function filename = gmt_plot(in,field) % GMT_PLOT plotting interface for GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) % % The function is basically a wrapper that calls gmt shell commands using easy % to use matlab arguments. Try test_gmt.m for some examples on how to use the function. % Preferably, the data should be CENTERED if the data is gridded (fastest % performance). % % OUT filename The filename of the figure. % % IN in A structure with input data and options. See below for % a detailed description of the structure. % % OPT field The string name of the structure element that contains % the data to be plotted. If no field is given, 'data' % is assumed. % % Easy example: If you just want to plot some data.. % in.somefield = data2plot % in.lon = longitudes % = latitudes % % file = gmt_plot(in,'somefield'); % % see STRUCTURE CONTENTS below for the rest of the available arguments % % VIEWING THE PLOT: % The easiest thing to do is to define a viewer in your startup file. % % Add something like the following to your startup file') % gmtlab( 'OUTDIR', '/name/a/favorite' ) %% The default directory to put plots % gmtlab( 'PSVIEWER','gv'); %% set viewer for .ps files % gmtlab( 'PDFVIEWER','xpdf -z width'); %% set viewer for .pdf files % gmtlab( 'OPEN_COMMAND','gnome-open'); %% set a general open command % gmtlab( 'VERBOSITY',1); %% This outputs stdout on the screen. % % Structure contents: % % MANDATORY INPUT % % 1) in.(field) % the data (default is field='data' i.e. % 2) % the corresponding latitudes % 3) in.lon % the corresponding longitudes % % If your data is ungridded the dimensions of the manditory input % (lat, must be the same. % i.e isequal(size(,size(in.lon),size( % % If your data is gridded the data MUST have the dimensions: % [length(,length(in.lon)] == size(in.(field)); % << transpose: in.(field) = in.(field)'; if this is not the case >> % % NOTE: 1) If your data is UNGRIDDED I recommend setting % in.nearneighbor.resolution = Deg (something suitable). % 2) gmt_plot automatically detects if the data is gridded or not % % % HOW TO READ VARIABLE DESCRIPTION OF OPTIONAL VARIABLES: % %% KEY: in.variable |Type| Explanation/Example |Default value/behavior| % % types: %s=character or string % %f=numeric/logical % {}=cell % default: []=means there is no default value/behaviour. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % GENERAL: % % in.basemap_axis |%s| % E.g. 'WSne', annotates West and South of the map. % | 'WSne' | % ------------ % in.display |%i| If false, file created but not displayed |true | % ------------ % in.filename |%s| E.g. 'yourfilename' | generated from title | % ------------ % in.figuretype |%s| 'pdf','eps','png', or 'tif' | 'pdf' | % ------------ % in.gmtset |{%s,%s,...}| % Cell with one or more gmtset commands. % E.g. in.gmtset={'gmtset D_FORMAT %3.1e','gmtset ...'} % | [] | % ------------ % in.header_size |%f| Title size | 36 [p] | % ------------ % in.header_offset |%f| Moves the title in y-dir on the page | 0.5 [cm] | % ------------ % in.keep_files |logical| % If you don't want to delete intermediate files % | false | % ------------ % in.measure_unit |%s| % The default unit to use for all commands if none is given. % Choose between: 'point' (1/72 inch), 'cm', 'm' and 'inch' % |'cm'| % ------------ % in.nodata |logical| % If you only want a map (compatible with all options) % | false | % ------------ % in.outdir |%s| E.g. 'name/a/directory' % |gmtlab('OUTDIR') ('.' if not set in startup) | % ------------ % in.ticks |%s| % E.g '60g30/30g15'. The first value for both axis % denotes the tick interval to annotate, the second % value is the interval to draw the gridlines. xaxis and % yaxis are separated by '/'. % i.e (x-axis: 'annot'g'grid'/ y-axis: 'annot'g'grid') % Note: To remove gridlines set the second value to 0. % | determined by input lat/lon range. | % ------------ % in.title |%s| Title of plot | '' | % ------------ % in.unit |%s| String displayed on the y-axis of legend | '' | % ------------ % in.xunit |%s| String displayed on the x-axis of legend | '' | % ------------ % % NOTE: For special characters in the string refer to the % section on character escape sequences (4.16 in GMT % cookbook v4.5.7). % e.g. for unit (or title) \Delta r^{-2} should be % written '@~D@~r@+-2' % % in.plotPlacement |%s| String of global plotPlacements | '-Ya5 -Xa5' | % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % PROJECTION, GRID, COASTLINES: % % in.region |%s| % E.g. '-180/180/-90/90'=global range, defined from % sprintf('%f/%f/%f/%f',lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2) % | determined by input lat/lon range. | % ------------ % in.nearneighbor |%s| % E.g. 