	src/m_ppath.cc, src/m_io.cc, src/m_hdf.cc, src/m_atmosphere.cc,
	src/math_funcs.cc, src/m_abs.cc, src/lineshapes.cc,
	src/lin_alg.cc, src/interpolation.cc, src/file.cc,
	src/continua.cc, src/cloudbox.cc: Include c++ header cmath instead
	of math.h.

	* src/arts.h: Removed commented list of non-included standard

	* src/main.cc (main): Output precision with -v.

	* src/test_matpack.cc: Include cmath to compile properly on HP-UX.

2002-06-27  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-172
	* src/workspace.cc: Modified the documentation for *amp_mat_raw*
	and *pnd_field_raw*. We decided that these variables are gridded 

	* src/gridded_fields.cc: Included error messages, runtime errors 
	instead of 'cout'.
2002-06-19  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-171

	* doc/uguide/app_groups.tex: Replaced "WSV" by "workspace variable".

2002-06-27  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-170

	* src/gridded_fields.cc/h: Added. Reading routines for gridded
	fields which use Olivers gridded tensor validation routines.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added gridded_fields.cc/h.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: Added new methods (ParticleTypeInit) and
	(ParticleTypeAdd) to read from the scattering database and construct

	* src/methods.cc: Included the methods above.
	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Modified (i_fieldIterate), the scattering
	integral function is now included. 
2002-06-26  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-169

	* src/test_griddedtensorcheck.cc: Added. Optimized gridded tensor
	validation routines. Temporarily added for testing, could be
	removed in the near future when everything works as expected.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added target test_griddedtensorcheck.

	* src/xml_io.cc (xml_read_from_stream): Added better error output
	when data reading fails (Only for tensor6 at the moment).

2002-06-26  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-168

	* doc/uguide/main.tex (paragraph{#1}}): Added \include{polarization}.

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Moved section "Polarization and
	Stokes Parameters" to new file and chapter.

	* doc/uguide/polarization.tex: Created new file and moved the
	section "Polarization and Stokes Parameters" (was in
	scattering.tex, see arts-1-1-166) here, it is now a chapter.

2002-06-26  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-167
	* doc/uguide/arts_groups_to_latex.sh: Replaced remaining echos
	with cat.

2002-06-26  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-166

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Recommitted changes (see
	arts-1-1-164), probably I forgot to save before committing

2002-06-25  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-165

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex : Some modifications in the part
	regarding the calculation of scattering properties.  Added the
	section about calculating the scattering integral.
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc, m_scatrte.cc, workspace.cc, methods.cc:
	Renamed workspace variable pha_mat_part to pha_mat.

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc, m_scatrte.cc, workspace.cc, methods.cc:
	Renamed workspace method pha_mat_partCalc to pha_matCalc.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc, methods.cc: Renamed workspace method 
	scat_integralCalc to scat_fieldCalc to be consistent with the
	naming scheme in ARTS.
2002-06-25  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-164

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Americanized spelling

	* doc/uguide/symbol_defs: Redefined \Re and \Im (real and imaginary
	part (now: non-italic "Re" and "Im", like function names)

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Americanized spelling.

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Added section "Polarization and
	Stokes Parameters", did spell check and americanized spelling.

2002-06-25  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-163
	* src/xml_io.cc (read_from_stream): Fixed bug when more data is
	available inside tag than expected.

	* doc/uguide/arts_groups_to_latex.sh: Use cat instead of echo to
	avoid misinterpretation of escape chars.

	* doc/uguide/arts_methods_to_latex.sh: Rewritten. Use case instead
	of if/grep combinations -> speedup by factor 10.
	Use cat instead of echo to avoid misenterpretation of escape chars.

	* doc/uguide/app_methods.tex: Modified text.

2002-06-25  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-162
	* doc/examples/scatproperties_example.arts.in: I
	forgot to add this file while checking in last time.
2002-06-25  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-161
	* src/m_scatrte.cc: The method scat_integralCalc is 
	extended for 3-d case.  

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc : Added more comments and 

	* doc/examples/scatproperties_example.arts.in : I used 
	this control file to check the methods used for 
	calculating single scattering properties.

2002-06-24  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-160

	* src/m_scatrte.cc (scat_integralCalc): Added the workspace
	variables pha_mat_spt and pnd_field as input to this method.
	Earlier pha_mat_part was directly given as input, but now we
	calculate pha_mat_part inside the method from pha_mat_spt 
	and pnd_field.  

	* src/methods.cc: The inputs are changed here also. The 
	documentation is also modified.
2002-06-21  Claudia Emde  
	* arts-1-1-159

	* m/scatrte.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D) and (i_fieldIterate): Some
	modifications to include the scattering integral. 
	Calculation of optical properties modified.

	* src/methods.cc: Changed interfaces for the methods above.
2002-06-21  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-158
	* src/m_scatrte.cc : Added the method scat_integralCalc which
	computes the scattering integral.

	* src/methods.cc : Added the method scat_integralCalc.
2002-06-21  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-157
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (abs_vec_partCalc): Changed the inputs
	to methods abs_vec_partCalc, ext_mat_partCalc, pha_mat_partCalc.

	* src/methods.cc : Changed the inputs for the above methods.

2002-06-20  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-156

	* src/m_rtescat.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D) and (i_fieldIterate):
	Included the functions and agendas for calculating the optical
	properties. Modified the interfaces of the functions.
	(convergence_flagAbs): Limiting values for the convergence test
	are now keywords, which can be specified in the control file.
	* src/methods.cc: Adapted interfaces according to the changes

	* doc/i_field.arts: Added agenda definitions for the calculations
	of optical properties.

2002-06-20  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-155
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc: Fixed and marked some bugs.

	* src/workspace.cc: Added variables *scat_p_index*, 
	*scat_lat_index*, *scat_lon_index*.

2002-06-19  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-154
	* src/workspace.cc: Added variables *amp_mat_raw* and
	* src/groups.cc: Included ArrayOfTensor3 and ArrayOfTensor6 to be
	able to include the variables above.

	* src/xml_io.cc: Added reading and writing routines for
	ArrayOfTensor3 and ArrayOfTensor6.

	* src/m_clonesize.cc: Included ArrayOfTensor3 and ArrayOfTensor6.

	* src/m_scatrte.cc: Included this file. It should contain all
	functions concerning the radiative transfer inside the scattering
	Worked on (i_fieldUpdate1D). Tried to put in Sreerekhas functions.
	This is not finished yet.

	* src/methods.cc: Modifications of the interfaces of
	(i_fieldUpdate1D) and (i_fieldIterate).
	* src/Makefile.am: Included m_scatrte.cc.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: Shifted a lot of functions to m_scatrte.cc.

	* src/agendas.cc: Only small modifications in the documentation.

2002-06-19  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-153

	* src/agendas.cc: Added the agendas ext_mat_agenda
	and abs_vec_agenda.

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc : The dimension of pnd field
	is changed from pnd_field ( p_grid, lat_grid, long_grid, 
	part_types) to  pnd_field ( part_types, p_grid, lat_grid,
2002-06-18  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-152

	* src/methods.cc: Added supergeneric ReadXML and WriteXML
	methods. Removed other XML IO methods.

	* src/m_xml.h: Added. Contains the template functions for
	supergeneric XML IO. This is the original template function from
	Oliver Lemke, I've just moved it here.

	* src/m_xml.cc: Removed.

	* src/xml_io.cc: Added dummy functions for groups for XML IO is
	not yet implemented.

	* src/make_auto_md_cc.cc: Added #include for m_xml.h.

	* doc/examples/absorption_example.arts.in: Example now uses
	supergeneric WriteXML.

	* src/groups.cc: Commented out groups TagGroups,
	ArrayOfLineRecord, and ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord.

2002-06-18  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-151
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (abs_vecCalc): The methods
	abs_vecCalc and ext_matCalc are implemented. The method
	abs_vecCalc sums up the particle absorption vector and 
	gaseous absorption vector (abs_vec_part + abs_vec_gas) 
	and the method ext_matCalc sums up the particle extinction
	matrix and gaseous extinction matrix (ext_mat_part + ext_mat_gas).

	* src/math_funcs.cc : moved the integration routine 
	AngIntegrate_trapezoid from scatproperties.cc to here. 

	* src/methods.cc : added the methods abs_vecCalc and 

	* src/workspace.cc : added the variables ext_mat_gas 
	and abs_vec_gas.  The documentation for this is at present
	bit clumsy.

2002-06-18  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-150

	* src/parser.cc: Fixed handling of supergeneric methods. 

	* src/methods_aux.cc: Fixed handling of supergeneric methods. 

	* src/methods.h: Fixed handling of supergeneric methods. 

	* src/make_auto_md_h.cc: Fixed handling of supergeneric methods. 

	* src/make_auto_md_cc.cc: Fixed handling of supergeneric methods. 

	* src/methods.h: Added field mactual_group and function
	ActualGroup to MdRecord.

