################################################################################ # # # This is a demo/template file. The USER is supposed to MODIFY it according # # to his/her needs (better, make a copy of it and adapt the copy). # # # ################################################################################ # # # This is a template file for deriving Martian (atmospheric) data from the # # arts-xml-data package and convert it to the common spatial grids # # (p_grid), such that they can be applied in radiative transfer calculations. # # It is for a 1D atmosphere (for 3D use DemoMarsAtmo3D.arts instead). # # # # It provides following output: # # atmosphere_dim as the WSV # # p_grid as the WSV # # z_field as the WSV # # t_field as the WSV # # vmr_field as the WSV # # wind_u/v/w_field as the WSV # # abs_species as the WSV # # # # The user is supposed to select (atmospheric case, species to include) from # # lists. Details of setting rules are given at the place of the settings. # # # # Selections and settings to be done are between the flags START USER SETTINGS # # and END USER SETTINGS. The rest of the file shall not be modified, # # particularly settings marked with 'do NOT modify'. # # # # Files to be included before this file: # # includes/common/createvars.arts # # # # This template makes use of the following include files # # includes/mars/atmo_mars.arts # # includes/mars/getatmo_mars.arts # # includes/common/getgrids_1D.arts # # includes/common/makeatmo1D.arts # # includes/mars/getwind_mars.arts # # includes/common/makefield1D.arts # # # ################################################################################ Arts2 { # do NOT modify # set up name arrays and the like for selections INCLUDE "planetary_toolbox/includes/mars/atmo_mars.arts" # NOT modify # prepare the variables for the atmosphere case & species selections IndexCreate( Ls ) IndexCreate( daytime ) IndexCreate( dust ) IndexCreate( solar ) ArrayOfIndexCreate( basespecies ) ArrayOfIndexCreate( h2ospecies ) ArrayOfIndexCreate( ch4species ) ArrayOfIndexCreate( Necase ) ArrayOfIndexCreate( vertwind ) ArrayOfIndexCreate( NSwind ) ArrayOfIndexCreate( EWwind ) IndexCreate( auxfield_zeropad ) IndexCreate( vmr_zeropad ) IndexCreate( interp_order ) # do NOT modify # set atmospheric dimensionality to 1D (for 3D use another template!) AtmosphereSet1D # only MODIFY if you know, what you are doing (else the default setting should # be fine). # # interpolation order for atmospheric data IndexSet( interp_order, 1 ) # assume species-vmr to be zero at pressures/altitudes that are not covered by # the species' profile data? IndexSet( vmr_zeropad, 1 ) # as above, but for other data (namely: wind) IndexSet( auxfield_zeropad, 1 ) ################################################################################ # START USER SETTINGS - Modify selections according to you wishes # ################################################################################ # Define limits for vertical grid (in terms of pressure) # --- # The grid itself is taken from the data (z_field). # Setting limits to very low and high values will preserve the data grid limit # at the respective end. # For Mars, surface pressure is about 8e2, pressure @ 100km around 1e-2, and # pressure @ 300km (highest altitude on Mars, where we have data) around 1e-8. NumericSet( pmin, 1e-2 ) NumericSet( pmax, 1e99 ) #=========================================== # Select the atmospheric scenario to be used # --- # Mars atmospheric scenarios are available for 4 different seasons, 2 daytimes, # 3 dust loadings, and 3 solar activities. You chose all of them # separately, and the resulting full scenario (name, location) is derived from # these components. # Season: (northern) spring (Ls0), summer (Ls90), fall (Ls180), winter (Ls270) # 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 IndexSet( Ls, 2 ) # Daytime: day, night # 0 , 1 IndexSet( daytime, 1 ) # Dust Loading: low, medium, high # 0 , 1 , 2 IndexSet( dust, 0 ) # Solar activity: low, average, high # 0 , 1 , 2 IndexSet( solar, 1 ) #=========================================== # Select the trace gases (and possible sub-scenarios) to be used # --- # Basic species # --- # refers to species with only one version here. no sub-options/further # specifications required # # NOTE: if you select CO2-CO2 CIA here, you have to use an appropriate set for # the abs_xsec_agenda. # # Select ALL species you like to take into account. ### CO, CO2, CO2-CO2 CIA, CO2-CO2 PWR, H2, H2O2, H2S, HCl, N2, N2O, O, O2, ... # 0, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9 ,10, 11, ... # ... O3, OCS, OH, SO2 # ... 12, 13, 14, 15 ArrayOfIndexSet( basespecies, [0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 15] ) # Species with sub-scenarios # --- # only set UP TO ONE for each species (else the species will be included # several times, which usually does not make sense). # EMPTY selection de-selects the whole species. ### CH4: low, standard # 0 , 1 # select UP TO ONE ArrayOfIndexSet( ch4species, [1] ) # Electron density: depending on solar zenith angle. # NOTE that SZA<90 are only available for day data, SZA>90 for night data # (non-matching selection will lead to a runtime error!). That is, COORDINATE # selection here with your selection of DAYTIME. # day day day day night ### SZA0-30, SZA30-50, SZA50-70, SZA70-90, SZA120-180 # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 # select UP TO ONE ArrayOfIndexSet( Necase, [4] ) # Select species with separate isotopologue profiles available # --- # Here it is ok to select more than one entry. General species (aka 'all') # selects all (remaining, i.e., not yet selected) abs lines of the species. That # is, general species (i.e., highest index) shall be LAST in selection. ### H2O: HDO (162), all (remaining) # 0 , 1 # select as many AS YOU WANT, but 'all' index has to be in LAST position ArrayOfIndexSet( h2ospecies, [0,1] ) ################################################################################ # END USER SETTINGS # ################################################################################ # do NOT modify # now, let the prepared include files do the actual work: # (a) read in the raw atmosphere including all selected species INCLUDE "planetary_toolbox/includes/mars/getatmo_mars.arts" # (b) get the common grids for the atmosphere INCLUDE "planetary_toolbox/includes/common/getgrids_1D.arts" # (c) do the conversion from raw data with individual grids to the common grids INCLUDE "planetary_toolbox/includes/common/makeatmo1D.arts" # do NOT modify # no NS and EW winds will be taken into account, but we we need to set these # arrays for the INLCUDES to work porperly ArrayOfIndexSet( NSwind, [] ) ArrayOfIndexSet( EWwind, [] ) ################################################################################ # START USER SETTINGS - Modify selections according to you wishes # ################################################################################ # Get non-abs_species data: wind # --- # NOTE: If you want N-S or E-W wind, you have to use a 3D atmosphere. Use the # other, 3D atmosphere, template for that! # Only select ONE element per wind component (else the latter will overwrite the # earlier). ### vertical wind: standard # 0 # select EXACTLY ONE ArrayOfIndexSet( vertwind, [0] ) # To SWITCH ON winds, UNCOMMENT the commands below. Else no winds will be taken # into account. # #INCLUDE "planetary_toolbox/includes/mars/getwind_mars.arts" #Copy( rawfield, wind_w_raw ) #INCLUDE "planetary_toolbox/includes/common/makefield1D.arts" #Copy( wind_w_field, finalfield ) #IndexSet( abs_f_interp_order, 1 ) ################################################################################ # END USER SETTINGS # ################################################################################ }