'nearneighbor OPT >', explicitly sets % the nearneighbor GMT command directly. If % in.nearneighbor is a structure, it'll use the % structure arguments to generate the command. % | [] | % ---------------------- % % in.nearneighbor. | STRUCTURE with one or more of the following fields: % % search |%s| % E.g. 30m' Search for data within 30 [arcmin] % | Loosely based on the density of the data points | % ------------ % resolution |%f| % E.g. 1 [Deg] (== 60minuntes) looks for values withing 1deg % | Loosely based on the density of the data points, or avialable memory | % % ---------------------- % % in.projection |%s| % See available projections in GMT manual. % |'Q' (cylindric equidistant) | % ------------ % |%f| Center map at given longitude | 0 [deg] | % ------------ % in.map_width |%f| Set width of map | 9 [inches] | % ------------ % in.proj |%s| % Describes the projection, center, and map_width % | 'Q0/9i' (see above) | % ------------ % in.pscoast |%s| % E.G 'pscoast OPT >', explicitly sets the % pscoast GMT command. % |[]| % ---------------------- % in.coast |%s| % If you don't want coastlines, set to false. If % in.coast is a structure, it'll use the structure % arguments to generate the pscoast command. % | create coastlines | % ---------------------- % % in.coast. | STRUCTURE with one or more of the following fields: % % features |%f| Don't plot features < in.features [km^2] % | determined by lon/lat range | % ------------ % resolution |%s| % (f)ull, (h)igh, (i)ntermediate, (l)ow, and (c)rude % | determined by lon/lat range | % ------------ % rivers |%s| % Display rivers. pscoast -Ioption (1-10, a,r,i,c) % | '1' (major rivers) | % ------------ % width |%f| Width of coastlines | .3 | % ---------------------- % color |%s| color of coast and rivers in rgb % e.g. '255/255/255' gives white coastlines % | COLOR_BAGROUND | % ---------------------- % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % COLORS & DATA REPRESENTATION: % % in.datarange |[%f, %f]| % Range of data values to display % | [min(data) max(data)] | % ------------ % in.grdimage |%s| % E.g. 'grdimage OPT >', explicitly sets % the grdimage GMT command directly. % | [] | % ------------ % in.makecpt |%s| % E.g. 'makecpt OPT >', explicitly sets the % makecpt GMT command directly. % | [] | % ------------ % in.cptfile |%s| Path to any .cpt file generated previously % | [] | % ------------ % in.ctable |%s| See GMT color palettes | 'rainbow' | % % NOTE: 'mypolar' is a nice colortable for difference % plots, and there are two additional optional % arguments for this color table: % in.reference: |%d| % where to center the white color % | mean(data(:)) | % Note: Recommend set in.reference = 0 for % difference plots, but any reference % will work. % % in.nwhite: |%d| % The number of white contours around % a reference value % | determined by number of levels | % % in.color_background |%s| % Set the background color (values less than range) % | '0/0/0' ('black') | % ------------ % in.color_foreground |%s| % Set the foreground color (values greater than range) % | '255/255/255' ('white') | % ------------ % in.color_nan |%s| Set the color of NaNs % | '125/125/125' ('grey') | % ------------ % in.nlevels |%d| % Refers to the number of contour levels (converted to % stepsize using datarange) % | 20 | % ------------ % in.stepsize |%f| % The stepsize between data values. This overrides % nlevels (-T/min/max/stepsize in makecpt) % | determined by nlevels | % ------------ % % in.tickval |[%d]| % Vector of values to be used for ticks and data interval % | determined