	* src/m_clonesize.cc: Name no longer contains group.

	* src/methods.cc: Added Ignore.

	* src/m_ignore.h: Added. Implementation of supergeneric Ignore

	* src/m_copy.cc: Removed.

	* src/m_copy.h: Added. Implementation of supergeneric Copy method
	is now a template function here.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added m_copy.h, m_ignore.h, remove m_copy.cc.

	* doc/examples/absorption_example.arts.in: Example uses now
	CloneSize and Ignore.

2002-06-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-149
	* doc/uguide/app_methods.tex: Added.

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Include app_methods.tex.

	* doc/uguide/.cvsignore: Added auto_methods.tex.

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am: Added auto_methods.

	* doc/uguide/arts_methods_to_latex.sh: Added. Converts online
	documentation to latex.

	* src/methods.cc: Removed "backslash a"-typo from descriptions.

2002-06-18  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-148

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (pha_mat_partCalc): Added this method
	which calculates the phase matrix.  

	* src/workspace.cc : added variables pha_mat_part

	* src/methods.cc : added the method pha_mat_partCalc.

2002-06-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-147

	* src/methods_aux.cc: Removed default argument which is already
	given in declaration.
2002-06-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-146

	* src/methods.cc: Changed all md_data. to md_data_raw.

2002-06-17  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-145

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (abs_vec_partCalc): Added the methods
	abs_vec_partCalc and ext_mat_partCalc.  These methods sums up 
	the absorption as well as extinction matrices for single particle
	types weighted with the particle number density.

	* src/workspace.cc : added variables ext_mat_part, abs_vec_part
	and pnd_field.

	* src/methods.cc : added the method abs_vec_partCalc and 

2002-06-17  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-144

	* General: First implementation of supergeneric methods. Not quite
	finished yet, there are some things I want to modify in the next
	version. But basically it works.

	* src/supergeneric.h: Added.

	* src/m_copy.cc: Added.

	* src/m_clonesize.cc: Added.

	* src/groups.cc: Added group Any_.

	* src/methods.cc: Added supergeneric methods CloneSize and Copy.

	* src/parser.h: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/parser.cc: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/methods_aux.cc: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/methods.h: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/make_auto_wsv_groups_h.cc: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/make_auto_md_h.cc: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/make_auto_md_cc.cc: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/main.cc: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/globals_2.cc: Put in supergeneric methods.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added new source files.

	* src/matpackI.h (Matrix& Matrix::operator=(const Matrix& m)): 
	Added comment to doxygen header about deprecated resizing for
	empty target.
	(Vector& Vector::operator=(const Vector& v)): Implemented resizing for
	empty target, to allow ArrayOfVector (should we ever need
	this). Added comment to doxygen header about deprecated use of
	this feature in user code.

2002-06-17  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-143

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (convergence_flagAbs): Added this function. It
	performs a convergence test checking the maximal absolute
	difference for all components of the radiation field.

	* src/workspace.cc: Added variables *convergence_flag* and
	*i_field_dim* (for a 1D atmosphere the radiation field can be 2D
	or 3D!)
	* src/methods.cc: Added method *convergence_flagAbs*.

	* src/agendas.cc (convergence_test_agenda): Added the agenda for
	the convergence test.

2002-06-17  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-142
	* doc/uguide/arts_groups_to_latex.sh: Fixed doc header to use
	$ARTS and only use the first line from arts -v output.

2002-06-15  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-141
	* src/m_scatproperties.cc (abs_vec_sptCalc): modified this method.
	Added *scat_za_grid* and *scat_aa_grid* as inputs to this method
	since this is required for integration of the phase matrix.  

	* src/methods.cc : added  *scat_za_grid* and *scat_aa_grid* as 
		input to the method abs_vec_sptCalc.
2002-06-14  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-140
	* src/scatproperties.cc,
	  m_scatproperties.cc : a quick modification on the 
		coding style following Oliver's suggestions.
2002-06-14  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-139
	Merged changes from ARTS-1-0 branch.
	* src/main.cc (main): Output os info with -v.
	* src/getopt.h: Use getopt_long prototyping for GNU C, HP-UX and

	* configure.in: Determine operating system name and version. Name
	is defined in OS_NAME, version in OS_VERSION.

2002-06-14  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-138
	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Modified documentation according to
	the methods in (scatproperties.cc) and (m_cloudbox.cc). 

2002-06-14  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-137
	* src/scatproperties.cc : completed the functions amp2ext,
	amp2pha,amp2abs called by ext_mat_sptCalc, pha_mat_sptCalc
	and abs_vec_sptCalc respectively.  Added more documentation
	in the comment.  Also the new routine for solid angle integration
	of Matrix is included here. I think it is better to shift this
	function to math_funcs.cc or so.   

2002-06-14  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-136

	* src/methods.cc: Included methods for RT with scattering:
	(stokes_vecGeneral) General computaion of the RTE, works for all 
	Stokes dimensions.
	(stokes_vecScalar) Special function which is more efficient for 
	computing the scalar RTE.

	* src/agendas.cc (scat_rte_agenda): Agenda to compute the RT inside
	the cloudbox.

	* src/workspace.cc: Included workspace variables for the methods
	- stokes_vec
	- l_step
	- planck_function
	- ext_mat
	- abs_vec
	- sca_vec

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: (stokes_vecGeneral) and (stokes_vecScalar)
	added. (i_fieldIterate) and (i_fieldUpdate1D) modified so that
	(scat_rte_agenda) can be executed.

	* doc/examples/i_field.arts: This example executes now
	*ppath_step_agenda* and *scat_rte_agenda*).

	* src/cloudbox.cc/h: No functions are left here at the moment.

	* src/Makefile.am: Removed cloudbox.cc/h from arts_SOURCES.
2002-06-13  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-135

	* doc/uguide/agendas.tex: Continued.

	* doc/uguide/concept.tex: Started to work on this again.

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Changed "on" to "of" in \startsymbols.

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Removed some TeX warnings, together
	with Claudia.

2002-06-12  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-134
	* configure.in: Updated copyright notice.

	* doc/uguide/agendas.tex: Put in Section about WSVs. Started
	Section about WSMs. Agenda WSMs and Section on Agendas still

	* src/workspace.cc: Only cosmetic changes.

	* src/methods.cc: Only cosmetic changes in elsLorentz.

2002-06-12  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-133

	* src/cloudbox.cc,
	 src/test_linalg.cc: Formatted the files according to Olivers
	 remarks on coding style.

2002-06-12  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-132
	* configure.in: Corrected definition of ac_arts_data.

	* src/scatproperties.cc,
        src/m_cloudbox.cc: Include iostream for cout.

2002-06-11  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-131

	* General: Implemented automatic Input/Output checking for
	agendas. That means, you no longer have to check in the calling
	function that the agenda does what it is supposed to do. There is
	now a special lookup table for agendas in file agendas.cc. Data
	records for new agendas have to be added in both workspace.cc and
	agendas.cc, however, the DESCRIPTION in workspace.cc should just
	be a reference to agendas.cc. Only the DESCRIPTION in agendas.cc
	is used by arts -d etc..
	* src/agendas.cc: Added. This contains the lookup data for
	agendas. You have to edit this everytime you add an agenda. But
	nevertheless, you also have to add an entry in
	workspace.cc. Documentation for the agenda must be in agendas.cc,
	not in workspace.cc.

	* src/agenda_record.h: Added.

	* src/agenda_record.cc: Added.

	* src/agenda_class.h: Added.

	* src/agenda_class.cc: Added.

	* src/agenda.h: Moved to agenda_class.h.

	* src/agenda.cc: Moved to agenda_class.cc.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added the new source files.

	* src/workspace_aux.cc: Moved output operator of WsvRecord to
	agenda_record.cc for technical reasons.

	* src/workspace.cc: Moved agenda DESCRIPTIONS to agendas.cc for
	all agendas that have been defined so far.

	* src/parser.h: Changed name of agenda header file to agenda_class.h.

	* src/methods.cc: Updated copyright notice, updated documentation
	for AgendaSet.

	* src/make_auto_wsv_h.cc: Changed name of agenda header file to agenda_class.h.

	* src/main.cc: Made command line switches work for agendas.

	* src/m_agenda.cc: Made AgendaSet check the input and output parameters.

	* src/globals_2.cc: Added AgendaMap.

2002-06-11  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-130

	* src/m_cloudboc.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): Extended the function such
	that it adapts automatically to the scalar case if *stokes_dim* is
	set to 1.

	* src/cloudbox.cc (sto_vec1DCalc): Added this function to do the
	scalar radiative transfer calculation.

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Included the scalar RTE as a special
2002-06-10  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-129

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Rewritten the part for radiative
	transfer inside the cloudbox to document the already existing

	* doc/uguide/lin_alg.tex: Replaced \verb by \artsstyle.

