c ~~~~~~~~~~~~ c VERSION 1.2 c ~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE DISORT( NLYR, DTAUC, SSALB, PMOM, TEMPER, WVNMLO, & WVNMHI, USRTAU, NTAU, UTAU, NSTR, USRANG, NUMU, & UMU, NPHI, PHI, IBCND, FBEAM, UMU0, PHI0, & FISOT, LAMBER, ALBEDO, HL, BTEMP, TTEMP, TEMIS, & DELTAM, PLANK, ONLYFL, ACCUR, PRNT, HEADER, & MAXCLY, MAXULV, MAXUMU, MAXCMU, MAXPHI, RFLDIR, & RFLDN, FLUP, DFDT, UAVG, UU, U0U, ALBMED, & TRNMED ) c ******************************************************************* c Plane-parallel discrete ordinates radiative transfer program c ( see DISORT.doc for complete documentation ) c ******************************************************************* c c +------------------------------------------------------------------+ c Calling Tree (omitting calls to ERRMSG): c (routines in parentheses are not in this file) c c DISORT-+-(R1MACH) c +-SLFTST-+-(TSTBAD) c +-ZEROIT c +-CHEKIN-+-(WRTBAD) c | +-(WRTDIM) c | +-DREF c +-ZEROAL c +-SETDIS-+-QGAUSN (1)-+-(D1MACH) c +-PRTINP c +-ALBTRN-+-LEPOLY (2) c | +-ZEROIT c | +-SOLEIG (3)-+-ASYMTX-+-(D1MACH) c | +-TERPEV c | +-SETMTX (4)--ZEROIT c | +-(SGBCO) c | +-SOLVE1-+-ZEROIT c | | +-(SGBSL) c | +-ALTRIN c | +-SPALTR c | +-PRALTR c +-PLKAVG-+-(R1MACH) c +-LEPOLY see 2 c +-SURFAC-+-QGAUSN see 1 c | +-LEPOLY see 2 c | +-ZEROIT c +-SOLEIG see 3 c +-UPBEAM-+-(SGECO) c | +-(SGESL) c +-UPISOT-+-(SGECO) c | +-(SGESL) c +-TERPEV c +-TERPSO c +-SETMTX see 4 c +-SOLVE0-+-ZEROIT c | +-(SGBCO) c | +-(SGBSL) c +-FLUXES--ZEROIT c +-USRINT c +-CMPINT c +-PRAVIN c +-RATIO--(R1MACH) c +-PRTINT c c *** Intrinsic Functions used in DISORT package which take c non-negligible amount of time: c c EXP : Called by- ALBTRN, ALTRIN, CMPINT, FLUXES, SETDIS, c SETMTX, SPALTR, USRINT, PLKAVG c c SQRT : Called by- ASYMTX, SOLEIG c c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c c Index conventions (for all DO-loops and all variable descriptions): c c IU : for user polar angles c c IQ,JQ,KQ : for computational polar angles ('quadrature angles') c c IQ/2 : for half the computational polar angles (just the ones c in either 0-90 degrees, or 90-180 degrees) c c J : for user azimuthal angles c c K,L : for Legendre expansion coefficients or, alternatively, c subscripts of associated Legendre polynomials c c LU : for user levels c c LC : for computational layers (each having a different c single-scatter albedo and/or phase function) c c LEV : for computational levels c c MAZIM : for azimuthal components in Fourier cosine expansion c of intensity and phase function c c +------------------------------------------------------------------+ c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S c c AMB(IQ/2,IQ/2) First matrix factor in reduced eigenvalue problem c of Eqs. SS(12), STWJ(8E) (used only in SOLEIG) c c APB(IQ/2,IQ/2) Second matrix factor in reduced eigenvalue problem c of Eqs. SS(12), STWJ(8E) (used only in SOLEIG) c c ARRAY(IQ,IQ) Scratch matrix for SOLEIG, UPBEAM and UPISOT c (see each subroutine for definition) c c B() Right-hand side vector of Eq. SC(5) going into c SOLVE0,1; returns as solution vector c vector L, the constants of integration c c BDR(IQ/2,0:IQ/2) Bottom-boundary bidirectional reflectivity for a c given azimuthal component. First index always c refers to a computational angle. Second index: c if zero, refers to incident beam angle UMU0; c if non-zero, refers to a computational angle. c c BEM(IQ/2) Bottom-boundary directional emissivity at compu- c tational angles. c c BPLANK Intensity emitted from bottom boundary c c CBAND() Matrix of left-hand side of the linear system c Eq. SC(5), scaled by Eq. SC(12); in banded c form required by LINPACK solution routines c c CC(IQ,IQ) C-sub-IJ in Eq. SS(5) c c CMU(IQ) Computational polar angles (Gaussian) c c CWT(IQ) Quadrature weights corresponding to CMU c c DELM0 Kronecker delta, delta-sub-M0, where M = MAZIM c is the number of the Fourier component in the c azimuth cosine expansion c c DITHER Small quantity subtracted from single-scattering c albedos of unity, in order to avoid using special c case formulas; prevents an eigenvalue of exactly c zero from occurring, which would cause an c immediate overflow c c DTAUCP(LC) Computational-layer optical depths (delta-M-scaled c if DELTAM = TRUE, otherwise equal to DTAUC) c c EMU(IU) Bottom-boundary directional emissivity at user c angles. c c EVAL(IQ) Temporary storage for eigenvalues of Eq. SS(12) c c EVECC(IQ,IQ) Complete eigenvectors of SS(7) on return from c SOLEIG; stored permanently in GC c c EXPBEA(LC) Transmission of direct beam in delta-M optical c depth coordinates c c FLYR(LC) Truncated fraction in delta-M method c c GL(K,LC) Phase function Legendre polynomial expansion c coefficients, calculated from PMOM by c including single-scattering albedo, factor c 2K+1, and (if DELTAM=TRUE) the delta-M c scaling c c GC(IQ,IQ,LC) Eigenvectors at polar quadrature angles, c g in Eq. SC(1) c c GU(IU,IQ,LC) Eigenvectors interpolated to user polar angles c ( g in Eqs. SC(3) and S1(8-9), i.e. c G without the L factor ) c c HLPR() Legendre coefficients of bottom bidirectional c reflectivity (after inclusion of 2K+1 factor) c c IPVT(LC*IQ) Integer vector of pivot indices for LINPACK c routines c c KK(IQ,LC) Eigenvalues of coeff. matrix in Eq. SS(7) c c KCONV Counter in azimuth convergence test c c LAYRU(LU) Computational layer in which user output level c UTAU(LU) is located c c LL(IQ,LC) Constants of integration L in Eq. SC(1), c obtained by solving scaled version of Eq. SC(5) c c LYRCUT TRUE, radiation is assumed zero below layer c NCUT because of almost complete absorption c c NAZ Number of azimuthal components considered c c NCUT Computational layer number in which absorption c optical depth first exceeds ABSCUT c c OPRIM(LC) Single scattering albedo after delta-M scaling c c PASS1 TRUE on first entry, FALSE thereafter c c PKAG(0:LC) Integrated Planck function for internal emission c c PSI(IQ) Sum just after square bracket in Eq. SD(9) c c RMU(IU,0:IQ) Bottom-boundary bidirectional reflectivity for a c given azimuthal component. First index always c refers to a user angle. Second index: c if zero, refers to incident beam angle UMU0; c if non-zero, refers to a computational angle. c c SQT(k) Square root of k (used only in LEPOLY for c computing associated Legendre polynomials) c c TAUC(0:LC) Cumulative optical depth (un-delta-M-scaled) c c TAUCPR(0:LC) Cumulative optical depth (delta-M-scaled if c DELTAM = TRUE, otherwise equal to TAUC) c c TPLANK Intensity emitted from top boundary c c UUM(IU,LU) Expansion coefficients when the intensity c (u-super-M) is expanded in Fourier cosine series c in azimuth angle c c U0C(IQ,LU) Azimuthally-averaged intensity c c UTAUPR(LU) Optical depths of user output levels in delta-M c coordinates; equal to UTAU(LU) if no delta-M c c WK() scratch array c c XR0(LC) X-sub-zero in expansion of thermal source func- c tion preceding Eq. SS(14) (has no mu-dependence) c c XR1(LC) X-sub-one in expansion of thermal source func- c tion; see Eqs. SS(14-16) c c YLM0(L) Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c of subscript L at the beam angle (not saved c as function of superscipt M) c c YLMC(L,IQ) Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c of subscript L at the computational angles c (not saved as function of superscipt M) c c YLMU(L,IU) Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c of subscript L at the user angles c (not saved as function of superscipt M) c c Z() scratch array used in SOLVE0, ALBTRN to solve c a linear system for the constants of integration c c Z0(IQ) Solution vectors Z-sub-zero of Eq. SS(16) c c Z0U(IU,LC) Z-sub-zero in Eq. SS(16) interpolated to user c angles from an equation derived from SS(16) c c Z1(IQ) Solution vectors Z-sub-one of Eq. SS(16) c c Z1U(IU,LC) Z-sub-one in Eq. SS(16) interpolated to user c angles from an equation derived from SS(16) c c ZBEAM(IU,LC) Particular solution for beam source c c ZJ(IQ) Right-hand side vector X-sub-zero in c Eq. SS(19), also the solution vector c Z-sub-zero after solving that system c c ZZ(IQ,LC) Permanent storage for the beam source vectors ZJ c c ZPLK0(IQ,LC) Permanent storage for the thermal source c vectors Z0 obtained by solving Eq. SS(16) c c ZPLK1(IQ,LC) Permanent storage for the thermal source c vectors Z1 obtained by solving Eq. SS(16) c c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c c LOCAL SYMBOLIC DIMENSIONS (have big effect on storage requirements): c c MXCLY = Max no. of computational layers c MXULV = Max no. of output levels c MXCMU = Max no. of computation polar angles c MXUMU = Max no. of output polar angles c MXPHI = Max no. of output azimuthal angles c MXSQT = Max no. of square roots of integers (for LEPOLY) c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Parameters .. INTEGER MXCLY, MXULV, MXCMU, MXUMU, MXPHI, MI, MI9M2, NNLYRI, & MXSQT PARAMETER ( MXCLY = 6, MXULV = 5, MXCMU = 48, MXUMU = 10, & MXPHI = 3, MI = MXCMU / 2, MI9M2 = 9*MI - 2, & NNLYRI = MXCMU*MXCLY, MXSQT = 1000 ) c .. c .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER HEADER*127 LOGICAL DELTAM, LAMBER, ONLYFL, PLANK, USRANG, USRTAU INTEGER IBCND, MAXCLY, MAXCMU, MAXPHI, MAXULV, MAXUMU, NLYR, & NPHI, NSTR, NTAU, NUMU REAL ACCUR, ALBEDO, BTEMP, FBEAM, FISOT, PHI0, TEMIS, TTEMP, & UMU0, WVNMHI, WVNMLO c .. c .. Array Arguments .. LOGICAL PRNT( 7 ) REAL ALBMED( MAXUMU ), DFDT( MAXULV ), DTAUC( MAXCLY ), & FLUP( MAXULV ), HL( 0:MAXCMU ), PHI( MAXPHI ), & PMOM( 0:MAXCMU, MAXCLY ), RFLDIR( MAXULV ), & RFLDN( MAXULV ), SSALB( MAXCLY ), TEMPER( 0:MAXCLY ), & TRNMED( MAXUMU ), U0U( MAXUMU, MAXULV ), UAVG( MAXULV ), & UMU( MAXUMU ), UTAU( MAXULV ), & UU( MAXUMU, MAXULV, MAXPHI ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL COMPAR, LYRCUT, PASS1 INTEGER IQ, IU, J, KCONV, L, LC, LEV, LU, MAZIM, NAZ, NCOL, & NCOS, NCUT, NN, NS REAL ANGCOS, AZERR, AZTERM, BPLANK, COSPHI, DELM0, DITHER, & DUM, PI, RPD, SGN, TPLANK c .. c .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER IPVT( NNLYRI ), LAYRU( MXULV ) REAL AMB( MI, MI ), APB( MI, MI ), ARRAY( MXCMU, MXCMU ), & B( NNLYRI ), BDR( MI, 0:MI ), BEM( MI ), & CBAND( MI9M2, NNLYRI ), CC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), & CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), DTAUCP( MXCLY ), & EMU( MXUMU ), EVAL( MI ), EVECC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), & EXPBEA( 0:MXCLY ), FLDIR( MXULV ), FLDN( MXULV ), & FLYR( MXCLY ), GC( MXCMU, MXCMU, MXCLY ), & GL( 0:MXCMU, MXCLY ), GU( MXUMU, MXCMU, MXCLY ), & HLPR( 0:MXCMU ), KK( MXCMU, MXCLY ), LL( MXCMU, MXCLY ), & OPRIM( MXCLY ), PHIRAD( MXPHI ), PKAG( 0:MXCLY ), & PSI( MXCMU ), RMU( MXUMU, 0:MI ), TAUC( 0:MXCLY ), & TAUCPR( 0:MXCLY ), U0C( MXCMU, MXULV ), UTAUPR( MXULV ), & UUM( MXUMU, MXULV ), WK( MXCMU ), XR0( MXCLY ), & XR1( MXCLY ), YLM0( 0:MXCMU ), YLMC( 0:MXCMU, MXCMU ), & YLMU( 0:MXCMU, MXUMU ), Z( NNLYRI ), Z0( MXCMU ), & Z0U( MXUMU, MXCLY ), Z1( MXCMU ), Z1U( MXUMU, MXCLY ), & ZBEAM( MXUMU, MXCLY ), ZJ( MXCMU ), & ZPLK0( MXCMU, MXCLY ), ZPLK1( MXCMU, MXCLY ), & ZZ( MXCMU, MXCLY ), SQT( MXSQT ) DOUBLE PRECISION AAD( MI, MI ), EVALD( MI ), EVECCD( MI, MI ), & WKD( MXCMU ) c .. c .. External Functions .. REAL PLKAVG, R1MACH, RATIO EXTERNAL PLKAVG, R1MACH, RATIO c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ALBTRN, CHEKIN, CMPINT, FLUXES, LEPOLY, PRAVIN, PRTINP, & PRTINT, SETDIS, SETMTX, SLFTST, SOLEIG, SOLVE0, SURFAC, & TERPEV, TERPSO, UPBEAM, UPISOT, USRINT, ZEROAL, ZEROIT c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, ASIN, COS, LEN, MAX c .. SAVE PASS1, PI, DITHER, RPD, SQT DATA PASS1 / .TRUE. / IF( PASS1 ) THEN PI = 2.*ASIN( 1.0 ) DITHER = 10.*R1MACH( 4 ) c ** Must dither more on Cray (14-digit prec) IF( DITHER.LT.1.E-10 ) DITHER = 10.*DITHER RPD = PI / 180.0 DO 5 NS = 1, MXSQT SQT( NS ) = SQRT( FLOAT( NS ) ) 5 CONTINUE c ** Set input values for self-test. c ** Be sure SLFTST sets all print flags off. COMPAR = .FALSE. CALL SLFTST( ACCUR, ALBEDO, BTEMP, DELTAM, DTAUC( 1 ), FBEAM, & FISOT, IBCND, LAMBER, NLYR, PLANK, NPHI, NUMU, & NSTR, NTAU, ONLYFL, PHI( 1 ), PHI0, PMOM( 0,1 ), & PRNT, SSALB( 1 ), TEMIS, TEMPER( 0 ), TTEMP, & UMU( 1 ), USRANG, USRTAU, UTAU( 1 ), UMU0, WVNMHI, & WVNMLO, COMPAR, DUM, DUM, DUM, DUM ) END IF 10 CONTINUE IF( .NOT.PASS1 .AND. LEN(HEADER).NE.0 ) & WRITE( *,'(//,1X,100(''*''),/,A,/,1X,100(''*''))' ) & ' DISORT: '//HEADER c ** Calculate cumulative optical depth c ** and dither single-scatter albedo c ** to improve numerical behavior of c ** eigenvalue/vector computation CALL ZEROIT( TAUC, MXCLY + 1 ) DO 20 LC = 1, NLYR IF( SSALB( LC ).EQ.1.0 ) SSALB( LC ) = 1.0 - DITHER TAUC( LC ) = TAUC( LC - 1 ) + DTAUC( LC ) 20 CONTINUE c ** Check input dimensions and variables CALL CHEKIN( NLYR, DTAUC, SSALB, PMOM, TEMPER, WVNMLO, WVNMHI, & USRTAU, NTAU, UTAU, NSTR, USRANG, NUMU, UMU, NPHI, & PHI, IBCND, FBEAM, UMU0, PHI0, FISOT, LAMBER, ALBEDO, & HL, BTEMP, TTEMP, TEMIS, PLANK, ONLYFL, ACCUR, TAUC, & MAXCLY, MAXULV, MAXUMU, MAXCMU, MAXPHI, MXCLY, MXULV, & MXUMU, MXCMU, MXPHI, MXSQT ) c ** Zero internal and output arrays CALL ZEROAL( MXCLY, EXPBEA(1), FLYR, OPRIM, TAUCPR(1), XR0, XR1, & MXCMU, CMU, CWT, PSI, WK, Z0, Z1, ZJ, & MXCMU+1, HLPR, YLM0, & MXCMU**2, ARRAY, CC, EVECC, & (MXCMU+1)*MXCLY, GL, & (MXCMU+1)*MXCMU, YLMC, & (MXCMU+1)*MXUMU, YLMU, & MXCMU*MXCLY, KK, LL, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, & MXCMU**2*MXCLY, GC, & MXULV, LAYRU, UTAUPR, & MXUMU*MXCMU*MXCLY, GU, & MXUMU*MXCLY, Z0U, Z1U, ZBEAM, & MI, EVAL, & MI**2, AMB, APB, & NNLYRI, IPVT, Z, & MAXULV, RFLDIR, RFLDN, FLUP, UAVG, DFDT, & MAXUMU, ALBMED, TRNMED, & MAXUMU*MAXULV, U0U, & MAXUMU*MAXULV*MAXPHI, UU ) c ** Perform various setup operations CALL SETDIS( CMU, CWT, DELTAM, DTAUC, DTAUCP, EXPBEA, FBEAM, FLYR, & GL, HL, HLPR, IBCND, LAMBER, LAYRU, LYRCUT, MAXUMU, & MAXCMU, MXCMU, NCUT, NLYR, NTAU, NN, NSTR, PLANK, & NUMU, ONLYFL, OPRIM, PMOM, SSALB, TAUC, TAUCPR, UTAU, & UTAUPR, UMU, UMU0, USRTAU, USRANG ) c ** Print input information IF ( PRNT(1) ) & CALL PRTINP( NLYR, DTAUC, DTAUCP, SSALB, PMOM, TEMPER, & WVNMLO, WVNMHI, NTAU, UTAU, NSTR, NUMU, UMU, & NPHI, PHI, IBCND, FBEAM, UMU0, PHI0, FISOT, & LAMBER, ALBEDO, HL, BTEMP, TTEMP, TEMIS, & DELTAM, PLANK, ONLYFL, ACCUR, FLYR, LYRCUT, & OPRIM, TAUC, TAUCPR, MAXCMU, PRNT(7) ) c ** Handle special case for getting albedo c ** and transmissivity of medium for many c ** beam angles at once IF( IBCND.EQ.1 ) THEN CALL ALBTRN( ALBEDO, AMB, APB, ARRAY, B, BDR, CBAND, CC, CMU, & CWT, DTAUCP, EVAL, EVECC, GL, GC, GU, IPVT, KK, & LL, NLYR, NN, NSTR, NUMU, PRNT, TAUCPR, UMU, U0U, & WK, YLMC, YLMU, Z, AAD, EVALD, EVECCD, WKD, MI, & MI9M2, MAXULV, MAXUMU, MXCMU, MXUMU, NNLYRI, & SQT, ALBMED, TRNMED ) RETURN END IF c ** Calculate Planck functions IF( .NOT.PLANK ) THEN BPLANK = 0.0 TPLANK = 0.0 CALL ZEROIT( PKAG, MXCLY + 1 ) ELSE TPLANK = TEMIS*PLKAVG( WVNMLO, WVNMHI, TTEMP ) BPLANK = PLKAVG( WVNMLO, WVNMHI, BTEMP ) DO 30 LEV = 0, NLYR PKAG( LEV ) = PLKAVG( WVNMLO, WVNMHI, TEMPER( LEV ) ) 30 CONTINUE END IF c ======== BEGIN LOOP TO SUM AZIMUTHAL COMPONENTS OF INTENSITY ======= c (EQ STWJ 5) KCONV = 0 NAZ = NSTR - 1 c ** Azimuth-independent case IF( FBEAM.EQ.0.0 .OR. ABS(1.-UMU0).LT.1.E-5 .OR. ONLYFL .OR. & ( NUMU.EQ.1 .AND. ABS(1.-UMU(1)).LT.1.E-5 ) .OR. & ( NUMU.EQ.1 .AND. ABS(1.+UMU(1)).LT.1.E-5 ) .OR. & ( NUMU.EQ.2 .AND. ABS(1.+UMU(1)).LT.1.E-5 .AND. & ABS(1.-UMU(2)).LT.1.E-5 ) ) & NAZ = 0 DO 160 MAZIM = 0, NAZ IF( MAZIM.EQ.0 ) DELM0 = 1.0 IF( MAZIM.GT.0 ) DELM0 = 0.0 c ** Get normalized associated Legendre c ** polynomials for c ** (a) incident beam angle cosine c ** (b) computational and user polar angle c ** cosines IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN NCOS = 1 ANGCOS = -UMU0 CALL LEPOLY( NCOS, MAZIM, MXCMU, NSTR-1, ANGCOS, SQT, YLM0 ) END IF IF( .NOT.ONLYFL .AND. USRANG ) & CALL LEPOLY( NUMU, MAZIM, MXCMU, NSTR-1, UMU, SQT, YLMU ) CALL LEPOLY( NN, MAZIM, MXCMU, NSTR-1, CMU, SQT, YLMC ) c ** Get normalized associated Legendre polys. c ** with negative arguments from those with c ** positive arguments; Dave/Armstrong Eq. (15) SGN = - 1.0 DO 50 L = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SGN = - SGN DO 40 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR YLMC( L, IQ ) = SGN*YLMC( L, IQ - NN ) 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE c ** Specify users bottom reflectivity c ** and emissivity properties IF ( .NOT.LYRCUT ) & CALL SURFAC( ALBEDO, DELM0, FBEAM, HLPR, LAMBER, & MI, MAZIM, MXCMU, MXUMU, NN, NUMU, NSTR, ONLYFL, & UMU, USRANG, YLM0, YLMC, YLMU, BDR, EMU, BEM, & RMU, SQT ) c =================== BEGIN LOOP ON COMPUTATIONAL LAYERS ============= DO 60 LC = 1, NCUT c ** Solve eigenfunction problem in Eq. STWJ(8B); c ** return eigenvalues and eigenvectors CALL SOLEIG( AMB, APB, ARRAY, CMU, CWT, GL( 0,LC ), MI, & MAZIM, MXCMU, NN, NSTR, YLMC, CC, EVECC, EVAL, & KK( 1,LC ), GC( 1,1,LC ), AAD, EVECCD, EVALD, & WKD ) c ** Calculate particular solutions of c ** Eq.SS(18) for incident beam source IF ( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) & CALL UPBEAM( ARRAY, CC, CMU, DELM0, FBEAM, GL(0,LC), & IPVT, MAZIM, MXCMU, NN, NSTR, PI, UMU0, WK, & YLM0, YLMC, ZJ, ZZ(1,LC) ) c ** Calculate particular solutions of c ** Eq. SS(15) for thermal emission source IF( PLANK .