MODULE module_common_var IMPLICIT NONE save ! !************** ! Kind helpers !************** integer, parameter :: Int_8 = selected_int_kind(8) integer, parameter :: Int_10 = selected_int_kind(10) integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0D0) !double precission integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0) !simple precission integer, parameter :: r8 = kind(1.0D0) !real*8 integer, parameter :: r4 = kind(1.0) !real*4 ! ! !************************* ! Population moment Transition !************************* ! ptype : this parameter marks the result Population calculation ! in other words: ! ('hit') Acording to HITRAN96 ! ('tra') Acording to Hartmann et. al 2006 character(3), parameter :: ptype = 'tra' ! !************************* ! Dipole moment Transition !************************* !integer, parameter :: K_t = 0 !Isotropic-spectroscopy integer, parameter :: K_t = 1 !IR-spectroscopy !integer, parameter :: K_t = 2 !Raman-spectroscopy ! Diatomic-molecule (or linear): ! HUND's CASE character(1), parameter :: caseHund = 'b' ! Type of Dipole Calculation character(1), parameter :: tdcal = 'S' ! Transition Moment Type character(3), parameter :: tmt = 'edt' ! 1) Electric dipole transition (edt) ! 2) magnetic dipole transition (mdt) ! 3) electric-quadrupole transitions (eqt) character(4), parameter :: mode = 'mak1' ! 1) [Tran et al. 2006] ECS matrix element = 'tran' ! 2) [Makarov et al. 2013] ECS matrix element = 'mak1' ! 3) [Makarov et al. 2013]'s CODE ECS matrix element = 'mak2' ! double precision, parameter :: TOL= 1.0000000E-40! tolerance level !*********** ! Constants !*********** ! ! Base Temperature: double precision, parameter :: T0= 296d0!K ! ! Ph.ctes : real(dp), parameter :: Pi = 3.141592654d0 ! Pi number !real(dp) , parameter :: pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029_r8 !real(dp) , parameter :: invpi = 1./Pi !real(dp) , parameter :: twopi = 2.*Pi !real(dp) , parameter :: halfpi = Pi/2. real(dp), parameter :: c2 = 1.4387770 ! second radiation constant (cm·K) != hplank*c/kb real(dp), parameter :: c2_mK = c2*1E-02! second radiation constant (m·K) != hplank*c/kb real(dp), parameter :: kb = 1.380658E-23 !Bolzman constant ( J/K) !or = 8.617385E-05 ! (eV/K) real(dp), parameter :: Rg = 8.3144598 !Gas constant ( J·mol-1·K-1) real(dp), parameter :: hplank = 6.6260755E-34!Plank constant ( J·s) !or = 4.1356692E-15! (eV·s) real(dp), parameter :: hp_cgs = 6.6260755E-27!Plank constant (erg·s) real(dp), parameter :: c_ms = 2.99792458E+08! speed of light ( m/s) real(dp), parameter :: c = 2.99792458E+10! speed of light (cm/s) real(dp), parameter :: Na = 6.022E23 ! Avogadro constant (molecules·mol-1) real(dp), parameter :: v_permit= 1.0/(4.0*Pi)!vacuum permittivity (cgs units) ! ε0 = 8.854187817 * 1E−12 F·m-1 (farads per metre) ! is the measure of the resistance that is encountered ! when forming an electric field in a medium. real(dp), parameter :: v_permea= 4*Pi/c**2 !vacuum permeability (N·A-2) ! 4*Pi*1.0E-07 !vacuum permeability (N·A-2) ! µ0 = 4π×10−7 N / A2 ! the value of magnetic permeability in a classical vacuum ! !************** ! IN/OUT Files !************** ! ! Units of IN/OUT files ! --------------------- integer*8, parameter :: u1 = 10 ! Unit input file#1 integer*8, parameter :: u2 = 11 ! Unit input file#2 integer*8, parameter :: u3 = 20 ! Unit output file integer*8, parameter :: u4 = 12 ! Unit input file integer*8, parameter :: u5 = 13 ! Unit input file integer*8, parameter :: u6 = 14 ! Unit input file integer*8, parameter :: u7 = 15 integer*8, parameter :: u8 = 16 integer*8, parameter :: u9 = 17 ! !************************** ! Program Type: STRUCTURES !