2002-06-10  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-128

	* src/m_scatproperties.cc: Added this file.  This has so far the
	workspace methods ext_mat_sptCalc,pha_mat_sptCalc and 
	abs_vec_sptCalc.  Some changes are for sure expected in these

	* src/methods.cc: Added the methods ext_mat_sptCalc,
	pha_mat_sptCalc and abs_vec_sptCalc. 

	* src/Makefile.am : included in the source file list
	m_scatproperties.cc,scatproperties.cc and scatproperties.h
2002-06-10  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-127

	* src/workspace.cc : Added the workspace variables scat_za_index
	and scat_aa_index necessary for the methods used for calculating
	scattering properties of particles.

2002-06-08  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-126

	* src/workspace.cc: Added some #defines (NAME, DESCRIPTION,
	GROUP), so that this file is now formated similar to methods.cc. The
	main reason why I did this is because I wanted to add fields
	OUTPUT and INPUT to list output and input WSVs for
	agendas. However, it turns out that this problem cannot be solved
	so easily. The problem is this: The enum type for the different
	WSVs (ls_, f_grid_, etc.) is defined in auto_wsv.h, which is
	generated from workspace.cc. So, using the enum inside
	workspace.cc would generate a circular dependency. I played around
	with some tricks to solve this, but they all made things very
	complicated. So, my preferred solution at the moment is to add an
	extra file agendas.cc, which will contain agenda lookup
	data. Agendas will then have to be registered in two files, both
	workspace.cc and agendas.cc.

	* src/methods.h: Moved the #defines for OUTPUT, etc., to methods.cc.

	* src/methods.cc: Moved the #defines for OUTPUT, etc., here from

2002-06-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-125

	* src/ppath.cc (psurface_crossing_2d): Adapted the Matlab function
	psurface_crossing in AMI to create this function. I had to handle
	the case c=0 especially due to a limitation of poly_root_solve
	compared to the Matlab function roots. 
	Tests performed of the function and it looked OK.

2002-06-07  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-124

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Changed header for \typeindex from "data
	structures" to "data types". Added \include for app_groups.tex.

	* doc/uguide/matrix_vector.tex: Replaced \verb by \artsstyle. Added
	some index commands.

	* doc/uguide/development.tex: Replaced \verb by \artsstyle. Added
	some index commands.

	* doc/uguide/app_groups.tex: Added this file. It lists all WSV

	* doc/uguide/arts_groups_to_latex.sh: Added this script (written
	by Oliver), which puts the output of arts -g into LaTeX commands.

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am: Added target auto_groups.tex, which is
	generated by the arts_groups_to_latex.sh script. Added variable
	$(autotexfiles), which now holds only auto_groups.tex.
	NOTE: If you try to build in doc/uguide with a pristine ARTS
	package (after make maintainer-clean at toplevel), you will now
	get an error message, because the arts executable is needed to
	generate auto_groups.tex. If you say make at toplevel, src is
	built first, so there is no problem.

	* doc/uguide/.cvsignore: Added auto_groups.tex.

	* src/main.cc (main): Changed output stream for --help and
	--version options from cerr to cout. Also, removed "This is" from
	--version output.

	* src/.cvsignore: Added test_scatproperties.

2002-06-07  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-123

	* src/methods.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): Included this method to update
	the intensity field during the iteration. Performs RT calculation 
	with fixed scattered field.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (i_fieldUpdate1D): This function was in
	cloudbox.cc before. Now it uses the *ppath_step_agenda*, for this
	reason it is a workspace method now. 

	* src/cloudbox.cc (i_field_update1D): Removed this function.

	* src/workspace.cc: Included WSV *scat_field* and *i_field_old*.

	* doc/examples/i_field_arts: Example to test the cloudbox functions.
2002-06-07  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-122

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_start_stepping): Some more work in getting 2D to
	work. Some results are now printed on the screen.

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppathCalc): Sensor position and LOS printed as out2.

2002-06-06  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-121	

	* src/test_scatproperties.cc: Renamed
	src/test_opt_properties.cc to test_scatproperties.cc to be 

	* src/workspace.cc: corrected the dimension of pha_mat_spt.

2002-06-06  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-120

	* src/workspace.cc: Included workspace variable amp_mat_raw.
	* src/physics_funcs.cc: Modified functions again, so that they 
	return numeric values. 

	* src/m_rte.cc and cloudbox.cc: Adjusted to the new Planck

2002-06-06  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-119

	* src/scatproperties.cc : Added this file.  This contains some
	auxiliary functions like amp2ext,amp2pha,amp2abs which is called 
	by the workspace methods like ext_mat_sptCalc,pha_mat_sptCalc and
	abs_vec_sptCalc( Adding these methods is my immediate task.)

	* src/scatproperties.h : Added this file
	* src/test_opt_properties.cc (main): I added this file mainly 
	to test the scattering routines in scatproperties.cc

2002-06-05  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-118

	* doc/uguide/agendas.tex: Continued to work on this.

	* doc/uguide/development.tex: Added references to the WSV, WSM,
	and agendas chapter in howtos.

	* src/agenda.h: Added set_name() and name() member functions to
	class Agenda, also added private member mname.

	* src/agenda.cc: Added implementation of set_name() and name().

	* src/main.cc: Set name for Main agenda.

	* src/parser.cc (parse_method): Removed duplicate level 3
	output. Cleaned up agenda output.

	* src/workspace.cc (define_wsv_data): Replace "function" by "method".

	* src/m_method_list.cc: Removed.

	* src/method_list.h: Removed.

2002-06-05  Sreerekha T.R.  
	* arts-1-1-117
	* src/workspace.cc: Added workspace variables, ext_mat_spt,
	pha_mat_spt, and abs_vec_spt.  

2002-06-05  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-116

	* doc/uguide/agendas.tex: Started this file. It contains
	documentations about WSVs, WSMs, and particularly agendas. By
	doing this I noticed that WSM are sometimes called "workspace
	methods" and sometimes "workspace functions". But names should be
	consistent within AUG. Method is the older and more established
	term (that's for example why WSM files are called
	m_something.cc). So, I tried to enforce "method"
	everywhere. Please use the name "method" in future.

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Renamed \structindex to \typeindex, as
	suggested by Sreerekha/Patrick. Replaced "workspace functions" by
	"workspace methods". Replaced \wsfindex by \wsmindex.

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Replaced \wsfindex by \wsmindex.
	Replaced \wsmindex by \wsvindex for agendas, since agendas are
	WSVs, not WSMs. Replaced \wsmindex by \funcindex for matrix_exp,
	since this is a normal function, not a WSM. I suspect there are
	more functions marked by \wsmindex that really should be marked by

	* doc/uguide/lin_alg.tex: Replaced \wsfindex by \wsmindex.

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Replaced "workspace functions" by
	"workspace methods". Replaced \wsfindex by \wsmindex.

	* doc/uguide/concept.tex: Replaced "functions" by "methods".

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Renamed \structindex to \typeindex, as
	suggested by Sreerekha/Patrick. Replaced "workspace functions" by
	"workspace methods". Replaced \wsfindex by \wsmindex.

	* doc/uguide/interpolation.tex: Renamed \structindex to \typeindex, as
	suggested by Sreerekha/Patrick.

2002-06-04  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-115

	* src/ppath.cc: Just some small steps forward for 2D. Status basically
	as for last commit from me.

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Polished the text. I happen to do this
	on the same time as Christian did his changes below and this caused
	a number of conflicts when updating. I hope that I managed to keep your
	changes Christian. 

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Polished the text. Conflicts as above.

2002-06-04  Christian Melsheimer  

	* arts-1-1-114

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex:  Fixed minor spelling/grammar errors.

	* doc/uguide/formalism.tex: Fixed minor spelling/grammar errors.

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Fixed minor spelling/grammar errors.

	* doc/uguide/introduction.tex: Fixed minor spelling/grammar error.

2002-06-04  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-113

	* doc/examples/absorption_example.arts.in: The first agenda
	example works! Method lsWithCutoffAdd uses agenda els_agenda to
	compute the elementary lineshape.

	* src/methods.cc: Modified IO parameters of elsLorentz and

	* src/workspace.cc (define_wsv_data): Introduced els, the WSV to
	hold the output of the els_agenda.

	* src/m_lineshapes.cc: Finished lsWithCutoffAdd.

	* src/interpolation.cc (interp): Added to all interp functions an
	assert that makes sure that the sum of all weights for the first
	interpolated value is 1. This condition should be fulfilled for
	all the weights, of course, but we check only the first set of

2002-06-04 Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-112

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (i_field_itCalc): The method can be compiled and 
	tested using dummy variables for the scattering coefficients. But so
	far it only performs the update of the i_field for the 
	1D case.

	* src/workspace.cc: Changed amp_mat from Tensor7 to Tensor6. The 
	frequency dimension is taken out.
	* src/methods.cc: Changed amp_mat as input variable for  
	* src/physics_funcs.cc (planck): Fixed a bug here.