by datarange and stepsize| % ------------ % % NOTE: For your own CUSTOM COLORTABLE use in.colorrange.colors % (see below). Assign a color to a relative value, e.g between 0-1, where % 0 is for the minimum of the datarange and 1 is for the color of the % maximum datarange. For example, % in.colorrange.colors = {{0,'red'},{.3,'black'},{0.5,'green'},{1,'blue'}}, % makes a colortable that goes from red to black to green to blue. % Naturally you can also use the 'contour values' directly as long as you % assign all levels a color. % % ---------------------- % in.colorrange. | STRUCTURE with one or more of the following fields: % % colors | {{%d,%s},{%d,%s},etc.} % %d is the data value, %s is the color % (e.g. {20,'255/0/0'} (red in RGB)) % | [] | % ------------ % color_model |%s| % 'RGB', 'HSV' % | 'RGB' | % ---------------------- % %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % LEGENDS: % % in.pscale |%s| % E.g. 'psscale OPT >', explicitly sets the % psscale GMT command for the legend directly. % | [] | % ------------ % in.pscale_nan |%s| % E.g. 'psscale OPT >', explicitly sets the % psscale GMT command for the NaN legend directly. % | [] | % ------------ % in.savelegend |logical| % if you want to have a separate pdf for the legend % | false | % ------------ % in.nanlegend |logical| % Set to false if you don't want an extra NaN legend % | true if there are NaN values in the data | % ------------ % in.legend |logical| % Set to false if you don't want a legend. if in.legend % is a structure, it's equivalent to in.legend = true % | true | % ---------------------- % % in.legend. | STRUCTURE with one or more of the following fields: % % annot_font_size_primary % |%f| Size of annotations in legend | [] | % ------------ % box_spacing |%f| Space between legend boxes | 0 (side by side) | % ------------ % position |%s| % e.g '9.7i/2.3i/10c/0.8c' (i = inch , c = cm) % ('x-displacement/y-displacement/height/width'). Append 'h' % for horisontal legend. % | size determined by map dimensions | % ------------ % position_nan |%s| % As for in.legend.position, but for the NaN legend % ------------ % equalboxwidth |logical| % If the legend color boxes have to be the same size, 1 % | false (-L option) | % ------------ % length |%f| or |%s| % Toggle the length of the legend bar. If input is a string, % you must append 'c' or 'i' for cm or inches, otherwise % in.MEASURE_UNIT is used. Use negative value to reverse the % legend. See also width,xpos,ypos,orientation for legend % | '3.9i' | % ------------ % orientation |%s| % if you want a horizontal/vertical legend input 'h'/'v. % See also length,width,xpos,ypos for legend % | determined by map dimensions | % ------------ % shift_tick_annotations % |%s| % Move tick annotations to the right by x units % | e.g. '.5i' (.5 inches) | % ------------ % sidebar |%f| % Input scalar 0, 1, 2, or 3. Indicates none, % below range only, above range, or both % | determined from data | % ------------ % tick_annotations |{%s,%s,...}| % E.g. {'','','middle','',''}. % Number of annotations must be = nlevels, and all % cell elements must be strings (or empty strings) % | [] | % ------------ % tick_annotation_format % |%s| % E.g. '%3.1e' % | [] | % ------------ % tick_centering |logical| % Have tick annotation at the center of the boxes % | false (edges) | % ------------ % tick_length |%f| % The length of the ticks % | [] | % ------------ % tick_spacing |%f| % If you want to manually decide how the ticks in the % legend should be spread. x=> every xth data value, % 1=>same number of ticks as datarange % | one tick per data level | % NOTE: This option is desirable if you have many % data levels. % ------------ % width |%f| or |%s| % Toggle the width of the legend bar. If input is a string, % you must append 'c' or 'i' for cm or inches, otherwise % in.MEASURE_UNIT is used. % See also length,xpos,ypos, orientation for legend % | '.2i' | % ------------ % xpos |%f| or |%s| % Toggle the x-position of the center of the legend bar. % If input is a string, you must append 'c' or 'i' for cm or inches, % otherwise in.MEASURE_UNIT is used. % See also