function commands = create_gmt_earth(in) % CREATE_GMT_EARTH Main wrapper to gmt interface % % See help gmt_plot for input details % % PURPOSE: Create cell strings that will be used in a system call. % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ assert(exist('in','var')==1,'gmtlab:badInput',... 'This is an internal function to be used by gmt_plot.m') in = setup_create_gmt_earth(in); F = in.filename; % Remove earlier .ps and gmt residules commands{1} = sprintf('rm -f %s.{ps,eps}',F); %commands{end+1} = sprintf('rm -f .gmtcommands4 .gmtdefaults'); % Set paper size commands{end+1} = 'gmtset PAPER_MEDIA a0'; % Annotations of axis if isfield(in,'basemap_axis') commands{end+1} = sprintf('gmtset BASEMAP_AXES %s',in.basemap_axis); end % Verticle distance from plot to title if isfield(in,'header_offset') commands{end+1} = sprintf('gmtset HEADER_OFFSET %c',in.header_offset); end % Size of title if isfield(in,'header_size') commands{end+1} = sprintf('gmtset HEADER_FONT_SIZE %fp',in.header_size); end % Default unit to use if isfield(in,'measure_unit') commands{end+1} = sprintf('gmtset MEASURE_UNIT=%s',in.measure_unit); end % other gmtset-commands you might have if isfield(in,'gmtset') for i = length(in.gmtset) commands{end+1} = in.gmtset{i}; %#ok<*AGROW> end end % PSBASEMAP (open PS-file) commands{end+1} = in.plot.basemap; % NEARNEIGHBOR if isfield(in,'nearneighbor') && ~isstruct(in.nearneighbor) commands{end+1} = in.nearneighbor; elseif ~in.gridded && isfield(in.plot,'grid') in.grdfile = [in.filename '.grd']; commands{end+1} = nearneighbor(in.grdfile,in.plot.grid); end % IMAGE (plot data) if isfield(in,'grdimage') commands{end+1} = in.grdimage; elseif ~in.nodata commands{end+1} = grdimage(F,in); end % LEGEND if isfield(in,'psscale') commands{end+1} = in.psscale; elseif ~isempty(in.plot.legend) commands{end+1} = psscale(F,in.plot.legend); end % NaN LEGEND if isfield(in,'psscale_nan') commands{end+1} = in.psscale_nan; elseif ~isempty(in.plot.nanlegend) commands{end+1} = in.plot.nanlegend; end % COASTLINES if isfield(in,'pscoast') commands{end+1} = in.pscoast; elseif ~isempty(in.plot.coast) commands{end+1} = pscoast(F,in.plot.coast); end % LOCATION MARKERS if isfield(in,'locations') commands = pslocations(F,in,commands); end % CONTOURLINES if isfield(in,'grdcontour') commands{end+1} = in.grdcontour; elseif isfield(in.plot,'grdcontour') for i = 1:length(in.plot.grdcontour) %can have more than 1 set commands{end+1} = grdcontour(F,in.plot.grdcontour(i)); end end % PSBOX & PSPOLY (draw boxes or shapes on map) if isfield(in,'psxy') commands{end+1} = in.psxy; elseif isfield(in,'psbox') || isfield(in.plot,'psbox') commands = psbox(F,in,commands); elseif isfield(in.plot,'pspoly') commands = pspoly(F,in,commands); end % PSTEXT if isfield(in,'pstext') && ~isstruct(in.pstext) commands{end+1} = in.pstext; elseif isfield(in.plot,'pstext') commands{end+1} = pstext(F,in.plot.pstext,in.plotPlacement); end % CLOSE PS + GRID commands{end+1} = in.plot.lastbasemap; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTIONS % ||||| % vvvvv function in = setup_create_gmt_earth(in) %% setup_create_gmt_earth %% in.plot.region = in.region; % PROJECTION if ~isfield(in,'proj') in.plot.proj = setup_projection(in); else in.plot.proj = in.proj; end in.plot.basemap = setupbasemap(in); % GRIDDING if ~in.gridded && ~in.nodata in.plot.grid = mkgrid(in); end % COLOR TABLE if ~in.nodata in.plot.color = create_colortables(in); end % COAST if ~isfield(in,'pscoast') in.plot.coast = mkcoast(in); end % PSBOX if isfield(in,'psbox') in.plot.psbox = setup_psboxpoly(in, 'psbox'); end if isfield(in,'pspoly') in.plot.pspoly = setup_psboxpoly(in, 'pspoly'); end % CONTOUR LINES if isfield(in,'contourline') in.plot.grdcontour = mkgrdcontour(in); end % PSTEXT if isfield(in,'pstext') && isstruct(in.pstext) in.plot.pstext = setup_pstext(in.pstext); end % LEGEND/S [in.plot.legend,in.plot.nanlegend] = mklegend(in); % Close file with this in.plot.lastbasemap = last_psbasemap(in); function proj = setup_projection(in) %% setup_projection %% if isempty( || ~strcmp(in.plot.region(1:9),'-180/180/') logtext(1,'Data is not cyclic, choosing in.centre for projection from center longitude...