#DEFINITIONS: -*-sh-*- # ############ # General ARTS defaults # # The basic philosophy here is, that general.arts shall always be included by an # ARTS controlfile. general.arts contains such settings, which are (very often) # necessary, but on the other hand the user rarely wants/needs to reset (or is # discouraged to do so). # The settings done below can be divided into 3 categories: # 1) settings that serve (mainly) as initialisations # 2) settings the user is highly discouraged to change # 3) settings that define some meaningful, widely valid/applicable defaults # ############ # # Authors: Stefan Buehler, Patrick Eriksson, Oliver Lemke, Jana Mendrok # Arts2 { ############ # PART 1 - following settings serve (mainly) as initialisations ############ # # Initialize verbosity levels # verbosityInit # # Semi-mandatory variables associated with scattering calculations # scat_speciesSet( scat_species, [] ) MatrixSet( particle_masses, [] ) Tensor4SetConstant( particle_bulkprop_field, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) ArrayOfStringSet( particle_bulkprop_names, [] ) Touch( dpnd_field_dx ) # # Semi-mandatory variables associated with surface_props_data # Tensor3SetConstant( surface_props_data, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) ArrayOfStringSet( surface_props_names, [] ) # # Default is that no transmitter is involved # MatrixSet( transmitter_pos, [] ) # # Default assmption is that the sensor cause no Doppler effect # NumericSet( rte_alonglos_v, 0 ) # # No auxiliary variables as default # ArrayOfStringSet( iy_aux_vars, [] ) # # Wind and magnetic fields # (all components set to be empty, shorthand for no winds/magnetic/pnd field) # Tensor3SetConstant( wind_u_field, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) Tensor3SetConstant( wind_v_field, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) Tensor3SetConstant( wind_w_field, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) Tensor3SetConstant( mag_u_field, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) Tensor3SetConstant( mag_v_field, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) Tensor3SetConstant( mag_w_field, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ) ############ # PART 2 - following settings are highly recommended to be NOT changed ############ # # Set default interpolation orders for absorption lookup table. Do not # mess with these values, unless you know what you are doing! # IndexSet( abs_p_interp_order, 5 ) IndexSet( abs_t_interp_order, 7 ) IndexSet( abs_nls_interp_order, 5 ) # abs_f_interp_order should normally be set to 0. However, if you are doing # calculations with Doppler shift (e.g., wind, planet rotation, or satellite # movement considered in forward calculation), you NEED to set it to >=l. This # regardless of whether you use absorption lookup tables or on-the-fly # calculation of absorption. In case of on-the-fly it will have no practical # effects. In case of lookup tables, you should choose abs_f_interp_order # depending on the frequency interpolation scheme you want. IndexSet( abs_f_interp_order, 0 ) # # Variable for calculation of propagation paths: # # You should not change the value of ppath_inside_cloudbox_do, if you don't # know exactly what you are doing!) FlagOff( ppath_inside_cloudbox_do ) ############ # PART 3 - following settings define some meaningful defaults ############ # # Default output format # output_file_formatSetAscii # # No unit conversion # StringSet( iy_unit, "1" ) # # Batch calculations start at index 0 by default # IndexSet( ybatch_start, 0 ) # # Lineshape function # # These should be the most accurate settings: # Kuntz implementation of the Voigt function, # Van-Vleck and Huber normalization factor, # cutoff at 750 GHz, consistent with Clough and Rosenkranz # abs_lineshapeDefine( shape="Voigt_Kuntz6", forefactor="VVH", cutoff=750e9 ) # # Variables for calculation of propagation paths: # # The value for ppath_lmax of 10e3 is OK for limb sounding, and # also for down-looking if not very accurate results are demanded. # NumericSet( ppath_lmax, 10e3 ) # # The value for ppath_lraytrace of 1e3 should be OK in general for passive # observation, but lower values are needed for simulating radio links # NumericSet( ppath_lraytrace, 1e3 ) # # Various geo-positioning # # Default is to leave the geo-pos undefined VectorSet( lat_true, [] ) VectorSet( lon_true, [] ) AgendaSet( geo_pos_agenda ){ Ignore( ppath ) VectorSet( geo_pos, [] ) } # # iy_id = 0 means non-identified calculation # IndexSet( iy_id, 0 ) # # MC # IndexSet( mc_min_iter, 100 ) NumericSet( mc_taustep_limit, 0.1 ) # # Line Mixing # # Limit to pressure is passed on as a constant numeric. Default: No limit NumericSet(lm_p_lim,0) # # Turn off non-LTE calculations by default # nlteOff # # Use built-in Partition functions per default # partition_functionsInitFromBuiltin # # Only one option so far for water_p_eq_agenda # AgendaSet( water_p_eq_agenda ){ water_p_eq_fieldMK05 } IndexSet( scat_data_checked, 0 ) }