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Started to write about 1D scattering 

2002-06-03  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-111

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_start_stepping): Worked on this function for 2D.
	Finished for sensor positions inside the model atmosphere. More
	to do for other starting points.
	New internal functions:

	* src/m_ppath.cc: Two now WSF:

2002-05-31  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-110

	* Uff. I had some trouble resolving conflicts in workspace.cc. I
	seems that resorting this file (and methods.cc) was not such a
	great idea, since it leads to a lot of conflicts.
	* Started to work out agenda examples for lineshapes. Ran into a
	lot of problems (not so much related to the agendas, more to the
	lineshapes themselves). Nothing's working yet.

	* src/m_lineshapes.cc: Added.

	* src/workspace.cc: Added some lineshape variables.

	* src/methods.cc: Added some lineshape related methods. 
	(define_md_data): Removed abs_ from RteCalc input, following
	advice by Patrick. 
	(define_md_data): Replace "Global" by "Generic" everywhere.

	* src/groups.cc (define_wsv_group_names): Removed ArrayOfLineshapeSpec.

	* src/absorption.h: Removed all lineshape stuff.

	* src/absorption.cc: Removed all contents to old_absorption.cc.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added new source files.

	* doc/examples/absorption_example.arts.in: My playing field for
	agenda based absorption routines.

	* src/m_rte.cc (RteCalc): Removed abs input, following advice by

2002-05-31  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-109

	* src/methods.cc: Two new functions, a_posSet and a_losSet.

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_start_stepping): Started to include 2D cases.

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Polished old text and wrote some pages of new 
	text. The chapter is now up to date with what has been implemented. 

	* doc/uguide: Made new versions of figures created by Latex commands.
	The new figures are made in xfig. So there should now not be any errors
	due to this when making uguide_pdf.

2002-05-31  Sreerekha T.R.  

	* arts-1-1-108
	* doc/uguide/interpolation.tex: introduced the index commands which
	make reference at the indexpage of the AUG. Changed  all \verb
	commands to \artsstyle.

2002-05-31 Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-107

	* src/methods.cc: Added TensorXSet methods for all dimensions (Tensor3
	to Tensor7). Added workspace function (i_field_itCalc).
	* src/m_basic_types.cc: Added TensorXSet functions for all dimensions.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (i_field_itCalc): Added this function which 
	will calculate the radiative transfer in the cloudbox with scattering
	using the iterative method.
	* src/workspace.cc: Modified description for *amp_mat*.

2002-05-30 Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-106

	* src/workspace.cc: Added more workspace variables for scattering.

	* src/linalg.cc (ludcp): Modified documentation of the function. 

2002-05-30  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-105

	* src/workspace.cc (define_wsv_data): Added workspace variable
	xml_output_type. Type is Index: 0 means Ascii, 1 binary output.

	* src/m_ppath.cc: Include iostream.

	* src/test_xml.cc (main): Added exception handler.

2002-05-30  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-104

	* Things fixed for this commit, or in 1-1-99:
	* Some workspace functions have been renamed. 
	  - The PrintXxx functions now ends with Pring, e.g. NumericPrint.
	  - The functions to set the atmospheric dimensionality are now called
	    AtmosphereSet1D etc.
	This to follow our naming scheme better.
	* New workspace functions:

	* Improved the out-messages from some functions, especially in 
	m_basic_types, but there is more to do here.

	* Started on the RTE part, but found it hard before the agendas are
	ready. So I leave this for the moment.

2002-05-30 Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-103

	* src/cloudbox.cc/.h: Added these files for internal calculations 
	concerning scattering.
	(i_field_update1D): Added. Updates i_field on all points inside 
	the cloudbox.
	(rte_scat_vecCalc): Added. Performs 1D radiative 
 	transfer calculation with fixed scattering vector.	

	* src/linalg.cc/.h: (id_mat) Changed name of the function which 
	returns the identity matrix, as there was a conflict with another
	internal function named identity.

2002-05-29  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-102

	* src/agenda.cc
	(nelem): Added.
	(is_input): Added.
	(is_output): Added.
	* src/agenda.h: Added declarations for new Agenda member functions.

	* src/m_agenda.cc (AgendaSet): Renamed from
	AgendaDefine. Implemented function body.

	* src/methods.cc (define_md_data): Renamed AgendaDefine to
	AgendaSet. Fixed documentation string. Moved to the right place in
	the alphabetical order. Also moved Main to the right place.

2002-05-29  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-101

	* doc/uguide/interpolation.tex: Tried to make interpolation tensor
	clearer, following comment by Claudia.

2002-05-28 Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-100 

	* src/workspace.cc: Introduced workspace variables for the scattering

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Adjusted the text according to the 
	decision that there will be no special grids inside the cloudbox.

	* doc/uguide/symboldefs: Removed symbols for scattering grids.
2002-05-29  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-99

	* Sorry, but there will be no description right now. I must rush and
	want to make a commit to get a back-up of my work (if anything will
	happen). I will write a	description ASAP.

2002-05-28  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-98

	* doc/uguide/myepstopdf: Added. Use this script to convert eps
	files to pdf.

	* doc/uguide/interpolation.tex: Finished first version of
	documentation for interpolation functions.

	* doc/uguide/Figs/interpolation/: Added interpolation chapter
	figures here.

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Added include for interpolation.

	* src/interpolation.cc: Added \author and \date tags to my functions.

	* src/.cvsignore: Added test_xml and string.xml.

2002-05-28 Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-97 

	* src/physics_funcs.cc/h: Changed the interfaces of the functions. 
	Input and Output variables are now for all physical functions 
	(Planck function, number density, ...) of type Numeric.

	* doc/uguide/lin_alg.tex: Fixed some undefined references.
2002-05-28  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-96

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Updated the text to follow some 
	changes regarding definitions and the name of variables. The parts
	on sensor variables and RTE calculations not yet ready.

	* src/m_ppath.cc and src/methods.cc: Added the functions:

	* src/workspace.cc: The variable ppath_partial is re-named to 

2002-05-27  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-95

	* src/m_ppath.cc and src/ppath.cc: One 1D geometrical propagation paths
	now work. 

	* src/workspace.cc: Polished the text for some variables. 

	* src/m_atmosphere.cc (SetBlackbodyGround): Added this function.

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Started top revise this chapter
	after some changes of definitions.

2002-05-23  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-94

	* 1D geometrical propagation path calculations seem to work (but
	cloud box is not yet tested).
	* src/ppath.h: Added the fileds refraction, method and constant to
	the Ppath structure.

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_1d_geom): Fixed several bugs. Adapted to
	new Ppath fields.

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppathCalc): Fixed several bugs. Adapted to
	new Ppath fields. 

2002-05-22  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-93
	* src/mystring.h (class my_basic_string): Make size_t of type

	* src/xml_io.cc: Added documentation.
	(read_from_stream): Casting of String::npos no longer needed.

2002-05-22  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-92

	* Further work on propagation path calculations. Fixed numerous bugs.
	A simple upward 1D case works now at least. But more bugs to find.

	The biggest problem was to catch when the limited numerical precsion
	causes the fractional distance to be just below 0 or just above 1.

2002-05-21  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-91
	* Worked on doxygen headers and comments in the following files:

2002-05-21  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-90
	* src/xml_io.cc (xml_read_header_from_stream): Improved
	verification of xml header.

	Replaced most of endls with '\n' to avoid unnecessary flushings of
	output stream.
	* .cvsignore: Added depcomp, autom4te-2.5x.cache and stamp-h1
	generated by automake >= 1.6.

2002-05-21  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-89

	* Calculation of 1D geometrical path coded, but all bugs must be found.
	* src/ppath.cc: Added the functions:
	Changed also some of the geompath functions to take the tangent radius
	as input.
	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_1d_geom): This function is coded, but no
	test runs yet. There are bugs, for sure.

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppathCalc): Put in a call to the function discussed

2002-05-20  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-88

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppathCalc): The function should now be ready, but
	no bigger test runs yet. Tests for 2D cannot be made before a
	*ppath_step* function covering 2D exists.

	* src/ppath.cc (ppath_step_1d_geom): Started on this function.

2002-05-19  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-87

	* src/m_ppath.cc: Further work on the function. The structure of the
	function is now there, but many details are missing.

	* src/ppath.cc: Created the functions:
	* src/Makefile.am (arts_SOURCES): Added interpolation.{h,cc}.

	* src/m_general.cc: Added the WSFs:

	* src/workspace.cc: Improved the text for some variables.

2002-05-16  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-86

	* src/interpolation.cc: Finished interpweights and interp
	functions for Tensor 3 to 6. That means, all interpolation
	functions are ready!

	* src/interpolation.h: Added headers for new functions.

	* doc/uguide/interpolation.tex: Added this file. Nothing there yet.

	* doc/uguide/matrix_vector.tex: Added tensors.