\n') x = sscanf(in.plot.region,'%f/%f/%f/%f'); C = (x(1)+x(2))/2; else C =; end proj = sprintf('%s%f/%fi',in.projection,C,in.map_width); function basemap = setupbasemap(in) %% setupbasemap if ~isempty(in.title) basemap = sprintf('psbasemap -R%s -J%s %s -G -P -K -B:."%s": >',... in.plot.region,in.plot.proj,in.plotPlacement,gmt_unicode_converter(in.title),in.filename); else basemap = sprintf('psbasemap -R%s -J%s %s -G -P -K >',... in.plot.region,in.plot.proj,in.plotPlacement,in.filename); end function a = mkgrid(in) %% mkgrid %% % If nothing is given the resolution and search radius is loosely based on the % density of the data points. nearneighbour uses the command: grdimage if isfield(in,'nearneighbor') && ~isstruct(in.nearneighbor) a=''; return end a.ungriddedfile = in.ungriddedfile; a.plotPlacement = in.plotPlacement; % get resolution of data to pick a good search radius (not used if given) % get number of 1deg boxes in region x = sscanf(in.region,'%f/%f/%f/%f'); oneDegRegion = ( x(2)-x(1) )*( x(4)-x(3) ); % find the approx density of points res = max([ mean(diff(unique(;mean(diff(unique(in.lon)))]) ; % How much RAM is available? memGB = freeRAM()/1024; % What it translates to in terms of resolution: maxres = 3 * sqrt((1/memGB) * oneDegRegion * 8 /1024^3); %4bytes double if isfield(in,'nearneighbor') &&... isstruct(in.nearneighbor) &&... isfield(in.nearneighbor,'resolution') res = in.nearneighbor.resolution; end % check if res is acceptable if res < maxres logtext(1,['Automatically picked the maximum resolution of:',... '%.4fdeg instead of %.4fdeg defined by measurement density\n'],maxres,res) res = maxres; else logtext(1,'Plot resolution: %.4f Deg\n',res) end a.increment = sprintf('%fm',60*res); % 60min x resolution % use increment to decide the search radius, unless given if ~isfield(in,'nearneighbor') || ~isfield(in.nearneighbor,'search') = sprintf('%fm', 1.5*( str2double(a.increment(1:end-1)) )); else =; end function a = create_colortables(in) %% create color tables %% if isfield(in,'cptfile') a.cptfile = in.cptfile; return end % NOTE: remember that I am currently standing in a temporary directory % MAKE a custom colour table based on manually input color values if isfield(in,'colorrange') in.ctable = 'colorrange'; end if isfield(in,'tickval') % make temporary tickval file fid=fopen('tickvalues.txt','w'); fprintf(fid,sprintf('%s\n',getAnnotFormat(in.tickval)),in.tickval); fclose(fid); end % generate cpt files switch in.ctable case 'mypolar' if ~isfield(in,'tickval') tickval = ownctable(in); else tickval = in.tickval; end a.cptfile = makepolar(tickval,in); case 'colorrange' % make ctable to be input to makecpt -C%s cpt_from_colorrange(in.colorrange); a.cptfile = makecpt(in); otherwise logtext(1,'Processing makecpt\n') if ~isfield(in,'makecpt') a.cptfile = makecpt(in); else exec_system_cmd(in.makecpt); tmp = splitstring(in.makecpt,'> '); a.cptfile = tmp{2}; end end % extra legend box for missing values if in.nanlegend a.cptnan = xtra_nan_legend(in); end function a = mkcoast(in) %% mkcoast if ~isstruct(in.coast) a=''; return end a.plotPlacement = in.plotPlacement; % Set resolution of coastal features rg=sscanf(in.plot.region,'%f/%f/%f/%f'); ln=rg(2)-rg(1); lt=rg(4)-rg(3); if ~isfield(in.coast,'features') const = 65;%constant => features ~1000km for full map a.features = ln*lt/const; else a.features = in.coast.features; end if ~isfield(in.coast,'resolution') if ln < 20 a.resolution = 'h'; elseif ln < 45 a.resolution = 'i'; elseif ln < 90 a.resolution = 'l'; else a.resolution = 'c'; end else a.resolution = in.coast.resolution; end if isfield(in.coast,'color') a.color = in.coast.color; end a.rivers = in.coast.rivers; a.width = in.coast.width; function a = mkgrdcontour(in) %% mkgrdcontour default.cptfile = in.plot.color.cptfile; default.grdfile = in.grdfile; for i = 1:length(in.contourline) a(i) = catstruct(default,in.contourline(i)); a(i).plotPlacement = in.plotPlacement; end function out = setup_pstext(in) %% setup_pstext assert(all(isfield(in,{'text','lat','lon'})),['gmtlab:' mfilename ':BadInput'],... 