classdef FieldCopier < AssociatedDataset % class to simply copy fields from original datasets to collocated % % Works by passing on fieldnames to reading routine(s) and copying data % UNPROCESSED to output reading. % % For initialisation, see FieldCopier.FieldCopier (constructor) % % Example, just finding collocations for a single granule, without % storing: % % >> col = datasets_config('collocation_cpr_mhs'); % >> f = FieldCopier(col, struct('RO_ice_water_content', '', 'RO_liq_water_content', ''), struct(),varagin); % >> [result, addis] = col.collocate_granule([2009 12 7 3 28], '', 'noaa18', {f}); % % Now: % - `result` is a 91818x12 matrix with columns described in col.cols % - `addis` is a 1x1 cell array with outputs corresponding to the 1x1 % cell-array {f} % - addis{1} is a 91818x250 matrix with columns described in f.cols, in % this case corresponding to 125 IWC and 125 LWC values, e.g. % f.cols.RO_liq_water_content(1) = 126 meaning column 126 of addis{1} % corresponds to the first value in the LWC-profile. % % $Id$ % % TODO: % - set some (but not all!!) clever properties for NetCDF properties (SetAccess = protected) % this is split in primary and secondary because from these % structures is also derived what arguments to pass on to the % respective reading routines fieldstruct_primary = struct; fieldstruct_secondary = struct; members = struct(); % set by constructor parent = []; % set dynamically, per instance dependencies = {}; % set dynamically, per instance end methods function self = FieldCopier(cd, fieldstruct1, fieldstruct2, varargin) % cd CollocatedDataset % fieldstruct1 defines names and how to store, from primary % fieldstruct2 the same, from secondary % remaining arguments passed on to SatDataset, so those are to % be used to say where to store and so on. % % need to know: % - additional arguments to reader primary % - additional arguments to reader secondary self = self@AssociatedDataset(cd, {}, varargin{:}); % call parent constructor self.fieldstruct_primary = fieldstruct1; self.fieldstruct_secondary = fieldstruct2; % check consistunce of fieldstructs allfields = catstruct(fieldstruct1, fieldstruct2); assert(length(fieldnames(fieldstruct1))+length(fieldnames(fieldstruct2))==length(fieldnames(allfields)), ... ['atmlab:' mfilename ':duplicates'], 'Duplicate fieldnames between datasets are not permitted, but were found :('); self.members = allfields; if isempty( % give a name existing_names = fieldnames(datasets); while true nm = sprintf('FieldCopier_%d_%d', uint64(date2unixsecs()),round(rand(1, 1)*10000)); if ~any(strcmp(nm, existing_names)) break end end warning(['atmlab:' mfilename], ... 'You didn''t name me! I''ll name myself %s', nm); = nm; end end %% implementation of abstract methods function args = primary_arguments(self) args = fieldnames(self.fieldstruct_primary); end function args = secondary_arguments(self) args = fieldnames(self.fieldstruct_secondary); end function result = process_granule(self, processed_core, data1, ~, ~, data2, ~, ~, ~) % FIXME DOC allnames = fieldnames(self.members); n_inprim = length(fieldnames(self.fieldstruct_primary)); dimsizes = struct(); for i = 1:length(allnames) fieldnam = allnames{i}; if i<=n_inprim dat = data1; else dat = data2; end n_scanlines = size(, 1); n_scanpos = size(, 2); % 'n' is the number of measurements per lat/lon, e.g. the % number of channels, number of height-bins, etc. Should be % scalar... n = numel(dat.(fieldnam))/(n_scanlines*n_scanpos); assert(iswhole(n), ['atmlab:' mfilename ':dimensions'], ... ['Dimension mismatch: scanlines: %d, scanpos: %d, ' ... 'field %s: %s'], n_scanlines, n_scanpos, fieldnam, ... num2str(size(dat.(fieldnam)))); %% if needed, add dimension info to self.members if (n>1) % need to specify dimension in NetCDF, if it doesn't % exist yet, we will need to create the dimension. To % tell the writing routine that it needs to do so, add % a field with a name and a number, but only if this % dimension size is new % iff self.members.(fieldnam).dims is there if ~(isfield(self.members, fieldnam) && ... isfield(self.members.(fieldnam), 'dims')) % find dimension name from dimension size alldimnames = fieldnames(dimsizes); alldimvalues = structfun(@(x)x, dimsizes); if ismember(n, alldimvalues) nm = alldimnames(alldimvalues==n); else nm = sprintf('AUTO_DIM%d_%d', length(alldimvalues)+1, n); dimsizes.(nm) = n; end % store dimension name and size self.members.(fieldnam).dims = {nm, n}; end end end self.members2cols(); ncollocs = size(processed_core, 1); nfields = max(cell2mat(struct2cell(self.cols).')); %fields = fieldnames(self.cols); result = nan*zeros(ncollocs, nfields); n_inprim = length(fieldnames(self.fieldstruct_primary)); r1 = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.LINE1); r2 = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.LINE2); c1 = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.POS1); c2 = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.POS2); if self.needs_primary_data() i1 = sub2ind(size(, r1, c1); end if self.needs_secondary_data() i2 = sub2ind(size(, r2, c2); end for i = 1:length(allnames) field = allnames{i}; if i <= n_inprim data = data1; ii = i1; else data = data2; ii = i2; end % if this fails, data.(field) may not be a column-vector as % required result(:, self.cols.(field)) = data.(field)(ii, :); end end function out = needs_primary_data(self) out = ~isempty(fieldnames(self.fieldstruct_primary)); end function out = needs_secondary_data(self) out = ~isempty(fieldnames(self.fieldstruct_secondary)); end % function store(varargin) % error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':NotImplemented'], 'Not implemented!'); % end end end