ABS jobname=o2_spin_rot (use a jpl catalogue, the my2 calculates oxygen lines twice, once the) (one in the my2 file, once the from the comp_o2_abs routine) (=================================================) oh h2o hf hcn hnc co h2co no o2 ho2 h2o2 hcl 110 200 110 110 110 110 110 110 0 110 110 110 n2o no2 o3_16 o3_17 o3_18 ch3cl clo hocl ocs hno3 so2 cof2 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 oclo hbr bro clno3 h2so4 clooclh2o_l dry-cont H2O-model 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 1 abs_offs 110 h2o ../fascod/midlatitude-summer.H2O.dat o2 ../fascod/midlatitude-summer.O2.dat RH STVMR HB rel. humid. strat. VMR breakpoint [km] 0 0 0 HL HU DH lower and upper alt. limit, step width [km] 0.000 100.000 1.000 MOD_ATM [ MONTH DAY [LAT.]] [ FILENAME [p1]] [ T hpr p ] 13 ../fascod/midlatitude-summer.tp.dat FRMIN FRMAX [ CATNAME ] SENSITIVITY [K] 0.0 0.0 o2_spin_rot.cat 0.0 FREQUENCIES FILENAME f_min f_max df [GHz] o2_spin_rot.fre END SCAN TBR z(obs) z/-p (tan) th-zen e-hor e-ver dTbrmax mode intpol back refr source weight 820.000 25.000 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.0E+003 limb combi yes no Planck absorption file --> antenna file -->pencil_beam T-bright file -->./o2_spin_rot.tbr END angle incr. (pencil) : 0.020000 tangent altitude : 0.000000 90.000000 1.000000 END