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN XR1( LC ) = 0.0 IF( DTAUCP( LC ).GT.0.0 ) XR1( LC ) = & ( PKAG( LC ) - PKAG( LC-1 ) ) / DTAUCP( LC ) XR0( LC ) = PKAG( LC-1 ) - XR1( LC )*TAUCPR( LC-1 ) CALL UPISOT( ARRAY, CC, CMU, IPVT, MXCMU, NN, NSTR, & OPRIM( LC ), WK, XR0( LC ), XR1( LC ), Z0, & Z1, ZPLK0( 1,LC ), ZPLK1( 1,LC ) ) END IF IF( .NOT.ONLYFL .AND. USRANG ) THEN c ** Interpolate eigenvectors c ** to user angles CALL TERPEV( CWT, EVECC, GL( 0,LC ), GU( 1,1,LC ), MAZIM, & MXCMU, MXUMU, NN, NSTR, NUMU, WK, YLMC, & YLMU ) c ** Interpolate source terms c ** to user angles CALL TERPSO( CWT, DELM0, FBEAM, GL( 0,LC ), MAZIM, MXCMU, & PLANK, NUMU, NSTR, OPRIM( LC ), PI, YLM0, & YLMC, YLMU, PSI, XR0( LC ), XR1( LC ), Z0, & ZJ, ZBEAM( 1,LC ), Z0U( 1,LC ), & Z1U( 1,LC ) ) END IF 60 CONTINUE c =================== END LOOP ON COMPUTATIONAL LAYERS =============== c ** Set coefficient matrix of equations combining c ** boundary and layer interface conditions CALL SETMTX( BDR, CBAND, CMU, CWT, DELM0, DTAUCP, GC, KK, & LAMBER, LYRCUT, MI, MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, & NNLYRI, NN, NSTR, TAUCPR, WK ) c ** Solve for constants of integration in homo- c ** geneous solution (general boundary conditions) CALL SOLVE0( B, BDR, BEM, BPLANK, CBAND, CMU, CWT, EXPBEA, & FBEAM, FISOT, IPVT, LAMBER, LL, LYRCUT, MAZIM, MI, & MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, NN, NSTR, NNLYRI, PI, & TPLANK, TAUCPR, UMU0, Z, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1 ) c ** Compute upward and downward fluxes IF ( MAZIM.EQ.0 ) & CALL FLUXES( CMU, CWT, FBEAM, GC, KK, LAYRU, LL, LYRCUT, & MAXULV, MXCMU, MXULV, NCUT, NN, NSTR, NTAU, & PI, PRNT, SSALB, TAUCPR, UMU0, UTAU, UTAUPR, & XR0, XR1, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, DFDT, FLUP, & FLDN, FLDIR, RFLDIR, RFLDN, UAVG, U0C ) IF( ONLYFL ) THEN IF( MAXUMU.GE.NSTR ) THEN c ** Save azimuthal-avg intensities c ** at quadrature angles DO 80 LU = 1, NTAU DO 70 IQ = 1, NSTR U0U( IQ, LU ) = U0C( IQ, LU ) 70 CONTINUE 80 CONTINUE END IF GO TO 170 END IF CALL ZEROIT( UUM, MXUMU*MXULV ) IF( USRANG ) THEN c ** Compute azimuthal intensity c ** components at user angles CALL USRINT( BPLANK, CMU, CWT, DELM0, DTAUCP, EMU, EXPBEA, & FBEAM, FISOT, GC, GU, KK, LAMBER, LAYRU, LL, & LYRCUT, MAZIM, MXCMU, MXULV, MXUMU, NCUT, NLYR, & NN, NSTR, PLANK, NUMU, NTAU, PI, RMU, TAUCPR, & TPLANK, UMU, UMU0, UTAUPR, WK, ZBEAM, Z0U, Z1U, & ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, UUM ) ELSE c ** Compute azimuthal intensity c ** components at quadrature angles CALL CMPINT( FBEAM, GC, KK, LAYRU, LL, LYRCUT, MAZIM, MXCMU, & MXULV, MXUMU, NCUT, NN, NSTR, PLANK, NTAU, & TAUCPR, UMU0, UTAUPR, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, UUM ) END IF IF( MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN c ** Save azimuthally averaged intensities DO 110 LU = 1, NTAU DO 100 IU = 1, NUMU U0U( IU, LU ) = UUM( IU, LU ) DO 90 J = 1, NPHI UU( IU, LU, J ) = UUM( IU, LU ) 90 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE c ** Print azimuthally averaged intensities c ** at user angles IF( PRNT( 4 ) ) CALL PRAVIN( UMU, NUMU, MAXUMU, UTAU, NTAU, & U0U ) IF( NAZ.GT.0 ) THEN CALL ZEROIT( PHIRAD, MXPHI ) DO 120 J = 1, NPHI PHIRAD( J ) = RPD*( PHI( J ) - PHI0 ) 120 CONTINUE END IF ELSE c ** Increment intensity by current c ** azimuthal component (Fourier c ** cosine series); Eq SD(2) AZERR = 0.0 DO 150 J = 1, NPHI COSPHI = COS( MAZIM*PHIRAD( J ) ) DO 140 LU = 1, NTAU DO 130 IU = 1, NUMU AZTERM = UUM( IU, LU )*COSPHI UU( IU, LU, J ) = UU( IU, LU, J ) + AZTERM AZERR = MAX( AZERR, & RATIO( ABS(AZTERM), ABS(UU(IU,LU,J)) ) ) 130 CONTINUE 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE IF( AZERR.LE.ACCUR ) KCONV = KCONV + 1 IF( KCONV.GE.2 ) GO TO 170 END IF 160 CONTINUE c =================== END LOOP ON AZIMUTHAL COMPONENTS =============== c ** Print intensities 170 CONTINUE IF( PRNT( 5 ) .AND. .NOT.ONLYFL ) CALL PRTINT( UU, UTAU, NTAU, & UMU, NUMU, PHI, NPHI, MAXULV, MAXUMU ) IF( PASS1 ) THEN c ** Compare test case results with c ** correct answers and abort if bad COMPAR = .TRUE. CALL SLFTST( ACCUR, ALBEDO, BTEMP, DELTAM, DTAUC( 1 ), FBEAM, & FISOT, IBCND, LAMBER, NLYR, PLANK, NPHI, NUMU, & NSTR, NTAU, ONLYFL, PHI( 1 ), PHI0, PMOM( 0,1 ), & PRNT, SSALB( 1 ), TEMIS, TEMPER( 0 ), TTEMP, & UMU( 1 ), USRANG, USRTAU, UTAU( 1 ), UMU0, WVNMHI, & WVNMLO, COMPAR, FLUP( 1 ), RFLDIR( 1 ), & RFLDN( 1 ), UU( 1,1,1 ) ) PASS1 = .FALSE. GO TO 10 END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE ASYMTX( AA, EVEC, EVAL, M, IA, IEVEC, IER, WKD, AAD, & EVECD, EVALD ) c ======= D O U B L E P R E C I S I O N V E R S I O N ====== c Solves eigenfunction problem for real asymmetric matrix c for which it is known a priori that the eigenvalues are real. c This is an adaptation of a subroutine EIGRF in the IMSL c library to use real instead of complex arithmetic, accounting c for the known fact that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in c the discrete ordinate solution are real. Other changes include c putting all the called subroutines in-line, deleting the c performance index calculation, updating many DO-loops c to Fortran77, and in calculating the machine precision c TOL instead of specifying it in a data statement. c EIGRF is based primarily on EISPACK routines. The matrix is c first balanced using the Parlett-Reinsch algorithm. Then c the Martin-Wilkinson algorithm is applied. c There is a statement 'J = WKD( I )' that converts a double c precision variable to an integer variable, that seems dangerous c to us in principle, but seems to work fine in practice. c References: c Dongarra, J. and C. Moler, EISPACK -- A Package for Solving c Matrix Eigenvalue Problems, in Cowell, ed., 1984: c Sources and Development of Mathematical Software, c Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ c Parlett and Reinsch, 1969: Balancing a Matrix for Calculation c of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Num. Math. 13, 293-304 c Wilkinson, J., 1965: The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, c Clarendon Press, Oxford c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c AA : input asymmetric matrix, destroyed after solved c M : order of AA c IA : first dimension of AA c IEVEC : first dimension of EVEC c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c EVEC : (unnormalized) eigenvectors of AA c ( column J corresponds to EVAL(J) ) c c EVAL : (unordered) eigenvalues of AA ( dimension at least M ) c c IER : if .NE. 0, signals that EVAL(IER) failed to converge; c in that case eigenvalues IER+1,IER+2,...,M are c correct but eigenvalues 1,...,IER are set to zero. c c S C R A T C H V A R I A B L E S: c c WKD : work area ( dimension at least 2*M ) c AAD : double precision stand-in for AA c EVECD : double precision stand-in for EVEC c EVALD : double precision stand-in for EVAL c c Called by- SOLEIG c Calls- D1MACH, ERRMSG c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IA, IER, IEVEC, M c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL AA( IA, M ), EVAL( M ), EVEC( IEVEC, M ) DOUBLE PRECISION AAD( IA, M ), EVALD( M ), EVECD( IA, M ), & WKD( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NOCONV, NOTLAS INTEGER I, II, IN, J, K, KA, KKK, L, LB, LLL, N, N1, N2 DOUBLE PRECISION C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, COL, DISCRI, F, G, H, & ONE, P, Q, R, REPL, RNORM, ROW, S, SCALE, SGN, T, & TOL, UU, VV, W, X, Y, Z, ZERO c .. c .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION D1MACH EXTERNAL D1MACH c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MIN, SIGN, SQRT c .. DATA C1 / 0.4375D0 / , C2 / 0.5D0 / , C3 / 0.75D0 / , & C4 / 0.95D0 / , C5 / 16.D0 / , C6 / 256.D0 / , & ZERO / 0.D0 / , ONE / 1.D0 / IER = 0 TOL = D1MACH( 4 ) IF( M.LT.1 .OR. IA.LT.M .OR. IEVEC.LT.M ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'ASYMTX--bad input variable(s)', .TRUE. ) c ** Handle 1x1 and 2x2 special cases IF( M.EQ.1 ) THEN EVAL( 1 ) = AA( 1,1 ) EVEC( 1,1 ) = 1.0 RETURN ELSE IF( M.EQ.2 ) THEN DISCRI = ( AA( 1,1 ) - AA( 2,2 ) )**2 + 4.*AA( 1,2 )*AA( 2,1 ) IF( DISCRI .LT. 0.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'ASYMTX--complex evals in 2x2 case',.TRUE. ) SGN = ONE IF( AA( 1,1 ) .LT. AA( 2,2 ) ) SGN = - ONE EVAL( 1 ) = 0.5*( AA( 1,1 ) + AA( 2,2 ) + SGN*SQRT( DISCRI ) ) EVAL( 2 ) = 0.5*( AA( 1,1 ) + AA( 2,2 ) - SGN*SQRT( DISCRI ) ) EVEC( 1,1 ) = 1.0 EVEC( 2,2 ) = 1.0 IF( AA( 1,1 ) .EQ. AA( 2,2 ) .AND. & ( AA( 2,1 ).EQ.0.0 .OR. AA( 1,2 ).EQ.0.0 ) ) THEN RNORM = ABS( AA( 1,1 ) ) + ABS( AA( 1,2 ) ) + & ABS( AA( 2,1 ) ) + ABS( AA( 2,2 ) ) W = TOL * RNORM EVEC( 2,1 ) = AA( 2,1 ) / W EVEC( 1,2 ) = - AA( 1,2 ) / W ELSE EVEC( 2,1 ) = AA( 2,1 ) / ( EVAL( 1 ) - AA( 2,2 ) ) EVEC( 1,2 ) = AA( 1,2 ) / ( EVAL( 2 ) - AA( 1,1 ) ) END IF RETURN END IF c ** Convert single-prec. matrix to double DO 20 J = 1, M DO 10 K = 1, M AAD( J,K ) = AA( J,K ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE c ** Initialize output variables IER = 0 DO 40 I = 1, M EVALD( I ) = ZERO DO 30 J = 1, M EVECD( I, J ) = ZERO 30 CONTINUE EVECD( I, I ) = ONE 40 CONTINUE c ** Balance the input matrix and reduce its norm by c ** diagonal similarity transformation stored in WK; c ** then search for rows isolating an eigenvalue c ** and push them down RNORM = ZERO L = 1 K = M 50 CONTINUE KKK = K DO 90 J = KKK, 1, -1 ROW = ZERO DO 60 I = 1, K IF( I.NE.J ) ROW = ROW + ABS( AAD( J,I ) ) 60 CONTINUE IF( ROW.EQ.ZERO ) THEN WKD( K ) = J IF( J.NE.K ) THEN DO 70 I = 1, K REPL = AAD( I, J ) AAD( I, J ) = AAD( I, K ) AAD( I, K ) = REPL 70 CONTINUE DO 80 I = L, M REPL = AAD( J, I ) AAD( J, I ) = AAD( K, I ) AAD( K, I ) = REPL 80 CONTINUE END IF K = K - 1 GO TO 50 END IF 90 CONTINUE c ** Search for columns isolating an c ** eigenvalue and push them left 100 CONTINUE LLL = L DO 140 J = LLL, K COL = ZERO DO 110 I = L, K IF( I.NE.J ) COL = COL + ABS( AAD( I,J ) ) 110 CONTINUE IF( COL.EQ.ZERO ) THEN WKD( L ) = J IF( J.NE.L ) THEN DO 120 I = 1, K REPL = AAD( I, J ) AAD( I, J ) = AAD( I, L ) AAD( I, L ) = REPL 120 CONTINUE DO 130 I = L, M REPL = AAD( J, I ) AAD( J, I ) = AAD( L, I ) AAD( L, I ) = REPL 130 CONTINUE END IF L = L + 1 GO TO 100 END IF 140 CONTINUE c ** Balance the submatrix in rows L through K DO 150 I = L, K WKD( I ) = ONE 150 CONTINUE 160 CONTINUE NOCONV = .FALSE. DO 220 I = L, K COL = ZERO ROW = ZERO DO 170 J = L, K IF( J.NE.I ) THEN COL = COL + ABS( AAD( J,I ) ) ROW = ROW + ABS( AAD( I,J ) ) END IF 170 CONTINUE F = ONE G = ROW / C5 H = COL + ROW 180 CONTINUE IF( COL.LT.G ) THEN F = F*C5 COL = COL*C6 GO TO 180 END IF G = ROW*C5 190 CONTINUE IF( COL.GE.G ) THEN F = F / C5 COL = COL / C6 GO TO 190 END IF c ** Now balance IF( ( COL + ROW ) / F.LT.C4*H ) THEN WKD( I ) = WKD( I )*F NOCONV = .TRUE. DO 200 J = L, M AAD( I, J ) = AAD( I, J ) / F 200 CONTINUE DO 210 J = 1, K AAD( J, I ) = AAD( J, I )*F 210 CONTINUE END IF 220 CONTINUE IF( NOCONV ) GO TO 160 c ** Is A already in Hessenberg form? IF( K-1 .LT. L+1 ) GO TO 370 c ** Transfer A to a Hessenberg form DO 310 N = L + 1, K - 1 H = ZERO WKD( N + M ) = ZERO SCALE = ZERO c ** Scale column DO 230 I = N, K SCALE = SCALE + ABS( AAD( I,N - 1 ) ) 230 CONTINUE IF( SCALE.NE.ZERO ) THEN DO 240 I = K, N, -1 WKD( I + M ) = AAD( I, N - 1 ) / SCALE H = H + WKD( I + M )**2 240 CONTINUE G = - SIGN( SQRT( H ), WKD( N + M ) ) H = H - WKD( N + M )*G WKD( N + M ) = WKD( N + M ) - G c ** Form (I-(U*UT)/H)*A DO 270 J = N, M F = ZERO DO 250 I = K, N, -1 F = F + WKD( I + M )*AAD( I, J ) 250 CONTINUE DO 260 I = N, K AAD( I, J ) = AAD( I, J ) - WKD( I + M )*F / H 260 CONTINUE 270 CONTINUE c ** Form (I-(U*UT)/H)*A*(I-(U*UT)/H) DO 300 I = 1, K F = ZERO DO 280 J = K, N, -1 F = F + WKD( J + M )*AAD( I, J ) 280 CONTINUE DO 290 J = N, K AAD( I, J ) = AAD( I, J ) - WKD( J + M )*F / H 290 CONTINUE 300 CONTINUE WKD( N + M ) = SCALE*WKD( N + M ) AAD( N, N - 1 ) = SCALE*G END IF 310 CONTINUE DO 360 N = K - 2, L, -1 N1 = N + 1 N2 = N + 2 F = AAD( N + 1, N ) IF( F.NE.ZERO ) THEN F = F*WKD( N + 1 + M ) DO 320 I = N + 2, K WKD( I + M ) = AAD( I, N ) 320 CONTINUE IF( N+1 .LE. K ) THEN DO 350 J = 1, M G = ZERO DO 330 I = N + 1, K G = G + WKD( I + M )*EVECD( I, J ) 330 CONTINUE G = G / F DO 340 I = N + 1, K EVECD( I, J ) = EVECD( I, J ) + G*WKD( I + M ) 340 CONTINUE 350 CONTINUE END IF END IF 360 CONTINUE 370 CONTINUE N = 1 DO 390 I = 1, M DO 380 J = N, M RNORM = RNORM + ABS( AAD( I,J ) ) 380 CONTINUE N = I IF( I.LT.L .OR. I.GT.K ) EVALD( I ) = AAD( I, I ) 390 CONTINUE N = K T = ZERO c ** Search for next eigenvalues 400 CONTINUE IF( N.LT.L ) GO TO 550 IN = 0 N1 = N - 1 N2 = N - 2 c ** Look for single small sub-diagonal element 410 CONTINUE DO 420 I = L, N LB = N + L - I IF( LB.EQ.L ) GO TO 430 S = ABS( AAD( LB - 1,LB - 1 ) ) + ABS( AAD( LB,LB ) ) IF( S.EQ.ZERO ) S = RNORM IF( ABS( AAD( LB, LB-1 ) ).LE. TOL*S ) GO TO 430 420 CONTINUE 430 CONTINUE X = AAD( N, N ) IF( LB.EQ.N ) THEN c ** One eigenvalue found AAD( N, N ) = X + T EVALD( N ) = AAD( N, N ) N = N1 GO TO 400 END IF Y = AAD( N1, N1 ) W = AAD( N, N1 )*AAD( N1, N ) IF( LB.EQ.N1 ) THEN c ** Two eigenvalues found P = ( Y - X )*C2 Q = P**2 + W Z = SQRT( ABS( Q ) ) AAD( N, N ) = X + T X = AAD( N, N ) AAD( N1, N1 ) = Y + T c ** Real pair Z = P + SIGN( Z, P ) EVALD( N1 ) = X + Z EVALD( N ) = EVALD( N1 ) IF( Z.NE.ZERO ) EVALD( N ) = X - W / Z X = AAD( N, N1 ) c ** Employ scale factor in case c ** X and Z are very small R = SQRT( X*X + Z*Z ) P = X / R Q = Z / R c ** Row modification DO 440 J = N1, M Z = AAD( N1, J ) AAD( N1, J ) = Q*Z + P*AAD( N, J ) AAD( N, J ) = Q*AAD( N, J ) - P*Z 440 CONTINUE c ** Column modification DO 450 I = 1, N Z = AAD( I, N1 ) AAD( I, N1 ) = Q*Z + P*AAD( I, N ) AAD( I, N ) = Q*AAD( I, N ) - P*Z 450 CONTINUE c ** Accumulate transformations DO 460 I = L, K Z = EVECD( I, N1 ) EVECD( I, N1 ) = Q*Z + P*EVECD( I, N ) EVECD( I, N ) = Q*EVECD( I, N ) - P*Z 460 CONTINUE N = N2 GO TO 400 END IF IF( IN.EQ.30 ) THEN c ** No convergence after 30 iterations; set error c ** indicator to the index of the current eigenvalue IER = N GO TO 700 END IF c ** Form shift IF( IN.EQ.10 .OR. IN.EQ.20 ) THEN T = T + X DO 470 I = L, N AAD( I, I ) = AAD( I, I ) - X 470 CONTINUE S = ABS( AAD( N,N1 ) ) + ABS( AAD( N1,N2 ) ) X = C3*S Y = X W = -C1*S**2 END IF IN = IN + 1 c ** Look for two consecutive small sub-diagonal elements DO 480 J = LB, N2 I = N2 + LB - J Z = AAD( I, I ) R = X - Z S = Y - Z P = ( R*S - W ) / AAD( I + 1, I ) + AAD( I, I + 1 ) Q = AAD( I + 1, I + 1 ) - Z - R - S R = AAD( I + 2, I + 1 ) S = ABS( P ) + ABS( Q ) + ABS( R ) P = P / S Q = Q / S R = R / S IF( I.EQ.LB ) GO TO 490 UU = ABS( AAD( I, I-1 ) )*( ABS( Q ) + ABS( R ) ) VV = ABS( P ) * ( ABS( AAD( I-1, I-1 ) ) + ABS( Z ) + & ABS( AAD( I+1, I+1 ) ) ) IF( UU .LE. TOL*VV ) GO TO 490 480 CONTINUE 490 CONTINUE AAD( I+2, I ) = ZERO DO 500 J = I + 3, N AAD( J, J - 2 ) = ZERO AAD( J, J - 3 ) = ZERO 500 CONTINUE c ** Double QR step involving rows K to N and columns M to N DO 540 KA = I, N1 NOTLAS = KA.NE.N1 IF( KA.EQ.I ) THEN S = SIGN( SQRT( P*P + Q*Q + R*R ), P ) IF( LB.NE.I ) AAD( KA, KA - 1 ) = -AAD( KA, KA - 1 ) ELSE P = AAD( KA, KA - 1 ) Q = AAD( KA + 1, KA - 1 ) R = ZERO IF( NOTLAS ) R = AAD( KA + 2, KA - 1 ) X = ABS( P ) + ABS( Q ) + ABS( R ) IF( X.EQ.ZERO ) GO TO 540 P = P / X Q = Q / X R = R / X S = SIGN( SQRT( P*P + Q*Q + R*R ), P ) AAD( KA, KA - 1 ) = -S*X END IF P = P + S X = P / S Y = Q / S Z = R / S Q = Q / P R = R / P c ** Row modification DO 510 J = KA, M P = AAD( KA, J ) + Q*AAD( KA + 1, J ) IF( NOTLAS ) THEN P = P + R*AAD( KA + 2, J ) AAD( KA + 2, J ) = AAD( KA + 2, J ) - P*Z END IF AAD( KA + 1, J ) = AAD( KA + 1, J ) - P*Y AAD( KA, J ) = AAD( KA, J ) - P*X 510 CONTINUE c ** Column modification DO 520 II = 1, MIN( N, KA + 3 ) P = X*AAD( II, KA ) + Y*AAD( II, KA + 1 ) IF( NOTLAS ) THEN P = P + Z*AAD( II, KA + 2 ) AAD( II, KA + 2 ) = AAD( II, KA + 2 ) - P*R END IF AAD( II, KA + 1 ) = AAD( II, KA + 1 ) - P*Q AAD( II, KA ) = AAD( II, KA ) - P 520 CONTINUE c ** Accumulate transformations DO 530 II = L, K P = X*EVECD( II, KA ) + Y*EVECD( II, KA + 1 ) IF( NOTLAS ) THEN P = P + Z*EVECD( II, KA + 2 ) EVECD( II, KA + 2 ) = EVECD( II, KA + 2 ) - P*R END IF EVECD( II, KA + 1 ) = EVECD( II, KA + 1 ) - P*Q EVECD( II, KA ) = EVECD( II, KA ) - P 530 CONTINUE 540 CONTINUE GO TO 410 c ** All evals found, now backsubstitute real vector 550 CONTINUE IF( RNORM.NE.ZERO ) THEN DO 580 N = M, 1, -1 N2 = N AAD( N, N ) = ONE DO 570 I = N - 1, 1, -1 W = AAD( I, I ) - EVALD( N ) IF( W.EQ.ZERO ) W = TOL*RNORM R = AAD( I, N ) DO 560 J = N2, N - 1 R = R + AAD( I, J )*AAD( J, N ) 560 CONTINUE AAD( I, N ) = -R / W N2 = I 570 CONTINUE 580 CONTINUE c ** End backsubstitution vectors of isolated evals DO 600 I = 1, M IF( I.LT.L .OR. I.GT.K ) THEN DO 590 J = I, M EVECD( I, J ) = AAD( I, J ) 590 CONTINUE END IF 600 CONTINUE c ** Multiply by transformation matrix IF( K.NE.0 ) THEN DO 630 J = M, L, -1 DO 620 I = L, K Z = ZERO DO 610 N = L, MIN( J, K ) Z = Z + EVECD( I, N )*AAD( N, J ) 610 CONTINUE EVECD( I, J ) = Z 620 CONTINUE 630 CONTINUE END IF END IF DO 650 I = L, K DO 640 J = 1, M EVECD( I, J ) = EVECD( I, J ) * WKD( I ) 640 CONTINUE 650 CONTINUE c ** Interchange rows if permutations occurred DO 670 I = L-1, 1, -1 J = WKD( I ) IF( I.NE.J ) THEN DO 660 N = 1, M REPL = EVECD( I, N ) EVECD( I, N ) = EVECD( J, N ) EVECD( J, N ) = REPL 660 CONTINUE END IF 670 CONTINUE DO 690 I = K + 1, M J = WKD( I ) IF( I.NE.J ) THEN DO 680 N = 1, M REPL = EVECD( I, N ) EVECD( I, N ) = EVECD( J, N ) EVECD( J, N ) = REPL 680 CONTINUE END IF 690 CONTINUE c ** Put results into output arrays 700 CONTINUE DO 720 J = 1, M EVAL( J ) = EVALD( J ) DO 710 K = 1, M EVEC( J, K ) = EVECD( J, K ) 710 CONTINUE 720 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE CMPINT( FBEAM, GC, KK, LAYRU, LL, LYRCUT, MAZIM, MXCMU, & MXULV, MXUMU, NCUT, NN, NSTR, PLANK, NTAU, & TAUCPR, UMU0, UTAUPR, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, UUM ) c Calculates the Fourier intensity components at the quadrature c angles for azimuthal expansion terms (MAZIM) in Eq. SD(2) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c KK : Eigenvalues of coeff. matrix in Eq. SS(7) c c GC : Eigenvectors at polar quadrature angles in Eq. SC(1) c c LL : Constants of integration in Eq. SC(1), obtained c by solving scaled version of Eq. SC(5); c exponential term of Eq. SC(12) not included c c LYRCUT : Logical flag for truncation of computational layer c c MAZIM : Order of azimuthal component c c NCUT : Number of computational layer where absorption c optical depth exceeds ABSCUT c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c TAUCPR : Cumulative optical depth (delta-M-scaled) c c UTAUPR : Optical depths of user output levels in delta-M c coordinates; equal to UTAU if no delta-M c c ZZ : Beam source vectors in Eq. SS(19) c c ZPLK0 : Thermal source vectors Z0, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c ZPLK1 : Thermal source vectors Z1, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c (Remainder are 'DISORT' input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c UUM : Fourier components of the intensity in Eq. SD(12) c (at polar quadrature angles) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c FACT : EXP( - UTAUPR / UMU0 ) c ZINT : intensity of M=0 case, in Eq. SC(1) c c Called by- DISORT c +-------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LYRCUT, PLANK INTEGER MAZIM, MXCMU, MXULV, MXUMU, NCUT, NN, NSTR, NTAU REAL FBEAM, UMU0 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER LAYRU( * ) REAL GC( MXCMU, MXCMU, * ), KK( MXCMU, * ), LL( MXCMU, * ), & TAUCPR( 0:* ), UTAUPR( MXULV ), UUM( MXUMU, MXULV ), & ZPLK0( MXCMU, * ), ZPLK1( MXCMU, * ), ZZ( MXCMU, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, JQ, LU, LYU REAL ZINT c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC EXP c .. c ** Loop over user levels DO 40 LU = 1, NTAU LYU = LAYRU( LU ) IF( LYRCUT .AND. LYU.GT.NCUT ) GO TO 40 DO 30 IQ = 1, NSTR ZINT = 0.0 DO 10 JQ = 1, NN ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, LYU )*LL( JQ, LYU )* & EXP( -KK( JQ, LYU )*( UTAUPR( LU ) - & TAUCPR( LYU ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE DO 20 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, LYU )*LL( JQ, LYU )* & EXP( -KK( JQ, LYU )*( UTAUPR( LU ) - & TAUCPR( LYU-1 ) ) ) 20 CONTINUE UUM( IQ, LU ) = ZINT IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) UUM( IQ, LU ) = ZINT + & ZZ( IQ, LYU )*EXP( -UTAUPR( LU ) / UMU0 ) IF ( PLANK .