function commands = psbox(file,in,commands) % PSBOX Makes boxes in gmtplot % % IN file %s file to append to % in struct options here (see help gmt_plot) % command cell cell of string commands for systemcall % % OUT command cell cell of string commands for systemcall % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ colors = in.plot.psbox.colors; thick = in.plot.psbox.thick; pb = in.plot.psbox.psbox; region = in.plot.region; proj = in.plot.coast.proj; a=cell(5,1); for i = 1:size(pb,1) b = pb(i,1:2); t = pb(i,3:4); %stdin %% get full coordinates a{1}=sprintf('%d %d',b(1),b(2)); a{2}=sprintf('%d %d',b(1),t(2)); a{3}=sprintf('%d %d',(t(1)+b(1))/2,t(2)); a{4}=sprintf('%d %d',t(1),t(2)); a{5}=sprintf('%d %d',t(1),b(2)); a{6}=sprintf('%d %d',(t(1)+b(1))/2,b(2)); a{7}=a{1}; stdin=[a{1},' M\n',a{2},' D\n',a{3},' D\n',a{4},' D\n',a{5},' D\n',a{6},' D\n',a{7},' D']; box = sprintf('echo -e "%s" |',stdin); box = sprintf('%s psxy -R%s -J%s -A',box,region,proj); box = sprintf('%s %s',box,in.plotPlacement); % color and size of box c = colors{i}; s = thick{i}; box = sprintf('%s -W%d/%d/%d/%d',box,s,c(1),c(2),c(3)); % selects Overlay plot mode and assume more pscode will be appended later box = sprintf('%s -K -O >>',box,file); commands{end+1} = box; end