c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c RCS version control information: c $Header: /srv/svn/cvs/cvsroot/arts/3rdparty/disort1.2/LINPAK.f,v 1.1 2006/02/21 16:23:28 olemke Exp $ c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c c The following subroutines in this file have been renamed to avoid c interference with BLAS/LAPACK libraries: c SASUM -> HSASUM c SDOT -> HSDT c SAXPY -> HSXPY c ISAMAX -> HISMX c SSCAL -> HSSCL c SSWAP -> HSWP c c c Call tree: c c SGBCO c HSASUM c HSDT c HSXPY c SGBFA c HISMX c HSXPY c HSSCL c HSSCL c SGBSL c HSDT c HSXPY c SGECO c HSASUM c HSDT c HSXPY c SGEFA c HISMX c HSXPY c HSSCL c HSSCL c SGESL c HSDT c HSXPY c HSSWP c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE SGBCO( ABD, LDA, N, ML, MU, IPVT, RCOND, Z ) c Factors a real band matrix by Gaussian elimination c and estimates the condition of the matrix. c Revision date: 8/1/82 c Author: Moler, C. B. (U. of New Mexico) c If RCOND is not needed, SGBFA is slightly faster. c To solve A*X = B , follow SBGCO by SGBSL. c input: C ABD REAL(LDA, N) c contains the matrix in band storage. The columns c of the matrix are stored in the columns of ABD and c the diagonals of the matrix are stored in rows c ML+1 through 2*ML+MU+1 of ABD . c See the comments below for details. C LDA INTEGER c the leading dimension of the array ABD . c LDA must be .GE. 2*ML + MU + 1 . C N INTEGER c the order of the original matrix. C ML INTEGER c number of diagonals below the main diagonal. c 0 .LE. ML .LT. N . C MU INTEGER c number of diagonals above the main diagonal. c 0 .LE. MU .LT. N . c more efficient if ML .LE. MU . c on return c ABD an upper triangular matrix in band storage and c the multipliers which were used to obtain it. c The factorization can be written A = L*U where c L is a product of permutation and unit lower c triangular matrices and U is upper triangular. C IPVT INTEGER(N) c an integer vector of pivot indices. C RCOND REAL c an estimate of the reciprocal condition of A . c For the system A*X = B , relative perturbations c in A and B of size epsilon may cause c relative perturbations in X of size epsilon/RCOND . c If RCOND is so small that the logical expression c 1.0 + RCOND .EQ. 1.0 c is true, then A may be singular to working c precision. In particular, RCOND is zero if c exact singularity is detected or the estimate c underflows. C Z REAL(N) c a work vector whose contents are usually unimportant. c If A is close to a singular matrix, then Z is c an approximate null vector in the sense that c norm(a*z) = rcond*norm(a)*norm(z) . c Band storage c If A is a band matrix, the following program segment c will set up the input. c ML = (band width below the diagonal) c MU = (band width above the diagonal) c M = ML + MU + 1 c DO 20 J = 1, N c I1 = MAX(1, J-MU) c I2 = MIN(N, J+ML) c DO 10 I = I1, I2 c K = I - J + M c ABD(K,J) = A(I,J) c 10 CONTINUE c 20 CONTINUE c This uses rows ML+1 through 2*ML+MU+1 of ABD . c In addition, the first ML rows in ABD are used for c elements generated during the triangularization. c The total number of rows needed in ABD is 2*ML+MU+1 . c The ML+MU by ML+MU upper left triangle and the c ML by ML lower right triangle are not referenced. c Example: if the original matrix is c 11 12 13 0 0 0 c 21 22 23 24 0 0 c 0 32 33 34 35 0 c 0 0 43 44 45 46 c 0 0 0 54 55 56 c 0 0 0 0 65 66 c then N = 6, ML = 1, MU = 2, LDA .GE. 5 and ABD should contain c * * * + + + , * = not used c * * 13 24 35 46 , + = used for pivoting c * 12 23 34 45 56 c 11 22 33 44 55 66 c 21 32 43 54 65 * c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, ML, MU, N REAL RCOND