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) & UUM(IQ,LU) = UUM(IQ,LU) + ZPLK0(IQ,LYU) + & ZPLK1(IQ,LYU) * UTAUPR(LU) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE FLUXES( CMU, CWT, FBEAM, GC, KK, LAYRU, LL, LYRCUT, & MAXULV, MXCMU, MXULV, NCUT, NN, NSTR, NTAU, PI, & PRNT, SSALB, TAUCPR, UMU0, UTAU, UTAUPR, XR0, & XR1, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, DFDT, FLUP, FLDN, FLDIR, & RFLDIR, RFLDN, UAVG, U0C ) c Calculates the radiative fluxes, mean intensity, and flux c derivative with respect to optical depth from the m=0 intensity c components (the azimuthally-averaged intensity) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CMU : Abscissae for Gauss quadrature over angle cosine c c CWT : Weights for Gauss quadrature over angle cosine c c GC : Eigenvectors at polar quadrature angles, SC(1) c c KK : Eigenvalues of coeff. matrix in Eq. SS(7) c c LAYRU : Layer number of user level UTAU c c LL : Constants of integration in Eq. SC(1), obtained c by solving scaled version of Eq. SC(5); c exponential term of Eq. SC(12) not included c c LYRCUT : Logical flag for truncation of comput. layer c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c NCUT : Number of computational layer where absorption c optical depth exceeds ABSCUT c c TAUCPR : Cumulative optical depth (delta-M-scaled) c c UTAUPR : Optical depths of user output levels in delta-M c coordinates; equal to UTAU if no delta-M c c XR0 : Expansion of thermal source function in Eq. SS(14) c c XR1 : Expansion of thermal source function Eqs. SS(16) c c ZZ : Beam source vectors in Eq. SS(19) c c ZPLK0 : Thermal source vectors Z0, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c ZPLK1 : Thermal source vectors Z1, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c U0C : Azimuthally averaged intensities c ( at polar quadrature angles ) c c (RFLDIR, RFLDN, FLUP, DFDT, UAVG are DISORT output variables) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c DIRINT : Direct intensity attenuated c FDNTOT : Total downward flux (direct + diffuse) c FLDIR : Direct-beam flux (delta-M scaled) c FLDN : Diffuse down-flux (delta-M scaled) c FNET : Net flux (total-down - diffuse-up) c FACT : EXP( - UTAUPR / UMU0 ) c PLSORC : Planck source function (thermal) c ZINT : Intensity of m = 0 case, in Eq. SC(1) c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- ZEROIT c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LYRCUT INTEGER MAXULV, MXCMU, MXULV, NCUT, NN, NSTR, NTAU REAL FBEAM, PI, UMU0 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. LOGICAL PRNT( * ) INTEGER LAYRU( MXULV ) REAL CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), DFDT( MAXULV ), & FLDIR( MXULV ), FLDN( MXULV ), FLUP( MAXULV ), & GC( MXCMU, MXCMU, * ), KK( MXCMU, * ), LL( MXCMU, * ), & RFLDIR( MAXULV ), RFLDN( MAXULV ), SSALB( * ), & TAUCPR( 0:* ), U0C( MXCMU, MXULV ), UAVG( MAXULV ), & UTAU( MAXULV ), UTAUPR( MXULV ), XR0( * ), XR1( * ), & ZPLK0( MXCMU, * ), ZPLK1( MXCMU, * ), ZZ( MXCMU, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, JQ, LU, LYU REAL ANG1, ANG2, DIRINT, FACT, FDNTOT, FNET, PLSORC, ZINT c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ZEROIT c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ACOS, EXP c .. IF( PRNT(2) ) WRITE(*,'(//,21X,A,/,2A,/,2A,/)') & '<----------------------- FLUXES ----------------------->', & ' Optical Compu Downward Downward Downward ', & ' Upward Mean Planck d(Net Flux)', & ' Depth Layer Direct Diffuse Total ', & 'Diffuse Net Intensity Source / d(Op Dep)' c ** Zero DISORT output arrays CALL ZEROIT( U0C, MXULV*MXCMU ) CALL ZEROIT( FLDIR, MXULV ) CALL ZEROIT( FLDN, MXULV ) c ** Loop over user levels DO 80 LU = 1, NTAU LYU = LAYRU( LU ) IF( LYRCUT .AND. LYU.GT.NCUT ) THEN c ** No radiation reaches c ** this level FDNTOT = 0.0 FNET = 0.0 PLSORC = 0.0 GO TO 70 END IF IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN FACT = EXP( -UTAUPR( LU ) / UMU0 ) DIRINT = FBEAM*FACT FLDIR( LU ) = UMU0*( FBEAM*FACT ) RFLDIR( LU ) = UMU0*FBEAM * EXP( -UTAU( LU ) / UMU0 ) ELSE DIRINT = 0.0 FLDIR( LU ) = 0.0 RFLDIR( LU ) = 0.0 END IF DO 30 IQ = 1, NN ZINT = 0.0 DO 10 JQ = 1, NN ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, LYU )*LL( JQ, LYU )* & EXP( -KK( JQ,LYU )*( UTAUPR( LU ) - & TAUCPR( LYU ) ) ) 10 CONTINUE DO 20 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, LYU )*LL( JQ, LYU )* & EXP( -KK( JQ,LYU )*( UTAUPR( LU ) - & TAUCPR( LYU - 1 ) ) ) 20 CONTINUE U0C( IQ, LU ) = ZINT IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) U0C( IQ, LU ) = ZINT + ZZ( IQ, LYU )*FACT U0C( IQ, LU ) = U0C( IQ, LU ) + ZPLK0( IQ, LYU ) + & ZPLK1( IQ, LYU )*UTAUPR( LU ) UAVG( LU ) = UAVG( LU ) + CWT( NN + 1 - IQ )*U0C( IQ, LU ) FLDN( LU ) = FLDN( LU ) + CWT( NN + 1 - IQ )* & CMU( NN + 1 - IQ )*U0C( IQ, LU ) 30 CONTINUE DO 60 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR ZINT = 0.0 DO 40 JQ = 1, NN ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, LYU )*LL( JQ, LYU )* & EXP( -KK( JQ,LYU )*( UTAUPR( LU ) - & TAUCPR( LYU ) ) ) 40 CONTINUE DO 50 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, LYU )*LL( JQ, LYU )* & EXP( -KK( JQ,LYU )*( UTAUPR( LU ) - & TAUCPR( LYU - 1 ) ) ) 50 CONTINUE U0C( IQ, LU ) = ZINT IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) U0C( IQ, LU ) = ZINT + ZZ( IQ, LYU )*FACT U0C( IQ, LU ) = U0C( IQ, LU ) + ZPLK0( IQ, LYU ) + & ZPLK1( IQ, LYU )*UTAUPR( LU ) UAVG( LU ) = UAVG( LU ) + CWT( IQ - NN )*U0C( IQ, LU ) FLUP( LU ) = FLUP( LU ) + CWT( IQ - NN )*CMU( IQ - NN )* & U0C( IQ, LU ) 60 CONTINUE FLUP( LU ) = 2.*PI*FLUP( LU ) FLDN( LU ) = 2.*PI*FLDN( LU ) FDNTOT = FLDN( LU ) + FLDIR( LU ) FNET = FDNTOT - FLUP( LU ) RFLDN( LU ) = FDNTOT - RFLDIR( LU ) UAVG( LU ) = ( 2.*PI*UAVG( LU ) + DIRINT ) / ( 4.*PI ) PLSORC = XR0( LYU ) + XR1( LYU )*UTAUPR( LU ) DFDT( LU ) = ( 1.- SSALB( LYU ) ) * 4.*PI * & ( UAVG( LU ) - PLSORC ) 70 CONTINUE IF( PRNT(2) ) WRITE(*,'(F10.4,I7,1P,7E12.3,E14.3)') UTAU( LU ), & LYU, RFLDIR( LU ), RFLDN( LU ), FDNTOT, FLUP( LU ), FNET, & UAVG( LU ), PLSORC, DFDT( LU ) 80 CONTINUE IF( PRNT(3) ) THEN WRITE(*,'(//,2A)') ' ******** AZIMUTHALLY AVERAGED ', & 'INTENSITIES ( at polar quadrature angles ) *******' DO 100 LU = 1, NTAU WRITE( *, '(/,A,F10.4,//,2A)' ) & ' Optical depth =', UTAU( LU ), & ' Angle (deg) cos(Angle) Intensity', & ' Angle (deg) cos(Angle) Intensity' DO 90 IQ = 1, NN ANG1 = (180./ PI) * ACOS( CMU( 2*NN - IQ + 1 ) ) ANG2 = (180./ PI) * ACOS( CMU( IQ ) ) WRITE(*,'(2(0P,F16.4,F13.5,1P,E14.3))') & ANG1, CMU(2*NN-IQ+1), U0C(IQ,LU), & ANG2, CMU(IQ), U0C(IQ+NN,LU) 90 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE SETDIS( CMU, CWT, DELTAM, DTAUC, DTAUCP, EXPBEA, FBEAM, & FLYR, GL, HL, HLPR, IBCND, LAMBER, LAYRU, & LYRCUT, MAXUMU, MAXCMU, MXCMU, NCUT, NLYR, & NTAU, NN, NSTR, PLANK, NUMU, ONLYFL, OPRIM, & PMOM, SSALB, TAUC, TAUCPR, UTAU, UTAUPR, UMU, & UMU0, USRTAU, USRANG ) c Perform miscellaneous setting-up operations c c INPUT : all are DISORT input variables (see DOC file) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c NTAU,UTAU if USRTAU = FALSE (defined in DISORT.doc) c NUMU,UMU if USRANG = FALSE (defined in DISORT.doc) c c CMU,CWT computational polar angles and c corresponding quadrature weights c c EXPBEA transmission of direct beam c c FLYR truncated fraction in delta-M method c c GL phase function Legendre coefficients multiplied c by (2L+1) and single-scatter albedo c c HLPR Legendre moments of surface bidirectional c reflectivity, times 2K+1 c c LAYRU Computational layer in which UTAU falls c c LYRCUT flag as to whether radiation will be zeroed c below layer NCUT c c NCUT computational layer where absorption c optical depth first exceeds ABSCUT c c NN NSTR / 2 c c OPRIM delta-M-scaled single-scatter albedo c c TAUCPR delta-M-scaled optical depth c c UTAUPR delta-M-scaled version of UTAU c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- QGAUSN, ERRMSG c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL DELTAM, LAMBER, LYRCUT, ONLYFL, PLANK, USRANG, USRTAU INTEGER IBCND, MAXCMU, MAXUMU, MXCMU, NCUT, NLYR, NN, NSTR, & NTAU, NUMU REAL FBEAM, UMU0 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER LAYRU( * ) REAL CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), DTAUC( * ), DTAUCP( * ), & EXPBEA( 0:* ), FLYR( * ), GL( 0:MXCMU, * ), & HL( 0:MAXCMU ), HLPR( 0:MXCMU ), OPRIM( * ), & PMOM( 0:MAXCMU, * ), SSALB( * ), TAUC( 0:* ), & TAUCPR( 0:* ), UMU( MAXUMU ), UTAU( * ), UTAUPR( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, IU, K, LC, LU REAL ABSCUT, ABSTAU, F c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG, QGAUSN c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, EXP c .. DATA ABSCUT / 10. / IF( .NOT.USRTAU ) THEN c ** Set output levels at computational c ** layer boundaries NTAU = NLYR + 1 DO 10 LC = 0, NTAU - 1 UTAU( LC + 1 ) = TAUC( LC ) 10 CONTINUE END IF c ** Apply delta-M scaling and move description c ** of computational layers to local variables EXPBEA( 0 ) = 1.0 TAUCPR( 0 ) = 0.0 ABSTAU = 0.0 DO 40 LC = 1, NLYR PMOM( 0, LC ) = 1.0 IF( ABSTAU.LT.ABSCUT ) NCUT = LC ABSTAU = ABSTAU + ( 1.- SSALB( LC ) )*DTAUC( LC ) IF( .NOT.DELTAM ) THEN OPRIM( LC ) = SSALB( LC ) DTAUCP( LC ) = DTAUC( LC ) TAUCPR( LC ) = TAUC( LC ) DO 20 K = 0, NSTR - 1 GL( K, LC ) = ( 2*K + 1 )*OPRIM( LC )*PMOM( K, LC ) 20 CONTINUE F = 0.0 ELSE c ** Do delta-M transformation F = PMOM( NSTR, LC ) OPRIM(LC) = SSALB(LC) * ( 1.- F ) / ( 1.- F * SSALB(LC) ) DTAUCP( LC ) = ( 1.- F*SSALB( LC ) )*DTAUC( LC ) TAUCPR( LC ) = TAUCPR( LC-1 ) + DTAUCP( LC ) DO 30 K = 0, NSTR - 1 GL( K, LC ) = ( 2*K + 1 ) * OPRIM( LC ) * & ( PMOM( K,LC ) - F ) / ( 1.- F ) 30 CONTINUE END IF FLYR( LC ) = F EXPBEA( LC ) = 0.0 IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) EXPBEA( LC ) = EXP( -TAUCPR( LC ) / UMU0 ) 40 CONTINUE c ** If no thermal emission, cut off medium below c ** absorption optical depth = ABSCUT ( note that c ** delta-M transformation leaves absorption c ** optical depth invariant ). Not worth the c ** trouble for one-layer problems, though. LYRCUT = .FALSE. IF( ABSTAU.GE.ABSCUT .AND. .NOT.PLANK .AND. IBCND.NE.1 .AND. & NLYR.GT.1 ) LYRCUT = .TRUE. IF( .NOT.LYRCUT ) NCUT = NLYR c ** Set arrays defining location of user c ** output levels within delta-M-scaled c ** computational mesh DO 70 LU = 1, NTAU DO 50 LC = 1, NLYR IF( UTAU( LU ).GE.TAUC( LC - 1 ) .AND. & UTAU( LU ).LE.TAUC( LC ) ) GO TO 60 50 CONTINUE LC = NLYR 60 CONTINUE UTAUPR( LU ) = UTAU( LU ) IF( DELTAM ) UTAUPR( LU ) = TAUCPR( LC - 1 ) + & ( 1.- SSALB( LC )*FLYR( LC ) )* & ( UTAU( LU ) - TAUC( LC-1 ) ) LAYRU( LU ) = LC 70 CONTINUE c ** Calculate computational polar angle cosines c ** and associated quadrature weights for Gaussian c ** quadrature on the interval (0,1) (upward) NN = NSTR / 2 CALL QGAUSN( NN, CMU, CWT ) c ** Downward (neg) angles and weights DO 80 IQ = 1, NN CMU( IQ + NN ) = - CMU( IQ ) CWT( IQ + NN ) = CWT( IQ ) 80 CONTINUE IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN c ** Compare beam angle to comput. angles DO 90 IQ = 1, NN IF( ABS( UMU0 - CMU( IQ ) ) / UMU0.LT.1.E-4 ) CALL ERRMSG( & 'SETDIS--beam angle=computational angle; change NSTR', & .True. ) 90 CONTINUE END IF IF( .NOT.USRANG .OR. ( ONLYFL .AND. MAXUMU.GE.NSTR ) ) THEN c ** Set output polar angles to c ** computational polar angles NUMU = NSTR DO 100 IU = 1, NN UMU( IU ) = - CMU( NN + 1 - IU ) 100 CONTINUE DO 110 IU = NN + 1, NSTR UMU( IU ) = CMU( IU - NN ) 110 CONTINUE END IF IF( USRANG .AND. IBCND.EQ.1 ) THEN c ** Shift positive user angle cosines to c ** upper locations and put negatives c ** in lower locations DO 120 IU = 1, NUMU UMU( IU + NUMU ) = UMU( IU ) 120 CONTINUE DO 130 IU = 1, NUMU UMU( IU ) = -UMU( 2*NUMU + 1 - IU ) 130 CONTINUE NUMU = 2*NUMU END IF IF( .NOT.LYRCUT .AND. .NOT.LAMBER ) THEN DO 140 K = 0, NSTR HLPR( K ) = ( 2*K + 1 )*HL( K ) 140 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE SETMTX( BDR, CBAND, CMU, CWT, DELM0, DTAUCP, GC, KK, & LAMBER, LYRCUT, MI, MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, & NNLYRI, NN, NSTR, TAUCPR, WK ) c Calculate coefficient matrix for the set of equations c obtained from the boundary conditions and the continuity- c of-intensity-at-layer-interface equations; store in the c special banded-matrix format required by LINPACK routines c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c BDR : surface bidirectional reflectivity c c CMU,CWT abscissae, weights for Gauss quadrature c over angle cosine c c DELM0 : Kronecker delta, delta-sub-m0 c c GC : Eigenvectors at polar quadrature angles, SC(1) c c KK : Eigenvalues of coeff. matrix in Eq. SS(7) c c LYRCUT : Logical flag for truncation of computational layers c c NN : Number of streams in a hemisphere (NSTR/2) c c NCUT : Total number of computational layers considered c c TAUCPR : Cumulative optical depth (delta-M-scaled) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CBAND : Left-hand side matrix of linear system Eq. SC(5), c scaled by Eq. SC(12); in banded form required c by LINPACK solution routines c c NCOL : Number of columns in CBAND c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c IROW : Points to row in CBAND c JCOL : Points to position in layer block c LDA : Row dimension of CBAND c NCD : Number of diagonals below or above main diagonal c NSHIFT : For positioning number of rows in band storage c WK : Temporary storage for EXP evaluations c c c BAND STORAGE c c LINPACK requires band matrices to be input in a special c form where the elements of each diagonal are moved up or c down (in their column) so that each diagonal becomes a row. c (The column locations of diagonal elements are unchanged.) c c Example: if the original matrix is c c 11 12 13 0 0 0 c 21 22 23 24 0 0 c 0 32 33 34 35 0 c 0 0 43 44 45 46 c 0 0 0 54 55 56 c 0 0 0 0 65 66 c c then its LINPACK input form would be: c c * * * + + + , * = not used c * * 13 24 35 46 , + = used for pivoting c * 12 23 34 45 56 c 11 22 33 44 55 66 c 21 32 43 54 65 * c c If A is a band matrix, the following program segment c will convert it to the form (ABD) required by LINPACK c band-matrix routines: c c N = (column dimension of A, ABD) c ML = (band width below the diagonal) c MU = (band width above the diagonal) c M = ML + MU + 1 c DO J = 1, N c I1 = MAX(1, J-MU) c I2 = MIN(N, J+ML) c DO I = I1, I2 c K = I - J + M c ABD(K,J) = A(I,J) c END DO c END DO c c This uses rows ML+1 through 2*ML+MU+1 of ABD. c The total number of rows needed in ABD is 2*ML+MU+1 . c In the example above, N = 6, ML = 1, MU = 2, and the c row dimension of ABD must be >= 5. c c c Called by- DISORT, ALBTRN c Calls- ZEROIT c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LAMBER, LYRCUT INTEGER MI, MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, NN, NNLYRI, NSTR REAL DELM0 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL BDR( MI, 0:MI ), CBAND( MI9M2, NNLYRI ), CMU( MXCMU ), & CWT( MXCMU ), DTAUCP( * ), GC( MXCMU, MXCMU, * ), & KK( MXCMU, * ), TAUCPR( 0:* ), WK( MXCMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, IROW, JCOL, JQ, K, LC, LDA, NCD, NNCOL, NSHIFT REAL EXPA, SUM c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ZEROIT c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC EXP c .. CALL ZEROIT( CBAND, MI9M2*NNLYRI ) NCD = 3*NN - 1 LDA = 3*NCD + 1 NSHIFT = LDA - 2*NSTR + 1 NCOL = 0 c ** Use continuity conditions of Eq. STWJ(17) c ** to form coefficient matrix in STWJ(20); c ** employ scaling transformation STWJ(22) DO 60 LC = 1, NCUT DO 10 IQ = 1, NN WK( IQ ) = EXP( KK( IQ,LC )*DTAUCP( LC ) ) 10 CONTINUE JCOL = 0 DO 30 IQ = 1, NN NCOL = NCOL + 1 IROW = NSHIFT - JCOL DO 20 JQ = 1, NSTR CBAND( IROW + NSTR, NCOL ) = GC( JQ, IQ, LC ) CBAND( IROW, NCOL ) = - GC( JQ, IQ, LC )*WK( IQ ) IROW = IROW + 1 20 CONTINUE JCOL = JCOL + 1 30 CONTINUE DO 50 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR NCOL = NCOL + 1 IROW = NSHIFT - JCOL DO 40 JQ = 1, NSTR CBAND( IROW + NSTR, NCOL ) = GC( JQ, IQ, LC )* & WK( NSTR + 1 - IQ ) CBAND( IROW, NCOL ) = - GC( JQ, IQ, LC ) IROW = IROW + 1 40 CONTINUE JCOL = JCOL + 1 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE c ** Use top boundary condition of STWJ(20a) for c ** first layer JCOL = 0 DO 80 IQ = 1, NN EXPA = EXP( KK( IQ,1 )*TAUCPR( 1 ) ) IROW = NSHIFT - JCOL + NN DO 70 JQ = NN, 1, -1 CBAND( IROW, JCOL + 1 ) = GC( JQ, IQ, 1 )*EXPA IROW = IROW + 1 70 CONTINUE JCOL = JCOL + 1 80 CONTINUE DO 100 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR IROW = NSHIFT - JCOL + NN DO 90 JQ = NN, 1, -1 CBAND( IROW, JCOL + 1 ) = GC( JQ, IQ, 1 ) IROW = IROW + 1 90 CONTINUE JCOL = JCOL + 1 100 CONTINUE c ** Use bottom boundary condition of c ** STWJ(20c) for last layer NNCOL = NCOL - NSTR JCOL = 0 DO 130 IQ = 1, NN NNCOL = NNCOL + 1 IROW = NSHIFT - JCOL + NSTR DO 120 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR IF( LYRCUT .OR. ( LAMBER .AND. DELM0.EQ.0 ) ) THEN c ** No azimuthal-dependent intensity if Lam- c ** bert surface; no intensity component if c ** truncated bottom layer CBAND( IROW, NNCOL ) = GC( JQ, IQ, NCUT ) ELSE SUM = 0.0 DO 110 K = 1, NN SUM = SUM + CWT( K )*CMU( K )*BDR( JQ - NN, K )* & GC( NN + 1 - K, IQ, NCUT ) 110 CONTINUE CBAND( IROW, NNCOL ) = GC( JQ, IQ, NCUT ) - & ( 1.