################################################################################ # # # This is a (plug&play-type) include file. The USER is NOT supposed to MODIFY # # it, but choose another include file to suit his/her needs. # # # ################################################################################ # # # This INCLUDE file is for # # - calculating an absorption lookup table # # - including CIA continua (works also, if no CIA species present) # # # # It performs the following actions: # # - sets propmat_clearsky_agenda: use absorption lookup table # # - sets abs_xsec_agenda: include CIA and allow temperature extrapolation of # # CIA data (works fine even in absence of CIA species) # # - read CIA input data from toolbox data package # # - read required spectroscopic line files from toolbox data package # # - calculate the lookup table # # # # It requires the following input: # # abs_species as the WSV # # atmosphere_dim as the WSV # # p/lat/lon_grid as the WSV # # t/z/vmr_field as the WSV # # abs_p/t/nls_interp_order as the WSVs # # bad_partition_functions_ok (Index) Partition function handling flag # # # # It provides following output (in parentheses: side products): # # abs_lookup as the WSV # # propmat_clearsky_agenda as the WSA # # abs_xsec_agenda as the WSA # # (abs_lines) as the WSV # # (abs_lines_per_species) as the WSV # # (abs_cia_data) as the WSV # # (abs_p/t/t_pert/vmrs/nls/nls_pert) as the WSVs # # (abs_xsec_agenda_checked) as the WSV # # # # The file shall NOT be modified by the USER. # # However, it is ok to adapt the catalogue type & location to use (e.g., use # # your own copy of HITRAN). You might also adapt the low and high frequency # # limits considered IF you KNOW what you are doing. # # # ################################################################################ Arts2 { # for abs.coeffs prepare & use a lookup table Copy( propmat_clearsky_agenda, propmat_clearsky_agenda__LookUpTable ) # for CIA allow temperature extrapolation Copy( abs_xsec_agenda, abs_xsec_agenda__withCIAextraT ) # for the selected abs_species and atmospheric scenario, calculate the # absorption lookup table ##### ReadXML( abs_cia_data, "spectroscopy/cia/hitran2011/hitran_cia2012_adapted.xml.gz" ) abs_linesReadFromSplitArtscat( basename="spectroscopy/Perrin/", fmin=0, fmax=4e12 ) #abs_linesReadFromHitran( filename="your-HITRAN-file", fmin=0, fmax=4e12 ) abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines abs_xsec_agenda_checkedCalc atmfields_checkedCalc( bad_partition_functions_ok=bad_partition_functions_ok ) abs_lookupSetup abs_lookupCalc }