% ARTS_x2QR Maps an x state to Q and R fields % % The function updates *Q* and *R* to match the present state of *x*. % % No forward model calculations are performed. % % FORMAT [Q,R] = arts_x2QR( Q, R, x ) % % OUT Q Modified Q structure. % R Modified R structure. % IN Q Qarts structure. % R Retrieval data structure. % x State vector. % 2010-01-11 Started by Patrick Eriksson. function [Q,R] = arts_x2QR(Q,R,x) %- General variables % nq = length( R.jq ); % Number of retrieval quantities. % i_asj = find([Q.ABS_SPECIES.RETRIEVE]); % Index of retrieval absorption % species. any_gas = false; % Any gas species among rq % bl = 0; % Sum of all baseline terms % j_loaded = false; % To avoid repeated loading of J % do_sensor = false; % Recalculation of sensor needed %- Loop retrieval quantities % for i = 1 : nq ind = R.ji{i}{1} : R.ji{i}{2}; switch R.jq{i}.maintag case 'Absorption species' %---------------------------------------------- % if ~any_gas vmr = R.vmr_field0; % Will be filled with latest VMR for all species end % that are retrieved any_gas = true; ig = i_asj(i); % Gas species index % X = x2field( Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM, R.jq{i}.grids, x(ind) ); X = arts_regrid( Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM, R.jq{i}.grids, X, Q ); % if strcmp( R.jq{i}.mode, 'rel' ) vmr(ig,:,:,:) = getdims( vmr(ig,:,:,:), 2:Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM+1 ) .* X; elseif strcmp( R.jq{i}.mode, 'vmr' ) vmr(ig,:,:,:) = X; elseif strcmp( R.jq{i}.mode, 'nd' ) vmr(ig,:,:,:) = nd2vmr( X, repmat(R.p_grid,[1 size2(X,2:3)]), ... qarts_get(fullfile(R.workfolder,'t_field.xml')) ); elseif strcmp( R.jq{i}.mode, 'logrel' ) vmr(ig,:,:,:) = getdims( vmr(ig,:,:,:), 2:Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM+1 ) .* exp(X); else %&% assert( false ); %&% end % clear X case 'Atmospheric temperatures' %---------------------------------------- % X = x2field( Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM, R.jq{i}.grids, x(ind) ); X = arts_regrid( Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM, R.jq{i}.grids, X, Q ); xmlStore( fullfile(R.workfolder,'t_field.xml'), X, 'Tensor3' ); % clear X case 'Frequency' %------------------------------------------------------- % if ~do_sensor Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE = R.sensor_response; end % fb = qarts_get(Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE.F_BACKEND); % % Shift part df = x(ind(1)); % % Stretch part if length( ind ) > 1 df = df + x(ind(2)) * arts_polybasis_func( fb, 1 ); end Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE.F_BACKEND = fb + df; do_sensor = true; clear fb; case 'Polynomial baseline fit' %----------------------------------------- % if ~j_loaded J = xmlLoad( fullfile( R.workfolder, 'jacobian.xml' ) ); j_loaded = 1; end % bl = bl + J(:,ind) * x(ind); otherwise %-------------------------------------------------------------- error('Unknown retrieval quantitity.'); end end %- Data to save ? % if any_gas xmlStore( fullfile(R.workfolder,'vmr_field.xml'), vmr, 'Tensor4' ); end %- Update sensor characteristics % arts_sensor( Q, R.workfolder ); %- Total baseline % R.bl = bl; return %--- Internal sub-functions ---------------------------------------------------- function X = x2field( dim, rgrids, x ) % map = ones( 1, 3 ); for i = 1 : dim map(i) = length( rgrids{i} ); end X = reshape( x, map ); return