+ DELM0 )*SUM END IF IROW = IROW + 1 120 CONTINUE JCOL = JCOL + 1 130 CONTINUE DO 160 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR NNCOL = NNCOL + 1 IROW = NSHIFT - JCOL + NSTR EXPA = WK( NSTR + 1 - IQ ) DO 150 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR IF( LYRCUT .OR. ( LAMBER .AND. DELM0.EQ.0 ) ) THEN CBAND( IROW, NNCOL ) = GC( JQ, IQ, NCUT )*EXPA ELSE SUM = 0.0 DO 140 K = 1, NN SUM = SUM + CWT( K )*CMU( K )*BDR( JQ - NN, K )* & GC( NN + 1 - K, IQ, NCUT ) 140 CONTINUE CBAND( IROW, NNCOL ) = ( GC( JQ,IQ,NCUT ) - & ( 1.+ DELM0 )*SUM )*EXPA END IF IROW = IROW + 1 150 CONTINUE JCOL = JCOL + 1 160 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SOLEIG( AMB, APB, ARRAY, CMU, CWT, GL, MI, MAZIM, & MXCMU, NN, NSTR, YLMC, CC, EVECC, EVAL, KK, GC, & AAD, EVECCD, EVALD, WKD ) c Solves eigenvalue/vector problem necessary to construct c homogeneous part of discrete ordinate solution; STWJ(8b) c ** NOTE ** Eigenvalue problem is degenerate when single c scattering albedo = 1; present way of doing it c seems numerically more stable than alternative c methods that we tried c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c GL : Delta-M scaled Legendre coefficients of phase function c (including factors 2l+1 and single-scatter albedo) c c CMU : Computational polar angle cosines c c CWT : Weights for quadrature over polar angle cosine c c MAZIM : Order of azimuthal component c c NN : Half the total number of streams c c YLMC : Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c at the quadrature angles CMU c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CC : C-sub-ij in Eq. SS(5); needed in SS(15&18) c c EVAL : NN eigenvalues of Eq. SS(12) on return from ASYMTX c but then square roots taken c c EVECC : NN eigenvectors (G+) - (G-) on return c from ASYMTX ( column j corresponds to EVAL(j) ) c but then (G+) + (G-) is calculated from SS(10), c G+ and G- are separated, and G+ is stacked on c top of G- to form NSTR eigenvectors of SS(7) c c GC : Permanent storage for all NSTR eigenvectors, but c in an order corresponding to KK c c KK : Permanent storage for all NSTR eigenvalues of SS(7), c but re-ordered with negative values first ( square c roots of EVAL taken and negatives added ) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c AMB,APB : Matrices (alpha-beta), (alpha+beta) in reduced c eigenvalue problem c ARRAY : Complete coefficient matrix of reduced eigenvalue c problem: (alfa+beta)*(alfa-beta) c GPPLGM : (G+) + (G-) (cf. Eqs. SS(10-11)) c GPMIGM : (G+) - (G-) (cf. Eqs. SS(10-11)) c WKD : Scratch array required by ASYMTX c c Called by- DISORT, ALBTRN c Calls- ASYMTX, ERRMSG c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MAZIM, MI, MXCMU, NN, NSTR c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL AMB( MI, MI ), APB( MI, MI ), ARRAY( MI, * ), & CC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), & EVAL( MI ), EVECC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), GC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), & GL( 0:MXCMU ), KK( MXCMU ), YLMC( 0:MXCMU, MXCMU ) DOUBLE PRECISION AAD( MI, MI ), EVALD( MI ), EVECCD( MI, MI ), & WKD( MXCMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IER, IQ, JQ, KQ, L REAL ALPHA, BETA, GPMIGM, GPPLGM, SUM c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ASYMTX, ERRMSG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT c .. c ** Calculate quantities in Eqs. SS(5-6) DO 40 IQ = 1, NN DO 20 JQ = 1, NSTR SUM = 0.0 DO 10 L = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + GL( L )*YLMC( L, IQ )*YLMC( L, JQ ) 10 CONTINUE CC( IQ, JQ ) = 0.5*SUM*CWT( JQ ) 20 CONTINUE DO 30 JQ = 1, NN c ** Fill remainder of array using symmetry c ** relations C(-mui,muj) = C(mui,-muj) c ** and C(-mui,-muj) = C(mui,muj) CC( IQ + NN, JQ ) = CC( IQ, JQ + NN ) CC( IQ + NN, JQ + NN ) = CC( IQ, JQ ) c ** Get factors of coeff. matrix c ** of reduced eigenvalue problem ALPHA = CC( IQ, JQ ) / CMU( IQ ) BETA = CC( IQ, JQ + NN ) / CMU( IQ ) AMB( IQ, JQ ) = ALPHA - BETA APB( IQ, JQ ) = ALPHA + BETA 30 CONTINUE AMB( IQ, IQ ) = AMB( IQ, IQ ) - 1.0 / CMU( IQ ) APB( IQ, IQ ) = APB( IQ, IQ ) - 1.0 / CMU( IQ ) 40 CONTINUE c ** Finish calculation of coefficient matrix of c ** reduced eigenvalue problem: get matrix c ** product (alfa+beta)*(alfa-beta); SS(12) DO 70 IQ = 1, NN DO 60 JQ = 1, NN SUM = 0. DO 50 KQ = 1, NN SUM = SUM + APB( IQ, KQ )*AMB( KQ, JQ ) 50 CONTINUE ARRAY( IQ, JQ ) = SUM 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE c ** Find (real) eigenvalues and eigenvectors CALL ASYMTX( ARRAY, EVECC, EVAL, NN, MI, MXCMU, IER, WKD, AAD, & EVECCD, EVALD ) IF( IER.GT.0 ) THEN WRITE( *, '(//,A,I4,A)' ) ' ASYMTX--eigenvalue no. ', & IER, ' didnt converge. Lower-numbered eigenvalues wrong.' CALL ERRMSG( 'ASYMTX--convergence problems',.True.) END IF DO 80 IQ = 1, NN EVAL( IQ ) = SQRT( ABS( EVAL( IQ ) ) ) KK( IQ + NN ) = EVAL( IQ ) c ** Add negative eigenvalue KK( NN + 1 - IQ ) = -EVAL( IQ ) 80 CONTINUE c ** Find eigenvectors (G+) + (G-) from SS(10) c ** and store temporarily in APB array DO 110 JQ = 1, NN DO 100 IQ = 1, NN SUM = 0. DO 90 KQ = 1, NN SUM = SUM + AMB( IQ, KQ )*EVECC( KQ, JQ ) 90 CONTINUE APB( IQ, JQ ) = SUM / EVAL( JQ ) 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE DO 130 JQ = 1, NN DO 120 IQ = 1, NN GPPLGM = APB( IQ, JQ ) GPMIGM = EVECC( IQ, JQ ) c ** Recover eigenvectors G+,G- from c ** their sum and difference; stack them c ** to get eigenvectors of full system c ** SS(7) (JQ = eigenvector number) EVECC( IQ, JQ ) = 0.5*( GPPLGM + GPMIGM ) EVECC( IQ + NN, JQ ) = 0.5*( GPPLGM - GPMIGM ) c ** Eigenvectors corresponding to c ** negative eigenvalues (corresp. to c ** reversing sign of 'k' in SS(10) ) GPPLGM = - GPPLGM EVECC(IQ, JQ+NN) = 0.5 * ( GPPLGM + GPMIGM ) EVECC(IQ+NN,JQ+NN) = 0.5 * ( GPPLGM - GPMIGM ) GC( IQ+NN, JQ+NN ) = EVECC( IQ, JQ ) GC( NN+1-IQ, JQ+NN ) = EVECC( IQ+NN, JQ ) GC( IQ+NN, NN+1-JQ ) = EVECC( IQ, JQ+NN ) GC( NN+1-IQ, NN+1-JQ ) = EVECC( IQ+NN, JQ+NN ) 120 CONTINUE 130 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SOLVE0( B, BDR, BEM, BPLANK, CBAND, CMU, CWT, EXPBEA, & FBEAM, FISOT, IPVT, LAMBER, LL, LYRCUT, MAZIM, & MI, MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, NN, NSTR, NNLYRI, & PI, TPLANK, TAUCPR, UMU0, Z, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1 ) c Construct right-hand side vector B for general boundary c conditions STWJ(17) and solve system of equations obtained c from the boundary conditions and the continuity-of- c intensity-at-layer-interface equations. c Thermal emission contributes only in azimuthal independence. c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c BDR : Surface bidirectional reflectivity c c BEM : Surface bidirectional emissivity c c BPLANK : Bottom boundary thermal emission c c CBAND : Left-hand side matrix of linear system Eq. SC(5), c scaled by Eq. SC(12); in banded form required c by LINPACK solution routines c c CMU,CWT Abscissae, weights for Gauss quadrature c over angle cosine c c EXPBEA : Transmission of incident beam, EXP(-TAUCPR/UMU0) c c LYRCUT : Logical flag for truncation of computational layers c c MAZIM : Order of azimuthal component c c NCOL : Number of columns in CBAND c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c NCUT : Total number of computational layers considered c c TPLANK : Top boundary thermal emission c c TAUCPR : Cumulative optical depth (delta-M-scaled) c c ZZ : Beam source vectors in Eq. SS(19) c c ZPLK0 : Thermal source vectors Z0, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c ZPLK1 : Thermal source vectors Z1, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c B : Right-hand side vector of Eq. SC(5) going into c SGBSL; returns as solution vector of Eq. SC(12), c constants of integration without exponential term c c LL : Permanent storage for B, but re-ordered c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c IPVT : Integer vector of pivot indices c IT : Pointer for position in B c NCD : Number of diagonals below or above main diagonal c RCOND : Indicator of singularity for CBAND c Z : Scratch array required by SGBCO c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- ZEROIT, SGBCO, ERRMSG, SGBSL c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LAMBER, LYRCUT INTEGER MAZIM, MI, MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, NN, NNLYRI, NSTR REAL BPLANK, FBEAM, FISOT, PI, TPLANK, UMU0 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL B( NNLYRI ), BDR( MI, 0:MI ), BEM( MI ), & CBAND( MI9M2, NNLYRI ), CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), & EXPBEA( 0:* ), LL( MXCMU, * ), TAUCPR( 0:* ), & Z( NNLYRI ), ZPLK0( MXCMU, * ), ZPLK1( MXCMU, * ), & ZZ( MXCMU, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IPNT, IQ, IT, JQ, LC, NCD REAL RCOND, SUM c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG, SGBCO, SGBSL, ZEROIT c .. CALL ZEROIT( B, NNLYRI ) c ** Construct B, STWJ(20a,c) for c ** parallel beam + bottom reflection + c ** thermal emission at top and/or bottom IF( MAZIM.GT.0 .AND. FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN c ** Azimuth-dependent case c ** (never called if FBEAM = 0) IF( LYRCUT .OR. LAMBER ) THEN c ** No azimuthal-dependent intensity for Lambert surface; c ** no intensity component for truncated bottom layer DO 10 IQ = 1, NN c ** Top boundary B( IQ ) = - ZZ( NN + 1 - IQ, 1 ) c ** Bottom boundary B( NCOL - NN + IQ ) = -ZZ( IQ + NN, NCUT )*EXPBEA( NCUT ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE DO 30 IQ = 1, NN B( IQ ) = - ZZ( NN + 1 - IQ, 1 ) SUM = 0. DO 20 JQ = 1, NN SUM = SUM + CWT( JQ )*CMU( JQ )*BDR( IQ, JQ )* & ZZ( NN + 1 - JQ, NCUT )*EXPBEA( NCUT ) 20 CONTINUE B( NCOL - NN + IQ ) = SUM IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) B( NCOL - NN + IQ ) = SUM + & ( BDR( IQ,0 )*UMU0*FBEAM / PI - ZZ( IQ + NN,NCUT ) )* & EXPBEA( NCUT ) 30 CONTINUE END IF c ** Continuity condition for layer c ** interfaces of Eq. STWJ(20b) IT = NN DO 50 LC = 1, NCUT - 1 DO 40 IQ = 1, NSTR IT = IT + 1 B( IT ) = ( ZZ( IQ, LC+1 ) - ZZ( IQ, LC ) )*EXPBEA( LC ) 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE ELSE c ** Azimuth-independent case IF( FBEAM.EQ.0.0 ) THEN DO 60 IQ = 1, NN c ** Top boundary B( IQ ) = -ZPLK0( NN + 1 - IQ, 1 ) + FISOT + TPLANK 60 CONTINUE IF( LYRCUT ) THEN c ** No intensity component for truncated c ** bottom layer DO 70 IQ = 1, NN c ** Bottom boundary B( NCOL - NN + IQ ) = - ZPLK0( IQ + NN, NCUT ) - & ZPLK1( IQ + NN, NCUT )* & TAUCPR( NCUT ) 70 CONTINUE ELSE DO 90 IQ = 1, NN SUM = 0. DO 80 JQ = 1, NN SUM = SUM + CWT( JQ )*CMU( JQ )*BDR( IQ, JQ )* & ( ZPLK0( NN + 1 - JQ,NCUT ) + & ZPLK1( NN + 1 - JQ,NCUT )*TAUCPR( NCUT ) ) 80 CONTINUE B( NCOL - NN + IQ ) = 2.*SUM + BEM( IQ )*BPLANK - & ZPLK0( IQ + NN, NCUT ) - & ZPLK1( IQ + NN, NCUT )* & TAUCPR( NCUT ) 90 CONTINUE END IF c ** Continuity condition for layer c ** interfaces, STWJ(20b) IT = NN DO 110 LC = 1, NCUT - 1 DO 100 IQ = 1, NSTR IT = IT + 1 B( IT ) = ZPLK0( IQ, LC + 1 ) - ZPLK0( IQ, LC ) + & ( ZPLK1( IQ, LC + 1 ) - ZPLK1( IQ, LC ) )* & TAUCPR( LC ) 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE ELSE DO 120 IQ = 1, NN B( IQ ) = - ZZ( NN + 1 - IQ, 1 ) - & ZPLK0( NN + 1 - IQ, 1 ) + FISOT + TPLANK 120 CONTINUE IF( LYRCUT ) THEN DO 130 IQ = 1, NN B(NCOL-NN+IQ) = - ZZ(IQ+NN, NCUT) * EXPBEA(NCUT) & - ZPLK0(IQ+NN, NCUT) & - ZPLK1(IQ+NN, NCUT) * TAUCPR(NCUT) 130 CONTINUE ELSE DO 150 IQ = 1, NN SUM = 0. DO 140 JQ = 1, NN SUM = SUM + CWT(JQ) * CMU(JQ) * BDR(IQ,JQ) & * ( ZZ(NN+1-JQ, NCUT) * EXPBEA(NCUT) & + ZPLK0(NN+1-JQ, NCUT) & + ZPLK1(NN+1-JQ, NCUT) * TAUCPR(NCUT)) 140 CONTINUE B(NCOL-NN+IQ) = 2.*SUM + ( BDR(IQ,0) * UMU0*FBEAM/PI & - ZZ(IQ+NN, NCUT) ) * EXPBEA(NCUT) & + BEM(IQ) * BPLANK & - ZPLK0(IQ+NN, NCUT) & - ZPLK1(IQ+NN, NCUT) * TAUCPR(NCUT) 150 CONTINUE END IF IT = NN DO 170 LC = 1, NCUT - 1 DO 160 IQ = 1, NSTR IT = IT + 1 B(IT) = ( ZZ(IQ,LC+1) - ZZ(IQ,LC) ) * EXPBEA(LC) & + ZPLK0(IQ,LC+1) - ZPLK0(IQ,LC) + & ( ZPLK1(IQ,LC+1) - ZPLK1(IQ,LC) ) * TAUCPR(LC) 160 CONTINUE 170 CONTINUE END IF END IF c ** Find L-U (lower/upper triangular) decomposition c ** of band matrix CBAND and test if it is nearly c ** singular (note: CBAND is destroyed) c ** (CBAND is in LINPACK packed format) RCOND = 0.0 NCD = 3*NN - 1 CALL SGBCO( CBAND, MI9M2, NCOL, NCD, NCD, IPVT, RCOND, Z ) IF( 1.0 + RCOND.EQ.1.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG('SOLVE0--SGBCO says matrix near singular',.FALSE.) c ** Solve linear system with coeff matrix CBAND c ** and R.H. side(s) B after CBAND has been L-U c ** decomposed. Solution is returned in B. CALL SGBSL( CBAND, MI9M2, NCOL, NCD, NCD, IPVT, B, 0 ) c ** Zero CBAND (it may contain 'foreign' c ** elements upon returning from LINPACK); c ** necessary to prevent errors CALL ZEROIT( CBAND, MI9M2*NNLYRI ) DO 190 LC = 1, NCUT IPNT = LC*NSTR - NN DO 180 IQ = 1, NN LL( NN + 1 - IQ, LC ) = B( IPNT + 1 - IQ ) LL( IQ + NN, LC ) = B( IQ + IPNT ) 180 CONTINUE 190 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SURFAC( ALBEDO, DELM0, FBEAM, HLPR, LAMBER, MI, MAZIM, & MXCMU, MXUMU, NN, NUMU, NSTR, ONLYFL, UMU, & USRANG, YLM0, YLMC, YLMU, BDR, EMU, BEM, RMU, & SQT ) c Specifies user's surface bidirectional properties, STWJ(21) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c DELM0 : Kronecker delta, delta-sub-m0 c c HLPR : Legendre moments of surface bidirectional reflectivity c (with 2K+1 factor included) c c MAZIM : Order of azimuthal component c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c YLM0 : Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c at the beam angle c c YLMC : Normalized associated Legendre polynomials c at the quadrature angles c c YLMU : Normalized associated Legendre polynomials c at the user angles c c SQT(k) : Square root of k c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c BDR : Surface bidirectional reflectivity (computational angles) c c RMU : Surface bidirectional reflectivity (user angles) c c BEM : Surface directional emissivity (computational angles) c c EMU : Surface directional emissivity (user angles) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c DREF Directional reflectivity c c NMUG : Number of angle cosine quadrature points on (0,1) for c integrating bidirectional reflectivity to get c directional emissivity (it is necessary to use a c quadrature set distinct from the computational c angles, because the computational angles may not be c dense enough--NSTR may be too small--to give an c accurate approximation for the integration). c c GMU : The NMUG angle cosine quadrature points on (0,1) c GWT : The NMUG angle cosine quadrature weights on (0,1) c c YLMG : Normalized associated Legendre polynomials c at the NMUG quadrature angles c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- QGAUSN, LEPOLY, ZEROIT, ERRMSG c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Parameters .. INTEGER NMUG, MAXSTR c ** CAUTION: Do not increase MAXSTR c ** without checking if this c ** would require a larger c ** dimension for SQT PARAMETER ( NMUG = 10, MAXSTR = 100 ) c .. c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LAMBER, ONLYFL, USRANG INTEGER MAZIM, MI, MXCMU, MXUMU, NN, NSTR, NUMU REAL ALBEDO, DELM0, FBEAM c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL BDR( MI, 0:MI ), BEM( MI ), EMU( MXUMU ), & HLPR( 0:MXCMU ), RMU( MXUMU, 0:MI ), UMU( * ), & YLM0( 0:MXCMU ), YLMC( 0:MXCMU, MXCMU ), & YLMU( 0:MXCMU, MXUMU ), SQT( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL PASS1 INTEGER IQ, IU, JG, JQ, K REAL DREF, SGN, SUM c .. c .. Local Arrays .. REAL GMU( NMUG ), GWT( NMUG ), YLMG( 0:MAXSTR, NMUG ) c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG, LEPOLY, QGAUSN, ZEROIT c .. SAVE PASS1, GMU, GWT, YLMG DATA PASS1 / .True. / IF( PASS1 ) THEN PASS1 = .FALSE. CALL QGAUSN( NMUG, GMU, GWT ) CALL LEPOLY( NMUG, 0, MAXSTR, MAXSTR, GMU, SQT, YLMG ) c ** Convert Legendre polys. to negative GMU SGN = - 1.0 DO 20 K = 0, MAXSTR SGN = - SGN DO 10 JG = 1, NMUG YLMG( K, JG ) = SGN*YLMG( K, JG ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE END IF CALL ZEROIT( BDR, MI*( MI + 1 ) ) CALL ZEROIT( BEM, MI ) IF( LAMBER .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN DO 40 IQ = 1, NN BEM( IQ ) = 1.- ALBEDO DO 30 JQ = 0, NN BDR( IQ, JQ ) = ALBEDO 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE ELSE IF( .NOT.LAMBER ) THEN c ** Compute surface bidirectional c ** properties at computational angles DO 80 IQ = 1, NN DO 60 JQ = 1, NN SUM = 0.0 DO 50 K = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + HLPR( K )*YLMC( K, IQ )* & YLMC( K, JQ + NN ) 50 CONTINUE BDR( IQ, JQ ) = ( 2.- DELM0 )*SUM 60 CONTINUE IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN SUM = 0.0 DO 70 K = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + HLPR( K )*YLMC( K, IQ )*YLM0( K ) 70 CONTINUE BDR( IQ, 0 ) = ( 2.- DELM0 )*SUM END IF 80 CONTINUE IF( MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN IF( NSTR.GT.MAXSTR ) & CALL ERRMSG('SURFAC--parameter MAXSTR too small',.True.) c ** Integrate bidirectional reflectivity c ** at reflection polar angles CMU and c ** incident angles GMU to get c ** directional emissivity at c ** computational angles CMU. DO 110 IQ = 1, NN DREF = 0.0 DO 100 JG = 1, NMUG SUM = 0.0 DO 90 K = 0, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + HLPR( K )*YLMC( K, IQ )* & YLMG( K, JG ) 90 CONTINUE DREF = DREF + 2.*GWT( JG )*GMU( JG )*SUM 100 CONTINUE BEM( IQ ) = 1.- DREF 110 CONTINUE END IF END IF c ** Compute surface bidirectional c ** properties at user angles IF( .NOT.ONLYFL .AND. USRANG ) THEN CALL ZEROIT( EMU, MXUMU ) CALL ZEROIT( RMU, MXUMU*( MI + 1 ) ) DO 180 IU = 1, NUMU IF( UMU( IU ).GT.0.0 ) THEN IF( LAMBER .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN DO 120 IQ = 0, NN RMU( IU, IQ ) = ALBEDO 120 CONTINUE EMU( IU ) = 1.- ALBEDO ELSE IF( .NOT.LAMBER ) THEN DO 140 IQ = 1, NN SUM = 0.0 DO 130 K = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + HLPR( K )*YLMU( K, IU )* & YLMC( K, IQ + NN ) 130 CONTINUE RMU( IU, IQ ) = ( 2.- DELM0 )*SUM 140 CONTINUE IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN SUM = 0.0 DO 150 K = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + HLPR( K )*YLMU( K, IU )*YLM0( K ) 150 CONTINUE RMU( IU, 0 ) = ( 2.