function [M, cols_out, limmat, filters] = collocation_read(sat1, sensor1, sat2, sensor2, ... start_date, end_date, cols_in, limits, filters) % collocation_read Read collocations for indicated period % % This m-file reads all the collocations for the indicated period, between % start_date and end_date, for the indicated collocations type (like % collocations between CloudSat and MHS or between MHS and MHS). % % FORMAT % % [M, cols] = collocation_read(... % sat1, sensor1, sat2, sensor2, ... % start_date, end_date, cols_in[, limits[, filters]]) % % IN % % sat1 string primary satellite % sensor1 string sensor on satellite; passed on to reader % function which can still return data from % other sensors; for example, % cloudsat/cpr+noaa18/mhs can also return % data from amsua or hirs. % sat2 string secondary satellite % sensor2 string sensor on satellite % start_date 3x1 array Starting date for which to read collocations % end_date 3x1 array Ending date for which to read collocations % cols_in cell array Column names. This is passed on to the % reader function. % limits structure Describes acceptable ranges for the % different columns requested. Data outside % these ranges will not be returned. Note: % [-inf, inf] will still get rid of nans. % Note2: if limits=nan, no filtering is done % AT ALL. % filters cell array Cell array of cell arrays. Each member of % the cell array is {@filter, {COL1, ..., % COLN}, {'foo', 'bar', ..., 'baz'}}. % The filter is called according to % filter(M(COL1, :), ..., M(COLN, :), 'foo', % 'bar', ..., 'baz') and shall return logical % true wherever the filter is passed. See % examples on website (see below). % % OUT % % M NxM matrix Matrix containing collected info % cols structure Structure describing the names of the columns % % For examples, see online help on the satpage % % $Id$ %% prepare configuration things no = number_sats_in_dataset(['collocation_' sensor1 '_' sensor2]); cols = colloc_constants(['cols_' sensor1 '_' sensor2]); if ~exist('filters', 'var') filters = {}; end switch no case 1 s = sat2; case 2 s = {sat1, sat2}; end %% check legacy format if iscell(cols_in{1}) warning('atmlab:collocation_read', ... ['fields should be {''a'', ''b'', ''c'', ''d'', ...}, ' ... 'not {{''a'', ''b'', ...}, {''c'', ''d'', ...}}']); cols_in = [cols_in{:}]; end %% ALWAYS get rid of doubles % FIXME: at some point in the future, this should be redundant if isfield(cols.overlap, 'filter_double') filters = [filters ... {{@colloc_select_good_lines, cols.overlap.filter_double{1}, {sat1, sensor1}}, ... {@colloc_select_good_lines, cols.overlap.filter_double{2}, {sat2, sensor2}}}]; % but only where filter_double has a value filters(cellfun(@(c) isempty(c{2}), filters)) = []; % make sure the fields are asked for for c = horzcat(cols.overlap.filter_double{:}) % cannot use union here, because it wants a cellstr :( if ~any(cellfun(@(d) isequal(c, d), cols_in)) cols_in = [cols_in c]; %#ok end end else logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Not filtering doubles, hopefully this was done when processing\n'); end %% get name_struct name_struct = cols_cell_to_cols_struct(cols, cols_in); % ncols: highest value C = struct2cell(name_struct); ncols = max(horzcat(C{:})); %% convert limits structure to matrix as wanted by restrain_collocations dolimits = true; if exist('limits', 'var') if isequalwithequalnans(limits, nan) dolimits = false; limmat = zeros(0, 3); else limmat = limstruct2limmat(limits, name_struct); end else limmat = zeros(0, 3); end % for the filters, convert column names to column numbers, using the % earlier obtained name_struct if ~isempty(filters) for i = 1:length(filters) filters{i}{2} = cellfun(@(s) name_struct.(s)', filters{i}{2}, 'UniformOutput', false); end end %% check if this can be done via hdf5 (much faster!) years = start_date(1):end_date(1); paths_hdf5 = cell(size(years)); for i = 1:length(years) year = years(i); try paths_hdf5{i} = find_datafile_by_date([year 1 1], s, ['collocation_' sensor1 '_' sensor2 '_hdf5']); assert(~~exist(paths_hdf5{i}, 'file'), ... 'atmlab:collocation_read', 'HDF5-file does not exist: %s', ... paths_hdf5{i}); catch ME switch (ME.identifier) case {'atmlab:find_datadir_by_date', 'atmlab:collocation_read', 'atmlab:find_granules_by_date', 'atmlab:input:undefined'} if iscell(s) s_p = horzcat(s{:}); else s_p = s; end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), ... 'Note: no HDF5 @ %d %s %s %s\n', ... year, s_p, sensor1, sensor2) continue otherwise ME.rethrow() end end end % if any(cellfun(@length, paths_hdf5)) % %% do this stuff via HDF5 % if ~all(cellfun(@length, C)) % error('atmlab:collocation_read', ... % 'Period PARTIALLY covered by HDF-5, this is not supported yet'); % end % logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Found HDF5\n'); % % Convert limits-matrix to limits-strings % baselimstrs = {'', ''}; % fieldnames_both = {union(fieldnames(cols.overlap), fieldnames(, fieldnames(cols.meandata)}; % for i = 1:2 % % limcellstr = cellfun(@(v) ... % ['(' v ' >= ' num2str(limits.(v)(1)) ') & (' ... % v ' <= ' num2str(limits.(v)(2)) ') & '], ... % intersect(fieldnames_both{i}, fieldnames(limits)), ... % 'UniformOutput', false); % baselimstrs{i} = horzcat(limcellstr{:}); % end % for i = 1:length(years) % year = years(i); % hdf5file = paths_hdf5{i}; % % and limit dates % global_start = date2unixsecs(start_date(1), start_date(2), start_date(3)); % this_year_start = date2unixsecs(year, 1, 1); % this_start = max(global_start, this_year_start); % global_end = date2unixsecs(end_date(1), end_date(2), end_date(3)); % this_year_end = date2unixsecs(year, 12, 31, 24); % this_end = min(global_end, this_year_end); % % add datelimits to limstr % limstr = [baselimstrs{1} sprintf(' (B_TIME >= %d) & (B_TIME <= %d)', ... % this_start, this_end) ' MEANSEP ' baselimstrs{2}]; % limstr = deblank(limstr); % if strcmp(limstr(end), '&') % limstr = deblank(limstr(1:end-2)); % end % M = collocation_read_frompipe(hdf5file, cols_in, limstr); % cols_out = name_struct; % return % end % end %% pre-allocate at least zero rows M = zeros(0, ncols); %% loop through all the dates dates = daterange(start_date, end_date); for i = 1:size(dates, 1) date = dates(i, :); %% read collocations for date path = find_datafile_by_date(date, s, ... ['collocation_' sensor1 '_' sensor2]); try collocations_day = read_collocs_data_mean(path, cols_in, cols); catch ME switch (ME.identifier) case {'MATLAB:load:couldNotReadFile', 'MATLAB:nonExistentField', ... 'MATLAB:gunzip:invalidFilename','MATLAB:netcdf:open:noSuchFile', ... 'atmlab:exec_system_cmd:shell'} logtext(atmlab('ERR'), 'Problem for %04d-%02d-%02d: %s\n', ... date(1), date(2), date(3), ME.message); continue otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end if isempty(collocations_day) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'no collocations\n'); continue end %% apply limitations if dolimits lim = collocation_restrain(collocations_day, limmat, filters); collocations_day = collocations_day(lim, :); end %% add to total L = size(M, 1); N = size(collocations_day, 1); M((L+1):(L+N), :) = collocations_day; end cols_out = name_struct;