################################################################################ # # # DO NOT MODIFY this file (unless you are sure what you are doing). # # This is only a helper file! # # # ################################################################################ # # # This file interpolates raw 1D basic atmospheric data (z_field_raw, # # t_field_raw, vmr_field_raw) to the calculation grids (p_grid) for 1D # # atmosphere output. # # # # This file expects the following input parameters: # # poptmp (String) Name of temporary file containing the # # list of single scattering data files. # # pndtmp (String) Name of temporary file containing # # pnd_field_raw. # # tmpformat (String) File format of temporary files. # # atmosphere_dim as the WSV # # f_grid as the WSV # # p_grid as the WSV # # # # Output: # # pnd_field as the WSV # # scat_data as the WSV # # cloudbox_on as the WSV # # cloudbox_limits as the WSV # # # ################################################################################ Arts2 { # forth, we get the pnd field and and single scattering data in their respective # WSVs pnd_field_raw and scat_data. ScatSpeciesInit ReadXML( out=ssdfiles, filename=poptmp ) ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd( scat_data_files=ssdfiles, pnd_fieldarray_file=pndtmp ) scat_dataCheck( scat_data=scat_data_raw ) nelemGet( itmp, p_grid ) IndexStepDown( itmp, itmp ) Extract( pmin_cb, p_grid, itmp ) # prepare a temporary pnd_field over whole atmosphere (very big cloudbox) cloudboxSetManually( p1=pmax, p2=pmin, lat1=0, lat2=0, lon1=0, lon2=0 ) pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw( zeropadding=1 ) # from the whole-atmo pnd_field now determine the actual necessary cloudbox cloudboxSetAutomatically( particle_field=pnd_field ) pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw( zeropadding=1 ) # finally, we clean up the dummy files (not completely, though, as deleting # files from within ARTS is not possible. instead, we write an empty variable # into them.) Delete( strtmp ) Touch( strtmp ) WriteXML( output_file_format=tmpformat, in=strtmp, filename=pndtmp ) WriteXML( output_file_format=tmpformat, in=strtmp, filename=poptmp ) }