- DELM0 )*SUM END IF IF( MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN c ** Integrate bidirectional reflectivity c ** at reflection angles UMU and c ** incident angles GMU to get c ** directional emissivity at c ** user angles UMU. DREF = 0.0 DO 170 JG = 1, NMUG SUM = 0.0 DO 160 K = 0, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + HLPR( K )*YLMU( K, IU )* & YLMG( K, JG ) 160 CONTINUE DREF = DREF + 2.*GWT( JG )*GMU( JG )*SUM 170 CONTINUE EMU( IU ) = 1.- DREF END IF END IF END IF 180 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE TERPEV( CWT, EVECC, GL, GU, MAZIM, MXCMU, MXUMU, NN, & NSTR, NUMU, WK, YLMC, YLMU ) c Interpolate eigenvectors to user angles; Eq SD(8) c Called by- DISORT, ALBTRN c --------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MAZIM, MXCMU, MXUMU, NN, NSTR, NUMU c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL CWT( MXCMU ), EVECC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), GL( 0:MXCMU ), & GU( MXUMU, MXCMU ), WK( MXCMU ), YLMC( 0:MXCMU, MXCMU ), & YLMU( 0:MXCMU, MXUMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, IU, JQ, L REAL SUM c .. DO 50 IQ = 1, NSTR DO 20 L = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 c ** Inner sum in SD(8) times all c ** factors in outer sum but PLM(mu) SUM = 0.0 DO 10 JQ = 1, NSTR SUM = SUM + CWT( JQ )*YLMC( L, JQ )*EVECC( JQ, IQ ) 10 CONTINUE WK( L + 1 ) = 0.5*GL( L )*SUM 20 CONTINUE c ** Finish outer sum in SD(8) c ** and store eigenvectors DO 40 IU = 1, NUMU SUM = 0. DO 30 L = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + WK( L + 1 )*YLMU( L, IU ) 30 CONTINUE IF( IQ.LE.NN ) GU( IU, IQ + NN ) = SUM IF( IQ.GT.NN ) GU( IU, NSTR + 1 - IQ ) = SUM 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE TERPSO( CWT, DELM0, FBEAM, GL, MAZIM, MXCMU, PLANK, & NUMU, NSTR, OPRIM, PI, YLM0, YLMC, YLMU, PSI, & XR0, XR1, Z0, ZJ, ZBEAM, Z0U, Z1U ) c Interpolates source functions to user angles c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CWT : Weights for Gauss quadrature over angle cosine c c DELM0 : Kronecker delta, delta-sub-m0 c c GL : Delta-M scaled Legendre coefficients of phase function c (including factors 2L+1 and single-scatter albedo) c c MAZIM : Order of azimuthal component c c OPRIM : Single scattering albedo c c XR0 : Expansion of thermal source function c c XR1 : Expansion of thermal source function Eqs.SS(14-16) c c YLM0 : Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c at the beam angle c c YLMC : Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c at the quadrature angles c c YLMU : Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c at the user angles c c Z0 : Solution vectors Z-sub-zero of Eq. SS(16) c c ZJ : Solution vector Z-sub-zero after solving Eq. SS(19) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c ZBEAM : Incident-beam source function at user angles c c Z0U,Z1U: Components of a linear-in-optical-depth-dependent c source (approximating the Planck emission source) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c PSI : Sum just after square bracket in Eq. SD(9) c c Called by- DISORT c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL PLANK INTEGER MAZIM, MXCMU, NSTR, NUMU REAL DELM0, FBEAM, OPRIM, PI, XR0, XR1 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL CWT( MXCMU ), GL( 0:MXCMU ), PSI( MXCMU ), & YLM0( 0:MXCMU ), YLMC( 0:MXCMU, MXCMU ), & YLMU( 0:MXCMU, * ), Z0( MXCMU ), Z0U( * ), Z1U( * ), & ZBEAM( * ), ZJ( MXCMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, IU, JQ REAL FACT, PSUM, SUM c .. IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN c ** Beam source terms; Eq. SD(9) DO 20 IQ = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 PSUM = 0. DO 10 JQ = 1, NSTR PSUM = PSUM + CWT( JQ )*YLMC( IQ, JQ )*ZJ( JQ ) 10 CONTINUE PSI( IQ + 1 ) = 0.5*GL( IQ )*PSUM 20 CONTINUE FACT = ( 2. - DELM0 )*FBEAM / ( 4.0*PI ) DO 40 IU = 1, NUMU SUM = 0. DO 30 IQ = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + YLMU( IQ, IU )* & ( PSI( IQ + 1 ) + FACT*GL( IQ )*YLM0( IQ ) ) 30 CONTINUE ZBEAM( IU ) = SUM 40 CONTINUE END IF IF( PLANK .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN c ** Thermal source terms, STWJ(27c) DO 60 IQ = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 PSUM = 0.0 DO 50 JQ = 1, NSTR PSUM = PSUM + CWT( JQ )*YLMC( IQ, JQ )*Z0( JQ ) 50 CONTINUE PSI( IQ + 1 ) = 0.5*GL( IQ )*PSUM 60 CONTINUE DO 80 IU = 1, NUMU SUM = 0.0 DO 70 IQ = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + YLMU( IQ, IU )*PSI( IQ + 1 ) 70 CONTINUE Z0U( IU ) = SUM + ( 1.- OPRIM )*XR0 Z1U( IU ) = XR1 80 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE UPBEAM( ARRAY, CC, CMU, DELM0, FBEAM, GL, IPVT, MAZIM, & MXCMU, NN, NSTR, PI, UMU0, WK, YLM0, YLMC, ZJ, & ZZ ) c Finds the incident-beam particular solution of SS(18) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CC : C-sub-ij in Eq. SS(5) c c CMU : Abscissae for Gauss quadrature over angle cosine c c DELM0 : Kronecker delta, delta-sub-m0 c c GL : Delta-M scaled Legendre coefficients of phase function c (including factors 2L+1 and single-scatter albedo) c c MAZIM : Order of azimuthal component c c YLM0 : Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c at the beam angle c c YLMC : Normalized associated Legendre polynomial c at the quadrature angles c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c ZJ : Right-hand side vector X-sub-zero in SS(19); also the c solution vector Z-sub-zero after solving that system c c ZZ : Permanent storage for ZJ, but re-ordered c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c ARRAY : Coefficient matrix in left-hand side of Eq. SS(19) c IPVT : Integer vector of pivot indices required by LINPACK c WK : Scratch array required by LINPACK c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- SGECO, ERRMSG, SGESL c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MAZIM, MXCMU, NN, NSTR REAL DELM0, FBEAM, PI, UMU0 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL ARRAY( MXCMU, MXCMU ), CC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), CMU( MXCMU ), & GL( 0:MXCMU ), WK( MXCMU ), YLM0( 0:MXCMU ), & YLMC( 0:MXCMU, * ), ZJ( MXCMU ), ZZ( MXCMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, JOB, JQ, K REAL RCOND, SUM c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG, SGECO, SGESL c .. DO 30 IQ = 1, NSTR DO 10 JQ = 1, NSTR ARRAY( IQ, JQ ) = -CC( IQ, JQ ) 10 CONTINUE ARRAY( IQ, IQ ) = 1.+ CMU( IQ ) / UMU0 + ARRAY( IQ, IQ ) SUM = 0. DO 20 K = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SUM = SUM + GL( K )*YLMC( K, IQ )*YLM0( K ) 20 CONTINUE ZJ( IQ ) = ( 2.- DELM0 )*FBEAM*SUM / ( 4.*PI ) 30 CONTINUE c ** Find L-U (lower/upper triangular) decomposition c ** of ARRAY and see if it is nearly singular c ** (NOTE: ARRAY is altered) RCOND = 0.0 CALL SGECO( ARRAY, MXCMU, NSTR, IPVT, RCOND, WK ) IF( 1.0 + RCOND.EQ.1.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG('UPBEAM--SGECO says matrix near singular',.FALSE.) c ** Solve linear system with coeff matrix ARRAY c ** (assumed already L-U decomposed) and R.H. side(s) c ** ZJ; return solution(s) in ZJ JOB = 0 CALL SGESL( ARRAY, MXCMU, NSTR, IPVT, ZJ, JOB ) DO 40 IQ = 1, NN ZZ( IQ + NN ) = ZJ( IQ ) ZZ( NN + 1 - IQ ) = ZJ( IQ + NN ) 40 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE UPISOT( ARRAY, CC, CMU, IPVT, MXCMU, NN, NSTR, OPRIM, & WK, XR0, XR1, Z0, Z1, ZPLK0, ZPLK1 ) c Finds the particular solution of thermal radiation of SS(15) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CC : C-sub-ij in Eq. SS(5) c c CMU : Abscissae for Gauss quadrature over angle cosine c c OPRIM : Delta-M scaled single scattering albedo c c XR0 : Expansion of thermal source function c c XR1 : Expansion of thermal source function Eqs. SS(14-16) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c Z0 : Solution vectors Z-sub-zero of Eq. SS(16) c c Z1 : Solution vectors Z-sub-one of Eq. SS(16) c c ZPLK0, : Permanent storage for Z0,Z1, but re-ordered c ZPLK1 c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c ARRAY : Coefficient matrix in left-hand side of EQ. SS(16) c IPVT : Integer vector of pivot indices required by LINPACK c WK : Scratch array required by LINPACK c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- SGECO, ERRMSG, SGESL c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MXCMU, NN, NSTR REAL OPRIM, XR0, XR1 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL ARRAY( MXCMU, MXCMU ), CC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), CMU( MXCMU ), & WK( MXCMU ), Z0( MXCMU ), Z1( MXCMU ), ZPLK0( MXCMU ), & ZPLK1( MXCMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, JQ REAL RCOND c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG, SGECO, SGESL c .. DO 20 IQ = 1, NSTR DO 10 JQ = 1, NSTR ARRAY( IQ, JQ ) = - CC( IQ, JQ ) 10 CONTINUE ARRAY( IQ, IQ ) = 1.0 + ARRAY( IQ, IQ ) Z1( IQ ) = XR1 Z0( IQ ) = ( 1.- OPRIM )*XR0 + CMU( IQ )*Z1( IQ ) 20 CONTINUE c ** Solve linear equations: same as in UPBEAM, c ** except ZJ replaced by Z0 RCOND = 0.0 CALL SGECO( ARRAY, MXCMU, NSTR, IPVT, RCOND, WK ) IF( 1.0 + RCOND.EQ.1.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG('UPISOT--SGECO says matrix near singular',.FALSE.) CALL SGESL( ARRAY, MXCMU, NSTR, IPVT, Z0, 0 ) DO 30 IQ = 1, NN ZPLK0( IQ + NN ) = Z0( IQ ) ZPLK1( IQ + NN ) = Z1( IQ ) ZPLK0( NN + 1 - IQ ) = Z0( IQ + NN ) ZPLK1( NN + 1 - IQ ) = Z1( IQ + NN ) 30 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE USRINT( BPLANK, CMU, CWT, DELM0, DTAUCP, EMU, EXPBEA, & FBEAM, FISOT, GC, GU, KK, LAMBER, LAYRU, LL, & LYRCUT, MAZIM, MXCMU, MXULV, MXUMU, NCUT, NLYR, & NN, NSTR, PLANK, NUMU, NTAU, PI, RMU, TAUCPR, & TPLANK, UMU, UMU0, UTAUPR, WK, ZBEAM, Z0U, Z1U, & ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, UUM ) c Computes intensity components at user output angles c for azimuthal expansion terms in Eq. SD(2) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c BPLANK : Integrated Planck function for emission from c bottom boundary c c CMU : Abscissae for Gauss quadrature over angle cosine c c CWT : Weights for Gauss quadrature over angle cosine c c DELM0 : Kronecker delta, delta-sub-M0 c c EMU : Surface directional emissivity (user angles) c c EXPBEA : Transmission of incident beam, EXP(-TAUCPR/UMU0) c c GC : Eigenvectors at polar quadrature angles, SC(1) c c GU : Eigenvectors interpolated to user polar angles c (i.e., G in Eq. SC(1) ) c c KK : Eigenvalues of coeff. matrix in Eq. SS(7) c c LAYRU : Layer number of user level UTAU c c LL : Constants of integration in Eq. SC(1), obtained c by solving scaled version of Eq. SC(5); c exponential term of Eq. SC(12) not included c c LYRCUT : Logical flag for truncation of computational layer c c MAZIM : Order of azimuthal component c c NCUT : Total number of computational layers considered c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c RMU : Surface bidirectional reflectivity (user angles) c c TAUCPR : Cumulative optical depth (delta-M-Scaled) c c TPLANK : Integrated Planck function for emission from c top boundary c c UTAUPR : Optical depths of user output levels in delta-M c coordinates; equal to UTAU if no delta-M c c Z0U : Z-sub-zero in Eq. SS(16) interpolated to user c angles from an equation derived from SS(16) c c Z1U : Z-sub-one in Eq. SS(16) interpolated to user c angles from an equation derived from SS(16) c c ZZ : Beam source vectors in Eq. SS(19) c c ZPLK0 : Thermal source vectors Z0, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c ZPLK1 : Thermal source vectors Z1, by solving Eq. SS(16) c c ZBEAM : Incident-beam source vectors c c (Remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c UUM : Azimuthal components of the intensity in EQ. STWJ(5) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c BNDDIR : Direct intensity down at the bottom boundary c BNDDFU : Diffuse intensity down at the bottom boundary c BNDINT : Intensity attenuated at both boundaries, STWJ(25-6) c DTAU : Optical depth of a computational layer c LYREND : End layer of integration c LYRSTR : Start layer of integration c PALINT : Intensity component from parallel beam c PLKINT : Intensity component from planck source c WK : Scratch vector for saving EXP evaluations c c All the exponential factors ( EXP1, EXPN,... etc.) c come from the substitution of constants of integration in c Eq. SC(12) into Eqs. S1(8-9). They all have negative c arguments so there should never be overflow problems. c c Called by- DISORT c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LAMBER, LYRCUT, PLANK INTEGER MAZIM, MXCMU, MXULV, MXUMU, NCUT, NLYR, NN, NSTR, NTAU, & NUMU REAL BPLANK, DELM0, FBEAM, FISOT, PI, TPLANK, UMU0 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER LAYRU( * ) REAL CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), DTAUCP( * ), EMU( MXUMU ), & EXPBEA( 0:* ), GC( MXCMU, MXCMU, * ), & GU( MXUMU, MXCMU, * ), KK( MXCMU, * ), LL( MXCMU, * ), & RMU( MXUMU, 0:* ), TAUCPR( 0:* ), UMU( * ), & UTAUPR( MXULV ), UUM( MXUMU, MXULV ), WK( MXCMU ), & Z0U( MXUMU, * ), Z1U( MXUMU, * ), ZBEAM( MXUMU, * ), & ZPLK0( MXCMU, * ), ZPLK1( MXCMU, * ), ZZ( MXCMU, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL NEGUMU INTEGER IQ, IU, JQ, LC, LU, LYREND, LYRSTR, LYU REAL BNDDFU, BNDDIR, BNDINT, DENOM, DFUINT, DTAU, DTAU1, & DTAU2, EXP0, EXP1, EXP2, EXPN, FACT, PALINT, PLKINT, SGN c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, EXP c .. c ** Incorporate constants of integration into c ** interpolated eigenvectors DO 30 LC = 1, NCUT DO 20 IQ = 1, NSTR DO 10 IU = 1, NUMU GU( IU, IQ, LC ) = GU( IU, IQ, LC )*LL( IQ, LC ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE c ** Loop over levels at which intensities c ** are desired ('user output levels') DO 160 LU = 1, NTAU IF( FBEAM .GT. 0.0 ) EXP0 = EXP( - UTAUPR(LU) / UMU0 ) LYU = LAYRU( LU ) c ** Loop over polar angles at which c ** intensities are desired DO 150 IU = 1, NUMU IF( LYRCUT .AND. LYU.GT.NCUT ) GO TO 150 NEGUMU = UMU( IU ).LT.0.0 IF( NEGUMU ) THEN LYRSTR = 1 LYREND = LYU - 1 SGN = -1.0 ELSE LYRSTR = LYU + 1 LYREND = NCUT SGN = 1.0 END IF c ** For downward intensity, integrate from top c ** to LYU-1 in Eq. S1(8); for upward, c ** integrate from bottom to LYU+1 in S1(9) PALINT = 0.0 PLKINT = 0.0 DO 60 LC = LYRSTR, LYREND DTAU = DTAUCP( LC ) EXP1 = EXP( (UTAUPR(LU) - TAUCPR(LC-1)) / UMU(IU) ) EXP2 = EXP( (UTAUPR(LU) - TAUCPR( LC )) / UMU(IU) ) IF ( PLANK .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) & PLKINT = PLKINT + SGN * ( Z0U(IU,LC) * (EXP1 - EXP2) + & Z1U(IU,LC) * ( (TAUCPR(LC-1) + UMU(IU))*EXP1 - & (TAUCPR(LC) + UMU(IU))*EXP2 ) ) IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN DENOM = 1.+ UMU( IU ) / UMU0 IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN c ** L'Hospital limit EXPN = ( DTAU / UMU0 )*EXP0 ELSE EXPN = ( EXP1*EXPBEA( LC-1 ) - & EXP2*EXPBEA( LC ) )*SGN / DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + ZBEAM( IU, LC )*EXPN END IF c ** KK is negative DO 40 IQ = 1, NN WK( IQ ) = EXP( KK( IQ,LC )*DTAU ) DENOM = 1.0 + UMU( IU )*KK( IQ, LC ) IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN c ** L'Hospital limit EXPN = DTAU / UMU( IU )*EXP2 ELSE EXPN = SGN*( EXP1*WK( IQ ) - EXP2 ) / DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + GU( IU, IQ, LC )*EXPN 40 CONTINUE c ** KK is positive DO 50 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR DENOM = 1.0 + UMU( IU )*KK( IQ, LC ) IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN c ** L'Hospital limit EXPN = - DTAU / UMU( IU )*EXP1 ELSE EXPN = SGN*( EXP1 - EXP2*WK(NSTR+1 - IQ) ) /DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + GU( IU, IQ, LC )*EXPN 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE c ** Calculate contribution from user c ** output level to next computational level DTAU1 = UTAUPR( LU ) - TAUCPR( LYU - 1 ) DTAU2 = UTAUPR( LU ) - TAUCPR( LYU ) IF( ABS( DTAU1 ).LT.1.E-6 .AND. NEGUMU ) GO TO 90 IF( ABS( DTAU2 ).LT.1.E-6 .AND. (.NOT.NEGUMU) ) GO TO 90 IF( NEGUMU ) EXP1 = EXP( DTAU1 / UMU( IU ) ) IF( .NOT.NEGUMU ) EXP2 = EXP( DTAU2 / UMU( IU ) ) IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) THEN DENOM = 1.+ UMU( IU ) / UMU0 IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN EXPN = ( DTAU1 / UMU0 )*EXP0 ELSE IF( NEGUMU ) THEN EXPN = ( EXP0 - EXPBEA( LYU - 1 )*EXP1 ) / DENOM ELSE EXPN = ( EXP0 - EXPBEA( LYU )*EXP2 ) / DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + ZBEAM( IU, LYU )*EXPN END IF c ** KK is negative DTAU = DTAUCP( LYU ) DO 70 IQ = 1, NN DENOM = 1.+ UMU( IU )*KK( IQ, LYU ) IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN EXPN = -DTAU2 / UMU( IU )*EXP2 ELSE IF( NEGUMU ) THEN EXPN = ( EXP( -KK( IQ,LYU )*DTAU2 ) - & EXP( KK( IQ,LYU )*DTAU )*EXP1 ) / DENOM ELSE EXPN = ( EXP( -KK( IQ,LYU )*DTAU2 ) - EXP2 ) / DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + GU( IU, IQ, LYU )*EXPN 70 CONTINUE c ** KK is positive DO 80 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR DENOM = 1.+ UMU( IU )*KK( IQ, LYU ) IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN EXPN = -DTAU1 / UMU( IU )*EXP1 ELSE IF( NEGUMU ) THEN EXPN = ( EXP( -KK( IQ,LYU )*DTAU1 ) - EXP1 ) / DENOM ELSE EXPN = ( EXP( -KK( IQ,LYU )*DTAU1 ) - & EXP( -KK( IQ,LYU )*DTAU )*EXP2 ) / DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + GU( IU, IQ, LYU )*EXPN 80 CONTINUE IF( PLANK .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN IF( NEGUMU ) THEN EXPN = EXP1 FACT = TAUCPR( LYU - 1 ) + UMU( IU ) ELSE EXPN = EXP2 FACT = TAUCPR( LYU ) + UMU( IU ) END IF PLKINT = PLKINT + Z0U( IU, LYU )*( 1.- EXPN ) + & Z1U( IU, LYU )*( UTAUPR( LU ) + UMU( IU ) & - FACT*EXPN ) END IF c ** Calculate intensity components c ** attenuated at both boundaries. c ** NOTE: no azimuthal intensity c ** component for isotropic surface 90 CONTINUE BNDINT = 0.0 IF( NEGUMU .AND. MAZIM.EQ.0 ) THEN BNDINT = ( FISOT + TPLANK )* & EXP( UTAUPR( LU ) / UMU( IU ) ) ELSE IF( .NOT.NEGUMU ) THEN IF( LYRCUT .OR. ( LAMBER .AND. MAZIM.GT.0 ) ) GO TO 140 DO 100 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR WK( JQ ) = EXP( - KK( JQ,NLYR )*DTAUCP( NLYR ) ) 100 CONTINUE BNDDFU = 0.0 DO 130 IQ = NN, 1, -1 DFUINT = 0.0 DO 110 JQ = 1, NN DFUINT = DFUINT + GC( IQ, JQ, NLYR )*LL( JQ, NLYR ) 110 CONTINUE DO 120 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR DFUINT = DFUINT + GC( IQ, JQ, NLYR )* & LL( JQ, NLYR )*WK( JQ ) 120 CONTINUE IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) DFUINT = DFUINT + & ZZ( IQ, NLYR )*EXPBEA( NLYR ) DFUINT = DFUINT + DELM0*( ZPLK0( IQ,NLYR ) + & ZPLK1( IQ,NLYR )*TAUCPR( NLYR ) ) BNDDFU = BNDDFU + ( 1.