C Copyright 2015 Haakan T. Johansson
C This file is part of FASTWIGXJ.
C FASTWIGXJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
C under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
C published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
C License, or (at your option) any later version.
C FASTWIGXJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
C WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
C Lesser General Public License for more details.
C You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
C License along with FASTWIGXJ. If not, see
C .
C Compile with: gfortran example/flookup.f -o flookup -Imod \
C -I/mod -Llib -lfastwigxj \
C -L/lib -lwigxjpf -lwigxjpf_quadmath
program flookup
C Module with function interface declarations.
use ffastwigxj
use fwigxjpf
C Function prototypes (not recommended, use only when you cannot use
C the module ffastwigxj)
C real*8 ffw3jj_get, ffw3jjl, ffw3jja, ffw3jja6
C real*8 ffw6jj_get, ffw6jjl, ffw6jja
C real*8 ffw9jj_get, ffw9jjl, ffw9jja
implicit none
C Local variables
real*8 val3j, val6j, val9j
write (*,"(A)") "FASTWIGXJ fortran test program"
C Load tables produced during build test.
call ffastwigxj_load("test_table_18.3j", 3);
call ffastwigxj_load("test_table_8.6j", 6);
call ffastwigxj_load("test_hashed_3_6_12.9j", 9);
C For fallback to WIGXJPF when symbols too large for table.
call fwig_table_init(2*100,9)
call fwig_temp_init(2*100)
C Note that arguments are in two_j = 2*j.
val3j = ffw3jja6(2* 5 , 2* 7 , 2* 5 ,
c 2*(-3), 2* 5 , 2*(-2))
write (*,"(A40,F25.15)") "3J( 5 7 5; -3 5 -2):", val3j;
val3j = ffw3jja6(2* 10 , 2* 15 , 2* 10 ,
c 2*(-3), 2* 12 , 2*(-9))
write (*,"(A40,F25.15)") "3J(10 15 10; -3 12 -9):", val3j;
val6j = ffw6jja(2* 3 , 2* 4 , 2* 2 ,
c 2* 2, 2* 2 , 2* 3 )
write (*,"(A40,F25.15)") "6J{ 3 4 2; 2 2 3}:", val6j;
val6j = ffw6jja(2* 10 , 2* 15 , 2* 10 ,
c 2* 7, 2* 7 , 2* 9 )
write (*,"(A40,F25.15)") "6J{10 15 10; 7 7 9}:", val6j;
val9j = ffw9jja( 1, 2, 3,
c 2, 3, 5,
c 3, 3, 6)
write (*,"(A40,F25.15)")
c "9J{0.5 1 1.5; 1 1.5 2.5; 1.5 1.5 3}:", val9j;
val9j = ffw9jja( 1, 2, 3,
c 4, 6, 8,
c 3, 6, 9)
write (*,"(A40,F25.15)")
c "9J{0.5 1 1.5; 2 3 4; 1.5 3 4.5}:", val9j;
C Print statistics.
call ffastwigxj_print_stats();
C Remove tables from memory.
call ffastwigxj_unload(3);
call ffastwigxj_unload(6);
call ffastwigxj_unload(9);
C Release WIGXJPF memory.
call fwig_temp_free();
call fwig_table_free();
end program flookup