'in.pstext.{text,lat,lon} are the minimum input requirements for in.pstext') default.thick = 20; % text size in points default.angle = 0; % degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal default.fontnum = 1; % sets the font type default.justify = 6; % sets the alignment default.color = '0/0/0'; % textcolor (black) for i = 1:length(in) out(i) = optargs_struct(in(i),default); end function [a,b] = mklegend(in) %% mklegend if isfield(in,'fieldname') && isstruct(in.legend) %if not field then nodata. % get what is already in the in-structure F = {'xunit','unit','cptfile'}; for f = F(ismember(F,fieldnames(in))) if any(strcmp(f{1},{'unit','xunit'})) a.(f{1}) = gmt_unicode_converter(in.(f{1})); else a.(f{1}) = in.(f{1}); end end a.plotPlacement = in.plotPlacement; % A little extra legend showig colors of NaNs if in.nanlegend if ~isfield(in.legend,'position_nan') nandef = {[str2double(in.legend.xpos(1:end-1)),... -.2, .2, .2],... [.4, str2double(in.legend.ypos(1:end-1)), .2, .2]}; tmp = sprintf('%.2fi/',nandef{1}*in.map_width/9); nsz{1} = tmp(1:end-1); tmp = sprintf('%.2fi/',nandef{2}*in.map_width/9); nsz{2} = [tmp(1:end-1) 'h']; lsize = nsz{ strcmp(in.legend.orientation,'h') +1 }; else lsize = in.legend.position_nan; end b = sprintf('psscale -D%s -Li -Ccolor_nan.cpt -O -K >>',... lsize,in.filename); end % get xtra options fields ={'annot_font_size_primary','box_spacing','equalboxwidth','length',... 'orientation','position','shift_tick_annotations','sidebar',... 'tick_annotations','tick_annotation_format','tick_centering','tick_length',... 'tick_spacing','width','xpos','ypos'}; for F = fields if isfield(in.legend,F{1}) a.(F{1}) = in.legend.(F{1}); end end if isfield(in.legend,'tick_annotations') append_tickannotations(in.plot.color.cptfile,in.legend.tick_annotations); end % fixed vaules a.cptfile = in.plot.color.cptfile; a.sidebar = in.legend.sidebar; end if ~exist('b','var'), b = struct([]);end if ~exist('a','var'), a = struct([]);end function tickval = ownctable(in) %% ownctable %% minn = in.datarange(1);maxx = in.datarange(2); if minn==maxx maxx=maxx+1; end tickval = minn:in.stepsize:maxx; function out = setup_psboxpoly(in, field) %% ps box l = size(in.(field),1); if isfield(in,[field 'color']) if length(in.([field 'color']))~=l error('Need same number of colors as boxes') end else in.([field 'color'])(1:l) = {'k'}; %default is black end if isfield(in,([field 'thick'])) if length(in.([field 'thick']))~=l error('Need same number of sizes as boxes') end else out.thick(1:l)={10}; %default size=10 end c = list_colors('colors',in.([field 'color'])); colors = cell(length(c),1); for i=1:length(c) colors{i}=c{i}.*255; % instead of from 0:1 end out.colors=colors; out.(field)=in.(field); function basemap = last_psbasemap(in) %% last_psbasemap % default.ticks = '60g60/30g30' (global) % in.plot.region has this format: 'lon1/lon2/lat1/lat2' rg=sscanf(in.plot.region,'%f/%f/%f/%f'); lon=rg(2)-rg(1); lat=rg(4)-rg(3); % for nice step lengths % lons as = [240 180 120 90 60 30 15]; step = [60 40 30 20 15 10 5]; a = step(~(as>lon)); if isempty(a), a = lon/6; end %lats bs = [120 60 90 40 30 20 15]; step = [60 40 30 20 10 5 2.5]; b = step(~(bs>lat)); if isempty(b), b = lat/3; end default.ticks = sprintf('%.2fg%.2f/%.2fg%.2f',a(1),b(1),a(1)/2,b(1)/2); in = optargs_struct(in,default); basemap = sprintf('psbasemap -B%s',in.ticks); basemap = sprintf('%s -R -J %s -O >>',basemap,in.plotPlacement,in.filename);