	* src/main.cc (main): Added error handler for the case that the
	given controlfile name does not have extension ".arts", or no
	extension at all. (So far the program just crashed in this

2002-05-16  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-85

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Updated the text. 

2002-05-16  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-84

	* src/workspace.cc: Added the WSV:
	   sensor_pos  (not finsihed)

	* src/m_atmosphere.cc: Created this file to hold functions to
	set up the model atmosphere. Added the WSF:

	* src/m_ppath.cc: Added the WSFs:

	* src/m_general.cc: Added the WSFs:
	The function series PrintXxx is not ready. I will make more functions 
	later, but only for basic types (up to Tensor3?).
2002-05-15  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-83
	*** ASCII XML reading/writing ready for bug hunting :-) ***
	* src/groups.cc (define_wsv_group_names): Added Tensor4-7.

	* src/methods.cc (define_md_data): Added reading/writing methods
	for Tensor3-7.

	* src/xml_io.{h,cc}: Moved all xml_read_from_stream function
	prototypes to cc file because there are not needed externally.

	Send debug output to out2 instead of cout.

	ArrayOfIndex, ArrayOfMatrix, ArrayOfString, ArrayOfVector, Index,
	Numeric, Matrix, String, Tensor3-7, Vector reading and writing
	works now.

	* src/m_xml.cc: Removed dummy output from remaining functions.

	Added read/write functions for Tensor3 - Tensor7.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added target test_xml.

	* src/test_xml.cc: Added.

2002-05-15  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-82
	* doc/examples/xml.arts: Small conversion example.

	* src/xml_io.{h,cc}: Header/footer functions renamed.
	(class ArtsXMLTag): Renamed member functions to match ARTS style.

	Implemented Vector, Matrix, ArrayOfMatrix writing functions.

	* src/m_xml.cc: Use generic read/write functions for all data
	Removed dummy from Vector, Matrix, ArrayOfMatrix functions.

	*** Still under development *** Reading only works for Numeric and
	Index at the moment. *** Documentation still missing in most

2002-05-15  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-81
	* src/xml_io.{h,cc}: Implemented XML parser.

	To read the XML header I implemented a template function. Which
	reduces the number of needed read_from_file functions from n
	(n = Number of data types) to 1. From there the overloaded
	function read_from_stream is called to do the data type specific

	Currently there's only Index and Numeric ASCII read support. ASCII
	write support will follow, binary later.

	* src/methods.cc (define_md_data): Corrected indentation of XML

	* src/m_xml.cc: Throw runtime error when unimplemented function is

	Implemented IndexReadXML and NumericReadXML.

	* src/file.cc (open_input_file): Documentation changed.

2002-05-15  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-80

	* src/test_linalg.cc (test_matrix_exp3D): Added this
	function. Restructured the other tests.

	* src/test_linalg.cc (norm_inf): Added some comments.
	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Added the symboltable.

2002-05-15  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-79

	* I had by mistake put a & after ConstVectorView in some places.
	Now fixed.

	* src/workspace.cc: Added two general vector variables vector1 and

	* src/m_basic_types.cc: Added the WSF MatrixFillWithVector and 
	Tensor3FillWithVector. Note that the vector can be put in along any
	dimension (in contrast to the old MatrixFillWithVector).

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppathCalc): Added input checks for sensor position
	and los.

2002-05-14  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-78
	* src/lin_alg.cc/.h Modified function norm_inf and changed
	interface of exp_matrix.

	* doc/uguide/scattering.tex: Added this file to document the
	scattering part.

	* doc/uguide/references.bib: Added some references for the linear
	algebra part. 

2002-05-14  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-77
	* src/check_input.cc (chk_cloudbox): Added this function.

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppathCalc): Worked a bit on this function.

	* src/m_general.cc (SetAtmosphericDimensionality): Added this WSF.

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc (NoCloudbox): Added this WSF.

	* src/m_rte.cc: Added this file.

2002-05-13  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-76
	* src/methods.cc (define_md_data): Moved XML functions into
	alphabetical order.

2002-05-13  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-75
	* src/mystring.h: Include system sstream if available otherwise use our
	* src/arts.h: Include sstream moved to mystring.h.

	* configure.in: Added check for sstream header file. If it is not
	found, we use our own sstream.h.

	* src/make_auto_wsv_groups_h.cc (main): Include iostream in

	* src/make_auto_wsv_h.cc: Include iostream.

2002-05-13  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-74
	* src/test_linalg.cc: Include iostream.

	* src/file.cc (open_input_file): Only set badbit for input stream
	otherwise eof throws exception as well and that is not what we

	* src/methods.cc (define_md_data): Added xml workspace methods.

	* src/m_xml.cc: New file. XML io workspace methods. Only dummys at
	the moment.
	* src/xml_io.{h,cc}: New files. XML io functions. Only dummys at
	the moment.

	* src/Makefile.am (arts_SOURCES): Added xml_io.h, xml_io.cc and

2002-05-13  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-73

	* Cleaned up a bit regarding included .h files in ppath, check_input,
	math_funcs and ???.
	* src/interpolation.cc: Had to include some more .h files (which, don't
	remember now).

	* src/m_ppath.cc (ppathCalc): Started on this function.

	* src/check_input.cc: Changed alpha_grid and beta_grid to lat_grid and
	lon_grid. Removed all assert functions.

2002-05-12  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-72

	* I could not compile this version, but this could be due to local 

	* src/atm_funcs.cc/h: These files do not exist any more. Moved some 
	functions to physics_func and deleted others.

	* src/physics_funcs.cc/h: Added these files.
2002-05-10  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-71

	* src/lin_alg.cc/h: Removed function lu_solve and added some
	assertions. Added some new functions:
		- exp_mat: Computing the exponential of a matrix.
		- norm_inf: Norm infinity of a matrix.
		- identity: Returns the identity matrix.

	* src/test_linalg.cc: Adapted the tests to the changes.

	* doc/uguide/lin_alg.tex: Added documentation for linear algebra

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Included lin_alg.tex. 

2002-05-09  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-70
	* doc/doxygen/html/.cvsignore: Added *.png.

2002-05-09  Oliver Lemke  
	* arts-1-1-69

	* Lots of fixes to compile arts with gcc-3.1.
	* src/interpolation.cc (LOOPIT): Removed overflues ## in macro
	definition before '.'  Otherwise it does not expand into a valid
	preprocessor token.

	* src/arts.h: Added 'using namespace std' to fix compile errors
	with newer, more ansi-compliant gccs (3.1).

	Include sstream instead of sstream.h for the same reason.

	* src/matpackI.h (Range): Default arguments for parameters are
	only allowed to be declared once. Removed from implementation

	* src/methods_aux.cc (PrintTemplate): Removed default for second
	parameter from implementation part.
	* src/mystring.h: Include climits.

	* src/main.cc,
	src/absorption.cc: Include algorithm.

	* src/test_interpolation.cc,
	src/messages.h: Include iostream, otherwise cerr and cout are

	* src/exceptions.h (ParseError): Added dummy virtual destructor
	including missing throw().

	* src/messages.cc: Rename global variable basename to out_basename
	to avoid a conflict with the basename function from the new string
	standard include file.

	* src/m_hdf.cc (filename_bin),
	src/main.cc (main),
	src/m_abs.cc (linesWriteAscii),
	src/m_abs.cc (lines_per_tgWriteAsci),
	src/file.cc (filename_ascii): Renamed basename to out_basename.

	* src/mystring.h (my_basic_string),
	src/array.h: Added keyword typename to several definitions
	(e.g. typename Array::const_iterator xi;)

2002-05-08  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-68

	* src/interpolation.cc: 2D Green interpolation works.

	* src/interpolation.h: Added headers for new functions.

	* src/test_interpolation.cc: Test case for this.

	* src/logic.cc: Added is_size functions for tensors up to rank 7.

	* src/logic.h: Added headers for new functions.

2002-05-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-67

	* src/m_basic_types.cc: Created this file and moved the relevant 
	functions from m_io.cc. The revision of the functions is not 
	finished. Several functions are already removed. 

	* src/m_general.cc: Created this file and moved Exit and Test to the 

	* src/m_cloudbox.cc: Created this file. No functions in the file yet.
	* src/m_ppath.cc: Created this file. No functions in the file yet.

2002-05-08  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-66

	* doc/uguide/development.tex: Fixed typo that lead to LaTeX fail.

	* src/methods.cc (define_md_data): Small change in comment block.

2002-05-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-65

	* src/workspace.cc: Started to sort the variables in alphebetical 
	order. See note in the file. Placed all old functions below a line 
	with the idea to revise the functions before they are moved back.

	Introduced and wrote about: 
	  - atmosphere_dim
	  - a_los
	  - a_pos
	  - blackbody_ground
	  - cloudbox_on
	  - cloudbox_limits
	  - e_ground
	  - lat_grid
	  - lon_grid
	  - p_grid
	  - ppath
	  - ppath_partial
	  - ppath_step
	  - r_geoid
	  - t_field
	  - t_ground
	  - z_field
	  - z_ground

	Removed a lot of old WSV.
	* src/methods.cc: Started to sort the methods in alphebetical order.
	See note in the file. Placed all old functions below a line with the
	idea to revise the functions before they are moved back.