length,width,ypos, orientation for legend % | '9.8i' for verticle | % ------------ % ypos |%f| or |%s| % Toggle the y-position of the center of the legend bar. % If input is a string, you must append 'c' or 'i' for cm or inches, % otherwise in.MEASURE_UNIT is used. % See also length,width,xpos, orientation for legend % | '2.3i' for verticle | % % ---------------------- % %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % PLOT LOCATION MARKERS: % % for multiple locations define all fields according to : % in.locations(1).name = 'x', % in.locations(2).name = 'y', etc... % % ---------------------- % % in.locations. | Structure with one or more of the following fields: % % lat (mandatory) |%f| Latitude of marker | [] | % ------------ % lon (mandatory) |%f| Longitude of marker | [] | % ------------ % name |%s| Name of marker | [] | % ------------ % shape |%s| Shape of marker | 'c' c=filled circle | % ------------ % size |%f| % size of shape. % | .08 | % ------------ % color |%s| Color of marker | 'white' | % ------------ % textsize |%f| Size of name | 15 | % ------------ % textcolor |%s| Color of name | in.location.color | % ------------ % textalign |%s| % Two letters for the position of marker relative % to the text. 1st letter for horizontal % position: L, C, R. 2nd letter for vertical % position: T, M, B % | 'LT' | % ---------------------- % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % PLOT CONTOURS: % % in.grdcontour |%s| % E.g. 'grdcontour OPT >', explicitly sets % the grdcontour GMT command directly. % | [] | % ------------ % % in.contourline. | Structure with one or more of the following fields: % % spacing |%f| data interval between contours| % ------------ % range |[%f %f]| [min max]| default= same as in.datarange % ------------ % linethick |%f| -||-| % ------------ % more |%s| % Additional commands for GMT's grdcontour. % E.g. '-T1c/0.001c:LH' % | [] | % % ---------------------- % % If several contour plots should overlap define all fields according to: % in.grdcontour(1).spacing = x, % in.grdcontour(2).spacing = y, etc... %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % DRAW SHAPES ON MAP: % % in.psbox. | Structure with one or more of the following fields: % % ---------------------- % box |[%f %f %f %f]| % E.g. for box regions: % [lon11 lat11 lon12 lat12;lon21 lat21 lon22 lat22]= % [Bottom left corner1, Top right corner1; % Bottom left corner2, Top right corner2]| % ------------ % boxes |[%f %f ...]| % The index of the last row of the regions. e.g 3 7, if % you have 2 regions defined by 3 resp 4 boxes. This is % useful for defining psboxcolor. Each index is defines % the last corner of a region, where a region is % essentially made up of many smaller boxes regions. % ------------ % boxcolor |{[%f %f %f]}| RGB color or every region % | [{[0 0 0]})] for every region | % ------------ % boxthick |{%f}| % Thickness of lines % | 20 for every region boundary | % ------------ % % in.pspoly (%double) |{[%f %f;%f %f;...] [%f %f;...]}| % Draws a polygon. Use one cell row per polygon: % {[p1lon1 p1lat1; p1lon2 p1lat2| ...];...} % ------------ % in.pspolycolor | See in.psboxcolor % ------------ % in.pspolythick | See in.psboxthick % ------------ % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % DRAW TEXT ON A MAP % % in.pstext |%s| % E.g. 'pstext OPT >', explicitly sets % the pstext GMT command directly. If in.pstext is a % structure, it'll use the structure arguments to % generate the command. % | [] | % ---------------------- % % in.pstext. | STRUCTURE with one or more of the following fields: % % for multiple text entries define all fields according to : % in.pstext(1).text = 'example', % in.pstext(2).text = 'example2', etc... % % lat |%f| center word at this latitude |manditory input| % % lon |%f| center word at this longitude |manditory input| % % text |%s| string to appear at lat/lon |manditory input| % % thick |%i| text size in points |20| % % angle |%f| degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal |0| % % fontnum |%i| sets the font type |1| % % justify |%f| sets the alignment |6| % % color |%s| text color |'0/0/0'| % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % QUICK TEST % % = -89.5:89.5; % in.lon = -179.5:179.5 % = rand(length(,length(in.lon)) % file = gmt_plot(in); % % % Created by Salomon Eliasson ( and Oliver Lemke % $Id$ if ~exist('field','var') && isfield(in,'data') field = 'data'; elseif ~exist('field','var') field = ''; in.nodata=true; end check_input(in) out = set_GMT_plot(in,field); % make TEMPDIR and set atmlab('VERBOSITY') to gmtlab('VERBOSITY') % cleanup after I'm done out.tmpdir = create_tmpfolder(); p = pwd(); V = atmlab('VERBOSITY'); cleanupObject = onCleanup(@() gmtcleanup(out.tmpdir,p,out.keep_files,V)); atmlab('VERBOSITY',gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); cd(out.tmpdir); if out.gridded out.grdfile = [out.filename '.grd']; gmt_nc_save_gridded(out.lon,,out.(field),out.grdfile); logtext(1,'Writing grdfile: %s sucessfull\n',out.grdfile) else if ~out.nodata out.ungriddedfile = [out.filename '.nc']; gmt_nc_save_ungridded(out.ungriddedfile,out.(field),,out.lon); end end % main function commands = create_gmt_earth(out); % finalize filename=sort_figures(out,commands); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTIONS % |||| % vvvv function in = set_GMT_plot(in,field) %% SETUP %% errId = ['gmtlab:' mfilename ':badInput']; % common error ID % Test is GMT is installed and in the path [a,b] = system('which gmtset'); if a == 1 error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':shell'],[ [ b '\n\n'],... 'Either GMT is not installed\n',... 'or\n',... 'You need to add its installation directory to your PATH\n',... 'e.g. in Matlab you can add the PATH via \n',... 'setenv(''PATH'',[getenv(''PATH'') '':/bin''])']) end % SET DEFAULTS % general default.basemap_axis = 'nSeW'; % Annotates West and South of the map. default.display = true; % Display figure to screen default.figuretype = 'pdf'; % default figure default.outdir = gmtlab('OUTDIR'); % where to put the figure default.projection = 'Q'; % Cylindrical Equidistant Projection. = 0; % The center longitude of the map. The region has to be -180:180 (cyclic) default.map_width = 9; % in inches default.nlevels = 20; % Use 20 color levels by default % i.e. default.proj = 'Q0/9i' default.title = ''; % no title by default default.nodata = false; % true if you only want the map default.savelegend = false; % make an additional pdf-file only containing the legend default.keep_files = false; % keep intermediate files (debugging) default.unit = ''; % unit displayed with legend default.xunit = ''; % xlabel for the legend default.plotPlacement = '-Xa5 -Ya5'; % String of global plotPlacements in = optargs_struct(in,default); if any(ismember(in.outdir,' ')) error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':input'],... '"spaces" ar not supported for outdir (%s)',in.outdir) elseif strcmp(in.outdir(1),'~') % netcdffunctions don't like ~ for home in.outdir = [getenv('HOME') '/' in.outdir(2:end)]; end if system(sprintf('test -d %s -a -w %s',in.outdir,in.outdir)) error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':BadInput'],... 'Either %s doesn''t exist, or gmtlab does not have write access to %s',in.outdir,in.outdir) end % replace bad symbols (for gmt system call) for filename and mask them for the title if ~isempty(in.title) default.filename = in.title; else default.filename = 'default'; end in = optargs_struct(in,default); in.filename = regexprep(in.filename,'[:=, ()*/<>!?%]','_'); in.title = regexprep(in.title,'([()])','\\$1'); in.title = regexprep(in.title,':',' '); %coast if ~isfield(in,'coast') || isstruct(in.coast) || in.coast if ~isfield(in,'coast'), in.coast=struct([]);end default.rivers = '1'; % '1' displays major rivers only. 'a' displays all. default.width = .3; % width of the coast in.coast = optargs_struct(in.coast,default); clear default end if in.nodata % If I only want an empty map, get the essentials and leave here. in = nodata(in); return end if ~ismember(field,fieldnames(in)) error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':BadInput'],... 