************************** type dta_SDF ! M = HITRAN Molecule number ! SIG = Vacuum wavenumber (cm-1) ! ISO = Isotopologue number ! STR = Intensity cm-1/(molecules·cm-2) at 296K ! PopuT0 = Populations of the Lower Levels of the Lines ! at 296 K. UNITLESS. ! DipoT = Dipole transition Moments of the Lines. ! UNITS: ! Debye^(1/2) = (1E-36 ergs·cm3)^(1/2) ! = (1E-36 (1E-07 J)·cm3)^(1/2) ! E = Lower-state energy (cm-1) ! A21 = Einstein A-coefficient (s-1), ! i.e. spontaneous emission (from upper to lower level) ! NOTATION (see NOTES bellow). ! HWT0 = Air-broadened Half-Widths (at 296 K) of the ! Lines (cm-1/Atm) ! BHW = Temperature Dependence Coefficients of HWT0 ! SHIFT = Air pressure-induced line shift ! ! Qupp = Upper-state ‘local’ quanta". ! Rotational information of the upper level. ! ! Qlow = Lower-state ‘local’ quanta". ! Rotational information of the lower level. ! ! swei0 = Statistical weight of the upper state ! ! swei00 = Statistical weight of the lower state ! ! hitBAND = the band (Upper quanta) <- (Lower quanta) ! ! NOTES: ! (1) Prime and double primes refer, respectively, ! to upper and lower states, respectively, i.e. ! * upper := 2; 0 ; or ' ! * lower := 1;00 ; or " ! (2) J is the quantum number associated with the total ! angular momentum excluding nuclear spin; ! (3) F is the quantum number associated with the total ! angular momentum including nuclear spin. F is shown in ! A5 FORTRAN format in order to accommodate integer (I5) ! or half-integer values (F5.1). ! For group 3, the notations C and a are described in ! [Brown et al. Methane line parameters in HITRAN. JQSRT 2003;82:219–38 ]. ! ! Swei00 = Statistical weight of the lower state ! integer*8 :: M,iso integer*8 :: class double Precision,allocatable :: Sig(:), Str(:) double Precision,allocatable :: PopuT0(:), PopuT(:) double Precision,allocatable :: DipoT(:)!,DipoT0(:) double Precision,allocatable :: D0(:)!, Drigrotor(:) !double Precision,allocatable:: Y_RosT(:) double Precision,allocatable :: E(:), A21(:) double Precision,allocatable :: HWT0(:),BHW(:), & SHIFT(:) double Precision,allocatable :: swei0(:),swei00(:) character*38 :: hitBAND ! GLOBAL quanta // Vibrational ! ------------- !Class 1: Diatomic molecules ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1 ! nu_j {j=1} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! !Class 2: Diatomic molecules with different electronic levels ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1 ! nu_j {j=1} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! character*1:: X ! electronic state of the molecule: ! * X = "X" -> ground state ! * X = "i" -> where i={1,2,...} any number ! that shows the exited state# ! !Class 3: Diatomic molecules with doublet-PI electronic state ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1 ! nu_j {j=1} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! character*1:: X ! electronic state of the molecule ! character*3:: i_2 ! = 1/2 or 3/2 <- N = J +- 1/2 depending on the molecules. ! !Class 4: Linear triatomic ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1, nu2, nu3 ! nu_j {j=1,2,3} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! integer :: l2 ! vibrational angular momentum (vam) ! quantum number of the vibrational mode {j=2} ! !Class 5: Linear triatomic with large Fermi resonance ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1, nu2, nu3 ! nu_j {j=1,2,3} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! integer :: l2, r ! l2: vibrational angular momentum (vam) ! quantum number of the vibrational mode {j=2} ! r : Ref[5] of HITRAN04 !!!!!! ! !Class 6: NON-Linear triatomic ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1, nu2, nu3 ! nu_j {j=1,2,3} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! !Class 7: Linear tretratomic ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4, nu5 ! nu_j {j=1,...,5} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! integer :: lv, sign, r, Schar ! lv: absolute value of the sum of the vibrational angular momentum (vam) ! quantum number l_j {j=1,...,5} ! sign, r, Schar : Ref[7] of HITRAN04 !!!!!! ! !Class 8: Pyramidal tretratomic ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4 ! nu_j {j=1,...,4} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! integer :: Sint ! Symmetry of the level ! (only for NH3, for PH3 is blank) ! !Class 9: NON-Linear tretratomic ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4, nu5, nu6 ! nu_j {j=1,...,6} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! !Class 10: Pentatonic or greater polyatomic ! Variables in use: ! integer :: nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4 ! nu_j {j=1,...,4} is the quantum number associated ! associated with the normal mode j. ! character :: Sv, mi ! Sv: symmetry ! mi: multiplicity index. ! ! NOTE: ! commented lines in front of some variables ! are there to avoid its duplicity. !------------------------------------------------------------ integer*8 :: lv2(2) ! lower = 1 or 'low' ! upper = 2 or 'upp' !------------------------------------------------------------ ! LOCAL QUANTA:// Rotational ! ------------- ! !Group 1: Asymmetric rotors ! Variables in use: ! integer :: J, Ju, Ka(2), Kc(2), F(2) ! character :: Sym(2) ! J: quantum number associated with the ! total angular momentum EXCLUDING nuclear SPIN. ! F: quantum number associated with the ! total angular momentum INCLUDING nuclear SPIN. ! (Integer, I5, or Half-Integer, F5.1). ! Sym: is either symmetry (e,f), or +/- for requiered ! symmetry symbols, or (d,q) for magnetic-dipole or ! electric-quadrupole transitions (ONLY FOR: O2, N2). ! NOTE: ! for NO2 and HO2: J = N Sym 1/2 where Sym = + or -. ! So N is in the place of J for those molecules. ! !Group 2: Diatomic and Linear molecules. ! Variables in use: ! integer :: J, F(2) ! character :: Sym, Br ! Ju = J+Br ! J: Resultant total angular momentum quantum number, ! excluding nuclear spins.(initial/lower level) ! Ju: rotational quantum number J (final/upper level) ! (Angular momentum without nuclear spins) ! F: quantum number associated with the ! total angular momentum INCLUDING nuclear SPIN. ! (Integer, I5, or Half-Integer, F5.1). ! br: character that marks the branch of the band, ! i.e. Br is the O-, P-, Q-, R-, or S branch ! symbol; ! The rotational selection rule gives rise to: ! *r = R-branch (when ∆J = +1) ! *q = Q-branch (when ∆J = 0) ! i.e. J" = 0 and J' = 0, but ν0≠0 is forbidden ! so pure vibrational transition is not observed ! in most cases ! *p = P-branch (when ∆J = -1). ! Sym: takes (d,q) value for magnetic-dipole or ! electric-quadrupole transitions (ONLY FOR: O2, N2). ! ! !Group 3: Spherical rotors ! Variables in use: ! integer :: J, Ju, alph(2), F(2) ! character*2:: Sr(2) ! J: Resultant total angular momentum quantum number, ! excluding nuclear spins.(initial/lower level) ! Ju: rotational quantum number J (final/upper level) ! (Angular momentum without nuclear spins) ! F: quantum number associated with the ! total angular momentum INCLUDING nuclear SPIN. ! (Integer, I5, or Half-Integer, F5.1). ! Sr: (or C in literature) Total rotational symmetry in T_d_(M), ! Gamma = A_1 ,A_2 ,E,F_1 ,F_2 (num# = 1,2,3,4,5) ! alph: "α" (or "n" above 3400cm-1) are counting integers. ! for levels of the same J and C (== Sr); ! ! Q0: Q00: ! J′ C′ α′ F´ J" C" α" F" ! 