+ DELM0 ) * RMU(IU,NN+1-IQ) & * CMU(NN+1-IQ) * CWT(NN+1-IQ) * DFUINT 130 CONTINUE BNDDIR = 0.0 IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 ) BNDDIR = UMU0*FBEAM / PI*RMU( IU, 0 )* & EXPBEA( NLYR ) BNDINT = ( BNDDFU + BNDDIR + DELM0 * EMU(IU) * BPLANK ) & * EXP( (UTAUPR(LU)-TAUCPR(NLYR)) / UMU(IU) ) END IF 140 CONTINUE UUM( IU, LU ) = PALINT + PLKINT + BNDINT 150 CONTINUE 160 CONTINUE RETURN END c ****************************************************************** c ********** DISORT service routines ******************************* c ****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE CHEKIN( NLYR, DTAUC, SSALB, PMOM, TEMPER, WVNMLO, & WVNMHI, USRTAU, NTAU, UTAU, NSTR, USRANG, NUMU, & UMU, NPHI, PHI, IBCND, FBEAM, UMU0, PHI0, & FISOT, LAMBER, ALBEDO, HL, BTEMP, TTEMP, TEMIS, & PLANK, ONLYFL, ACCUR, TAUC, MAXCLY, MAXULV, & MAXUMU, MAXCMU, MAXPHI, MXCLY, MXULV, MXUMU, & MXCMU, MXPHI, MXSQT ) c Checks the input dimensions and variables c Calls- WRTBAD, WRTDIM, DREF, ERRMSG c Called by- DISORT c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL LAMBER, ONLYFL, PLANK, USRANG, USRTAU INTEGER IBCND, MAXCLY, MAXCMU, MAXPHI, MAXULV, MAXUMU, MXCLY, & MXCMU, MXPHI, MXULV, MXUMU, MXSQT, NLYR, NPHI, NSTR, & NTAU, NUMU REAL ACCUR, ALBEDO, BTEMP, FBEAM, FISOT, PHI0, TEMIS, TTEMP, & UMU0, WVNMHI, WVNMLO c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL DTAUC( MAXCLY ), HL( 0:MAXCMU ), PHI( MAXPHI ), & PMOM( 0:MAXCMU, MAXCLY ), SSALB( MAXCLY ), & TAUC( 0:MXCLY ), TEMPER( 0:MAXCLY ), UMU( MAXUMU ), & UTAU( MAXULV ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL INPERR INTEGER IRMU, IU, J, K, LC, LU, NUMSQT REAL FLXALB, RMU c .. c .. External Functions .. LOGICAL WRTBAD, WRTDIM REAL DREF EXTERNAL WRTBAD, WRTDIM, DREF c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MOD c .. INPERR = .FALSE. IF( NLYR.LT.1 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'NLYR' ) IF( NLYR.GT.MAXCLY ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXCLY' ) DO 20 LC = 1, NLYR IF( DTAUC( LC ).LT.0.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'DTAUC' ) IF( SSALB( LC ).LT.0.0 .OR. SSALB( LC ).GT.1.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'SSALB' ) IF( PLANK .AND. IBCND.NE.1 ) THEN IF( LC.EQ.1 .AND. TEMPER( 0 ).LT.0.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'TEMPER' ) IF( TEMPER( LC ).LT.0.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'TEMPER' ) END IF DO 10 K = 0, NSTR IF( PMOM( K,LC ).LT.-1.0 .OR. PMOM( K,LC ).GT.1.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'PMOM' ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE IF( IBCND.EQ.1 ) THEN IF( MAXULV.LT.2 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXULV' ) ELSE IF( USRTAU ) THEN IF( NTAU.LT.1 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'NTAU' ) IF( MAXULV.LT.NTAU ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXULV' ) DO 30 LU = 1, NTAU IF( ABS( UTAU( LU ) - TAUC( NLYR ) ).LE. 1.E-4 ) & UTAU( LU ) = TAUC( NLYR ) IF( UTAU( LU ).LT.0.0 .OR. UTAU( LU ).GT. TAUC( NLYR ) ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'UTAU' ) 30 CONTINUE ELSE IF( MAXULV.LT.NLYR + 1 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXULV' ) END IF IF( NSTR.LT.2 .OR. MOD( NSTR,2 ).NE.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'NSTR' ) IF( NSTR.EQ.2 ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'CHEKIN--2 streams not recommended;'// & ' use specialized 2-stream code instead',.False.) IF( NSTR.GT.MAXCMU ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXCMU' ) IF( USRANG ) THEN IF( NUMU.LT.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'NUMU' ) IF( .NOT.ONLYFL .AND. NUMU.EQ.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'NUMU' ) IF( NUMU.GT.MAXUMU ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXUMU' ) IF( IBCND.EQ.1 .AND. 2*NUMU.GT.MAXUMU ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXUMU' ) DO 40 IU = 1, NUMU IF( UMU( IU ).LT.-1.0 .OR. UMU( IU ).GT.1.0 .OR. & UMU( IU ).EQ.0.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'UMU' ) IF( IBCND.EQ.1 .AND. UMU( IU ).LT.0.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'UMU' ) IF( IU.GT.1 ) THEN IF( UMU( IU ).LT.UMU( IU-1 ) ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'UMU' ) END IF 40 CONTINUE ELSE IF( MAXUMU.LT.NSTR ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXUMU' ) END IF IF( .NOT.ONLYFL .AND. IBCND.NE.1 ) THEN IF( NPHI.LE.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'NPHI' ) IF( NPHI.GT.MAXPHI ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'MAXPHI' ) DO 50 J = 1, NPHI IF( PHI( J ).LT.0.0 .OR. PHI( J ).GT.360.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'PHI' ) 50 CONTINUE END IF IF( IBCND.LT.0 .OR. IBCND.GT.1 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'IBCND' ) IF( IBCND.EQ.0 ) THEN IF( FBEAM.LT.0.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'FBEAM' ) IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 .AND. ( UMU0.LE.0.0 .OR.UMU0.GT.1.0 ) ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'UMU0' ) IF( FBEAM.GT.0.0 .AND. ( PHI0.LT.0.0 .OR.PHI0.GT.360.0 ) ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'PHI0' ) IF( FISOT.LT.0.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'FISOT' ) IF( LAMBER ) THEN IF( ALBEDO.LT.0.0 .OR. ALBEDO.GT.1.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'ALBEDO' ) ELSE c ** Make sure flux albedo at dense mesh of incident c ** angles does not assume unphysical values DO 60 IRMU = 0, 100 RMU = IRMU*0.01 FLXALB = DREF( RMU, HL, NSTR ) IF( FLXALB.LT.0.0 .OR. FLXALB.GT.1.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'HL' ) 60 CONTINUE END IF ELSE IF( IBCND.EQ.1 ) THEN IF( ALBEDO.LT.0.0 .OR. ALBEDO.GT.1.0 ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'ALBEDO' ) END IF IF( PLANK .AND. IBCND.NE.1 ) THEN IF( WVNMLO.LT.0.0 .OR. WVNMHI.LE.WVNMLO ) & INPERR = WRTBAD( 'WVNMLO,HI' ) IF( TEMIS.LT.0.0 .OR. TEMIS.GT.1.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'TEMIS' ) IF( BTEMP.LT.0.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'BTEMP' ) IF( TTEMP.LT.0.0 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'TTEMP' ) END IF IF( ACCUR.LT.0.0 .OR. ACCUR.GT.1.E-2 ) INPERR = WRTBAD( 'ACCUR' ) IF( MXCLY.LT.NLYR ) INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXCLY', NLYR ) IF( IBCND.NE.1 ) THEN IF( USRTAU .AND. MXULV.LT.NTAU ) & INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXULV',NTAU ) IF( .NOT.USRTAU .AND. MXULV .LT. NLYR + 1 ) & INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXULV', NLYR + 1 ) ELSE IF( MXULV.LT.2 ) INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXULV', 2 ) END IF IF( MXCMU.LT.NSTR ) INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXCMU', NSTR ) IF( USRANG .AND. MXUMU.LT.NUMU ) INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXUMU', NUMU ) IF( USRANG .AND. IBCND.EQ.1 .AND. MXUMU.LT.2*NUMU ) & INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXUMU', 2*NUMU ) IF( .NOT.USRANG .AND. MXUMU.LT.NSTR ) & INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXUMU', NSTR ) IF( .NOT.ONLYFL .AND. IBCND.NE.1 .AND. MXPHI.LT.NPHI ) & INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXPHI', NPHI ) NUMSQT = 2*MAX(100,NSTR) IF( MXSQT .LT. NUMSQT ) INPERR = WRTDIM( 'MXSQT', NUMSQT ) IF( INPERR ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'DISORT--input and/or dimension errors',.True.) IF( PLANK ) THEN DO 70 LC = 1, NLYR IF( ABS( TEMPER( LC ) - TEMPER( LC-1 ) ).GT. 20.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG('CHEKIN--vertical temperature step may' & // ' be too large for good accuracy', & .False.) 70 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END REAL FUNCTION DREF( MU, HL, NSTR ) c Exact flux albedo for given angle of incidence, given c a bidirectional reflectivity characterized by its c Legendre coefficients ( NOTE** these will only agree c with bottom-boundary albedos calculated by DISORT in c the limit as number of streams go to infinity, because c DISORT evaluates the integral 'CL' only approximately, c by quadrature, while this routine calculates it exactly.) c c INPUT : MU Cosine of incidence angle c c HL Legendre coefficients of bidirectional reflectivity c c NSTR Number of elements of HL to consider c c c INTERNAL VARIABLES (P-sub-L is the L-th Legendre polynomial) : c c CL Integral from 0 to 1 of MU * P-sub-L(MU) c (vanishes for L = 3, 5, 7, ... ) c PL P-sub-L c PLM1 P-sub-(L-1) c PLM2 P-sub-(L-2) c c Called by- CHEKIN c Calls- ERRMSG c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Parameters .. INTEGER MAXTRM PARAMETER ( MAXTRM = 100 ) c .. c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER NSTR REAL MU c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL HL( 0:NSTR ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL PASS1 INTEGER L REAL CL, PL, PLM1, PLM2 c .. c .. Local Arrays .. REAL C( MAXTRM ) c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD c .. SAVE PASS1, C DATA PASS1 / .True. / c .. IF( PASS1 ) THEN PASS1 = .FALSE. CL = 0.125 C( 2 ) = 10.*CL DO 10 L = 4, MAXTRM, 2 CL = - CL*( L - 3 ) / ( L + 2 ) C( L ) = 2.*( 2*L + 1 )*CL 10 CONTINUE END IF IF( NSTR.LT.2 .OR. ABS(MU).GT.1.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'DREF--input argument error(s)',.True. ) IF( NSTR.GT.MAXTRM ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'DREF--parameter MAXTRM too small',.True. ) DREF = HL( 0 ) - 2.*HL( 1 )*MU PLM2 = 1.0 PLM1 = - MU DO 20 L = 2, NSTR - 1 c ** Legendre polynomial recurrence PL = ( ( 2*L - 1 )*( -MU )*PLM1 - ( L-1 )*PLM2 ) / L IF( MOD( L,2 ).EQ.0 ) DREF = DREF + C( L )*HL( L )*PL PLM2 = PLM1 PLM1 = PL 20 CONTINUE IF( DREF.LT.0.0 .OR. DREF.GT.1.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'DREF--albedo value not in (0,1)',.False. ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE LEPOLY( NMU, M, MAXMU, TWONM1, MU, SQT, YLM ) c Computes the normalized associated Legendre polynomial, c defined in terms of the associated Legendre polynomial c Plm = P-sub-l-super-m as c c Ylm(MU) = sqrt( (l-m)!/(l+m)! ) * Plm(MU) c c for fixed order m and all degrees from l = m to TWONM1. c When m.GT.0, assumes that Y-sub(m-1)-super(m-1) is available c from a prior call to the routine. c c REFERENCE: Dave, J.V. and B.H. Armstrong, Computations of c High-Order Associated Legendre Polynomials, c J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 10, c 557-562, 1970. (hereafter D/A) c c METHOD: Varying degree recurrence relationship. c c NOTES: c (1) The D/A formulas are transformed by setting M=n-1; L=k-1. c (2) Assumes that routine is called first with M = 0, then with c M = 1, etc. up to M = TWONM1. c (3) Loops are written in such a way as to vectorize. c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c NMU : Number of arguments of YLM c c M : Order of YLM c c MAXMU : First dimension of YLM c c TWONM1 : Max degree of YLM c c MU(i) : Arguments of YLM (i = 1 to NMU) c c SQT(k) : Square root of k c c If M.GT.0, YLM(M-1,i) for i = 1 to NMU is assumed to exist c from a prior call. c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E: c c YLM(l,i) : l = M to TWONM1, normalized associated Legendre c polynomials evaluated at argument MU(i) c c Called by- DISORT, ALBTRN, SURFAC c Calls- ERRMSG c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER M, MAXMU, NMU, TWONM1 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL MU( * ), YLM( 0:MAXMU, * ), SQT( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, L REAL TMP1, TMP2 c .. IF( M.EQ.0 ) THEN c ** Upward recurrence for ordinary c ** Legendre polynomials DO 20 I = 1, NMU YLM( 0, I ) = 1.0 YLM( 1, I ) = MU( I ) 20 CONTINUE DO 40 L = 2, TWONM1 DO 30 I = 1, NMU YLM( L, I ) = ( ( 2*L - 1 )*MU( I )*YLM( L-1, I ) - & ( L - 1 )*YLM( L-2, I ) ) / L 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE ELSE DO 50 I = 1, NMU c ** Y-sub-m-super-m; derived from c ** D/A Eqs. (11,12) YLM( M, I ) = - SQT( 2*M - 1 ) / SQT( 2*M )* & SQRT( 1.- MU(I)**2 )*YLM( M-1, I ) c ** Y-sub-(m+1)-super-m; derived from c ** D/A Eqs.(13,14) using Eqs.(11,12) YLM( M+1, I ) = SQT( 2*M + 1 )*MU( I )*YLM( M, I ) 50 CONTINUE c ** Upward recurrence; D/A EQ.(10) DO 70 L = M + 2, TWONM1 TMP1 = SQT( L - M )*SQT( L + M ) TMP2 = SQT( L - M - 1 )*SQT( L + M - 1 ) DO 60 I = 1, NMU YLM( L, I ) = ( ( 2*L - 1 )*MU( I )*YLM( L-1, I ) - & TMP2*YLM( L-2, I ) ) / TMP1 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END REAL FUNCTION PLKAVG( WNUMLO, WNUMHI, T ) c Computes Planck function integrated between two wavenumbers c c INPUT : WNUMLO : Lower wavenumber (inv cm) of spectral interval c c WNUMHI : Upper wavenumber c c T : Temperature (K) c c OUTPUT : PLKAVG : Integrated Planck function ( Watts/sq m ) c = Integral (WNUMLO to WNUMHI) of c 2h c**2 nu**3 / ( EXP(hc nu/kT) - 1) c (where h=Plancks constant, c=speed of c light, nu=wavenumber, T=temperature, c and k = Boltzmann constant) c c Reference : Specifications of the Physical World: New Value c of the Fundamental Constants, Dimensions/N.B.S., c Jan. 1974 c c Method : For WNUMLO close to WNUMHI, a Simpson-rule quadrature c is done to avoid ill-conditioning; otherwise c c (1) For WNUMLO or WNUMHI small, c integral(0 to WNUMLO/HI) is calculated by expanding c the integrand in a power series and integrating c term by term; c c (2) Otherwise, integral(WNUMLO/HI to INFINITY) is c calculated by expanding the denominator of the c integrand in powers of the exponential and c integrating term by term. c c Accuracy : At least 6 significant digits, assuming the c physical constants are infinitely accurate c c ERRORS WHICH ARE NOT TRAPPED: c c * power or exponential series may underflow, giving no c significant digits. This may or may not be of concern, c depending on the application. c c * Simpson-rule special case is skipped when denominator of c integrand will cause overflow. In that case the normal c procedure is used, which may be inaccurate if the c wavenumber limits (WNUMLO, WNUMHI) are close together. c c LOCAL VARIABLES c c A1,2,... : Power series coefficients c C2 : h * c / k, in units cm*K (h = Plancks constant, c c = speed of light, k = Boltzmann constant) c D(I) : Exponential series expansion of integral of c Planck function from WNUMLO (i=1) or WNUMHI c (i=2) to infinity c EPSIL : SMALLEST NUMBER SUCH THAT 1+EPSIL .GT. 1 on c computer c EX : EXP( - V(I) ) c EXM : EX**M c MMAX : No. of terms to take in exponential series c MV : Multiples of V(I) c P(I) : Power series expansion of integral of c Planck function from zero to WNUMLO (I=1) or c WNUMHI (I=2) c PI : 3.14159... c SIGMA : Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m**2/K**4) c SIGDPI : SIGMA / PI c SMALLV : Number of times the power series is used (0,1,2) c V(I) : C2 * (WNUMLO(I=1) or WNUMHI(I=2)) / temperature c VCUT : Power-series cutoff point c VCP : Exponential series cutoff points c VMAX : Largest allowable argument of EXP function c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- R1MACH, ERRMSG c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Parameters .. REAL A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 PARAMETER ( A1 = 1. / 3., A2 = -1. / 8., A3 = 1. / 60., & A4 = -1. / 5040., A5 = 1. / 272160., & A6 = -1. / 13305600. ) c .. c .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL T, WNUMHI, WNUMLO c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, K, M, MMAX, N, SMALLV REAL C2, CONC, DEL, EPSIL, EX, EXM, HH, MV, OLDVAL, PI, & SIGDPI, SIGMA, VAL, VAL0, VCUT, VMAX, VSQ, X c .. c .. Local Arrays .. REAL D( 2 ), P( 2 ), V( 2 ), VCP( 7 ) c .. c .. External Functions .. REAL R1MACH EXTERNAL R1MACH c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, ASIN, EXP, LOG, MOD c .. c .. Statement Functions .. REAL PLKF c .. SAVE PI, CONC, VMAX, EPSIL, SIGDPI DATA C2 / 1.438786 / , SIGMA / 5.67032E-8 / , VCUT / 1.5 / , & VCP / 10.25, 5.7, 3.9, 2.9, 2.3, 1.9, 0.0 / DATA PI / 0.0 / c .. Statement Function definitions .. PLKF( X ) = X**3 / ( EXP( X ) - 1 ) c .. IF( PI .EQ. 0.0 ) THEN PI = 2.*ASIN( 1.0 ) VMAX = LOG( R1MACH( 2 ) ) EPSIL = R1MACH( 4 ) SIGDPI = SIGMA / PI CONC = 15. / PI**4 END IF IF( T.LT.0.0 .OR. WNUMHI.LE.WNUMLO .OR. WNUMLO.LT.0. ) & CALL ERRMSG('PLKAVG--temperature or wavenums. wrong',.TRUE.) IF( T .LT. 1.E-4 ) THEN PLKAVG = 0.0 RETURN END IF V( 1 ) = C2*WNUMLO / T V( 2 ) = C2*WNUMHI / T IF( V( 1 ).GT.EPSIL .AND. V( 2 ).LT.VMAX .AND. & ( WNUMHI - WNUMLO ) / WNUMHI .LT. 1.E-2 ) THEN c ** Wavenumbers are very close. Get integral c ** by iterating Simpson rule to convergence. HH = V( 2 ) - V( 1 ) OLDVAL = 0.0 VAL0 = PLKF( V( 1 ) ) + PLKF( V( 2 ) ) DO 20 N = 1, 10 DEL = HH / ( 2*N ) VAL = VAL0 DO 10 K = 1, 2*N - 1 VAL = VAL + 2*( 1 + MOD( K,2 ) )* & PLKF( V( 1 ) + K*DEL ) 10 CONTINUE VAL = DEL / 3.*VAL IF( ABS( ( VAL - OLDVAL ) / VAL ).LE.1.E-6 ) GO TO 30 OLDVAL = VAL 20 CONTINUE CALL ERRMSG( 'PLKAVG--Simpson rule didnt converge',.FALSE.) 30 CONTINUE PLKAVG = SIGDPI * T**4 * CONC * VAL RETURN END IF c *** General case *** SMALLV = 0 DO 60 I = 1, 2 IF( V( I ).LT.VCUT ) THEN c ** Use power series SMALLV = SMALLV + 1 VSQ = V( I )**2 P( I ) = CONC*VSQ*V( I )*( A1 + & V( I )*( A2 + V( I )*( A3 + VSQ*( A4 + VSQ*( A5 + & VSQ*A6 ) ) ) ) ) ELSE c ** Use exponential series MMAX = 0 c ** Find upper limit of series 40 CONTINUE MMAX = MMAX + 1 IF( V(I) .LT. VCP( MMAX ) ) GO TO 40 EX = EXP( - V(I) ) EXM = 1.0 D( I ) = 0.0 DO 50 M = 1, MMAX MV = M*V( I ) EXM = EX*EXM D( I ) = D( I ) + EXM*( 6.+ MV*( 6.+ MV*( 3.+ MV ) ) ) & / M**4 50 CONTINUE D( I ) = CONC*D( I ) END IF 60 CONTINUE c ** Handle ill-conditioning IF( SMALLV.EQ.2 ) THEN c ** WNUMLO and WNUMHI both small PLKAVG = P( 2 ) - P( 1 ) ELSE IF( SMALLV.EQ.1 ) THEN c ** WNUMLO small, WNUMHI large PLKAVG = 1.- P( 1 ) - D( 2 ) ELSE c ** WNUMLO and WNUMHI both large PLKAVG = D( 1 ) - D( 2 ) END IF PLKAVG = SIGDPI * T**4 * PLKAVG IF( PLKAVG.EQ.0.