% ARTS_REGRID Regridding of atmospheric fields % % Mimics the interpolation done in ARTS. For example, log(p) is used as % vertical coordinate. % % There are two options to specify grids, valid for both Q1 and Q2. % The first option is that Q is a structure, including the fields % P_GRID, LAT_GRID and LON_GRID. % The second option is that Q is an ArrayOfGrids, where the first % grid is taken as p_grid etc. % % Grids for dimensions not used can be left out. % % The actual interpolation is made by gridinterp, with *extrap* set to % true. That is, "extrapolation" following arts retrieval grids is applied % throughout. % % FORMAT F = arts_regrid( dim, Q1, F0, Q2 ) % % OUT F Interpolated field. % IN dim Atmospheric dimensionality. % Q1 Original grids. See further above. % F0 Field to interpolate. % Q2 New grids. See further above. % 2006-08-18 Created by Patrick Eriksson function F = arts_regrid( dim, Q1, F0, Q2 ) %= Check input %&% % %&% rqre_nargin(4,nargin); %&% % %&% rqre_alltypes( dim, {@istensor0,@iswhole} ); %&% rqre_in_range( dim, 1, 3 ); %&% grids1 = extract_grids( dim, Q1, 'Q1' ); grids2 = extract_grids( dim, Q2, 'Q2' ); F = gridinterp( grids1, qarts_get(F0), grids2, 'linear', true ); return function grids = extract_grids( dim, Q, qname ) if iscell(Q) % grids = Q; grids{1} = -log( grids{1} ); elseif isstruct(Q) % %&% rqre_field( Q, {'P_GRID'}, qname ); %&% % grids{1} = -log( qarts_get( Q.P_GRID ) ); if dim >= 2 % %&% rqre_field( Q, {'LAT_GRID'}, qname ); %&% % grids{2} = qarts_get( Q.LAT_GRID ); if dim > 2 % %&% rqre_field( Q, {'LON_GRID'}, qname ); %&% % grids{3} = qarts_get( Q.LON_GRID ); end end else %&% error( 'Unknown choice for Q.' ); %&% end