'no field by the name of "%s" in struct',field) else in.fieldname = field; end % is the data plotable? in = isdata(in,field); % Check to see if the data is gridded or not in = isgridded(in,field); % make sure that the lons,lats and data are ordered in ascending and data(lat,lon) if in.gridded assert(length(*length(in.lon)==numel(in.(field)),... errId,'numel(data) must length(lat)*length(lon)') [flags,,in.lon,in.(field)] = standardize_geodata(,in.lon,in.(field)); if length( == size(in.(field),1)+1 || length(in.lon) == size(in.(field),2)+1 logtext(1,'Data does not appear to be centered. Internally ') in = centerGeoData(in,field); end end % REGION if ~isfield(in,'region') if in.gridded % check if the data is probably global dn = diff(in.lon); dt = diff(; if isempty(dt), dt = mean(dn);end %incase there's only one latitude % make the region str, keeping in min the 'resolution' of the grid annot_format = {getAnnotFormat(mean(diff(in.lon))),... getAnnotFormat(mean(diff(}; % check to see if lon-dlon is out side the boundary. If so, fix the % region to the edges. Same goes for lat... cond1 = abs(-180-in.lon(1)) <= dn(1); cond2 = 180-in.lon(end) <= dn(end); cond3 = abs( <= dt(1); cond4 = <= dt(end); af = annot_format{1}; if cond1 && cond2 && cond3 && cond4 in.region = '-180/180/-90/90'; elseif cond1 && cond2 fstr = sprintf('-180/180/%s/%s',af,af); in.region = sprintf(fstr,,; elseif cond3 && cond4 fstr = sprintf('%s/%s/-90/90',af,af); in.region = sprintf(fstr,in.lon(1)-dn(1)/2,in.lon(end)+dn(end)/2); else fstr = sprintf('%s/%s/%s/%s',af,af,af,af); in.region = sprintf(fstr,... in.lon(1)-dn(1)/2,in.lon(end)+dn(end)/2,...,; end else in.region = sprintf('%f/%f/%f/%f',... min(in.lon(:)),max(in.lon(:)),... min(,max(; end else % remove frivolous data for memory and speed performance in that case x = sscanf(in.region,'%f/%f/%f/%f'); lt = >= x(3) & <=x(4); %logical vector ln = in.lon >= x(1) & in.lon <=x(2); %logical vector if in.gridded in.(field) = in.(field)(lt,ln); =; in.lon = in.lon(ln); else in.(field) = in.(field)(lt&ln); =; in.lon = in.lon(lt&ln); end assert(~isempty( && ~isempty(in.lon),... errId,'lat or lon are empty') end % DATARANGE if ~in.nodata default.datarange = getdatarange(in,field); % default.nanlegend = any(isnan(in.(field)(:))); % include NaNs in the legend end in = optargs_struct(in,default); % COLORS & DATA REPRESENTATION default.ctable = 'rainbow'; % color palette [default.stepsize,default.tick_annotation_format] = getstepsize(in,field); % color level datastep interval in = optargs_struct(in,default); clear default % LEGEND if isfield(in,'legend') && (~isstruct(in.legend) && ~in.legend) % If in.legend = false, do nothing return end if ~isfield(in,'legend') || ~isstruct(in.legend) in.legend=struct([]); end % apply defaults to legend if ~isfield(in.legend,'position') % ORIENTATION x = sscanf(in.region,'%f/%f/%f/%f'); myHcondition = ( x(2)-x(1) )/( x(4)-x(3) ) > 3; tmp = ['v','h']; %vertical,horisontal default.orientation = tmp(myHcondition+1); in.legend = optargs_struct(in.legend,default); %need orientation now o = strcmp(in.legend.orientation,'h'); %logical ishorizontal if strcmp(in.legend.orientation,'v') % vertical % fullheight vertical 9.8 2.25 4.5 .2 % min height (good for 20 lvls) 9.8 1.5 3 .2 f = 2- ( x(2)-x(1) )/( x(4)-x(3) ); %something between 0->1 equivalent to 180/360->120/360 lats/lons v = [9.8 2.25-f*0.75 4.4-f*1.5 .2]; else v = []; end factors = {v/9 ,[4.5 -0.4 7.1 .2]/9}; %empirically good defaults for inch % this is based on in.mapwidth in inches ! default.xpos = sprintf('%.2fi',factors{o+1}(1)*in.map_width); default.ypos = sprintf('%.2fi',factors{o+1}(2)*in.map_width); default.length = sprintf('%.2fi',factors{o+1}(3)*in.map_width); default.width = sprintf('%.2fi',factors{o+1}(4)*in.map_width); else default = regexp(in.legend.position,'(?.+)/(?.+)/(?.+)/(?.+)(?