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG('PLKAVG--returns zero; possible underflow', & .FALSE.) RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRAVIN( UMU, NUMU, MAXUMU, UTAU, NTAU, U0U ) c Print azimuthally averaged intensities at user angles c Called by- DISORT c LENFMT Max number of polar angle cosines UMU that can be c printed on one line, as set in FORMAT statement c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MAXUMU, NTAU, NUMU c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL U0U( MAXUMU, NTAU ), UMU( NUMU ), UTAU( NTAU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IU, IUMAX, IUMIN, LENFMT, LU, NP, NPASS c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN c .. IF( NUMU.LT.1 ) RETURN WRITE( *, '(//,A)' ) & ' ******* AZIMUTHALLY AVERAGED INTENSITIES ' // & '(at user polar angles) ********' LENFMT = 8 NPASS = 1 + (NUMU-1) / LENFMT WRITE( *,'(/,A,/,A)') ' Optical Polar Angle Cosines', & ' Depth' DO 20 NP = 1, NPASS IUMIN = 1 + LENFMT * ( NP - 1 ) IUMAX = MIN( LENFMT*NP, NUMU ) WRITE( *,'(/,10X,8F14.5)') ( UMU(IU), IU = IUMIN, IUMAX ) DO 10 LU = 1, NTAU WRITE( *, '(0P,F10.4,1P,8E14.4)' ) UTAU( LU ), & ( U0U( IU,LU ), IU = IUMIN, IUMAX ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRTINP( NLYR, DTAUC, DTAUCP, SSALB, PMOM, TEMPER, & WVNMLO, WVNMHI, NTAU, UTAU, NSTR, NUMU, UMU, & NPHI, PHI, IBCND, FBEAM, UMU0, PHI0, FISOT, & LAMBER, ALBEDO, HL, BTEMP, TTEMP, TEMIS, & DELTAM, PLANK, ONLYFL, ACCUR, FLYR, LYRCUT, & OPRIM, TAUC, TAUCPR, MAXCMU, PRTMOM ) c Print values of input variables c Called by- DISORT c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL DELTAM, LAMBER, LYRCUT, ONLYFL, PLANK, PRTMOM INTEGER IBCND, MAXCMU, NLYR, NPHI, NSTR, NTAU, NUMU REAL ACCUR, ALBEDO, BTEMP, FBEAM, FISOT, PHI0, TEMIS, TTEMP, & UMU0, WVNMHI, WVNMLO c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL DTAUC( * ), DTAUCP( * ), FLYR( * ), HL( 0:MAXCMU ), & OPRIM( * ), PHI( * ), PMOM( 0:MAXCMU, * ), SSALB( * ), & TAUC( 0:* ), TAUCPR( 0:* ), TEMPER( 0:* ), UMU( * ), & UTAU( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IU, J, K, LC, LU REAL YESSCT c .. WRITE( *, '(/,A,I4,A,I4)' ) ' No. streams =', NSTR, & ' No. computational layers =', NLYR IF( IBCND.NE.1 ) WRITE( *, '(I4,A,10F10.4,/,(26X,10F10.4))' ) & NTAU,' User optical depths :', ( UTAU(LU), LU = 1, NTAU ) IF( .NOT.ONLYFL ) WRITE( *, '(I4,A,10F9.5,/,(31X,10F9.5))' ) & NUMU,' User polar angle cosines :',( UMU(IU), IU = 1, NUMU ) IF( .NOT.ONLYFL .AND. IBCND.NE.1 ) & WRITE( *, '(I4,A,10F9.2,/,(28X,10F9.2))' ) & NPHI,' User azimuthal angles :',( PHI(J), J = 1, NPHI ) IF( .NOT.PLANK .OR. IBCND.EQ.1 ) & WRITE( *, '(A)' ) ' No thermal emission' WRITE( *, '(A,I2)' ) ' Boundary condition flag: IBCND =', IBCND IF( IBCND.EQ.0 ) THEN WRITE( *, '(A,1P,E11.3,A,0P,F8.5,A,F7.2,/,A,1P,E11.3)' ) & ' Incident beam with intensity =', FBEAM, & ' and polar angle cosine = ', UMU0, & ' and azimuth angle =', PHI0, & ' plus isotropic incident intensity =', FISOT IF( LAMBER ) WRITE( *, '(A,0P,F8.4)' ) & ' Bottom albedo (Lambertian) =', ALBEDO IF( .NOT.LAMBER ) WRITE( *, '(A,/,(10X,10F9.5))' ) & ' Legendre coeffs of bottom bidirectional reflectivity :', & ( HL( K ), K = 0, NSTR ) IF( PLANK ) WRITE( *, '(A,2F14.4,/,A,F10.2,A,F10.2,A,F8.4)' ) & ' Thermal emission in wavenumber interval :', WVNMLO, & WVNMHI, & ' Bottom temperature =', BTEMP, & ' Top temperature =', TTEMP, & ' Top emissivity =',TEMIS ELSE IF( IBCND.EQ.1 ) THEN WRITE(*,'(A)') ' Isotropic illumination from top and bottom' WRITE( *, '(A,0P,F8.4)' ) & ' Bottom albedo (Lambertian) =', ALBEDO END IF IF( DELTAM ) WRITE( *, '(A)' ) ' Uses delta-M method' IF( .NOT.DELTAM ) WRITE( *, '(A)' ) ' Does not use delta-M method' IF( IBCND.EQ.1 ) THEN WRITE( *, '(A)' ) ' Calculate albedo and transmissivity of'// & ' medium vs. incident beam angle' ELSE IF( ONLYFL ) THEN WRITE( *, '(A)' ) & ' Calculate fluxes and azim-averaged intensities only' ELSE WRITE( *, '(A)' ) ' Calculate fluxes and intensities' END IF WRITE( *, '(A,1P,E11.2)' ) & ' Relative convergence criterion for azimuth series =', & ACCUR IF( LYRCUT ) WRITE( *, '(A)' ) & ' Sets radiation = 0 below absorption optical depth 10' c ** Print layer variables C ** (to read, skip every other line) IF( PLANK ) WRITE( *,'(/,37X,A,3(/,2A))') & '<------------- Delta-M --------------->', &' Total Single ', & 'Total Single', &' Optical Optical Scatter Truncated ', & 'Optical Optical Scatter Asymm', &' Depth Depth Albedo Fraction ', & 'Depth Depth Albedo Factor Temperature' IF( .NOT.PLANK ) WRITE( *,'(/,37X,A,3(/,2A))') & '<------------- Delta-M --------------->', &' Total Single ', & 'Total Single', &' Optical Optical Scatter Truncated ', & 'Optical Optical Scatter Asymm', &' Depth Depth Albedo Fraction ', & 'Depth Depth Albedo Factor' YESSCT = 0.0 DO 10 LC = 1, NLYR YESSCT = YESSCT + SSALB( LC ) c ** f90 nonadvancing I/O would c ** simplify this a lot (also the c ** two WRITEs above) IF( PLANK ) & WRITE(*,'(I4,2F10.4,F10.5,F12.5,2F10.4,F10.5,F9.4,F14.3)') & LC, DTAUC( LC ), TAUC( LC ), SSALB( LC ), FLYR( LC ), & DTAUCP( LC ), TAUCPR( LC ), OPRIM( LC ), PMOM(1,LC), & TEMPER( LC-1 ) IF( .NOT.PLANK ) & WRITE(*,'(I4,2F10.4,F10.5,F12.5,2F10.4,F10.5,F9.4)') & LC, DTAUC( LC ), TAUC( LC ), SSALB( LC ), FLYR( LC ), & DTAUCP( LC ), TAUCPR( LC ), OPRIM( LC ), PMOM( 1,LC ) 10 CONTINUE IF( PLANK ) WRITE( *, '(85X,F14.3)' ) TEMPER( NLYR ) IF( PRTMOM .AND. YESSCT.GT.0.0 ) THEN WRITE( *, '(/,A)' ) ' Layer Phase Function Moments' DO 20 LC = 1, NLYR IF( SSALB( LC ).GT.0.0 ) & WRITE( *, '(I6,10F11.6,/,(6X,10F11.6))' ) & LC, ( PMOM( K, LC ), K = 0, NSTR ) 20 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRTINT( UU, UTAU, NTAU, UMU, NUMU, PHI, NPHI, MAXULV, & MAXUMU ) c Prints the intensity at user polar and azimuthal angles c All arguments are DISORT input or output variables c Called by- DISORT c LENFMT Max number of azimuth angles PHI that can be printed c on one line, as set in FORMAT statement c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MAXULV, MAXUMU, NPHI, NTAU, NUMU c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL PHI( * ), UMU( * ), UTAU( * ), UU( MAXUMU, MAXULV, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IU, J, JMAX, JMIN, LENFMT, LU, NP, NPASS c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN c .. IF( NPHI.LT.1 ) RETURN WRITE( *, '(//,A)' ) & ' ********* I N T E N S I T I E S *********' LENFMT = 10 NPASS = 1 + (NPHI-1) / LENFMT WRITE( *, '(/,A,/,A,/,A)' ) & ' Polar Azimuth angles (degrees)', & ' Optical Angle', & ' Depth Cosine' DO 30 LU = 1, NTAU DO 20 NP = 1, NPASS JMIN = 1 + LENFMT * ( NP - 1 ) JMAX = MIN( LENFMT*NP, NPHI ) WRITE( *, '(/,18X,10F11.2)' ) ( PHI(J), J = JMIN, JMAX ) IF( NP.EQ.1 ) WRITE( *, '(F10.4,F8.4,1P,10E11.3)' ) & UTAU(LU), UMU(1), (UU(1, LU, J), J = JMIN, JMAX) IF( NP.GT.1 ) WRITE( *, '(10X,F8.4,1P,10E11.3)' ) & UMU(1), (UU(1, LU, J), J = JMIN, JMAX) DO 10 IU = 2, NUMU WRITE( *, '(10X,F8.4,1P,10E11.3)' ) & UMU( IU ), ( UU( IU, LU, J ), J = JMIN, JMAX ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE QGAUSN( M, GMU, GWT ) c Compute weights and abscissae for ordinary Gaussian quadrature c on the interval (0,1); that is, such that c sum(i=1 to M) ( GWT(i) f(GMU(i)) ) c is a good approximation to c integral(0 to 1) ( f(x) dx ) c INPUT : M order of quadrature rule c OUTPUT : GMU(I) array of abscissae (I = 1 TO M) c GWT(I) array of weights (I = 1 TO M) c REFERENCE: Davis, P.J. and P. Rabinowitz, Methods of Numerical c Integration, Academic Press, New York, pp. 87, 1975 c METHOD: Compute the abscissae as roots of the Legendre c polynomial P-sub-M using a cubically convergent c refinement of Newton's method. Compute the c weights from EQ. of Davis/Rabinowitz. Note c that Newton's method can very easily diverge; only a c very good initial guess can guarantee convergence. c The initial guess used here has never led to divergence c even for M up to 1000. c ACCURACY: relative error no better than TOL or computer c precision (machine epsilon), whichever is larger c INTERNAL VARIABLES: c ITER : number of Newton Method iterations c MAXIT : maximum allowed iterations of Newton Method c PM2,PM1,P : 3 successive Legendre polynomials c PPR : derivative of Legendre polynomial c P2PRI : 2nd derivative of Legendre polynomial c TOL : convergence criterion for Legendre poly root iteration c X,XI : successive iterates in cubically-convergent version c of Newtons Method (seeking roots of Legendre poly.) c Called by- SETDIS, SURFAC c Calls- D1MACH, ERRMSG c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER M c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL GMU( M ), GWT( M ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER ITER, K, LIM, MAXIT, NN, NP1 REAL CONA, PI, T DOUBLE PRECISION EN, NNP1, ONE, P, P2PRI, PM1, PM2, PPR, PROD, & TMP, TOL, TWO, X, XI c .. c .. External Functions .. DOUBLE PRECISION D1MACH EXTERNAL D1MACH c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, ASIN, COS, FLOAT, MOD, TAN c .. SAVE PI, TOL DATA PI / 0.0 / , MAXIT / 1000 / , ONE / 1.D0 / , & TWO / 2.D0 / IF( PI.EQ.0.0 ) THEN PI = 2.*ASIN( 1.0 ) TOL = 10.*D1MACH( 4 ) END IF IF( M.LT.1 ) CALL ERRMSG( 'QGAUSN--Bad value of M',.True.) IF( M.EQ.1 ) THEN GMU( 1 ) = 0.5 GWT( 1 ) = 1.0 RETURN END IF EN = M NP1 = M + 1 NNP1 = M*NP1 CONA = FLOAT( M - 1 ) / ( 8*M**3 ) LIM = M / 2 DO 30 K = 1, LIM c ** Initial guess for k-th root c ** of Legendre polynomial, from c ** Davis/Rabinowitz ( T = ( 4*K - 1 )*PI / ( 4*M + 2 ) X = COS( T + CONA / TAN( T ) ) ITER = 0 c ** Upward recurrence for c ** Legendre polynomials 10 CONTINUE ITER = ITER + 1 PM2 = ONE PM1 = X DO 20 NN = 2, M P = ( ( 2*NN - 1 )*X*PM1 - ( NN - 1 )*PM2 ) / NN PM2 = PM1 PM1 = P 20 CONTINUE c ** Newton Method TMP = ONE / ( ONE - X**2 ) PPR = EN*( PM2 - X*P )*TMP P2PRI = ( TWO*X*PPR - NNP1*P )*TMP XI = X - ( P / PPR )*( ONE + & ( P / PPR )*P2PRI / ( TWO*PPR ) ) c ** Check for convergence IF( ABS( XI - X ).GT.TOL ) THEN IF( ITER.GT.MAXIT ) & CALL ERRMSG( 'QGAUSN--max iteration count',.True.) X = XI GO TO 10 END IF c ** Iteration finished--calculate weights, c ** abscissae for (-1,1) GMU( K ) = -X GWT( K ) = TWO / ( TMP*( EN*PM2 )**2 ) GMU( NP1 - K ) = -GMU( K ) GWT( NP1 - K ) = GWT( K ) 30 CONTINUE c ** Set middle abscissa and weight c ** for rules of odd order IF( MOD( M,2 ).NE.0 ) THEN GMU( LIM + 1 ) = 0.0 PROD = ONE DO 40 K = 3, M, 2 PROD = PROD * K / ( K - 1 ) 40 CONTINUE GWT( LIM + 1 ) = TWO / PROD**2 END IF c ** Convert from (-1,1) to (0,1) DO 50 K = 1, M GMU( K ) = 0.5*GMU( K ) + 0.5 GWT( K ) = 0.5*GWT( K ) 50 CONTINUE RETURN END REAL FUNCTION RATIO( A, B ) c Calculate ratio A/B with over- and under-flow protection c (thanks to Prof. Jeff Dozier for some suggestions here). c Since this routine takes two logs, it is no speed demon, c but it is invaluable for comparing results from two runs c of a program under development. c c NOTE: In Fortran90, built-in functions TINY and HUGE c can replace the R1MACH calls. c --------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL A, B c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL PASS1 REAL ABSA, ABSB, HUGE, POWA, POWB, POWMAX, POWMIN, TINY c .. c .. External Functions .. REAL R1MACH EXTERNAL R1MACH c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, LOG10, SIGN c .. SAVE PASS1, TINY, HUGE, POWMAX, POWMIN DATA PASS1 / .TRUE. / c .. IF( PASS1 ) THEN TINY = R1MACH( 1 ) HUGE = R1MACH( 2 ) POWMAX = LOG10( HUGE ) POWMIN = LOG10( TINY ) PASS1 = .FALSE. END IF IF( A.EQ.0.0 ) THEN IF( B.EQ.0.0 ) THEN RATIO = 1.0 ELSE RATIO = 0.0 END IF ELSE IF( B.EQ.0.0 ) THEN RATIO = SIGN( HUGE, A ) ELSE ABSA = ABS( A ) ABSB = ABS( B ) POWA = LOG10( ABSA ) POWB = LOG10( ABSB ) IF( ABSA.LT.TINY .AND. ABSB.LT.TINY ) THEN RATIO = 1.0 ELSE IF( POWA - POWB.GE.POWMAX ) THEN RATIO = HUGE ELSE IF( POWA - POWB.LE.POWMIN ) THEN RATIO = TINY ELSE RATIO = ABSA / ABSB END IF c ** DONT use old trick of determining sign c ** from A*B because A*B may (over/under)flow IF( ( A.GT.0.0 .AND. B.LT.0.0 ) .OR. & ( A.LT.0.0 .AND. B.GT.0.0 ) ) RATIO = -RATIO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE SLFTST( ACCUR, ALBEDO, BTEMP, DELTAM, DTAUC, FBEAM, & FISOT, IBCND, LAMBER, NLYR, PLANK, NPHI, NUMU, & NSTR, NTAU, ONLYFL, PHI, PHI0, PMOM, PRNT, & SSALB, TEMIS, TEMPER, TTEMP, UMU, USRANG, & USRTAU, UTAU, UMU0, WVNMHI, WVNMLO, COMPAR, & FLUP, RFLDIR, RFLDN, UU ) c If COMPAR = FALSE, save user input values that would otherwise c be destroyed and replace them with input values for self-test. c If COMPAR = TRUE, compare self-test case results with correct c answers and restore user input values if test is passed. c c (See file 'DISORT.doc' for variable definitions.) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c ACC Relative accuracy required for passing self-test c c ERRORn Relative errors in DISORT output variables c c OK Logical variable for determining failure of self-test c c All variables ending in 'S' are temporary 'S'torage for input c c Called by- DISORT c Calls- TSTBAD, ERRMSG c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL COMPAR, DELTAM, LAMBER, ONLYFL, PLANK, USRANG, USRTAU INTEGER IBCND, NLYR, NPHI, NSTR, NTAU, NUMU REAL ACCUR, ALBEDO, BTEMP, DTAUC, FBEAM, FISOT, FLUP, PHI, & PHI0, RFLDIR, RFLDN, SSALB, TEMIS, TTEMP, UMU, UMU0, & UTAU, UU, WVNMHI, WVNMLO c .. c .. Array Arguments .. LOGICAL PRNT( * ) REAL PMOM( 0:* ), TEMPER( 0:* ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL DELTAS, LAMBES, OK, ONLYFS, PLANKS, USRANS, USRTAS INTEGER I, IBCNDS, N, NLYRS, NPHIS, NSTRS, NTAUS, NUMUS REAL ACC, ACCURS, ALBEDS, BTEMPS, DTAUCS, ERROR1, ERROR2, & ERROR3, ERROR4, FBEAMS, FISOTS, PHI0S, PHIS, SSALBS, & TEMISS, TTEMPS, UMU0S, UMUS, UTAUS, WVNMHS, WVNMLS c .. c .. Local Arrays .. LOGICAL PRNTS( 7 ) REAL PMOMS( 0:4 ), TEMPES( 0:1 ) c .. c .. External Functions .. LOGICAL TSTBAD EXTERNAL TSTBAD c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ERRMSG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS c .. SAVE DATA ACC / 1.E-4 / IF( .NOT.COMPAR ) THEN c ** Save user input values NLYRS = NLYR DTAUCS = DTAUC SSALBS = SSALB DO 10 N = 0, 4 PMOMS( N ) = PMOM( N ) 10 CONTINUE NSTRS = NSTR USRANS = USRANG NUMUS = NUMU UMUS = UMU USRTAS = USRTAU NTAUS = NTAU UTAUS = UTAU NPHIS = NPHI PHIS = PHI IBCNDS = IBCND FBEAMS = FBEAM UMU0S = UMU0 PHI0S = PHI0 FISOTS = FISOT LAMBES = LAMBER ALBEDS = ALBEDO DELTAS = DELTAM ONLYFS = ONLYFL ACCURS = ACCUR PLANKS = PLANK WVNMLS = WVNMLO WVNMHS = WVNMHI BTEMPS = BTEMP TTEMPS = TTEMP TEMISS = TEMIS TEMPES( 0 ) = TEMPER( 0 ) TEMPES( 1 ) = TEMPER( 1 ) DO 20 I = 1, 7 PRNTS( I ) = PRNT( I ) 20 CONTINUE c ** Set input values for self-test NSTR = 4 NLYR = 1 DTAUC = 1.0 SSALB = 0.9 c ** Haze L moments PMOM( 0 ) = 1.0 PMOM( 1 ) = 0.8042 PMOM( 2 ) = 0.646094 PMOM( 3 ) = 0.481851 PMOM( 4 ) = 0.359056 USRANG = .TRUE. NUMU = 1 UMU = 0.5 USRTAU = .TRUE. NTAU = 1 UTAU = 0.5 NPHI = 1 PHI = 90.0 IBCND = 0 FBEAM = 3.14159265 UMU0 = 0.866 PHI0 = 0.0 FISOT = 1.0 LAMBER = .TRUE. ALBEDO = 0.7 DELTAM = .TRUE. ONLYFL = .FALSE. ACCUR = 1.E-4 PLANK = .TRUE. WVNMLO = 0.0 WVNMHI = 50000. BTEMP = 300.0 TTEMP = 100.0 TEMIS = 0.8 TEMPER( 0 ) = 210.0 TEMPER( 1 ) = 200.0 DO 30 I = 1, 7 PRNT( I ) = .FALSE. 30 CONTINUE ELSE c ** Compare test case results with c ** correct answers and abort if bad OK = .TRUE. ERROR1 = ( UU - 47.86005 ) / 47.86005 ERROR2 = ( RFLDIR - 1.527286 ) / 1.527286 ERROR3 = ( RFLDN - 28.37223 ) / 28.37223 ERROR4 = ( FLUP - 152.5853 ) / 152.5853 IF( ABS( ERROR1 ).GT.ACC ) OK = TSTBAD( 'UU', ERROR1 ) IF( ABS( ERROR2 ).GT.ACC ) OK = TSTBAD( 'RFLDIR', ERROR2 ) IF( ABS( ERROR3 ).GT.ACC ) OK = TSTBAD( 'RFLDN', ERROR3 ) IF( ABS( ERROR4 ).GT.ACC ) OK = TSTBAD( 'FLUP', ERROR4 ) IF( .NOT.OK ) CALL ERRMSG( 'DISORT--self-test failed', .True. ) c ** Restore user input values NLYR = NLYRS DTAUC = DTAUCS SSALB = SSALBS DO 40 N = 0, 4 PMOM( N ) = PMOMS( N ) 40 CONTINUE NSTR = NSTRS USRANG = USRANS NUMU = NUMUS UMU = UMUS USRTAU = USRTAS NTAU = NTAUS UTAU = UTAUS NPHI = NPHIS PHI = PHIS IBCND = IBCNDS FBEAM = FBEAMS UMU0 = UMU0S PHI0 = PHI0S FISOT = FISOTS LAMBER = LAMBES ALBEDO = ALBEDS DELTAM = DELTAS ONLYFL = ONLYFS ACCUR = ACCURS PLANK = PLANKS WVNMLO = WVNMLS WVNMHI = WVNMHS BTEMP = BTEMPS TTEMP = TTEMPS TEMIS = TEMISS TEMPER( 0 ) = TEMPES( 0 ) TEMPER( 1 ) = TEMPES( 1 ) DO 50 I = 1, 7 PRNT( I ) = PRNTS( I ) 50 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE ZEROAL( ND1, EXPBEA, FLYR, OPRIM, TAUCPR, XR0, XR1, & ND2, CMU, CWT, PSI, WK, Z0, Z1, ZJ, & ND3, HLPR, YLM0, & ND4, ARRAY, CC, EVECC, & ND5, GL, & ND6, YLMC, & ND7, YLMU, & ND8, KK, LL, ZZ, ZPLK0, ZPLK1, & ND9, GC, & ND10, LAYRU, UTAUPR, & ND11, GU, & ND12, Z0U, Z1U, ZBEAM, & ND13, EVAL, & ND14, AMB, APB, & ND15, IPVT, Z, & ND16, RFLDIR, RFLDN, FLUP, UAVG, DFDT, & ND17, ALBMED, TRNMED, & ND18, U0U, & ND19, UU ) c ZERO ARRAYS; NDn is dimension of all arrays following c it in the argument list c Called by- DISORT c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ND1, ND10, ND11, ND12, ND13, ND14, ND15, ND16, ND17, & ND18, ND19, ND2, ND3, ND4, ND5, ND6, ND7, ND8, ND9 c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ), LAYRU( * ) REAL ALBMED( * ), AMB( * ), APB( * ), ARRAY( * ), CC( * ), & CMU( * ), CWT( * ), DFDT( * ), EVAL( * ), EVECC( * ), & EXPBEA( * ), FLUP( * ), FLYR( * ), GC( * ), GL( * ), & GU( * ), HLPR( * ), KK( * ), LL( * ), OPRIM( * ), & PSI( * ), RFLDIR( * ), RFLDN( * ), TAUCPR( * ), & TRNMED( * ), U0U( * ), UAVG( * ), UTAUPR( * ), UU( * ), & WK( * ), XR0( * ), XR1( * ), YLM0( * ), YLMC( * ), & YLMU( * ), Z( * ), Z0( * ), Z0U( * ), Z1( * ), Z1U( * ), & ZBEAM( * ), ZJ( * ), ZPLK0( * ), ZPLK1( * ), ZZ( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER N c .. DO 10 N = 1, ND1 EXPBEA( N ) = 0.0 FLYR( N ) = 0.0 OPRIM( N ) = 0.0 TAUCPR( N ) = 0.0 XR0( N ) = 0.0 XR1( N ) = 0.0 10 CONTINUE DO 20 N = 1, ND2 CMU( N ) = 0.0 CWT( N ) = 0.0 PSI( N ) = 0.0 WK( N ) = 0.0 Z0( N ) = 0.0 Z1( N ) = 0.0 ZJ( N ) = 0.0 20 CONTINUE DO 30 N = 1, ND3 HLPR( N ) = 0.0 YLM0( N ) = 0.0 30 CONTINUE DO 40 N = 1, ND4 ARRAY( N ) = 0.0 CC( N ) = 0.0 EVECC( N ) = 0.0 40 CONTINUE DO 50 N = 1, ND5 GL( N ) = 0.0 50 CONTINUE DO 60 N = 1, ND6 YLMC( N ) = 0.0 60 CONTINUE DO 70 N = 1, ND7 YLMU( N ) = 0.0 70 CONTINUE DO 80 N = 1, ND8 KK( N ) = 0.0 LL( N ) = 0.0 ZZ( N ) = 0.0 ZPLK0( N ) = 0.0 ZPLK1( N ) = 0.0 80 CONTINUE DO 90 N = 1, ND9 GC( N ) = 0.0 90 CONTINUE DO 100 N = 1, ND10 LAYRU( N ) = 0 UTAUPR( N ) = 0.0 100 CONTINUE DO 110 N = 1, ND11 GU( N ) = 0.0 110 CONTINUE DO 120 N = 1, ND12 Z0U( N ) = 0.0 Z1U( N ) = 0.0 ZBEAM( N ) = 0.0 120 CONTINUE DO 130 N = 1, ND13 EVAL( N ) = 0.0 130 CONTINUE DO 140 N = 1, ND14 AMB( N ) = 0.0 APB( N ) = 0.0 140 CONTINUE DO 150 N = 1, ND15 IPVT( N ) = 0 Z( N ) = 0.0 150 CONTINUE DO 160 N = 1, ND16 RFLDIR( N ) = 0. RFLDN( N ) = 0. FLUP( N ) = 0. UAVG( N ) = 0. DFDT( N ) = 0. 