function M_c = colloc_process_collocation_cpr_poes_avhrr(collocations, ... name1, date1, data1, ... name2, date2, data2) % colloc_process_collocation_cpr_poes_avhrr Gather collocation info % % After collocating, we want to gather information about the collocations: % not only indices and columns, but also time, lat, long, distance, % interval. This function collects such data. % % FORMAT % % M_c = colloc_process_collocation_cpr_poes_avhrr(collocations, ... % name1, date1, data1, ... % name2, date2, data2); % % IN % % collocations Nx4 matrix As returned by collocate % name1 string Name of primary satellite % date1 1x5 vector Contains [year month day hour minute] for the % start of the primary granule. % data1 structure Fields time, lat and lon should be present; as % returned by % colloc_read_collocation_cpr_poes % name2 string Name of secondary satellite % date2 1x5 vector As date1, but for secondary granule. % data2 structure As data1, but for secondary granule; as % returned by colloc_read_avhrr. % % OUT % % M_c Nxp matrix Matrix containing p fields of information for % all N collocations. % % $Id$ % prepare c = colloc_constants('cols_collocation_cpr_mhs_avhrr'); c = c.overlap; n = size(collocations, 1); M_c = nan*zeros(n, c.NCOLS); % row and column numbers. r1 = collocations(:, 1); r2 = collocations(:, 3); c2 = collocations(:, 4); % index for direct addressing i2 = sub2ind(size(, r2, c2); % convert to cell array for easy passing into date2unixsecs date1_cell = num2cell(date1); date2_cell = num2cell(date2); %% store info % time M_c(:, c.CPR_MHS_START) = round(date2unixsecs(date1_cell{1:3})); M_c(:, c.AVHRR_START) = round(date2unixsecs(date2_cell{1:5})); time1 = data1.epoch + data1.time(r1); M_c(:, c.AVHRR_TIME) = data2.epoch + data2.time(r2); % row/column M_c(:, c.CPR_MHS_MEAN_ROW) = r1; M_c(:, c.AVHRR_ROW) = r2; M_c(:, c.AVHRR_COL) = c2; % lat/long M_c(:, c.AVHRR_LAT) =; %M_c(:, c.CPR_POES_LAT) =; M_c(:, c.AVHRR_LONG) = data2.lon(i2); %M_c(:, c.CPR_POES_LONG) = data1.lon(r1); % angles M_c(:, c.AVHRR_RAA) = data2.raa(i2); M_c(:, c.SZA) = data2.sza(i2); M_c(:, c.AVHRR_LZA) = data2.lza(i2); % dist/int M_c(:, c.DIST_MHS_AVHRR) = sphdist(, data1.lon(r1), ... M_c(:, c.AVHRR_LAT), M_c(:, c.AVHRR_LONG), constants('EARTH_RADIUS')/1e3); M_c(:, c.INT_MHS_AVHRR) = M_c(:, c.AVHRR_TIME) - time1; Earth_radius = almanac('Earth', 'radius'); %% Find closest CPR (inside MHS) for each AVHRR for i = 1:size(M_c, 1) range = data1.FIRST(r1(i)):data1.LAST(r1(i)); % linearise for argmin calculation, [~, argmin] = min(abs(... M_c(i, c.AVHRR_LAT)-data1.C_LAT(range)) ... +abs(M_c(i,c.AVHRR_LONG)-data1.C_LONG(range))); cpr_mhs_row = range(argmin); dist_cpr_avhrr = sphdist(data1.C_LAT(cpr_mhs_row), data1.C_LONG(cpr_mhs_row), ... M_c(i, c.AVHRR_LAT), M_c(i, c.AVHRR_LONG), Earth_radius); M_c(i, c.CPR_MHS_ROW) = cpr_mhs_row; M_c(i, c.DIST_CPR_AVHRR) = dist_cpr_avhrr; end M_c = sortrows(M_c, [c.CPR_MHS_START c.CPR_MHS_ROW c.AVHRR_START c.AVHRR_TIME c.AVHRR_ROW c.AVHRR_COL]); %% remove doubles try wrongrows = M_c(:, c.AVHRR_ROW)< granule_first_line(name2, 'avhrr', date2); M_c(wrongrows, :) = []; catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'atmlab:granule_first_line' logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'Warning: Unable to remove doubles: %s\n', ... ME.message); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end