function mkfigs_atm_dims %--- Define a 2D atmosphere dalpha = 90; nalpha = 15; alpha_grid = linspace( -dalpha/2, dalpha/2, nalpha ); beta_grid = []; r_geoid = 50e3 + zeros( 1, nalpha ); z_ground = 2e3*ones( 1, nalpha ); z_ground(3) = 1500; z_ground(5) = 2500; z_ground(10)= 1e3; z_ground(11)= 1e3; z_field(1,:,:) = repmat( 1e3:2e3:18e3, nalpha, 1 ); for i = 1:nalpha z_field(1,i,:) = z_field(1,i,:) - (i-1)*1e3/nalpha; end cloudbox_on = 1; cloudbox_limits = [0 5]; figure(1) [h,ltext]=plot_atm_1d(dalpha,z_field,r_geoid,z_ground,cloudbox_on,cloudbox_limits,1); for i = 1:size(z_field,3) hp = plot( 0, (r_geoid(1,i)+z_field(1,1,i))/1e3, 'k.' ); end nh = length(h)+1; h(nh) = hp; ltext{nh} = 'atmospheric field'; hf = gca; hl = legend2(8,h,ltext); legend boxoff axis equal hide_axes(hf); disp('Adjust the legend'); pause; axis tight figure(2) % cloudbox_limits = [3 5 4 10]; % [h,ltext]=plot_atm_2d(alpha_grid,z_field,r_geoid,z_ground,cloudbox_on,cloudbox_limits,1); for i = 1:size(z_field,3) for j = 1:nalpha [x1,y1] = cyl2cart( r_geoid(1,j)+z_field(1,j,i), alpha_grid(j) ); hp = plot( x1/1e3, y1/1e3, 'k.' ); end end nh = length(h)+1; h(nh) = hp; ltext{nh} = 'atmospheric field'; hf = gca; hl = legend2(8,h,ltext); legend boxoff axis equal hide_axes(hf); disp('Adjust the legend'); pause; axis tight if answer_is_yes('Print figures') print atm_dim_2d.eps -depsc ! epstopdf atm_dim_2d.eps figure(1) print atm_dim_1d.eps -depsc ! epstopdf atm_dim_1d.eps end