function stats = circ_stats(alpha, w, d) % % stats = circ_stats(alpha, w) % Computes descriptive statistics for circular data. % % Input: % alpha sample of angles in radians % [w weightings in case of binned angle data] % [d spacing of bin centers for binned data, if supplied % correction factor is used to correct for bias in % estimation of r] % % Output: % stats structure containing descriptive statistics % % References: % Statistical analysis of circular data, N. I. Fisher % Topics in circular statistics, S. R. Jammalamadaka et al. % Biostatistical Analysis, J. H. Zar % % Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab % By Philipp Berens, 2009 % alpha = alpha(:); if nargin<2 w = ones(size(alpha)); end if nargin < 3 d = 0; end % mean stats.mean = circ_mean(alpha,w); % median if sum(w)==length(alpha) if numel(alpha) > 1000 idx = randperm(numel(alpha)); idx = idx(1:1000); else idx = 1:numel(alpha); end stats.median = circ_median(alpha(idx)); else stats.median = NaN; end % variance stats.var = circ_var(alpha,w,d); % standard deviation [stats.std stats.std0] = circ_std(alpha,w,d); % skewness [stats.skewness stats.skewness0] = circ_skewness(alpha,w); % kurtosis [stats.kurtosis stats.kurtosis0] = circ_kurtosis(alpha,w);