160 CONTINUE DO 170 N = 1, ND17 ALBMED( N ) = 0. TRNMED( N ) = 0. 170 CONTINUE DO 180 N = 1, ND18 U0U( N ) = 0. 180 CONTINUE DO 190 N = 1, ND19 UU( N ) = 0. 190 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE ZEROIT( A, LENGTH ) c Zeros a real array A having LENGTH elements c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LENGTH c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL A( LENGTH ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER L c .. DO 10 L = 1, LENGTH A( L ) = 0.0 10 CONTINUE RETURN END c ****************************************************************** c ********** end of DISORT service routines ************************ c ****************************************************************** c ****************************************************************** c ********** IBCND=1 special case routines ************************* c ****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE ALBTRN( ALBEDO, AMB, APB, ARRAY, B, BDR, CBAND, CC, & CMU, CWT, DTAUCP, EVAL, EVECC, GL, GC, GU, & IPVT, KK, LL, NLYR, NN, NSTR, NUMU, PRNT, & TAUCPR, UMU, U0U, WK, YLMC, YLMU, Z, AAD, & EVALD, EVECCD, WKD, MI, MI9M2, MAXULV, MAXUMU, & MXCMU, MXUMU, NNLYRI, SQT, ALBMED, TRNMED ) c DISORT special case to get only albedo and transmissivity c of entire medium as a function of incident beam angle c (many simplifications because boundary condition is just c isotropic illumination, there are no thermal sources, and c particular solutions do not need to be computed). See c Ref. S2 and references therein for details. c The basic idea is as follows. The reciprocity principle leads to c the following relationships for a plane-parallel, vertically c inhomogeneous medium lacking thermal (or other internal) sources: c c albedo(theta) = u_0(theta) for unit-intensity isotropic c illumination at *top* boundary c c trans(theta) = u_0(theta) for unit-intensity isotropic c illumination at *bottom* boundary c c where c c albedo(theta) = albedo for beam incidence at angle theta c trans(theta) = transmissivity for beam incidence at angle theta c u_0(theta) = upward azim-avg intensity at top boundary c at angle theta c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c ALBMED(IU) Albedo of the medium as a function of incident c beam angle cosine UMU(IU) c c TRNMED(IU) Transmissivity of the medium as a function of c incident beam angle cosine UMU(IU) c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c NCD number of diagonals below/above main diagonal c RCOND estimate of the reciprocal condition of matrix c CBAND; for system CBAND*X = B, relative c perturbations in CBAND and B of size epsilon may c cause relative perturbations in X of size c epsilon/RCOND. If RCOND is so small that c 1.0 + RCOND .EQ. 1.0 c is true, then CBAND may be singular to working c precision. c CBAND Left-hand side matrix of linear system Eq. SC(5), c scaled by Eq. SC(12); in banded form required c by LINPACK solution routines c NCOL number of columns in CBAND matrix c IPVT INTEGER vector of pivot indices c (most others documented in DISORT) c Called by- DISORT c Calls- LEPOLY, ZEROIT, SGBCO, SOLEIG, TERPEV, SETMTX, SOLVE1, c ALTRIN, SPALTR, PRALTR c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MAXULV, MAXUMU, MI, MI9M2, MXCMU, MXUMU, NLYR, NN, & NNLYRI, NSTR, NUMU REAL ALBEDO c .. c .. Array Arguments .. LOGICAL PRNT( * ) INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL ALBMED( MAXUMU ), AMB( MI, MI ), APB( MI, MI ), & ARRAY( MXCMU, MXCMU ), B( NNLYRI ), BDR( MI, 0:MI ), & CBAND( MI9M2, NNLYRI ), CC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), & CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), DTAUCP( * ), EVAL( MI ), & EVECC( MXCMU, MXCMU ), GC( MXCMU, MXCMU, * ), & GL( 0:MXCMU, * ), GU( MXUMU, MXCMU, * ), KK( MXCMU, * ), & LL( MXCMU, * ), TAUCPR( 0:* ), TRNMED( MAXUMU ), & U0U( MAXUMU, MAXULV ), UMU( MAXUMU ), WK( MXCMU ), & YLMC( 0:MXCMU, MXCMU ), YLMU( 0:MXCMU, * ), Z( NNLYRI ), & SQT( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION AAD( MI, MI ), EVALD( MI ), EVECCD( MI, MI ), & WKD( MXCMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL LAMBER, LYRCUT INTEGER IQ, IU, L, LC, MAZIM, NCD, NCOL, NCUT REAL DELM0, FISOT, RCOND, SGN, SPHALB, SPHTRN c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL ALTRIN, LEPOLY, PRALTR, SETMTX, SGBCO, SOLEIG, SOLVE1, & SPALTR, TERPEV, ZEROIT c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC EXP c .. MAZIM = 0 DELM0 = 1.0 c ** Set DISORT variables that are ignored in this c ** special case but are needed below in argument c ** lists of subroutines shared with general case NCUT = NLYR LYRCUT = .FALSE. FISOT = 1.0 LAMBER = .TRUE. c ** Get Legendre polynomials for computational c ** and user polar angle cosines CALL LEPOLY( NUMU, MAZIM, MXCMU, NSTR-1, UMU, SQT, YLMU ) CALL LEPOLY( NN, MAZIM, MXCMU, NSTR-1, CMU, SQT, YLMC ) c ** Evaluate Legendre polynomials with negative c ** arguments from those with positive arguments; c ** Dave/Armstrong Eq. (15) SGN = - 1.0 DO 20 L = MAZIM, NSTR - 1 SGN = - SGN DO 10 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR YLMC( L, IQ ) = SGN*YLMC( L, IQ - NN ) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE c ** Zero out bottom reflectivity c ** (ALBEDO is used only in analytic c ** formulae involving ALBEDO = 0 c ** solutions; Eqs 16-17 of Ref S2) CALL ZEROIT( BDR, MI*( MI + 1 ) ) c =================== BEGIN LOOP ON COMPUTATIONAL LAYERS ============= DO 30 LC = 1, NLYR c ** Solve eigenfunction problem in Eq. STWJ(8b) CALL SOLEIG( AMB, APB, ARRAY, CMU, CWT, GL( 0,LC ), MI, MAZIM, & MXCMU, NN, NSTR, YLMC, CC, EVECC, EVAL, & KK( 1,LC ), GC( 1,1,LC ), AAD, EVECCD, EVALD, & WKD ) c ** Interpolate eigenvectors to user angles CALL TERPEV( CWT, EVECC, GL( 0,LC ), GU( 1,1,LC ), MAZIM, & MXCMU, MXUMU, NN, NSTR, NUMU, WK, YLMC, YLMU ) 30 CONTINUE c =================== END LOOP ON COMPUTATIONAL LAYERS =============== c ** Set coefficient matrix (CBAND) of equations c ** combining boundary and layer interface c ** conditions (in band-storage mode required by c ** LINPACK routines) CALL SETMTX( BDR, CBAND, CMU, CWT, DELM0, DTAUCP, GC, KK, & LAMBER, LYRCUT, MI, MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, & NNLYRI, NN, NSTR, TAUCPR, WK ) c ** LU-decompose the coeff. matrix (LINPACK) NCD = 3*NN - 1 CALL SGBCO( CBAND, MI9M2, NCOL, NCD, NCD, IPVT, RCOND, Z ) IF( 1.0+RCOND .EQ. 1.0 ) & CALL ERRMSG('ALBTRN--SGBCO says matrix near singular',.FALSE.) c ** First, illuminate from top; if only c ** one layer, this will give us everything c ** Solve for constants of integration in c ** homogeneous solution CALL SOLVE1( B, CBAND, FISOT, 1, IPVT, LL, MI9M2, MXCMU, & NCOL, NLYR, NN, NNLYRI, NSTR ) c ** Compute azimuthally-averaged intensity c ** at user angles; gives albedo if multi- c ** layer (Eq. 9 of Ref S2); gives both c ** albedo and transmissivity if single c ** layer (Eqs. 3-4 of Ref S2) CALL ALTRIN( GU, KK, LL, MXCMU, MXUMU, MAXUMU, NLYR, NN, NSTR, & NUMU, TAUCPR, UMU, U0U, WK ) c ** Get beam-incidence albedos from c ** reciprocity principle DO 40 IU = 1, NUMU / 2 ALBMED( IU ) = U0U( IU + NUMU/2, 1 ) 40 CONTINUE IF( NLYR.EQ.1 ) THEN DO 50 IU = 1, NUMU / 2 c ** Get beam-incidence transmissivities c ** from reciprocity principle (1 layer); c ** flip them end over end to correspond c ** to positive UMU instead of negative TRNMED( IU ) = U0U( NUMU/2 + 1 - IU, 2 ) & + EXP( -TAUCPR( NLYR ) / UMU( IU + NUMU/2 ) ) 50 CONTINUE ELSE c ** Second, illuminate from bottom c ** (if multiple layers) CALL SOLVE1( B, CBAND, FISOT, 2, IPVT, LL, MI9M2, MXCMU, & NCOL, NLYR, NN, NNLYRI, NSTR ) CALL ALTRIN( GU, KK, LL, MXCMU, MXUMU, MAXUMU, NLYR, NN, NSTR, & NUMU, TAUCPR, UMU, U0U, WK ) c ** Get beam-incidence transmissivities c ** from reciprocity principle DO 60 IU = 1, NUMU / 2 TRNMED(IU) = U0U( IU + NUMU/2, 1 ) & + EXP( - TAUCPR(NLYR) / UMU(IU+NUMU/2) ) 60 CONTINUE END IF IF( ALBEDO.GT.0.0 ) THEN c ** Get spherical albedo and transmissivity IF( NLYR.EQ.1 ) THEN CALL SPALTR( CMU, CWT, GC, KK, LL, MXCMU, NLYR, & NN, NSTR, TAUCPR, SPHALB, SPHTRN ) ELSE CALL SPALTR( CMU, CWT, GC, KK, LL, MXCMU, NLYR, & NN, NSTR, TAUCPR, SPHTRN, SPHALB ) END IF c ** Ref. S2, Eqs. 16-17 (these eqs. have c ** a simple physical interpretation c ** like that of adding-doubling eqs.) DO 70 IU = 1, NUMU ALBMED(IU) = ALBMED(IU) + ( ALBEDO / (1.-ALBEDO*SPHALB) ) & * SPHTRN * TRNMED(IU) TRNMED(IU) = TRNMED(IU) + ( ALBEDO / (1.-ALBEDO*SPHALB) ) & * SPHALB * TRNMED(IU) 70 CONTINUE END IF c ** Return UMU to all positive values, to c ** agree with ordering in ALBMED, TRNMED NUMU = NUMU / 2 DO 80 IU = 1, NUMU UMU( IU ) = UMU( IU + NUMU ) 80 CONTINUE IF( PRNT(6) ) CALL PRALTR( UMU, NUMU, ALBMED, TRNMED ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE ALTRIN( GU, KK, LL, MXCMU, MXUMU, MAXUMU, NLYR, NN, & NSTR, NUMU, TAUCPR, UMU, U0U, WK ) c Computes azimuthally-averaged intensity at top and bottom c of medium (related to albedo and transmission of medium by c reciprocity principles; see Ref S2). User polar angles are c used as incident beam angles. (This is a very specialized c version of USRINT) c c ** NOTE ** User input values of UMU (assumed positive) are c temporarily in upper locations of UMU and c corresponding negatives are in lower locations c (this makes GU come out right). I.e. the contents c of the temporary UMU array are: c c -UMU(NUMU),..., -UMU(1), UMU(1),..., UMU(NUMU) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c GU : Eigenvectors interpolated to user polar angles c (i.e., g in Eq. SC(1) ) c c KK : Eigenvalues of coeff. matrix in Eq. SS(7) c c LL : Constants of integration in Eq. SC(1), obtained c by solving scaled version of Eq. SC(5); c exponential term of Eq. SC(12) not included c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c TAUCPR : Cumulative optical depth (delta-M-scaled) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E: c c U0U : Diffuse azimuthally-averaged intensity at top and c bottom of medium (directly transmitted component, c corresponding to BNDINT in USRINT, is omitted). c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c DTAU : Optical depth of a computational layer c PALINT : Non-boundary-forced intensity component c UTAUPR : Optical depths of user output levels (delta-M scaled) c WK : Scratch vector for saving 'EXP' evaluations c All the exponential factors (i.e., EXP1, EXPN,... etc.) c come from the substitution of constants of integration in c Eq. SC(12) into Eqs. S1(8-9). All have negative arguments. c c Called by- ALBTRN c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MAXUMU, MXCMU, MXUMU, NLYR, NN, NSTR, NUMU c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL GU( MXUMU, MXCMU, * ), KK( MXCMU, * ), LL( MXCMU, * ), & TAUCPR( 0:* ), U0U( MAXUMU, * ), UMU( MAXUMU ), & WK( MXCMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, IU, IUMAX, IUMIN, LC, LU REAL DENOM, DTAU, EXP1, EXP2, EXPN, MU, PALINT, SGN c .. c .. Local Arrays .. REAL UTAUPR( 2 ) c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, EXP c .. UTAUPR( 1 ) = 0.0 UTAUPR( 2 ) = TAUCPR( NLYR ) DO 50 LU = 1, 2 IF( LU.EQ.1 ) THEN IUMIN = NUMU / 2 + 1 IUMAX = NUMU SGN = 1.0 ELSE IUMIN = 1 IUMAX = NUMU / 2 SGN = - 1.0 END IF c ** Loop over polar angles at which c ** albedos/transmissivities desired c ** ( upward angles at top boundary, c ** downward angles at bottom ) DO 40 IU = IUMIN, IUMAX MU = UMU( IU ) c ** Integrate from top to bottom c ** computational layer PALINT = 0.0 DO 30 LC = 1, NLYR DTAU = TAUCPR( LC ) - TAUCPR( LC - 1 ) EXP1 = EXP( ( UTAUPR( LU ) - TAUCPR( LC - 1 ) ) / MU ) EXP2 = EXP( ( UTAUPR( LU ) - TAUCPR( LC ) ) / MU ) c ** KK is negative DO 10 IQ = 1, NN WK( IQ ) = EXP( KK( IQ,LC )*DTAU ) DENOM = 1.0 + MU*KK( IQ, LC ) IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN c ** L'Hospital limit EXPN = DTAU / MU*EXP2 ELSE EXPN = ( EXP1*WK( IQ ) - EXP2 )*SGN / DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + GU( IU, IQ, LC )*LL( IQ, LC )*EXPN 10 CONTINUE c ** KK is positive DO 20 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR DENOM = 1.0 + MU*KK( IQ, LC ) IF( ABS( DENOM ).LT.0.0001 ) THEN EXPN = - DTAU / MU * EXP1 ELSE EXPN = ( EXP1 - EXP2 * WK(NSTR+1-IQ) ) *SGN / DENOM END IF PALINT = PALINT + GU( IU, IQ, LC )*LL( IQ, LC )*EXPN 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE U0U( IU, LU ) = PALINT 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRALTR( UMU, NUMU, ALBMED, TRNMED ) c Print planar albedo and transmissivity of medium c as a function of incident beam angle c Called by- ALBTRN c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Parameters .. REAL DPR PARAMETER ( DPR = 180.0 / 3.14159265 ) c .. c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER NUMU c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL ALBMED( NUMU ), TRNMED( NUMU ), UMU( NUMU ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IU c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ACOS c .. WRITE( *, '(///,A,//,A)' ) & ' ******* Flux Albedo and/or Transmissivity of ' // & 'entire medium ********', & ' Beam Zen Ang cos(Beam Zen Ang) Albedo Transmissivity' DO 10 IU = 1, NUMU WRITE( *, '(0P,F13.4,F20.6,F12.5,1P,E17.4)' ) & DPR*ACOS( UMU( IU ) ), UMU( IU ), ALBMED( IU ), TRNMED( IU ) 10 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SOLVE1( B, CBAND, FISOT, IHOM, IPVT, LL, MI9M2, MXCMU, & NCOL, NCUT, NN, NNLYRI, NSTR ) c Construct right-hand side vector B for isotropic incidence c (only) on either top or bottom boundary and solve system c of equations obtained from the boundary conditions and the c continuity-of-intensity-at-layer-interface equations c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CBAND : Left-hand side matrix of banded linear system c Eq. SC(5), scaled by Eq. SC(12); assumed already c in LU-decomposed form, ready for LINPACK solver c c IHOM : Direction of illumination flag (1, top; 2, bottom) c c NCOL : Number of columns in CBAND c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c B : Right-hand side vector of Eq. SC(5) going into c SGBSL; returns as solution vector of Eq. c SC(12), constants of integration without c exponential term c c LL : permanent storage for B, but re-ordered c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c IPVT : INTEGER vector of pivot indices c NCD : Number of diagonals below or above main diagonal c c Called by- ALBTRN c Calls- ZEROIT, ERRMSG, SGBSL c +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IHOM, MI9M2, MXCMU, NCOL, NCUT, NN, NNLYRI, NSTR REAL FISOT c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( NNLYRI ) REAL B( NNLYRI ), CBAND( MI9M2, NNLYRI ), LL( MXCMU, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IPNT, IQ, LC, NCD c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL SGBSL, ZEROIT c .. CALL ZEROIT( B, NNLYRI ) IF( IHOM.EQ.1 ) THEN c ** Because there are no beam or emission c ** sources, remainder of B array is zero DO 10 I = 1, NN B( I ) = FISOT B( NCOL - NN + I ) = 0.0 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( IHOM.EQ.2 ) THEN DO 20 I = 1, NN B( I ) = 0.0 B( NCOL - NN + I ) = FISOT 20 CONTINUE END IF NCD = 3*NN - 1 CALL SGBSL( CBAND, MI9M2, NCOL, NCD, NCD, IPVT, B, 0 ) DO 40 LC = 1, NCUT IPNT = LC*NSTR - NN DO 30 IQ = 1, NN LL( NN + 1 - IQ, LC ) = B( IPNT + 1 - IQ ) LL( IQ + NN, LC ) = B( IQ + IPNT ) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SPALTR( CMU, CWT, GC, KK, LL, MXCMU, NLYR, NN, NSTR, & TAUCPR, SFLUP, SFLDN ) c Calculates spherical albedo and transmissivity for the entire c medium from the m=0 intensity components c (this is a very specialized version of FLUXES) c c c I N P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c CMU,CWT Abscissae, weights for Gauss quadrature c over angle cosine c c KK : Eigenvalues of coeff. matrix in eq. SS(7) c c GC : Eigenvectors at polar quadrature angles, SC(1) c c LL : Constants of integration in eq. SC(1), obtained c by solving scaled version of Eq. SC(5); c exponential term of Eq. SC(12) not included c c NN : Order of double-Gauss quadrature (NSTR/2) c c (remainder are DISORT input variables) c c c O U T P U T V A R I A B L E S: c c SFLUP : Up-flux at top (equivalent to spherical albedo due to c reciprocity). For illumination from below it gives c spherical transmissivity c c SFLDN : Down-flux at bottom (for single layer, equivalent to c spherical transmissivity due to reciprocity) c c c I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: c c ZINT : Intensity of m=0 case, in Eq. SC(1) c c Called by- ALBTRN c +-------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER MXCMU, NLYR, NN, NSTR REAL SFLDN, SFLUP c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL CMU( MXCMU ), CWT( MXCMU ), GC( MXCMU, MXCMU, * ), & KK( MXCMU, * ), LL( MXCMU, * ), TAUCPR( 0:* ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER IQ, JQ REAL ZINT c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC EXP c .. SFLUP = 0.0 DO 30 IQ = NN + 1, NSTR ZINT = 0.0 DO 10 JQ = 1, NN ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, 1 )*LL( JQ, 1 )* & EXP( KK( JQ,1 )*TAUCPR( 1 ) ) 10 CONTINUE DO 20 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, 1 )*LL( JQ, 1 ) 20 CONTINUE SFLUP = SFLUP + CWT( IQ - NN )*CMU( IQ - NN )*ZINT 30 CONTINUE SFLDN = 0.0 DO 60 IQ = 1, NN ZINT = 0.0 DO 40 JQ = 1, NN ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, NLYR )*LL( JQ, NLYR ) 40 CONTINUE DO 50 JQ = NN + 1, NSTR ZINT = ZINT + GC( IQ, JQ, NLYR )*LL( JQ, NLYR )* & EXP( - KK( JQ,NLYR ) * & ( TAUCPR( NLYR ) - TAUCPR( NLYR-1 ) ) ) 50 CONTINUE SFLDN = SFLDN + CWT( NN + 1 - IQ )*CMU( NN + 1 - IQ )*ZINT 60 CONTINUE SFLUP = 2.0*SFLUP SFLDN = 2.0*SFLDN RETURN END c ****************************************************************** c ********** End of IBCND=1 special case routines ****************** c ******************************************************************