function M = colloc_process_data_cpr_mhs(~, M_c, ~, ~, data1, sat2, date2, data2) % colloc_process_data_cpr_mhs Gather collocation data to store for CPR+MHS % % After collocating, and gathering information about the collocations, we % want to collect some actual data: in this case, brightness temperatures. % % Because this m-file has the same format as other colloc_process_data_* files % (so that the caller doesn't need to know what is being collocated), some of % the arguments are ignored. % % FORMAT % % M = process_data_cpr_mhs(collocations, M_c, sat1, date1, data1, ... % sat2, date2, data2) % % IN % % collocations Nx4 matrix (ignored) as returned by collocate % M_c Nxp matrix As returned by process_cpr_mhs % sat1 string name of 1st satellite % date1 1x5 vector (ignored) starting time of 1st satellite % data1 structure As returned by read_cpr % sat2 string name of 2nd satellite % date2 1x5 vector As date1, but for secondary granule. % data2 structure As returned by read_mhs % % OUT % % M Nxp matrix Matrix containing p fields of information for % all N collocations. % % $Id$ % prepare c = colloc_constants('cols_cpr_mhs'); n = size(M_c, 1); M = nan*zeros(n,; % row and column numbers r1 = M_c(:, c.overlap.C_I); r2 = M_c(:, c.overlap.B_I); c2 = M_c(:, c.overlap.B_C); %% cloudsat data M(:, = data1.RO_ice_water_path(r1); M(:, = data1.RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty(r1); M(:, = data1.IO_RO_ice_water_path(r1); M(:, = data1.IO_RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty(r1); %% AMSUB/MHS data % index for direct addressing i2 = sub2ind(size(, r2, c2); % reshape so that I can use direct addressing for brightness temperatures tb = reshape(data2.tb, [numel( 5]); M(:, = tb(i2, :); %% AMSUA, HIRS % those require reading additional files % TODO/FIXME: optimise this, I already read for the earlier processing amsua_data = read_granule(sat2, 'amsua', date2, false, true); hirs_data = read_granule(sat2, 'hirs', date2, false, true); if ~isempty(amsua_data) % AMSU_A ai = sub2ind(size(, M_c(:, c.overlap.A_I), M_c(:, c.overlap.A_C)); tb = reshape(amsua_data.tb, [numel( 15]); M(:, = tb(ai, :); end if ~isempty(hirs_data) % HIRS hi = sub2ind(size(, M_c(:, c.overlap.H_I), M_c(:, c.overlap.H_C)); tb = reshape(hirs_data.tb, [numel( 20]); M(:, = tb(hi, :); end %% MSPPS % Apply scalefactor. % From % % divide by the scalefactor to get kg/m^2 % we want g/m^2 so we multiply by 1000/scalefactor % TODO: convert to specialised reading function try mspps_file = find_datafile_by_date(date2, sat2, 'mspps', 120); % 120 seconds tolerance logtext(atmlab('OUT'), ... 'Reading mspps\n'); scalefactor = 1000/double(cell2mat(hdfread(mspps_file, 'IWP_SCAL'))); MSPPS_IWP_raw = hdfread(mspps_file, 'IWP'); MSPPS_IWP = ((MSPPS_IWP_raw<0) + (MSPPS_IWP_raw>0)*scalefactor) .* double(MSPPS_IWP_raw); assert(size(MSPPS_IWP, 1)==size(data2.tb, 1), ... 'atmlab:colloc_process_data_cpr_mhs', ... 'MSPPS has not the same number of rows as AMSU. Skipping'); M(:, = MSPPS_IWP(i2); catch ME switch (ME.identifier) case {'MATLAB:HDF:invalidFile', 'atmlab:find_datafile_by_date', ... 'atmlab:colloc_process_data_cpr_mhs'} logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'WARNING: Unable to process mspps: %s\n', ME.message); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end