classdef HomemadeDataset < SatDataset % What Associated and Collocated, but not Sat, -dataset, have. % % Work in progress! % % $Id$ % read-only props (may be alterable with methods) %properties (SetAccess = protected) %members = struct(); %end properties cols = struct; %members; end methods function [fn, global_atts] = store(self, date, spec, data, varargin) % store Write collocation data to netcdf file % % Write collocation data for date in data to a netcdf file. % The filename is determined from self, date, spec. % % FORMAT % %, spec, data[, info]) % % IN % % date % spec % data actual data (columns by self.cols) % info (optional) struct with more info to put in NetCDF % % OUT % % fn file data was written to % atts global attributes that were written to file % % $Id$ fn = self.find_granule_by_datetime(date, spec); info = optargs(varargin, {struct()}); %year = date(1); %month = date(2); %day = date(3); if strcmp(fn(end-1:end), 'gz') % take off this part fn(end-2:end) = ''; end outdir = fileparts(fn); % temporary filename, later compressed written to final place temp_out = tempname(atmlab('WORK_AREA')); if ~exist(outdir, 'dir') logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Creating %s\n', outdir); mkdir(outdir); end %% create the file logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Writing %s\n', temp_out); ncid = netcdf.create(temp_out, 'NC_CLOBBER'); % overwrite existing cleanupObj = onCleanup(@() self.cleanup(temp_out, ncid)); %% define the dimensions ncollocs = size(data, 1); dim_collocs = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'Collocations', ncollocs); %% put global attributes global_atts = struct(); global_atts.Conventions = 'CF-1.4'; global_atts.title = 'Collocations'; = iso_timestamp(); global_atts.institution = ['Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Division of Space Technology, Lule' char(unicode2native('å')) ' University of Technology, Kiruna, Sweden']; global_atts.source = 'Collocation codes, part of atmlab'; global_atts.references = 'Holl et al. (2010); John et al. (2012)'; global_atts.software_version = atmlab_version; = [atmlab_version() ' -- ' iso_timestamp() ' -- ' fn]; % add caller-contributed ones warning('off', 'catstruct:DuplicatesFound'); global_atts = catstruct(global_atts, info); warning('on', 'catstruct:DuplicatesFound'); % convert to cell-array global_atts_cell = mat2cell([fieldnames(global_atts) struct2cell(global_atts)], ... ones(1, length(fieldnames(global_atts))), 2).'; addncattributes(ncid, global_atts_cell); %% define variables, variable attributes, additional dimensions vars = fieldnames(self.cols); varids = zeros(size(vars)); dims = struct(); for j = 1:length(vars) varname = vars{j}; type = self.members.(varname).type; atts = self.members.(varname).atts; % check if we have other dimensions besides the length if isfield(self.members.(varname), 'dims') dimname = self.members.(varname).dims{1}; dimsize = self.members.(varname).dims{2}; try if ~isfield(dims, dimname) dims.(dimname) = netcdf.defDim(ncid, dimname, dimsize); end catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'MATLAB:netcdf:defDim:nameIsAlreadyInUse' % no problem otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end thisdim = [dim_collocs dims.(dimname)]; else thisdim = dim_collocs; end % define variable and put attributes varid = netcdf.defVar(ncid, varname, type, thisdim); varids(j) = varid; for k = fieldnames(atts)' netcdf.putAtt(ncid, varid, k{1}, atts.(k{1})); end end %% write data % end define mode netcdf.endDef(ncid); if isempty(data) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'No data, NetCDF file will be dataless\n'); else % put vars logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Writing: '); for j = 1:length(vars(:).') varname = vars{j}; fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '%s ', varname); varid = varids(j); netcdf.putVar(ncid, varid, data(:, self.cols.(varname))); fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '\n'); end end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Finalising\n'); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Gzipping to %s and removing uncompressed\n', [fn '.gz']); netcdf.close(ncid); gzipped_filename = gzip(temp_out, outdir); movefile(gzipped_filename{1}, [fn '.gz']); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Done\n'); end end methods (Access = protected) % protected, those are for internal use, user uses % function [M, localcols, attr] = read_single_day(self, date, spec, fields) % Read collocation 'fields' for 'date', 'spec'. % % FIXME DOC % % 'fields' may be 'all', in which case all fields are read. % No guarantee about the order, but this information is % returned via 'localcols'. If you want consistence of order % with actual collocating, consider passing % fieldnames(self.cols) as fields. fn = self.find_granule_by_datetime(date, spec); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Gunzipping and reading %s\n', fn); tmp = tempname(atmlab('WORK_AREA')); exec_system_cmd(['zcat ' fn '>' tmp]); % 3x faster than ML's gunzip c = onCleanup(@()delete(tmp)); if ischar(fields) if strcmp(fields, 'all') data = loadncfile(tmp); attr = data.global_attributes; fields = fieldnames(data); else error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], ... ['Invalid ''fields'' argument: ' fields]); end else [data, attr] = loadncvar(tmp, fields); % convert from cell-array of 2x1 cells to struct... if ~isstruct(attr) X = [attr{:}]; attr = struct(X{:}); end end % find n. of columns to allocate, keep order data_fields = intersect_unsorted(fields, fieldnames(self.members)); %n_columns = sum(cellfun(@(ff) length(self.cols.(ff)), data_fields)); n_columns = sum(cellfun(@(ff) size(data.(ff), 2), data_fields)); n_rows = max(cellfun(@(ff) size(data.(ff), 1), fields)); M = nan*zeros(n_rows, n_columns); n = 1; % copy data to matrix for i = 1:length(data_fields) fld = data_fields{i}; %n_local_cols = length(self.cols.(fld)); n_local_cols = size(data.(fld), 2); range_local_cols = n:(n+n_local_cols-1); M(:, range_local_cols) = data.(fld); localcols.(fld) = range_local_cols; n = n + n_local_cols; end end end % static/private are used like subfunctions methods (Static, Access = protected) function cleanup(temp_out, ncid) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Cleaning up\n'); try netcdf.close(ncid); catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'MATLAB:netcdf:inq:notNetcdfID', 'MATLAB:netcdf:close:notNetcdfID', ... 'MATLAB:netcdf:close:ebadid:notNetcdfID', 'MATLAB:imagesci:netcdf:libraryFailure'} % already closed otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end delete(temp_out); end end end