# setup additions/modifications for DOIT accelerated mode Arts2 { # Main agenda for DOIT calculation # -------------------------------- AgendaSet( doit_mono_agenda ){ # Prepare scattering data for DOIT calculation (Optimized method): DoitScatteringDataPrepare Ignore( f_grid ) # Alternative method (needs less memory): #scat_data_monoCalc # Perform iterations: 1. scattering integral. 2. RT calculations with # fixed scattering integral field, 3. convergence test # Accelerate using NG-Acceleration. To accelerate only the first Stokes component, # write accelerated = 1. To accelerate all 4 components, write accelerated = 4. # default is set to 0 (no acceleration) doit_i_field_monoIterate(accelerated=4) # Write the radiation field inside the cloudbox: #WriteXMLIndexed( in=doit_i_field_mono, file_index=f_index ) } # Convergence test # ---------------------- AgendaSet( doit_conv_test_agenda ){ # Give limits for all Stokes components in Rayleigh Jeans BT: doit_conv_flagAbsBT( epsilon=[0.001, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01] ) # Alternative: Give limits in radiances #doit_conv_flagAbs( doit_conv_flag, doit_iteration_counter, doit_i_field, # doit_i_field_old ){ # epsilon = [0.1e-15, 0.1e-18, 0.1e-18, 0.1e-18] #} # If you want to investigate several iteration fields, for example # to investigate the convergence behavior, you can use # the following method: #DoitWriteIterationFields Print( doit_iteration_counter, 0 ) } # we want a really thick cloud here Tensor4Scale( out=pnd_field, in=pnd_field, value=80 ) } # End of Main