	Removed WSF hseXxxx, refrXxx

2002-05-07  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-64

	* src/interpolation.cc: Finished all blue interpolation functions
	(interpweights and interp functions).

	* src/interpolation.h: Added headers for the new functions.

	* src/test_interpolation.cc: Some testing for the blue
	interpolation functions. They are fast! Turning assertions off
	gives a significant further speed increase, so the default for
	"real" calculations should be -O2 optimization and disabled
	assertions. (The speed impact of assertions is mainly due to the
	assertions inside the index operators, which are called a lot if
	tensor dimensions are looped.)

	* absorption.cc,
	ppath.cc: Changed "\retval x" to "\param x Output:". The use of
	retval for output parameters was a misunderstanding on my side and
	lead to spurious doxygen warning messages. Output parameters
	should be documented like this:
	\param A Output: Describe A here.

	* doc/uguide/development.tex: Updated instructions for Doxygen

2002-05-06  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-63

	* src/interpolation.cc: Finished gridpos. Implemented 1D
	interpweights and 2D blue interpweights. If fd and 1-fd are stored
	in an array, one can use nested for loops to compute the
	weights. Great! 

	* src/test_matpack.cc (test32): Test case for mult.

	* src/matpackI.h: Made documentation of mult functions more clear:
	The input and output matrix must not be the same!

	* src/logic.cc: Made Index input arguments const Index&.

2002-05-06  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-62

	* src/species_data.cc: Included  JPL tags for HOBr.

2002-05-06  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-61
	* src/lin_alg.cc/h: Modified interfaces for LU- functions and
        added routine for the matrix exponential function.

	* src/test_linalg.cc: Test adapted to the new functions.

2002-05-06  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-60
	* src/lin_alg.cc: Include math.h for gcc>=2.96.

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Include math.h for gcc>=2.96.

2002-05-05  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-59

	* src/workspace.cc: Started to introduce new workspace variables.

	* src/los.cc/h: Removed these files. Made corresponding changes
	throughout the files, e.g:

	* src/Makefile.am: Removed los.cc and los.h. 

	* src/groups.cc: Removed Los, added Ppath and Tensor3.

2002-05-03  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-58

	* src/logic.cc: Added Matrix version of is_size.

	* src/logic.h: Added header for Matrix version of is_size.

	* doc/Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Removed emacs directory.

2002-05-03  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-57

	* src/logic.cc: New file. Contains all logical functions, i.e.,
	function called is_something that return bool. 
	These functions are intended to be used either inside "if"
	statements or inside "assert" statements.
	The condition should have a simple and intuitive meaning!

	* src/logic.h: New file, headers for logic.cc.

	* src/check_input.cc: Now includes logic.h.

	* src/ppath.cc: Now includes logic.h.

	* src/math_funcs.h: Removed is_something function headers.

	* src/math_funcs.cc: Moved is_something functions to logic.cc.

	* src/interpolation.cc: New file: Interpolation routines. 
	(grid_pos): I just started with this, it is not yet complete. Will
	probably continue tomorrow.

	* src/interpolation.h: New file: Header file for interpolation.cc.

	* src/test_interpolation.cc: Test program for interpolation

	* src/Makefile.am: Added test_interpolation.

	* doc/index.html.in: Removed the paragraph about the old Emacs
	doxygen macros, since they are no longer there.

	* configure.in: Removed output target doc/emacs/Makefile.

2002-05-02  Claudia Emde  

	* arts-1-1-56

	* src/lin_alg.cc/h: Created this file for the linear algebra
	functions we need for the radiative transfer
	calculations. Implemented functions to solve linear equation
	systems using the LU decomposition method.

	* src/test_linalg.cc: test the functions in lin_alg.cc

2002-04-25  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-55

	* doc/uguide/development.tex: Updated this file. Some small
	changes. Most significant are the new recommendations for
	documentation headers.

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Put development.tex back in.

	* src/workspace.cc (define_wsv_data): Added template for
	documentation strings.

	* doc/emacs/: Removed everything in this directory. There is now a
	better Doxygen package for Emacs:
	Doxymacs (http://doxymacs.sourceforge.net/). 

	* doc/examples/fantasy2.arts: Added this file, which contains more
	thinking about agendas.

2002-04-17  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-54

	* src/m_los.cc,m_wfs.cc,m_batch.cc: Removed these files as everything
	will be rewritten anyhow. I think it is a good idea to remove as much 
	as possible. It is no big danger to remove things as they still exist
	in arts-1 and can be copied back. So, PLEASE DO SOME CLEANING.
	* src/atm_funcs.cc: Removed obselete functions.

	* src/ppath.cc: Works now for 1D and no refraction. As soon as it is
	clear how refraction will be calculated (there should be an agenda
	as for absorption), it should be a rather quick thing to put in 1D
	with refraction.

2002-04-16  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-53

	* src/check_input.cc/h: Started this file. The intention of this file
	is to hold functions that help us to check the input to functions.
	By doing general functions, more careful checks can be done and better
	error messages can be given. If you have to type everything for each
	function, you tend to become sloppy. There are two series of functions:
	assert_xxx and chk_xx. Have a look in the file and you will understand.


	* src/math_funcs.cc: Started to revise this file. The existing 
	functions are moved down and my idea is that when we found that a 
	function really is needed, it can be moved up, and then be polished.
	I think there is some old junk in the file.

	* src/ppath.cc: Added this file. The file will include functions to
	determine propagation paths. Started to move things from los.cc
	(ppath.cc replaces los.cc). Changes are needed as the definition of
	the Ppath structure is changed. Quite some work, but nothing works

	* src/ppath.h: Added this file to hold the declaration of the Ppath 
	structure and functions in ppath.cc.
2002-04-14  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-52

	* doc/examples/fantasy.arts: Added this file to play around
	in. I'm not happy with the absorption part. Everything is so
	complicated and not user-friendly. But how to make it both modular
	and user friendly?

2002-04-12  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-51

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Finished text for general 1D and 2D geometrical

2002-04-12  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-50

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Started some writing but not got time to finish
	it. I will continue at home.

2002-04-11  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-49

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Added the commands \artsstyle, \textindex,
	\wsfindex, \wsvindex, \fileindex, \funcindex and \structindex.
	The command replaces the old \qindex. 

	ARTS workspace methods, variables etc. are no longer written using the
	\verb environment. Use now the \artsstyle command. This command will
	write the text with style \texttt. I made the change as verbatim
	cannot be used inside commands, figure text etc., which has been a 
	problem for me several times. The drawback of using \texttt is that
	underscores must be proceeded with a backslash (e.g. \_).

	The other commands, ending with "index", writes the text and makes
	on the same time a index mark. The commands beside \textindex are 
	releated to ARTS and writes the text by using \artsstyle and puts
	the reference as a subentry to an appropiate text string. For example,
	\wsvindex is the command to use when defining a ARTS workspace 
	variable. See the index page for the result.

	I hope that these indexes will help us to link AUG and ARTS better.
	The old AUG did very few direct references to ARTS. I am trying now
	to improve this by stating which function that does a special
	calculation etc. This can work the other way around, when writing the
	header of a function it should now be easier to make a reference to
	AUG if the function is indexed in AUG. Before you did not know in
	what section a description ended up (the section could be moved 
	around). We can now refer to the index page to find where a function
	is discussed.

	* doc/uguide: Included the new commands in the files that are presently
	included. You have to adapt the other files when they are included.

2002-04-11  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-48

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Description of the propagation path structure,
	Ppath. Started on general geometric expressions for calculating the

2002-04-08  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-47

	* configure.in: Added doc/uguide/Figs/ppath/Makefile.am

2002-04-05  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-46

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Completed the part about geodetic issues.

2002-04-04  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-45

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Some text about geoid ellipsoids etc. Made some

	* doc/uguide/Figs/ppath: Added this folder and some figure files.

2002-04-04  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-44

	* doc/uguide/Makefile.am: Added makeindex commands.

2002-04-02  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-43

	* aii/Makefile.am, ami/arts/Makefile.am, ami/file/Makefile.am,
        ami/general/Makefile.am, ami/hmatrix/Makefile.am,
	ami/math/Makefile.am, ami/path/Makefile.am, ami/physics/Makefile.am,
        ami/plot/Makefile.am, ami/retrieval/Makefile.am,
	doc/uguide/Figs/Makefile.am: Use wildcards for EXTRA_DIST so we
	don't have to add each new file to Makefile.am.

2002-04-01  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-42

	* Please read, comment and/or correct what I have written in
	Chapter 2 of AUG.