c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL ABD( LDA, * ), Z( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER INFO, IS, J, JU, K, KB, KP1, L, LA, LM, LZ, M, MM REAL ANORM, EK, S, SM, T, WK, WKM, YNORM c .. c .. External Functions .. REAL HSASUM, HSDT EXTERNAL HSASUM, HSDT c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL HSXPY, SGBFA, HSSCL c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN, SIGN c .. c ** compute 1-norm of A ANORM = 0.0E0 L = ML + 1 IS = L + MU DO 10 J = 1, N ANORM = MAX( ANORM, HSASUM( L,ABD( IS,J ),1 ) ) IF( IS.GT.ML + 1 ) IS = IS - 1 IF( J.LE.MU ) L = L + 1 IF( J.GE.N - ML ) L = L - 1 10 CONTINUE c ** factor CALL SGBFA( ABD, LDA, N, ML, MU, IPVT, INFO ) c RCOND = 1/(norm(A)*(estimate of norm(inverse(A)))) . c estimate = norm(Z)/norm(Y) where A*Z = Y and trans(A)*Y = E. c trans(A) is the transpose of A. The components of E are c chosen to cause maximum local growth in the elements of W where c trans(U)*W = E. The vectors are frequently rescaled to avoid c overflow. c ** solve trans(U)*W = E EK = 1.0E0 DO 20 J = 1, N Z( J ) = 0.0E0 20 CONTINUE M = ML + MU + 1 JU = 0 DO 50 K = 1, N IF( Z( K ).NE.0.0E0 ) EK = SIGN( EK, -Z( K ) ) IF( ABS( EK - Z( K ) ).GT.ABS( ABD( M,K ) ) ) THEN S = ABS( ABD( M,K ) ) / ABS( EK - Z( K ) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) EK = S*EK END IF WK = EK - Z( K ) WKM = -EK - Z( K ) S = ABS( WK ) SM = ABS( WKM ) IF( ABD( M,K ).NE.0.0E0 ) THEN WK = WK / ABD( M, K ) WKM = WKM / ABD( M, K ) ELSE WK = 1.0E0 WKM = 1.0E0 END IF KP1 = K + 1 JU = MIN( MAX( JU,MU + IPVT( K ) ), N ) MM = M IF( KP1.LE.JU ) THEN DO 30 J = KP1, JU MM = MM - 1 SM = SM + ABS( Z( J ) + WKM*ABD( MM,J ) ) Z( J ) = Z( J ) + WK*ABD( MM, J ) S = S + ABS( Z( J ) ) 30 CONTINUE IF( S.LT.SM ) THEN T = WKM - WK WK = WKM MM = M DO 40 J = KP1, JU MM = MM - 1 Z( J ) = Z( J ) + T*ABD( MM, J ) 40 CONTINUE END IF END IF Z( K ) = WK 50 CONTINUE S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) c ** solve trans(L)*Y = W DO 60 KB = 1, N K = N + 1 - KB LM = MIN( ML, N - K ) IF( K.LT.N ) & Z( K ) = Z( K ) + HSDT( LM, ABD( M+1, K ), 1, Z( K+1 ), 1 ) IF( ABS( Z( K ) ).GT.1.0E0 ) THEN S = 1.0E0 / ABS( Z( K ) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) END IF L = IPVT( K ) T = Z( L ) Z( L ) = Z( K ) Z( K ) = T 60 CONTINUE S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = 1.0E0 c ** solve L*V = Y DO 70 K = 1, N L = IPVT( K ) T = Z( L ) Z( L ) = Z( K ) Z( K ) = T LM = MIN( ML, N - K ) IF( K.LT.N ) & CALL HSXPY( LM, T, ABD( M+1, K ), 1, Z( K+1 ), 1 ) IF( ABS( Z(K) ).GT.1.0E0 ) THEN S = 1.0E0 / ABS( Z(K) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = S*YNORM END IF 70 CONTINUE S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = S*YNORM c ** solve U*Z = W DO 80 KB = 1, N K = N + 1 - KB IF( ABS( Z( K ) ).GT.ABS( ABD( M,K ) ) ) THEN S = ABS( ABD( M,K ) ) / ABS( Z( K ) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = S*YNORM END IF IF( ABD( M,K ).NE.0.0E0 ) Z( K ) = Z( K ) / ABD( M, K ) IF( ABD( M,K ).EQ.0.0E0 ) Z( K ) = 1.0E0 LM = MIN( K, M ) - 1 LA = M - LM LZ = K - LM T = -Z( K ) CALL HSXPY( LM, T, ABD( LA,K ), 1, Z( LZ ), 1 ) 80 CONTINUE c ** make znorm = 1.0 S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = S*YNORM IF( ANORM.NE.0.0E0 ) RCOND = YNORM / ANORM IF( ANORM.EQ.0.0E0 ) RCOND = 0.0E0 END SUBROUTINE SGBFA( ABD, LDA, N, ML, MU, IPVT, INFO ) c Factors a real band matrix by elimination. c Revision date: 8/1/82 c Author: Moler, C. B. (U. of New Mexico) c SGBFA is usually called by SBGCO, but it can be called c directly with a saving in time if RCOND is not needed. c Input: same as SGBCO c On