% COVMAT1D_MARKOV Covariance matrix for a Markov process % % The function creates the covariance matrix and its inverse where the % correlation can be described as a Markow process. For details, see % "Inverse methods for atmospheric sounding" by C.D. Rodgers (Eq. 2.83, % Sec. and Exercise 10.2). % % FORMAT [S,Sinv] = covmat1d_markov( n, sigma, dz, lc [,cco] ) % % OUT S Covariance matrix, with size n x n. A sparse matrix. % Sinv The inverse of S. A sparse matrix. % IN n Number of points % sigma Standard devation % dz Distance between grid points % lc Correlation length % OPT cco Correlation cut-off. All values corresponding to a % correlation below this limit are set to 0 in S. This causes % S*Sinv to deviate from the identity matrix, but can make S % much more sparse. % 2009-11-06 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [S,Sinv] = covmat1d_markov(n,sigma,dz,lc,cco) if nargin < 5 cco = 0; end % Constants % s2 = sigma * sigma; alpha = exp( -dz/lc ); c1 = -alpha / ( 1 - alpha^2 ) / s2; c2 = 1/(1-alpha^2)/s2; % Seinv % row = [ 2:n 1:n 1:n-1 ]; col = [ 1:n-1 1:n 2:n ]; w = [ repmat(c1,1,n-1) c2 repmat(c2*(1+alpha^2),1,n-2) c2 repmat(c1,1,n-1) ]; % Sinv = sparse( row, col, w, n, n ); S = covmat1d_from_cfun( 0:dz:dz*(n-1)*dz, sigma, 'exp', lc, cco );