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Included the epic and eepic packages for drawing
	figures inside LaTex. Are these the best packages for this? These seem
	at least to be standard packages. But do you have any better sugestion?

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: New figure for LOS angles and
	some new text. Corrected and polished existing text slightly. I am
	now ready with what I will write in this chapter this time. So,
	please read it.  I am sure that there are many language
	errors. Please fix what you find.

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Added section headings and made a figure for
	geocentric and geodetic latitudes.

2002-03-28  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-41

	* AUG: Note that figures now shall be placed in sub-folders to
	Figs/ (as suggested by Stefan).  When the revision of AUG is
	ready, all figures in Figs/ will be removed. This has been done
	for fm_definitions (see below).
	* doc/uguide: Added style files for the algorithm and algorithmic
	packages. See fm_definitions for example on how to use these
	packages. I have a manaul (ps-file) that I can send you if you are
	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: More writing. Mainly on the clear sky
	RTE part. Added two figures. Added an algorith over the RTE part.

	* doc/uguide/Figs/fm_definitions: Created this folder and moved
	the figures (and associated Matlab scripts) to this folder.
	* doc/uguide/Figs/fm_definitions/mkfigs_ppath_cases.m: Created this
	function to illustrate propagation paths.

2002-03-27  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-40

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Writing on the sensor section and
	started on the clear sky RTE section. 

2002-03-26  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-39

	* src/test_tensor.cc (test8): Added a cute little test that checks
	all 128 const index functions.
	(test9): And another cute tests that checks the non-const index
	Result: Everything seems to work fine!

2002-03-25  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-38

	* When including the bug fixes from arts1 for temperature WFs, I missed
	a change in methods.cc so the program did not compile. Sorry, for that.
	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Fixed some problems in the existing
	text. Did dome more writing on the compulsory sensor variables and
	changed text to follow the definition of the cloud box.
	Stefan, there are some comments for you inside the file at the end.

	* doc/uguide/Figs/mkfigs_atm_dims.m: The figures are now converted to
	PDF with epstopdf. Adapted to new cloud box definition.

2002-03-22  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-37

	* src/matpackVII.h: First implementation of Tensor7 finished. This
	seems to push my present concept to the limit, since I had to
	manually edit the 128 different index functions. Higher order
	tensors are only feasible with some kind of automatic code
	generation system. 

        * src/matpackI.h, src/matpackIII.h, src/matpackIV.h,
	src/matpackV.h, src/matpackVI.h: Adjusted for Tensor7. (Mainly
	added friend declarations.)

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Added simple test for Tensor7. There should
	be some more thorough and systematic testing...

2002-03-22  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-36

	* Included changes made for arts1:

	* src/m_wfs.cc (k_temp_nohydro): Code changed according to the bug
	in the equation discussed below. Temperature WFs without HSE seems now
	to be OK. Checks have ben performed with text_Kt.m.

	To summerize, all temperature WFs have been looked at and everything
	seem to be OK. There were bugs for all three versions before. Sorry
	for that.

	* doc/uguide/wfuns_atm.tex: A mistake in the equation giving the
	temperature derivative of the Planck function found.

2002-03-20  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-35

	* src/matpackVI.h: Added. Implementation of Tensor6. A first
	version of this is complete. 

	* src/matpackVII.h: Added. Implementation of Tensor7. This is
	still under construction.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added matpackVI and VII to test_tensor sources.

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Added some tests for Tensor6.

	* doc/uguide/references.bib: Added Mishchenko book.

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Started to write on the clear sky
	RT section.

2002-03-20  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-34

	* src/matpackI.h: Changed order of parameters for poly_root_solve.

2002-03-20  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-33

	* src/poly_roots.{h,cc}: Changed order of parameter.

2002-03-20  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-32

	* src/poly_roots.{h,cc}: Changed interface of poly_root_solve to make
	it arts-compliant. The solution matrix is passed by reference to the
	function and must have the correct size.

	* src/poly_roots.cc: Use the pointer to coeffs.mdata and roots.mdate
	instead of copying all elements (if Numeric is not double we still
	have to copy them).

	* src/matpack1.h: Made poly_root_solve a friend function of
	ConstVectorView and ConstMatrixView to access mdata.

2002-03-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-31

	* reconf: Removed --enable-more-warnings. This is now part of

	* configure.in: Enable warnings in maintainer mode by default. Could
	still be turned off with ./reconf --disable-more-warnings.

2002-03-19  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-30

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Fixed and changed according to
	comments and discission input from Stefan.

	The main thing is that we decided that the most basic variable is
	put in as the outermost index in matrices and tensors. That is,
	reversed order compared to before.

2002-03-18  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-29

	* doc/examples/*.arts.in: The outermost method must now simply be
	called Main. To use DefineAgenda was unlogical, since defining an
	agenda and executing an agenda are quite different things.

	* src/parser.cc: Adapted to new controlfile structure. Cleaned up
	output to out3.

	* src/array.h: Changed output operator for ConstVectorView to
	put all elements in one row.

	* src/matpackI.h: Changed output operator for ConstVectorView to
	put all elements in one row.

	* reconf: Added --enable-more-warnings switch to configure call. 

2002-03-18  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-28

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Fixed some typos. Added some
	comments, marked by SAB.

	* doc/uguide/.cvsignore: Added uguide_pdf.idx.

2002-03-18  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-27

	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: More text written. Started on sensor 

	* doc/uguide/ppath.tex: Added this file to hold description of
	propagation paths.

2002-03-15  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-26

	* configure.in: Added a switch to enable-more-warnings that turns
	off the checking of unused parameters. This, because dummy
	parameters are used as a trick to select functions, for example
	the joker in the matpack functions. Also the getaway functions for
	the engine have sometimes unused parameters. We don't want to
	issue a warning for that.

	* src/matpackV.h: Bug fix: Added missing return statements for
	const index functions. I discoverd this bug because of the enabled
	warnings, so warnings are clearly useful!

	* src/m_agenda.cc: Added this file, containing workspace methods
	for Agenda.

	* src/: Modified the parser and the overall control structure to
	accept agendas.

	* doc/examples: Removed old example files starting with auto_.
	Adapted all examples to work with the new controlfile
	syntax. (Added a surrounding AgendaDefine(main_agenda).)

2002-03-15  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-25

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: I have introduced index into AUG. The idea
	is not to make a complete index register, that is to ambitious.  I
	think it is sufficient, and a good help for the readers, just to
	make a reference to the page where a term is defined or
	introduced.  Is this a good idea? I have put in some test indexes
	in fm_definitions.  Note the macro \qindex, defined in main.tex,
	that makes it easier to put in an index. I don't think we shall
	have index of several levels, if the term consists of several words
	(normally not more than 2), refer to the words as one unit to make
	things simple.

	If anybody knows how to change the title for the index page from
	"Index" to "Definition of terms", please go ahead.

	To update the index list, you have to run "makeindex uguide"
	* doc/uguide/fm_definitions.tex: Started to write in this chapter.
	Please read the introduction part (present Chapter 1-2) and give
	comments, both on layout and content.

	* doc/uguide/symbol_defs: Moved symbol macros to this file. An idea
	with this is that it should be possible to use this macro file for
	other documents. The old macro names are changed and changes will
	be needed when re-introducing the chapters. Sorry for this, but as
	the old macro names were just a mess, I made this change. If it is a
	comfort, I will be the one that will have to most of the changes.
	I have tried to come up with a consistent naming scheme so it should
	be possible to remember, or figure out, the name of the macros.
	Note especially the aXxx macros which are handy and would help us
	to have a uniform style without making a macro for each subscript
	to a variable.

2002-03-14  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-24

	* General: Started to work on agendas (what we used to call method

	* src/agenda.h: Added.
	An agenda is a list of workspace methods (including keyword data) to
  	be executed. There are workspace variables of class agenda that can
  	contain a list of methods to execute for a particular purpose, for
  	example to compute the lineshape in an absorption calculation. The
  	controlfile contains a list of agenda definitions, including the
  	agenda `main', which is then executed. Overall, this concept is in
  	analogy to a C program that consists of various functions and one
  	function main.

	* src/agenda.cc: Added. Contains functions for Agenda.

	* src/main.cc: Removed executor and give_up. Instead, there is now
	a member function execute of Agenda.

	* src/make_auto_wsv_h.cc: Made the occupation list (which WSVs are
	occupied) a part of the WorkSpace. Added member functions to check
	and modify occupation.

	* src/wsv_aux.cc: Added. Contains implementation of member
	functions of WorkSpace.

	* src/parser.h: Adapted to use of Agenda. 

	* src/parser.cc: Adapted to use of Agenda. 
	* src/Makefile.am: Added the new files.

	* doc/doxygen/Makefile.am: Added generation of tags for
	doxymacs. The tags are stored in file arts.tag.

2002-03-12  Wolfram Haas  

	* arts-1-1-23

	* src/matpackV.h: Added three index functions with 2 Range and 3 Index.