return: c ABD,IPVT same as SGBCO c INFO INTEGER c = 0 normal value. c = k if u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 . This is not an error c condition for this subroutine, but it does c indicate that SGBSL will divide by zero if c called. Use RCOND in SBGCO for a reliable c indication of singularity. c (see SGBCO for description of band storage mode) c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, ML, MU, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL ABD( LDA, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, I0, J, J0, J1, JU, JZ, K, KP1, L, LM, M, MM, NM1 REAL T c .. c .. External Functions .. INTEGER HISMX EXTERNAL HISMX c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL HSXPY, HSSCL c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX, MIN c .. M = ML + MU + 1 INFO = 0 c ** zero initial fill-in columns J0 = MU + 2 J1 = MIN( N, M ) - 1 DO 20 JZ = J0, J1 I0 = M + 1 - JZ DO 10 I = I0, ML ABD( I, JZ ) = 0.0E0 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE JZ = J1 JU = 0 c ** Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting NM1 = N - 1 DO 50 K = 1, NM1 KP1 = K + 1 c ** zero next fill-in column JZ = JZ + 1 IF( JZ.LE.N ) THEN DO 30 I = 1, ML ABD( I, JZ ) = 0.0E0 30 CONTINUE END IF c ** find L = pivot index LM = MIN( ML, N - K ) L = HISMX( LM + 1, ABD( M, K ), 1 ) + M - 1 IPVT( K ) = L + K - M IF( ABD( L,K ).EQ.0.0E0 ) THEN c ** zero pivot implies this column c ** already triangularized INFO = K ELSE c ** interchange if necessary IF( L.NE.M ) THEN T = ABD( L, K ) ABD( L, K ) = ABD( M, K ) ABD( M, K ) = T END IF c ** compute multipliers T = - 1.0E0 / ABD( M, K ) CALL HSSCL( LM, T, ABD( M + 1,K ), 1 ) c ** row elimination with column indexing JU = MIN( MAX( JU,MU + IPVT( K ) ), N ) MM = M DO 40 J = KP1, JU L = L - 1 MM = MM - 1 T = ABD( L, J ) IF( L.NE.MM ) THEN ABD( L, J ) = ABD( MM, J ) ABD( MM, J ) = T END IF CALL HSXPY( LM, T, ABD( M+1, K ), 1, ABD( MM+1, J ), 1) 40 CONTINUE END IF 50 CONTINUE IPVT( N ) = N IF( ABD( M,N ).EQ.0.0E0 ) INFO = N END SUBROUTINE SGBSL( ABD, LDA, N, ML, MU, IPVT, B, JOB ) c Solves the real band system c A * X = B or transpose(A) * X = B c using the factors computed by SBGCO or SGBFA. c Revision date: 8/1/82 c Author: Moler, C. B. (U. of New Mexico) c Input: C ABD REAL(LDA, N) c the output from SBGCO or SGBFA. C LDA INTEGER c the leading dimension of the array ABD . C N INTEGER c the order of the original matrix. C ML INTEGER c number of diagonals below the main diagonal. C MU INTEGER c number of diagonals above the main diagonal. C IPVT INTEGER(N) c the pivot vector from SBGCO or SGBFA. C B REAL(N) c the right hand side vector. C JOB INTEGER c = 0 to solve A*X = B , c = nonzero to solve transpose(A)*X = B c On return c B the solution vector X c Error condition c A division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a c zero on the diagonal. Technically, this indicates singularity, c but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper c setting of LDA . It will not occur if the subroutines are c called correctly and if SBGCO has set RCOND .GT. 0.0 c or SGBFA has set INFO .EQ. 0 . c To compute inverse(a) * c where c is a matrix c with p columns c call sgbco(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,rcond,z) c if (rcond is too small) go to ... c do 10 j = 1, p c call sgbsl(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,c(1,j),0) c 10 continue c -------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER JOB, LDA, ML, MU, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL ABD( LDA, * ), B( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER K, KB, L, LA, LB, LM, M, NM1 REAL T c .. c .. External Functions .. REAL HSDT EXTERNAL HSDT c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL HSXPY c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MIN c .. M = MU + ML + 1 NM1 = N - 1 IF( JOB.EQ.0 ) THEN c ** solve A * X = B c ** first solve L*Y = B IF( ML.NE.0 ) THEN DO 10 K = 1, NM1 LM = MIN( ML, N - K ) L = IPVT( K ) T = B( L ) IF( L.NE.K ) THEN B( L ) = B( K ) B( K ) = T END IF CALL HSXPY( LM, T, ABD( M + 1,K ), 1, B( K + 1 ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE END IF c ** now solve U*X = Y DO 20 KB = 1, N K = N + 1 - KB B( K ) = B( K ) / ABD( M, K ) LM = MIN( K, M ) - 1 LA = M - LM LB = K - LM T = -B( K ) CALL HSXPY( LM, T, ABD( LA,K ), 1, B( LB ), 1 ) 20 CONTINUE ELSE c ** solve trans(A) * X = B c ** first solve trans(U)*Y = B DO 30 K = 1, N LM = MIN( K, M ) - 1 LA = M - LM LB = K - LM T = HSDT( LM, ABD( LA,K ), 1, B( LB ), 1 ) B( K ) = ( B( K ) - T ) / ABD( M, K ) 30 CONTINUE c ** now solve trans(L)*X = Y IF( ML.NE.0 ) THEN DO 40 KB = 1, NM1 K = N - KB LM = MIN( ML, N - K ) B( K ) = B( K ) + HSDT( LM, ABD( M+1, K ), 1, & B( K+1 ), 1 ) L = IPVT( K ) IF( L.NE.K ) THEN T = B( L ) B( L ) = B( K ) B( K ) = T END IF 40 CONTINUE END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE SGECO( A, LDA, N, IPVT, RCOND, Z ) c Factors a real matrix by Gaussian elimination c and estimates the condition of the matrix. c Revision date: 8/1/82 c Author: Moler, C. B. (U. of New Mexico) c If RCOND is not needed, SGEFA is slightly faster. c To solve A*X = B , follow SGECO by SGESL. c On entry c A REAL(LDA, N) c the matrix to be factored. c LDA INTEGER c the leading dimension of the array A . c N INTEGER c the order of the matrix A . c On return c A an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers c which were used to obtain it. c The factorization can be written A = L*U , where c L is a product of permutation and unit lower c triangular matrices and U is upper triangular. c IPVT INTEGER(N) c an integer vector of pivot indices. c RCOND REAL c an estimate of the reciprocal condition of A . c For the system A*X = B , relative perturbations c in A and B of size epsilon may cause c relative perturbations in X of size epsilon/RCOND . c If RCOND is so small that the logical expression c 1.0 + RCOND .EQ. 1.0 c is true, then A may be singular to working c precision. In particular, RCOND is zero if c exact singularity is detected or the estimate c underflows. C Z REAL(N) c a work vector whose contents are usually unimportant. c If A is close to a singular matrix, then Z is c an approximate null vector in the sense that c norm(A*Z) = RCOND*norm(A)*norm(Z) . c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER LDA, N REAL RCOND c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL A( LDA, * ), Z( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER INFO, J, K, KB, KP1, L REAL ANORM, EK, S, SM, T, WK, WKM, YNORM c .. c .. External Functions .. REAL HSASUM, HSDT EXTERNAL HSASUM, HSDT c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL HSXPY, SGEFA, HSSCL c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, SIGN c .. c ** compute 1-norm of A ANORM = 0.0E0 DO 10 J = 1, N ANORM = MAX( ANORM, HSASUM( N,A( 1,J ),1 ) ) 10 CONTINUE c ** factor CALL SGEFA( A, LDA, N, IPVT, INFO ) c RCOND = 1/(norm(A)*(estimate of norm(inverse(A)))) . c estimate = norm(Z)/norm(Y) where A*Z = Y and trans(A)*Y = E . c trans(A) is the transpose of A. The components of E are c chosen to cause maximum local growth in the elements of W where c trans(U)*W = E. The vectors are frequently rescaled to avoid c overflow. c ** solve trans(U)*W = E EK = 1.0E0 DO 20 J = 1, N Z( J ) = 0.0E0 20 CONTINUE DO 50 K = 1, N IF( Z( K ).NE.0.0E0 ) EK = SIGN( EK, -Z( K ) ) IF( ABS( EK - Z( K ) ).GT.ABS( A( K,K ) ) ) THEN S = ABS( A( K,K ) ) / ABS( EK - Z( K ) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) EK = S*EK END IF WK = EK - Z( K ) WKM = -EK - Z( K ) S = ABS( WK ) SM = ABS( WKM ) IF( A( K,K ).NE.0.0E0 ) THEN WK = WK / A( K, K ) WKM = WKM / A( K, K ) ELSE WK = 1.0E0 WKM = 1.0E0 END IF KP1 = K + 1 IF( KP1.LE.N ) THEN DO 30 J = KP1, N SM = SM + ABS( Z( J ) + WKM*A( K,J ) ) Z( J ) = Z( J ) + WK*A( K, J ) S = S + ABS( Z( J ) ) 30 CONTINUE IF( S.LT.SM ) THEN T = WKM - WK WK = WKM DO 40 J = KP1, N Z( J ) = Z( J ) + T*A( K, J ) 40 CONTINUE END IF END IF Z( K ) = WK 50 CONTINUE S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) c ** solve trans(L)*Y = W DO 60 KB = 1, N K = N + 1 - KB IF( K.LT.N ) & Z( K ) = Z( K ) + HSDT( N - K, A( K+1, K ), 1, Z( K+1 ), 1) IF( ABS( Z( K ) ).GT.1.0E0 ) THEN S = 1.0E0 / ABS( Z( K ) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) END IF L = IPVT( K ) T = Z( L ) Z( L ) = Z( K ) Z( K ) = T 60 CONTINUE S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) c ** solve L*V = Y YNORM = 1.0E0 DO 70 K = 1, N L = IPVT( K ) T = Z( L ) Z( L ) = Z( K ) Z( K ) = T IF( K.LT.N ) CALL HSXPY( N - K, T, A( K + 1,K ), 1, Z( K + 1 ), & 1 ) IF( ABS( Z( K ) ).GT.1.0E0 ) THEN S = 1.0E0 / ABS( Z( K ) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = S*YNORM END IF 70 CONTINUE S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) c ** solve U*Z = V YNORM = S*YNORM DO 80 KB = 1, N K = N + 1 - KB IF( ABS( Z( K ) ).GT.ABS( A( K,K ) ) ) THEN S = ABS( A( K,K ) ) / ABS( Z( K ) ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = S*YNORM END IF IF( A( K,K ).NE.0.0E0 ) Z( K ) = Z( K ) / A( K, K ) IF( A( K,K ).EQ.0.0E0 ) Z( K ) = 1.0E0 T = -Z( K ) CALL HSXPY( K - 1, T, A( 1,K ), 1, Z( 1 ), 1 ) 80 CONTINUE c ** make znorm = 1.0 S = 1.0E0 / HSASUM( N, Z, 1 ) CALL HSSCL( N, S, Z, 1 ) YNORM = S*YNORM IF( ANORM.NE.0.0E0 ) RCOND = YNORM / ANORM IF( ANORM.EQ.0.0E0 ) RCOND = 0.0E0 END SUBROUTINE SGEFA( A, LDA, N, IPVT, INFO ) c Factors a real matrix by Gaussian elimination. c Revision date: 8/1/82 c Author: Moler, C. B. (U. of New Mexico) c SGEFA is usually called by SGECO, but it can be called c directly with a saving in time if RCOND is not needed. c (time for SGECO) = (1 + 9/N) * (time for SGEFA) . c Input: same as SGECO c On return: c A,IPVT same as SGECO c INFO INTEGER c = 0 normal value. c = k if u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 . This is not an error c condition for this subroutine, but it does c indicate that SGESL or SGEDI will divide by zero c if called. Use RCOND in SGECO for a reliable c indication of singularity. c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INFO, LDA, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL A( LDA, * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER J, K, KP1, L, NM1 REAL T c .. c .. External Functions .. INTEGER HISMX EXTERNAL HISMX c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL HSXPY, HSSCL c .. c ** Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting INFO = 0 NM1 = N - 1 DO 20 K = 1, NM1 KP1 = K + 1 c ** find L = pivot index L = HISMX( N - K + 1, A( K,K ), 1 ) + K - 1 IPVT( K ) = L IF( A( L,K ).EQ.0.0E0 ) THEN c ** zero pivot implies this column c ** already triangularized INFO = K ELSE c ** interchange if necessary IF( L.NE.K ) THEN T = A( L, K ) A( L, K ) = A( K, K ) A( K, K ) = T END IF c ** compute multipliers T = -1.0E0 / A( K, K ) CALL HSSCL( N - K, T, A( K + 1,K ), 1 ) c ** row