2x i3 a2 i3 a5 2x i3 a2 i3 a5 ! !Group 4: Symmetric rotors ! Variables in use: ! integer :: J, Ju, K(2), l(2), F(2) ! character :: Sym(2) ! character*2:: Sr(2) ! J: Resultant total angular momentum quantum number, ! excluding nuclear spins but including electronic spin. ! (initial/lower level) ! Ju: rotational quantum number J (final/upper level) ! (Angular momentum without nuclear spins ! but including electronic spin). ! l: Quantum number for vibrational angular momentum (vam). ! F: Quantum number associated with the ! total angular momentum INCLUDING both nuclear SPIN ! and electron SPIN. ! (Integer, I5, or Half-Integer, F5.1). ! Sr: (or C in literature) Total rotational symmetry in T_d_(M), ! Gamma = A_+ ,A_- ,E (num# = 1,2,3) ! Sym: is either symmetry (e,f), or +/- for requiered ! symmetry symbols. ! !Group 5: Triplet-Sigma ground electronic rotors ! Variables in use: ! integer :: J, Ka(2), Kc(2), F(2) ! character :: Sym, Br ! character :: Br_N ! Nu = N + Br_N ! J: rotational quantum number J (initial/lower level) ! (Angular momentum without nuclear spins) ! Ju= J + Br ! N: Rotational angular momentum quantum number ! (excluding electron and nuclear spins, ! in the case where electron spin is present). ! J = N +- 1/2. ! Nu= N + Br ! br: character that marks the branch of the band, ! i.e. Br is the O-, P-, Q-, R-, or S branch ! symbol; ! The rotational selection rule gives rise to: ! *r = R-branch (when ∆J = +1) ! *q = Q-branch (when ∆J = 0) ! i.e. J" = 0 and J' = 0, but ν0≠0 is forbidden ! so pure vibrational transition is not observed ! in most cases ! *p = P-branch (when ∆J = -1). ! Sym: takes values (d,q) for magnetic-dipole or ! electric-quadrupole transitions (ONLY FOR: O2, N2). ! !Group 6: Doublet-PI ground electronic states ! Variables in use: ! integer :: F(2), J ! THIS IS F5.1 ! character :: Sym, Br ! Ju = J + Br ! J: rotational quantum number J (initial/lower level) ! (Angular momentum without nuclear spins ! but including electronic spin). ! NOTE: this molecules HAVE electronic spin! ! Ju= J + Br ! F: Quantum number associated with the ! total angular momentum INCLUDING both nuclear SPIN ! and electron SPIN. ! (Integer, I5, or Half-Integer, F5.1). ! br: character that marks the branch of the band, ! i.e. Br is the O-, P-, Q-, R-, or S branch ! symbol; ! The rotational selection rule gives rise to: ! *r = R-branch (when ∆J = +1) ! *q = Q-branch (when ∆J = 0) ! i.e. J" = 0 and J' = 0, but ν0≠0 is forbidden ! so pure vibrational transition is not observed ! in most cases ! *p = P-branch (when ∆J = -1). ! Sym: takes values (d,q) for magnetic-dipole or ! electric-quadrupole transitions (ONLY FOR: O2, N2). ! integer*8 ,allocatable :: N(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: J(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: F(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: nspin(:,:), espin(:,:) character(1) ,allocatable :: br(:), br_N(:) double precision,allocatable :: Qlt(:,:) end type dta_SDF ! -------------- type dta_RMF ! WT0 = Relaxation Matrix elements (at 296 K) double Precision,allocatable :: WT0(:) end type dta_RMF ! -------------- type HITRAN ! HITRAN STRUCTURE:------------- ! PARAMETER MEANING FORTRAN Type Comments or units ! M = Molecule number I2 HITRAN chronological assignment ! ISO = Isotopologue number I1 Ordering within a molecule by terrestrial abundance ! wno = Vacuum wavenumber F12.6 cm-1 ! S = Intensity E10.3 cm-1/(molecules·cm-2) at 296K ! A = Einstein A-coefficient E10.3 s-1 ! gair = Air-broadened half-width F5.4 HWHM at 296 K (in cm-1 atm-1) ! gself = Self-broadened half-width F5.4 HWHM at 296 K (in cm-1 atm-1) ! E00 = Lower-state energy F10.4 cm-1 ! nair = Temp-depend exp for gair F4.2 unitless, ! Shift_air = Air press-induced line shift F8.6 cm-1 atm-1 at 296 K ! V0 = Upper-state "global" quanta A15 Format dependent on the molecule: ! *CH4: Hollerith see Table 3 ! V00 = Lower-state "global" quanta A15 ( same as V0 ) ! Q0 = Upper-state "local" quanta