function files = getfiles_matching_regexp(datadir,regularexp) %% getfiles_matching_regexp % % Purpose: List all files that match regular expression in directory and % its subdirectories % % USAGE: files = getfiles_matching_regexp('directory','regexp') % % IN: % datadir directory to look at e.g. '.' % regexp regular expression e.g. '.m$e4' ($ signals the end of the filename) % % % % OUT: files cell of matching file names % % % created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ assert(~isempty(dir(datadir)),['atmlab:' mfilename ':BadInput'],... 'Directory: %s\nDoes not exist',datadir) %replace tildas as this doesn't work with the system command datadir = [strrep(datadir(1),'~',getenv('HOME')) datadir(2:end)]; % MAKE a list of files using UNIX find (regular files only) command = sprintf('find ''%s'' -type f',datadir); files = exec_system_cmd(command,gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); % use \n for one file per cell element from string output files = regexp(files{1},'\n','split'); % Apply the regular expression rule to filter out unwanted files files = files(~cellfun('isempty',regexp(files,regularexp)));