elimination with column indexing DO 10 J = KP1, N T = A( L, J ) IF( L.NE.K ) THEN A( L, J ) = A( K, J ) A( K, J ) = T END IF CALL HSXPY( N-K, T, A( K+1, K ), 1, A( K+1, J ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE END IF 20 CONTINUE IPVT( N ) = N IF( A( N,N ) .EQ. 0.0E0 ) INFO = N END SUBROUTINE SGESL( A, LDA, N, IPVT, B, JOB ) c Solves the real system c A * X = B or transpose(A) * X = B c using the factors computed by SGECO or SGEFA. c Revision date: 8/1/82 c Author: Moler, C. B. (U. of New Mexico) c On entry c A REAL(LDA, N) c the output from SGECO or SGEFA. c LDA INTEGER c the leading dimension of the array A c N INTEGER c the order of the matrix A c IPVT INTEGER(N) c the pivot vector from SGECO or SGEFA. c B REAL(N) c the right hand side vector. c JOB INTEGER c = 0 to solve A*X = B , c = nonzero to solve transpose(A)*X = B c On return c B the solution vector X c Error condition c A division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a c zero on the diagonal. Technically, this indicates singularity, c but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper c setting of LDA. It will not occur if the subroutines are c called correctly and if SGECO has set RCOND .GT. 0.0 c or SGEFA has set INFO .EQ. 0 . c To compute inverse(a) * c where c is a matrix c with p columns c call sgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z) c if (rcond is too small) go to ... c do 10 j = 1, p c call sgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,c(1,j),0) c 10 continue c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER JOB, LDA, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER IPVT( * ) REAL A( LDA, * ), B( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER K, KB, L, NM1 REAL T c .. c .. External Functions .. REAL HSDT EXTERNAL HSDT c .. c .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL HSXPY c .. NM1 = N - 1 IF( JOB.EQ.0 ) THEN c ** solve A * X = B c ** first solve L*Y = B DO 10 K = 1, NM1 L = IPVT( K ) T = B( L ) IF( L.NE.K ) THEN B( L ) = B( K ) B( K ) = T END IF CALL HSXPY( N - K, T, A( K+1, K ), 1, B( K+1 ), 1 ) 10 CONTINUE c ** now solve U*X = Y DO 20 KB = 1, N K = N + 1 - KB B( K ) = B( K ) / A( K, K ) T = - B( K ) CALL HSXPY( K-1, T, A( 1, K ), 1, B(1), 1 ) 20 CONTINUE ELSE c ** solve trans(A) * X = B c ** first solve trans(U)*Y = B DO 30 K = 1, N T = HSDT( K - 1, A( 1,K ), 1, B( 1 ), 1 ) B( K ) = ( B( K ) - T ) / A( K, K ) 30 CONTINUE c ** now solve trans(l)*x = y DO 40 KB = 1, NM1 K = N - KB B( K ) = B( K ) + HSDT( N - K, A( K+1, K ), 1, B( K+1 ), 1) L = IPVT( K ) IF( L.NE.K ) THEN T = B( L ) B( L ) = B( K ) B( K ) = T END IF 40 CONTINUE END IF END REAL FUNCTION HSASUM( N, SX, INCX ) c INPUT-- N Number of elements in vector to be summed c SX Sing-prec array, length 1+(N-1)*INCX, containing vector c INCX Spacing of vector elements in SX c OUTPUT-- HSASUM Sum from 0 to N-1 of ABS(SX(1+I*INCX)) c ---------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL SX( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, M c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS, MOD c .. HSASUM = 0.0 IF( N.LE.0 ) RETURN IF( INCX.NE.1 ) THEN c ** non-unit increments DO 10 I = 1, 1 + ( N - 1 )*INCX, INCX HSASUM = HSASUM + ABS( SX( I ) ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE c ** unit increments M = MOD( N, 6 ) IF( M.NE.0 ) THEN c ** clean-up loop so remaining vector c ** length is a multiple of 6. DO 20 I = 1, M HSASUM = HSASUM + ABS( SX( I ) ) 20 CONTINUE END IF c ** unroll loop for speed DO 30 I = M + 1, N, 6 HSASUM = HSASUM + ABS( SX( I ) ) + ABS( SX( I + 1 ) ) + & ABS( SX( I + 2 ) ) + ABS( SX( I + 3 ) ) + & ABS( SX( I + 4 ) ) + ABS( SX( I + 5 ) ) 30 CONTINUE END IF END SUBROUTINE HSXPY( N, SA, SX, INCX, SY, INCY ) c Y = A*X + Y (X, Y = vectors, A = scalar) c INPUT-- c N Number of elements in input vectors X and Y c SA Single precision scalar multiplier A c SX Sing-prec array containing vector X c INCX Spacing of elements of vector X in SX c SY Sing-prec array containing vector Y c INCY Spacing of elements of vector Y in SY c OUTPUT-- c SY For I = 0 to N-1, overwrite SY(LY+I*INCY) with c SA*SX(LX+I*INCX) + SY(LY+I*INCY), c where LX = 1 if INCX .GE. 0, c = (-INCX)*N if INCX .LT. 0 c and LY is defined analogously using INCY. c ------------------------------------------------------------ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, INCY, N REAL SA c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL SX( * ), SY( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IX, IY, M c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD c .. IF( N.LE.0 .OR. SA.EQ.0.0 ) RETURN IF( INCX.EQ.INCY .AND. INCX.GT.1 ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, 1 + ( N - 1 )*INCX, INCX SY( I ) = SY( I ) + SA*SX( I ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( INCX.EQ.INCY .AND. INCX.EQ.1 ) THEN c ** equal, unit increments M = MOD( N, 4 ) IF( M.NE.0 ) THEN c ** clean-up loop so remaining vector length c ** is a multiple of 4. DO 20 I = 1, M SY( I ) = SY( I ) + SA*SX( I ) 20 CONTINUE END IF c ** unroll loop for speed DO 30 I = M + 1, N, 4 SY( I ) = SY( I ) + SA*SX( I ) SY( I + 1 ) = SY( I + 1 ) + SA*SX( I + 1 ) SY( I + 2 ) = SY( I + 2 ) + SA*SX( I + 2 ) SY( I + 3 ) = SY( I + 3 ) + SA*SX( I + 3 ) 30 CONTINUE ELSE c ** nonequal or nonpositive increments. IX = 1 IY = 1 IF( INCX.LT.0 ) IX = 1 + ( N - 1 )*( -INCX ) IF( INCY.LT.0 ) IY = 1 + ( N - 1 )*( -INCY ) DO 40 I = 1, N SY( IY ) = SY( IY ) + SA*SX( IX ) IX = IX + INCX IY = IY + INCY 40 CONTINUE END IF END REAL FUNCTION HSDT( N, SX, INCX, SY, INCY ) c Single-prec dot product of vectors X and Y c INPUT-- c N Number of elements in input vectors X and Y c SX Sing-prec array containing vector X c INCX Spacing of elements of vector X in SX c SY Sing-prec array containing vector Y c INCY Spacing of elements of vector Y in SY c OUTPUT-- c HSDT Sum for I = 0 to N-1 of SX(LX+I*INCX) * SY(LY+I*INCY), c where LX = 1 if INCX .GE. 0, c = (-INCX)*N if INCX .LT. 0, c and LY is defined analogously using INCY. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, INCY, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL SX( * ), SY( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IX, IY, M c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD c .. HSDT = 0.0 IF( N.LE.0 ) RETURN IF( INCX.EQ.INCY .AND. INCX.GT.1 ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, 1 + ( N - 1 )*INCX, INCX HSDT = HSDT + SX( I )*SY( I ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( INCX.EQ.INCY .AND. INCX.EQ.1 ) THEN c ** equal, unit increments M = MOD( N, 5 ) IF( M.NE.0 ) THEN c ** clean-up loop so remaining vector length c ** is a multiple of 4. DO 20 I = 1, M HSDT = HSDT + SX( I )*SY( I ) 20 CONTINUE END IF c ** unroll loop for speed DO 30 I = M + 1, N, 5 HSDT = HSDT + SX( I )*SY( I ) + SX( I + 1 )*SY( I + 1 ) + & SX( I + 2 )*SY( I + 2 ) + SX( I + 3 )*SY( I + 3 ) + & SX( I + 4 )*SY( I + 4 ) 30 CONTINUE ELSE c ** nonequal or nonpositive increments. IX = 1 IY = 1 IF( INCX.LT.0 ) IX = 1 + ( N - 1 )*( -INCX ) IF( INCY.LT.0 ) IY = 1 + ( N - 1 )*( -INCY ) DO 40 I = 1, N HSDT = HSDT + SX( IX )*SY( IY ) IX = IX + INCX IY = IY + INCY 40 CONTINUE END IF END SUBROUTINE HSSCL( N, SA, SX, INCX ) c Multiply vector SX by scalar SA c