2002-03-11  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-22

	* doc/uguide: Restart of the user guide for the new version.
	First of all, I have commented out most of the chapters (done in 
	main.tex). The idea is to enforce that the user guide only contains 
	stuff that is consistent with the new version. So before a chapter is 
	re-introduced, all its content shall be checked and the text shall be 
	changed where needed. Please, remember to also check the figure folder
	and to remove figures not used any longer. 

	Two new introduction chapters added. See notes in introduction.tex.
	Some text written and two figures included.

2002-03-11  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-21

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Added Wolfram to copyright notice.

	* src/matpackIV.h: Changed author to Wolfram.

	* src/matpackV.h: Changed author to Wolfram.

2002-03-08  Wolfram Haas  

	* arts-1-1-20

	* src/matpackV.h: Added new file for tensor 5.

	* src/matpackIV.h: Added four friend class declarations.

	* src/matpackIII.h: Added two friend class declarations.

	* src/matpackI.h: Added nine friend class declarations.

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Added some tests for tensor 4 and tensor 5.

	* doc/uguide/utilities.tex: Corrected explanation for error message
	"There is some garbage at the end of the file." of the IDL reading
	routine 'read_datafile.pro'.
2002-03-08  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-19

	* src/poly_roots.cc: Changed order of coefficients. Removed debug

	* src/test_poly.cc: Tweaked the example a little bit.

2002-03-07  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-18

	* src/poly_roots.{h,cc}: Added functions to determine roots of
	polynomials. Taken from gsl and still some porting to be done.

	* src/test_poly.cc: Small prog to test poly_roots.

	* src/Makefile.am: Added poly_roots.{c,hh} to arts_SOURCES. Added
	target to create test_poly.

2002-03-05  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-17

	* src/los.cc: Cloud box - 1D paths ready. The sensor must now be above
	the ground and cannot be on the ground.

2002-03-03  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-16

	* src/los.cc: Started to include a cloud box in the propagation path
	calculations. In fact it is there, but no test runs have been 

2002-02-28  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-15

	* Just some minor changes in los.cc to be backed up.

2002-02-24  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-14

	* src/los.cc: Further work on the propagation path calculations. No
	comments here, it will be described in AUG. 

	* Started on 2D but that code exists only so far as matlab functions 
	not included here.

2002-02-22  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-13

	* src/matpackIV.h Iterator4D Tensor4View::begin(): Bug fix,
	removed const at end of line.
	Iterator4D Tensor4View::end(): Same.
	Recursive ConstTensor4View constructor: Bug fix, fixed typing

	* src/matpackIII.h: Added some friend declarations.

	* src/matpackI.h: Added some friend declarations.

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Added definition of joker object. Added a
	test for selecting a book and a test for selecting the first
	letter of every page of every book.

2002-02-21  Wolfram Haas  

	* arts-1-1-12

	* src/matpackIV.h: Draft of an implementation of tensors of rank 4.

	* src/matpackIII.h: Made "friend class" entries in classes
	ConstTensor3View and Tensor3View.
	* src/matpackI.h: Made "friend class" entries in classes
	Range, ConstVectorView, VectorView, ConstMatrixView and MatrixView.

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Started first test for tensors of rank 4.
2002-02-18  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-1-11

	* src/absorption.h: Changes on the comments concerning the 
	different line intensity units in the catalogs.
2002-02-18  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-1-10

	* src/absorption.h: Fixed the wrong line intensity units
	from m^2/Hz to m^2*Hz.
2002-02-18  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-1-9

	* doc/uguide/absorption.tex: One more fix.
2002-02-18  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-1-8

	* doc/uguide/absorption.tex: Fixed the wrong line intensity units
	from m^2/Hz to m^2*Hz.	
2002-02-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-7

	* src/los.cc: 1D interpolation of an absorption Tensor3
	fixed. Note that is a temporary solution until we have more general
	ways to obtain the absorption at an arbitrary point.
	* src/los.cc: Wrote an outline describing my present ideas about how
	to fix the interpolations.
2002-02-08  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-6

	* src/los.cc: Started to work on interpolation and assert functions. 
	We should make set of functions for making asserts and size checks 
	simpler (as started by the check_xx functions ion arts1).

2002-02-07  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-5
	* src/Makefile.am (test_tensor_SOURCES): Added target for

	* src/test_tensor.cc: Test program for matpackIV. Copied from

	* src/matpackIV.h: Added empty file for tensor 4.

2002-02-05  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-4

	* SOME INFORMATION: I will not give any deatils here about my work
	to save time. The plan is to finish LOS/RTE calculations for 1D
	and 2D without refraction (i.e. including interpolation of
	absorption etc. and evaluation of the radiative transfer equation
	along the LOS) and then describe the approach taken in AUG.

	However, I should mention that I want to replace existing math
	functions and to remove the ones not used. For this reason, I put
	new math functions (or copies of existing ones, renamed by adding
	the number 2) in los.cc. This includes a new set of interpolation
	routines taking index positions as input. For example, the index
	position 6.5 means that a position is exactly between the points
	with index 6 and 7, index position 5 is exactly at the point with
	index 5 etc. As these index positions easily can be calculated
	when determining the LOS, this should save a lot of time for the
	interpolation. In addition, as the LOS points now mainly are placed
	at grid boundaries, for most points an interpolation is not needed and
	the index positions can be used to avoid unnecessary interpolation.
	* src/los.cc: Finished the LOS calculations for 1D and no refraction.
	As usual it is downwards observations from inside the atmosphere that
	makes everything complicated. 

2002-02-05  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-1-3

	* src/los.cc: Added this file for starting on the new implementation
	of the LOS calculations. Started on a function for 1D and no 

2002-01-25  Stefan Buehler  

	* arts-1-1-2
	* src/m_batch.cc (ybatchFromRadiosondeGlobal): Added message which
	profile is being processed.

	* src/m_batch.cc (ybatchFromRadiosonde): Added message which
	profile is being processed.

2002-01-22  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-1
	* src/m_batch.cc: Moved #ifdef HDF_SUPPORT / #endif block to
	support radiosonde functions even without HDF compiled in.

2002-01-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-1-0

	* This is the new development version of ARTS after the release
	All new features should go in here.

2002-01-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-0-0
	* No problems occured in rc1 so we go for the release.
2002-01-18  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-0-0-rc1

	* OK, this is release candidate 1. Just tagged this as a final
	version for testing. Hope next version will be the final release.

2002-01-18  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-0-0-pre10

	* src/m_wfs.cc: Improved check of input frequency limits for kContabs.
	There was in fact several bugs.
	Added length unit (m and km) for kContabs.

2002-01-17  Nikolay Koulev 

	* arts-1-0-0-pre9

	* doc/uguide/absorption.tex: Erased the strange artefacts after
	committing the pre8 version.
2002-01-17  Nikolay Koulev 

	* arts-1-0-0-pre8

	* doc/uguide/absorption.tex: Erased the strange artefacts after
	committing the pre7 version.
2002-01-17  Nikolay Koulev  

	* arts-1-0-0-pre7

	* doc/uguide/main.tex: Increased caption size for long tables.

	* doc/uguide/references.bib: Added two entries.

	* doc/uguide/wfuns_sensor.tex: Replaced main by uguide for xemacs.

2002-01-17  Nikolay Koulev 

	* arts-1-0-0-pre6

	* doc/examples/fullmodels.arts.in: Merged in changes from Thomas.

2002-01-17  Nikolay Koulev 

	* arts-1-0-0-pre5

	* doc/uguide/absorption.tex: Final edition and the species
	related tables now in. Resolving the referencies and warnings.
2002-01-16  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-0-0-pre4

	* uguide: Removed a reference to the sensor WFs section that is 
	commented out. There is almost nothing in this section and the little
	content is not in sync with ARTS, so no idea to include it.

2002-01-16  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-0-0-pre3

	* ami: Improved the README file slightly (I had forgotten that there 
	was one). Updated the Makefile.am files. Removed rand_test, that 
	existed in two folders.

2002-01-15  Patrick Eriksson  

	* arts-1-0-0-pre2

	* Sorry Oliver, but I have stuff that must be commited now.

	* ami/arts/tag2mo.m: The function now works for tag string with more
	than one part, e.g. "H2O-PWR98,H2O". 

	* ami/file/read_linefile.m: The reading can now be limited to a 
	frequency range.

	* ami/file/combine_lines.m: Created this function to lower the number
	of transitions in the linefile when several transitions are basically
	identical, which is the case for some species, such as HNO3. The
	intensities of such transitions are added to create a pseudo-line that
	gives the same contribution as the individual transitions.
2002-01-15  Oliver Lemke  

	* arts-1-0-0-pre1

	* Just tagged the current version as pre1. From now on only bug
	fixes for the 1.0 release should be checked in. All new stuff
	should go into arts2 which should be started at the end of this
	week. If you have to make any checkins the next version number
	should be arts-1-0-0-pre2.