function s_out = strrep_variables(s, satname, datevec) % strrep_variables Replace 'magic' variables % % Replace the 'magic' variables: % % $YEAR4 % $YEAR2 % $MONTH % $DAY % $DOY % $SAT or $SAT1 and $SAT2 % % FORMAT % % s_out = strrep_variables(s, satname, datevec) % % IN % % s string where magic is replaced % satname string/ name of satellite/satellites % cellstr % datevec vector date-vector [year month day] % % OUT % % s_out string with magic replaced % % $Id$ year = num2str(datevec(1), '%04d'); month = num2str(datevec(2), '%02d'); day = num2str(datevec(3), '%02d'); year02 = year(3:4); doy = num2str(round(dayofyear(datevec(1), datevec(2), datevec(3))), '%03d'); to_replace = {'$YEAR4', year, '$MONTH', month, '$DAY', day, ... '$YEAR2', year02, '$DOY', doy}; if iscellstr(satname) to_replace = [to_replace {'$SAT1', satname{1}, '$SAT2', satname{2}}]; else if strfind(s, '$SAT1') warning('atmlab:strrep_variables', ... ['replacing $SAT, but having $SAT1; are you sure you don''t ' ... 'want to pass TWO satellites?']); end to_replace = [to_replace {'$SAT', satname}]; end s_out = strrep_multi(s, to_replace{:});