INPUT-- N Number of elements in vector c SA Single precision scale factor c SX Sing-prec array, length 1+(N-1)*INCX, containing vector c INCX Spacing of vector elements in SX c OUTPUT-- SX Replace SX(1+I*INCX) with SA * SX(1+I*INCX) c for I = 0 to N-1 c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, N REAL SA c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL SX( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, M c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD c .. IF( N.LE.0 ) RETURN IF( INCX.NE.1 ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, 1 + ( N - 1 )*INCX, INCX SX( I ) = SA*SX( I ) 10 CONTINUE ELSE M = MOD( N, 5 ) IF( M.NE.0 ) THEN c ** clean-up loop so remaining vector length c ** is a multiple of 5. DO 20 I = 1, M SX( I ) = SA*SX( I ) 20 CONTINUE END IF c ** unroll loop for speed DO 30 I = M + 1, N, 5 SX( I ) = SA*SX( I ) SX( I + 1 ) = SA*SX( I + 1 ) SX( I + 2 ) = SA*SX( I + 2 ) SX( I + 3 ) = SA*SX( I + 3 ) SX( I + 4 ) = SA*SX( I + 4 ) 30 CONTINUE END IF END SUBROUTINE HSSWP( N, SX, INCX, SY, INCY ) c Interchange s.p vectors X and Y, as follows: c For I = 0 to N-1, interchange SX(LX+I*INCX) and SY(LY+I*INCY), c where LX = 1 if INCX .GE. 0, c = (-INCX)*N if INCX .LT. 0 c and LY is defined analogously using INCY. c INPUT-- c N Number of elements in input vectors X and Y c SX Sing-prec array containing vector X c INCX Spacing of elements of vector X in SX c SY Sing-prec array containing vector Y c INCY Spacing of elements of vector Y in SY c OUTPUT-- c SX Input vector SY (unchanged if N .LE. 0) c SY Input vector SX (unchanged IF N .LE. 0) c -------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, INCY, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL SX( * ), SY( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IX, IY, M REAL STEMP1, STEMP2, STEMP3 c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD c .. IF( N.LE.0 ) RETURN IF( INCX.EQ.INCY .AND. INCX.GT.1 ) THEN DO 10 I = 1, 1 + ( N-1 )*INCX, INCX STEMP1 = SX( I ) SX( I ) = SY( I ) SY( I ) = STEMP1 10 CONTINUE ELSE IF( INCX.EQ.INCY .AND. INCX.EQ.1 ) THEN c ** equal, unit increments M = MOD( N, 3 ) IF( M.NE.0 ) THEN c ** clean-up loop so remaining vector length c ** is a multiple of 3. DO 20 I = 1, M STEMP1 = SX( I ) SX( I ) = SY( I ) SY( I ) = STEMP1 20 CONTINUE END IF c ** unroll loop for speed DO 30 I = M + 1, N, 3 STEMP1 = SX( I ) STEMP2 = SX( I + 1 ) STEMP3 = SX( I + 2 ) SX( I ) = SY( I ) SX( I + 1 ) = SY( I + 1 ) SX( I + 2 ) = SY( I + 2 ) SY( I ) = STEMP1 SY( I + 1 ) = STEMP2 SY( I + 2 ) = STEMP3 30 CONTINUE ELSE c ** nonequal or nonpositive increments. IX = 1 IY = 1 IF( INCX.LT.0 ) IX = 1 + ( N - 1 )*( -INCX ) IF( INCY.LT.0 ) IY = 1 + ( N - 1 )*( -INCY ) DO 40 I = 1, N STEMP1 = SX( IX ) SX( IX ) = SY( IY ) SY( IY ) = STEMP1 IX = IX + INCX IY = IY + INCY 40 CONTINUE END IF END INTEGER FUNCTION HISMX( N, SX, INCX ) c INPUT-- N Number of elements in vector of interest c SX Sing-prec array, length 1+(N-1)*INCX, containing vector c INCX Spacing of vector elements in SX c OUTPUT-- HISMX First I, I = 1 to N, to maximize c ABS(SX(1+(I-1)*INCX)) c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER INCX, N c .. c .. Array Arguments .. REAL SX( * ) c .. c .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, II REAL SMAX, XMAG c .. c .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS c .. IF( N.LE.0 ) THEN HISMX = 0 ELSE IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN HISMX = 1 ELSE SMAX = 0.0 II = 1 DO 10 I = 1, 1 + ( N-1 )*INCX, INCX XMAG = ABS( SX( I ) ) IF( SMAX.LT.XMAG ) THEN SMAX = XMAG HISMX = II END IF II = II + 1 10 CONTINUE END IF END