function mkfigs_atm_dims %--- 1D % dim = 1; lat_grid = [45 135]; lon_grid = []; z_field = (1:18)'; r_geoid = 50; z_ground = 1.5; cb_lims = {5 8}; % figure(1) clf [h,hs] = arts_plot_atmgrids( dim, lat_grid, lon_grid, z_field,... r_geoid, z_ground, cb_lims, 1 ); axes_frame( gca, 'off' ) axis tight hl = legend( h, hs ); disp('Adjust the legend'); pause; %--- 2D % nlat = 16; % dim = 2; lat_grid = linspace(45,135,nlat); lon_grid = []; z_field = (1:18)'*ones(1,nlat) - ones(18,1)*linspace(0,0.8,nlat); r_geoid = 50 * ones(nlat,1); z_ground = 1.5 + 0.5*randn(nlat,1); cb_lims = []; % figure(2) clf [h,hs] = arts_plot_atmgrids( dim, lat_grid, lon_grid, z_field,... r_geoid, z_ground, cb_lims, 1 ); axes_frame( gca, 'off' ) axis tight hl = legend( h, hs ); disp('Adjust the legend'); pause; %--- 3D cross section % nlat = 16; % dim = 2; lat_grid = linspace(45,135,nlat); lon_grid = []; z_field = (1:18)'*ones(1,nlat); r_geoid = 50 * ones(nlat,1); z_ground = 1.5 + 0.5*randn(nlat,1); cb_lims = {5 8 7 12}; % figure(3) clf [h,hs] = arts_plot_atmgrids( dim, lat_grid, lon_grid, z_field,... r_geoid, z_ground, cb_lims, 1 ); axes_frame( gca, 'off' ) axis tight %--- 3D % nlat = 5; nlon = 5; % dim = 3; lat_grid = linspace(-30,30,nlat); lon_grid = linspace(-30,30,nlon); z_field = repmat( (1:5:41)'*ones(1,nlat), [1 1 nlon] ); r_geoid = 50 * ones(nlat,nlon); z_ground = 1.5 + 0.5*randn(nlat,nlon); cb_lims = []; % figure(4) clf [h,hs] = arts_plot_atmgrids( dim, lat_grid, lon_grid, z_field,... r_geoid, z_ground, cb_lims, 1 ); axes_frame( gca, 'off' ) axis tight %hl = legend( h, hs ); %disp('Adjust the legend'); %pause; if yes_or_no('Print figures') print atm_dim_3d.eps -depsc ! epstopdf atm_dim_3d.eps ! rm atm_dim_3d.eps figure(3) print atm_dim_3dcross.eps -depsc ! epstopdf atm_dim_3dcross.eps ! rm atm_dim_3dcross.eps figure(2) print atm_dim_2d.eps -depsc ! epstopdf atm_dim_2d.eps ! rm atm_dim_2d.eps figure(1) print atm_dim_1d.eps -depsc ! epstopdf atm_dim_1d.eps ! rm atm_dim_1d.eps end