\w{1})','names'); end default.tick_annotion_format = in.tick_annotation_format; default.sidebar = getsidebar(in); % coloroured triangles using in.datarange in.legend = optargs_struct(in.legend,default); function filename = sort_figures(in,command) %% SORT FIGURES if in.savelegend % MAKE a separate file for the legend in.filename = makelegendpdf(command(~cellfun('isempty',regexp(command,'psscale'))),in); command = {}; else % for figuretypes (pdf,eps,png, or tif) switch in.figuretype case 'pdf' T = '-Tf'; case 'eps' T = '-Te'; case 'png' T = '-Tg -Qg -Qt'; case 'tif' T = '-Tt -Qg -Qt'; otherwise error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':FigureType'],... '%s: not supported',in.figuretype) end command{end+1} = sprintf('ps2raster -A -P %s',in.filename,T); command{end+1} = sprintf('mv %s.%s %s',in.filename,in.figuretype,in.outdir); end % Assemble open command openwith = NaN; if strcmp(in.figuretype,'pdf') openwith = gmtlab('PDFVIEWER'); elseif strcmp(in.figuretype,'eps') openwith = gmtlab('PSVIEWER'); end if isnan(openwith) openwith = gmtlab('OPEN_COMMAND'); end if in.display && ~any(isnan(openwith)) command{end+1} = sprintf('%s %s/%s.%s >/dev/null &',... openwith,in.outdir,in.filename,in.figuretype); end out = exec_system_cmd(command,gmtlab('verbosity')); % execute all gathered commands filename = sprintf('%s/%s.%s',in.outdir,in.filename,in.figuretype); % If no viewer is defined, check for xpdf, then evince, then okular if in.display && any(isnan(openwith)) && strcmp(in.figuretype,'pdf') disp('No pdfviewer defined.') disp('Set gmtlab(''PDFVIEWER'','''') in your startup file') if ~system('which xpdf') openwith = 'xpdf'; elseif ~system('which evince') openwith = 'evince'; % for gnome users elseif ~system('which okular') openwith = 'okular'; % for kde users end if ~any(isnan(openwith)) logtext(1,'Opening file with %s for now\n',openwith) system(sprintf('%s %s &',openwith,filename)); end end hunt_down_errors(command,out) % look for system call errors in the gmt calls fprintf('GMT plot stored at: %s\n',filename) function file = makelegendpdf(command,in) %% Make a separate pdf for the legend % Only allowed to have 1 or 2 psscale commands in the commad list. the first one % is the regular legend. The second is for the nan legend (if it exists) file = fullfile(in.outdir,'legend'); %make sure it's not here exec_system_cmd(sprintf('rm -f',file),gmtlab('verbosity')); % Make the page large enough to fit most legends cmd = {'gmtset PAPER_MEDIA a0'}; command = [cmd, command]; %Remove trailing .ps entry crop=regexp(command,'>>'); % Additional adjustments for i = 2:length(command) command{i} = sprintf('%s -P >>', command{i}(1:crop{i}-1), file ); if i == 2 command{i} = regexprep(command{i},'-O',''); end if i == length(command) command{i} = regexprep(command{i},'-K',''); end end command{end+1} = sprintf('ps2raster -A -P -Tf',file); exec_system_cmd(command,gmtlab('verbosity')); %% SUBFUNCTIONS FOR SETUP % |||||| % VVVVVV function datarange = getdatarange(in,field) %% getdatarange tmp = in.(field)(:); d = double([min(tmp) max(tmp(~isinf(tmp)))]); % Do some tricks to get the most useful datarange. (rounded, but preserve precision) x = log10(d(2)-d(1)); datarange = [10^(round(x)-1) * round(d(1) * (1/10^(round(x)-1))),... 10^(round(x)-1) * round(d(2) * (1/10^(round(x)-1)))]; function [stepsize,annot_format] = getstepsize(in,field) %% getstepsize if in.nodata stepsize = 0; annot_format=''; return end % default number of levels if length(unique(in.(field)))in.datarange(2) ); function in = nodata(in) %% NODATA %% %% NODATA % if you want to only plot coastlines in.sidebar = false; in.legend = false; in.gridded = false; in.nlevels = 1; if isfield(in,'region') elseif ~isfield(in,'region') && all(isfield(in,{'lat','lon'})) in.region = sprintf('%3.1f/%3.1f/%3.1f/%3.1f/%3.1f',... min(in.lon(:)),max(in.lon(:)),... min(,max(; else in.region='-180/180/-90/90'; end function in = isgridded(in,field) %% ISGRIDDED: Test if the data is gridded % If it is not gridded, flatten the data if isempty(in.(field)) error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':BadInput'],.... 'The data variable: in.%s is empty',field) end if ndims(in.(field))==3 in.(field) = squeeze(in.(field)); end [a,b]=size(in.(field)); pos1 = a==length(; %(lat,lon) pos2 = b==length(; %(lon,lat) % if (pos1 && pos2) && (pos1 || pos2), then we dont know if it gridded, but % assume it's not. if ~isfield(in,'gridded') ig = ~ (isequal(size(in.(field)),size(,size(in.lon))) ; if ~ig in.(field) = in.