function S = common_read_patmosx(file, varargin) % common_read_patmosx Read Patmos-x data in the common format (see README) % % This file reads data from a PATMOS-x file (actually 2 files) and rearranges the fields to % the common format. % % % IN % % file string Path to gzipped file % extra cell array (optional) extra fields. % % OUT % % data struct With fields: % time time in seconds since 00:00 UT % lat latitude in degrees, one column per viewing angle % lon longitude in [-180, 180] degrees, colums as for lat % % FORMAT % % S = common_read_patmosx(file, varargin) % % $Id$ core_fields = {'latitude','longitude','scan_line_time'}; extra_fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); all_fields = [core_fields(:); extra_fields(:)]; % read both ascending and descending files S1 = gunzip_and_read_patmosx(file,all_fields); S1.latitude = repmat(S1.latitude',[1,length(S1.longitude)]); S1.longitude = repmat(S1.longitude,[size(S1.latitude,1),1]); if regexp(file,'_asc_') file2 = strrep(file,'asc','des'); else file2 = strrep(file,'des','asc'); end S2 = gunzip_and_read_patmosx(file2,all_fields); S2.latitude = repmat(S2.latitude',[1,length(S2.longitude)]); S2.longitude = repmat(S2.longitude,[size(S2.latitude,1),1]); S = concatenateDatafields(S1,S2); clear Sasc Sdec % rename some fields % construct time axis with same dimensions S.time = S.scan_line_time*3600; % is in hours S.lon = double(S.longitude(:)); = double(S.latitude(:)); S.version = 'version 5 (hardcoded)'; % will be written to NetCDF. S = rmfield(S,core_fields); % get rid of negative time! index = S.time>0; for F = fieldnames(S)' if ~isequal(size(index),size(S.(F{1}))), continue; end S.(F{1}) = S.(F{1})(index); end % add filename S.path = file; % get epoch. % info = find_info_from_granule('patmosx', file); date = dayofyear_inverse(str2double(info.year), str2double(info.doy)); S.epoch = round(date2unixsecs(date.year, date.month,; %%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION function S = gunzip_and_read_patmosx(file,all_fields) % make TEMPDIR & cleanup after I'm done. if strcmp(file(end-2:end),'.gz') tmpdir = create_tmpfolder(); cleanupObject = onCleanup(@() delete_tmpfolder(tmpdir)); [unused,tmpfile] = fileparts(file); filename = fullfile(tmpdir,tmpfile); [unused,test] = exec_system_cmd(sprintf('gunzip -c %s > %s',file,filename),1,true); if logical(test) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':file'],'error gunzipping\n%s',file) end elseif strcmp(file(end-3:end),'.hdf') filename = file; end % read the data. This also scales the data automatically! S = read_clavrx_hdf(filename,all_fields); function S = concatenateDatafields(Sasc,Sdec) %% concatinateDatafields % % % For each field make sure they are concatinated and then sorted by time (if applicable) % % FLATTEN the data sz = size(Sasc.scan_line_time); for F = fieldnames(Sasc)' if isequal(size(Sasc.(F{1})),sz) S.(F{1}) = [Sasc.(F{1})(:);Sdec.(F{1})(:)]; end end % SORT the data in ascending time [S.scan_line_time,index] = sort(S.scan_line_time); sz = size(S.scan_line_time); for F = fieldnames(S)' if isequal(size(S.(F{1})),sz) && ~strcmp(F{1},'scan_line_time') S.(F{1}) = S.(F{1})(index); end end