function M = colloc_process_cpr_mhs(collocations, ... ~, date_cpr, data_cpr, name_mhs, date_mhs, data_mhs) % colloc_process_cpr_mhs Gather collocation info to store for CloudSat+MHS % % After the collocating process is done by 'collocate', one wants to % collect some additional information: longitudes, latitudes, times, % viewing angles, distances, intervals, etc. This function takes care of % that in the case of CPR/MHS. % % All colloc_process_* functions are automatically called by % collocate_granule and thus have the same interface. Not all arguments are % used by all. % % FORMAT % % M = colloc_process_cpr_mhs(collocations, ... % name_cpr, date_cpr, data_cpr, ... % name_mhs, date_mhs, data_mhs) % % IN % % collocations Nx4 matrix Collocations as returned by collocate % name_cpr string Name of satellite carrying CPR ('cloudsat') % date_cpr vector Date vector for CPR starting time % data_cpr structure Data for CPR, as returned by read_cpr % name_mhs string Name of MHS-carrying satellite % date_mhs vector Date vector for MHS starting time % data_mhs structure Data for MHS, as returned by read_mhs % % OUT % % M matrix Matrix with one row for each collocation % and columns as in % colloc_constants('cols_cpr_mhs').overlap % % $Id$ % prepare c = colloc_constants('cols_cpr_mhs'); c = c.overlap; n = size(collocations, 1); M = nan*zeros(n, c.NCOLS); if n==0 return % don't bother end % convert to cell array for easy passing into date2unixsecs date_cpr_cell = num2cell(date_cpr); date_mhs_cell = num2cell(date_mhs); % row and column numbers cr = collocations(:, 1); ar = collocations(:, 3); ac = collocations(:, 4); % index for direct addressing ai = sub2ind(size(, ar, ac); %% cloudsat info % lat/long M(:, c.C_LONG) = data_cpr.lon(cr); M(:, c.C_LAT) =; % time M(:, c.C_START, :) = round(date2unixsecs(date_cpr_cell{1:5})); M(:, c.C_TIME, :) = data_cpr.epoch + data_cpr.time(cr); M(:, c.C_I, :) = cr; %% amsub/mhs M(:, c.B_LONG) = data_mhs.lon(ai); M(:, c.B_LAT) =; M(:, c.B_START) = round(date2unixsecs(date_mhs_cell{1:5})); M(:, c.B_TIME) = data_mhs.epoch + data_mhs.time(ar); M(:, c.B_I) = ar; M(:, c.B_C) = ac; M(:, c.B_DIST) = sphdist(, data_cpr.lon(cr), ..., data_mhs.lon(ai), constants('EARTH_RADIUS')/1e3); M(:, c.B_INT) = M(:, c.B_TIME) - M(:, c.C_TIME); M(:, c.B_LZA) = data_mhs.lza(ai); M(:, c.B_LAA) = data_mhs.laa(ai); %% amsua amsua = read_granule(name_mhs, 'amsua', date_mhs, false); [aah aaw] = size(amsua.lon); % amsu-a width, amsu-a height M(:, c.A_I) = min(max(round(ar/3), 1), aah); % amsu-a row M(:, c.A_C) = min(max(round(ac/3), 1), aaw); % amsu-a column aai = sub2ind(size(, M(:, c.A_I), M(:, c.A_C)); M(:, c.A_LONG) = amsua.lon(aai); M(:, c.A_LAT) =; M(:, c.A_START) = M(:, c.B_START); M(:, c.A_TIME) = data_mhs.epoch + ... amsua.time(M(:, c.A_I)); M(:, c.A_DIST) = sphdist(, data_cpr.lon(cr), ..., amsua.lon(aai), constants('EARTH_RADIUS')/1e3); M(:, c.A_INT) = M(:, c.A_TIME) - M(:, c.C_TIME); %% hirs hirs = read_granule(name_mhs, 'hirs', date_mhs, false, true); if ~isempty(hirs) % TODO: optimise this bit of code % find hirs scanline (row) closest in time for each mhs scanline hr = arrayfun(... @(v) mini(abs(hirs.time-v)), ... data_mhs.time(M(:, c.B_I))); % find hirs pixel (col) in scanline closest in distance to CPR-point hc = arrayfun(... @(i) mini(... (, :)-M(i, c.C_LAT)).^2 + ... (hirs.lon(hr(i), :)-M(i, c.C_LONG)).^2 ... ), 1:n); % find index from (row, column) hi = sub2ind(size(, hr, hc'); % ready to add information to matrix M(:, c.H_LONG) = hirs.lon(hi); M(:, c.H_LAT) =; M(:, c.H_START) = M(:, c.B_START); M(:, c.H_TIME) = data_mhs.epoch + hirs.time(hr); M(:, c.H_I) = hr; M(:, c.H_C) = hc; M(:, c.H_DIST) = sphdist(M(:, c.C_LAT), M(:, c.C_LONG), ... M(:, c.H_LAT), M(:, c.H_LONG), constants('EARTH_RADIUS')/1e3); M(:, c.H_INT) = M(:, c.H_TIME) - M(:, c.C_TIME); end %% others M(:, c.SZA) = circ_rad2ang(ignoreNaN([data_mhs.sza(ai) amsua.sza(aai) hirs.sza(hi)], ... @circ_meand, 2)); M(:, c.SAA) = circ_rad2ang(ignoreNaN([data_mhs.saa(ai) amsua.saa(aai) hirs.saa(hi)], ... @circ_meand, 2)); % assert(all(circ_distd(data_mhs.sza(ai), amsua.sza(aai))<0.5), ... % 'atmlab:colloc_process_cpr_mhs', ... % 'solar zenith angles MHS/AMSUA do not match. Bug?'); %% sort by: MHS row, then MHS column, then CloudSat pixel M = sortrows(M, [c.B_I c.B_C c.C_I]); %% remove doubles try wrongrows = M(:, c.B_I)< granule_first_line(name_mhs, amsub_or_mhs(name_mhs), date_mhs); M(wrongrows, :) = []; catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'atmlab:granule_first_line' logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'Warning: Unable to remove doubles: %s\n', ... ME.message); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end end function i = mini(v) % mini return index for minimum of v (arrayfun wants 1 output) [~, i] = min(v); end