(field)(:); =; in.lon = in.lon(:); in.gridded = false; else if pos2 && (pos2 ~= pos1) % want it in (lat,lon) in.(field)=in.(field)'; end in.gridded = true; end end function in = isdata(in,field) %% is there any useable data? Id = ['gmtlab:' mfilename ':badInput']; Eps = 1e-10; assert(isfield(in,field), Id,'The field: "%s" is not in the structure',field) assert(any(~isnan(in.(field)(:))),'gmtlab:gmt_plot:noData',... '%s%s','Data does not contain any valid',... ' values for contour levels to be based on...') assert(~(ndims(squeeze(in.(field)))>2),Id,'in.%s must not be more than 2 dimensional',field) assert((max(in.(field)(:))-min(in.(field)(:))>Eps),Id,... 'min(data) must not be equal to max(data)') % check for lat and lons if ~isfield(in,'lat') l = {'Latitude','latitude'}; assert(any(isfield(in,l)),Id,'No latitudes present') = in.(l{isfield(in,l)}); end if ~isfield(in,'lon') l = {'Longitude','longitude','long'}; assert(any(isfield(in,l)),Id,'No longitudes present') in.lon = in.(l{isfield(in,l)}); end function hunt_down_errors(command,errors) %% Hunt down any errors encounted using GMT % messages containing any of these are exempted error_exeptions = {'warning','not set'}; definite_errors = {'illegal','error'}; % this gives cell{1:nerrors}{1:nerr_exp} found_err_exp = cellfun(@(x)(regexp(x,error_exeptions,'ignorecase','once')),errors,'uniformoutput',0); found_def_err = cellfun(@(x)(regexp(x,definite_errors,'ignorecase','once')),errors,'uniformoutput',0); windex = cellfun(@(x)(any(cell2mat(x))),found_err_exp); eindex = cellfun(@(x)(any(cell2mat(x))),found_def_err); Warnings = errors(windex); associated_w_warning = command(windex); Errors = errors(eindex); associated_w_errors = command(eindex); % display GMT calls containing warning if ~isempty(Warnings) V = atmlab('VERBOSITY'); atmlab('VERBOSITY',1); logtext(1,'\nGMT completed with the following warning messages:\n') tmp = cellfun(@(x,y)(sprintf('%s\n%s\n',x,y(1:end-1))),associated_w_warning,Warnings,'UniformOutput',0); logtext(1,'%s\n',[tmp{:}]) atmlab('VERBOSITY',V); end % error on GMT errors if ~isempty(Errors) tmp = cellfun(@(x,y)(sprintf('%s\n%s\n',x,y(1:end-1))),associated_w_errors,Errors,'UniformOutput',0); error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':GMT'],... 'GMT encountered the following errors:\n%s',[tmp{:}]) end function check_input(in) %% CheckInput % Checks the input type of all options. If the field is in the list of % available options, it will be tested against a anomynous function (e.g. % in.region should pass @(x)(ischar(x)) ). The field names and their % corresponding test functions are listed in gmt_inputs. errID = ['gmtlab:' mfilename ':BadInput']; assert(isstruct(in),errID,'"in" must be a structure') % GSE = gmtStructureElements % GSSE = gmtStructStructElements [GSE,GSSE] = gmt_inputs; Fields = fieldnames(in)'; for F = Fields % See if the in.(field) is a listed option test = GSE(ismember(GSE(:,2),F{1}),:); if ~isempty(test) % corresponding test function fun = test{1}; strfun = char(fun); assert(fun(in.(test{2})),errID,... 'Input type is incorrect. in.%s should pass test: %s',test{2},... strrep(strfun(5:end),'x',['in.' test{2}])); % If in.(field) is itself a structure, do it again (more or less) if isstruct(in.(test{2})) && ismember(test{2},fieldnames(GSSE)) Fields2 = fieldnames(in.(test{2}))'; for F2 = Fields2 test2 = GSSE.(test{2})(ismember(GSSE.(test{2})(:,2),F2{1}),:); if ~isempty(test2) fun = test2{1}; strfun = char(fun); assert(fun(in.(test{2})(1).(test2{2})),errID,... 'Input type is incorrect. in.%s.%s should pass test: %s',... test{2},test2{2},... strrep(strfun(5:end),'x',sprintf('in.%s.%s',test{2},test2{2}))); else warning(errID,'in.%s.%s is not a valid field in in.%s ',... test{2},F2{1},test{2}) end end end end end function gmtcleanup(tmpdir,curdir,keepfiles,V) %% cleanUp if keepfiles logtext(1,'in.keep_files = true;\nTemporary files are stored at %s.\n',pwd) logtext(2,'Remember to delete the directory when you are done\n') else % cd back to the original directory cd(curdir); rmdir(tmpdir,'s') logtext(1,'%s is now removed\n',tmpdir) atmlab('VERBOSITY',V); end