A15 Format dependent on the molecule ! *CH4: Brown et al.see Table 8 ! Q00 = Lower-state "local" quanta A15 ( same as Q0 ) ! Ierr = Uncertainty indices I6 Accuracy for 3/6 critical parameters ! ðv; S; gair=v; S; gair; gself ; nair; ! dairÞ, see Rothman et al. (2013) ! Iref = Reference indices I12 References for 3/6 critical parameters ! ðv; S; gair=v; S; gair; gself ; nair; dairÞ ! * = Flag A1 Availability of program and data for the ! case of line mixing ! g0 = Statistical weight of the F7.1 UNITLESS ! upper state ! g00 = Statistical weight of the F7.1 UNITLESS ! lower state integer*8 :: M, ISO, Ierr, Iref Double Precision :: wno,S, A, gair, gself Double Precision :: E00, nair, shift_air Double Precision :: g0, g00 character*15 :: V0, V00, Q0, Q00 character(1) :: flag end type HITRAN ! -------------- type dta_MOL ! MOLECULAR STRUCTURE:------------- ! PARAMETER MEANING FORTRAN Type Comments or units ! M = Molecule number I2 HITRAN chronological assignment ! ISO = Isotopologue number I1 Ordering within a molecule by terrestrial abundance ! Aco = AFGL code I3 The old Air Force Geophysics Laboratory ! (AFGL) shorthand notation for isotopologues. ! IAb = Iso Abundance -- HITRAN Isotopologue abundance. ! QT = Partition function at T or T0 dp T selected by the user, T0 = 296K ! mms = Molar mass dp Molar Mass [g·mol-1] ! Nmcon = molar concentration at 296K dp mol·cm3 ! B0 = Rotational constant B0 dp cm-1 ! Temp = temperature of the Gas dp K ! Ptot = Pressure of the Gas dp atm ! ! Further information (QT in different Temperatures) in: ! ! ! PROGRAM EXTRA INFORMATION:------------- ! ai = fitting coeff of the dp cm-1/No-unit/No-unit ! base function ! dc = Adiabatic Factor parameter dp Å ! exi = Temperature dependent dp No-unit ! exponents of ai param. ! availableParam = logical variable lo 0/1 (Just used at "RM_LM_LLS_tmc_arts" ) ! that checks whether the code ! can access pre-registered ! values of ai ! AF_ON = allows to use the lo 0/1 (Depends on availability and the freedom that the user needs) ! adiabatic factor ! QTy = "REG" or "TMC" a3 depends on the called method: ! "REG" = RM_LM_tmc_arts ! "TMC" = RM_LM_LLS_tmc_arts ! LLSty = "Linear" to "Li--AF" a6 depends on the LLS method: ! "Linear" = LLS_Matrix + Li ! "Model1" = LLS_Matrix + M1 ! "Li--AF" = LLS_AF_Matrix ! ! integer*8 :: M integer*8 :: iso_m ! == column number. integer*8 :: Aco character*3 :: QTy character*6 :: chmol,LLSty double Precision :: Temp, Ptot double Precision :: v0 Double Precision :: mms!, IAb Double Precision :: Nmcon, B0 Double Precision :: QT, QT0 Double Precision :: a1, a2, a3, dc, ex1, ex2 Double Precision :: a4, a5, a6 , a7 Double Precision :: a8, a9, a10, a11 logical :: availableParam, AF_ON logical :: error_flag end type dta_MOL ! -------------- type dta_ERR ! MOLECULAR STRUCTURE:------------- ! PARAMETER MEANING FORTRAN Type Comments or units ! e(1) = debugging flag I1 it allows this code to be verbose on screen ! for debugging purposes. Possible values: ! -1 -> Not printing allowed + passepartout*. ! 0 -> Not printing allowed + returning errors. ! 1 -> Printing allowed + returning errors. ! 2 -> Printing allowed + passepartout*. ! *NOTE:'Passepartout'= no errors on the configuration of W will be signaled, ! W will be return regardless its content. ! ! e(2) = error counter I1 It counts the number of errors, if e(2)>=1, ! then the error flag will be send back as 1. ! e(3) = variable which states I1 It tells whether or not the code returns a ! the status of the solution diagonal-RM due to: ! at exiting the interface (1) e(3) = 2 -> rule1 failed ! (2) e(3) = 3 -> rule2 failed ! (3) e(3) = 4 -> sumRule failed ! integer*8, dimension(3) :: e ! end type dta_ERR ! -------------- END MODULE module_common_var