function command = grdimage(file,in) % GRDIMAGE appends options to GMT grdimage % % purpose: Appends options to a short script and calls the GMT % % IN file %s .ps-file created/appened to by command % cptfile %s .cpt-file used for grdimage from makecpt.m % % OUT command %s string command to be used in system call % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ grdimage = 'grdimage'; %location of file, region and projection grdimage = sprintf('%s %s -R -J',grdimage,in.grdfile); %Use nearestneigbour interpolation, only use the nearest grid point %Otherwise the default bicubic interpolation introduces artifacts. grdimage = sprintf('%s -S-n/0',grdimage); grdimage = sprintf('%s %s',grdimage,in.plotPlacement); % selects Overlay plot mode and assuming more pscode will be appended grdimage = sprintf('%s -O -K',grdimage); %colortable grdimage = sprintf('%s -C%s',grdimage,in.plot.color.cptfile); command = sprintf('%s >>',grdimage,file);