% QARTS_ABSTABLE Help preparing qarts for calculation of an absorption table % % Sets automatically some Q-fields (see below) needed for calculation of % an absorption look-up table. The fields are set to match the selected % pressure grid and atmospheric temperature and VMR fields. % % The pressure grid is set to be identical to P_GRID, while temperature % and VMR profiles are set to the mean of max and min values. % % Default values for optional arguments should work for a single % calculation. Temperature and "non-linear" species variations are then % selected automatically to precisely cover the variation of specified % atmospheric fields. % % The following fields must always be set: % Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM % Q.P_GRID % Q.ABS_NLS % % FORMAT Q = qarts_abstable( Q [, nt, dt, dnls ] ) % % OUT Q Q structure wth some fields automatically set. These fields % are: % ABSORPTION % ABS_P % ABS_T % ABS_T_PERT % ABS_VMRS % ABS_NLS_PERT % IN Q Original qarts settings. % OPT nt Number of temperature variations. Default is 3. % dt Maximum size of temperature variation. If set to be empty, % an automatic selection is made. Default is []. % dnls Relative disturbances for "non-linear" species. % Default is [], that signifies no disturbances. % Otherwise required to be a vector, the vector values are used % as variations. A value of 2 means here "twice the reference". % 2007-08-22 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function Q = qarts_abstable( Q, varargin ) % [nt,dt,dnls] = optargs( varargin, { 3, [], 3 } ); %&% %= Check input %&% % %&% rqre_nargin(1,nargin); %&% % %&% rqre_datatype( Q, @isstruct ); %&% % %&% if ~qarts_isset( Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM ) %&% error( 'Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM must be set' ); %&% end %&% rqre_alltypes( Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM, {@istensor0,@iswhole}, ... %&% 'Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM' ); %&% if ~qarts_isset( Q.P_GRID ) %&% error( 'Q.P_GRID must be set' ); %&% end %&% if ~qarts_isset( Q.ABS_NLS ) %&% error( 'Q.ABS_NLS must be set' ); %&% end %&% rqre_alltypes( nt, {@istensor0,@iswhole} ); %&% rqre_datatype( dt, {@istensor0} ); %&% rqre_datatype( dnls, {@istensor1} ); %&% %- Obtain atmospheric profiles % p_grid = qarts_get( Q.P_GRID ); % if qarts_isset( Q.RAW_ATMOSPHERE ) % [t_field,z_field,vmr_field] = arts_atmfields( Q ); else t_field = qarts_get( Q.T_FIELD ); vmr_field = qarts_get( Q.VMR_FIELD ); % np = length( p_grid ); if np~=size(t_field,1) | np~=size(vmr_field,2) error( 'Either T_FIELD or VMR_FIELD does not match P_GRID' ); end end %- Compact to 1D, and possibly determine dt and dnls automatically % if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM == 1 % t = t_field; if isempty(dt) dt = 0; end % vmr = vmr_field; % else % t_max = t_field; t_min = t_field; vmr_max = vmr_field; vmr_min = vmr_field; % if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM == 3 t_max = max( t_max, [], 3 ); t_min = min( t_min, [], 3 ); vmr_max = max( vmr_max, [], 4 ); vmr_min = min( vmr_min, [], 4 ); end if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM > 1 t_max = max( t_max, [], 2 ); t_min = min( t_min, [], 2 ); vmr_max = max( vmr_max, [], 3 ); vmr_min = min( vmr_min, [], 3 ); end % t = ( t_max + t_min ) / 2; vmr = ( vmr_max + vmr_min ) / 2; % if isempty(dt) dt = max([ max(t_max-t_min)/2 (nt-1)/2]); % No idea to have steps < 1K end end %- Fill Q fields % Q.ABSORPTION = 'CalcTable'; % Q.ABS_P = p_grid; % Q.ABS_T = t; % if dt == 0 | nt < 2 Q.ABS_T_PERT = []; else Q.ABS_T_PERT = linspace( -dt, dt, nt )'; end % Q.ABS_VMRS = vmr; % if isempty( Q.ABS_NLS ) | isempty( dnls ) Q.ABS_NLS_PERT = []; else if length(dnls) < 2 error( 'The argument *dnls* can not be a scalar.' ); else Q.ABS_NLS_PERT = dnls; end end