function command = pslocations(file,in,command) % PSLOCATIONS Adds location markers to a GMT plot. % % IN file %s file to append to % in struct options here (see help gmt_plot) % command cell cell of string commands for systemcall % % OUT command cell cell of string commands for systemcall % % Created by Oliver Lemke & Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ for loc = in.locations psloc = sprintf('echo "%f %f" | psxy ', loc.lon,; psloc = sprintf('%s -R -J',psloc); psloc = sprintf('%s %s',psloc,in.plotPlacement); if isfield(loc,'shape') shape = loc.shape; else shape = 'c'; % default shape (circle) end if isfield(loc,'size') sze = loc.size; if isnumeric(sze) sze = [num2str(sze),'c']; %assume cm end else sze = '.08i'; %default size end psloc = sprintf('%s -S%s%s',psloc,shape,sze); color = 'white'; % default color if isfield(loc,'color') && ~isempty(loc.color) color = loc.color; end psloc = sprintf('%s -G%s -Wthinner',psloc,color); % selects Overlay plot mode and assume more pscode will be appended later psloc = sprintf('%s -O -K',psloc); if ~isempty(shape) command{end+1} = sprintf('%s >>',psloc,file); end if isfield(loc,'name') && ~isempty( tsize=15; if isfield(loc,'textsize') && ~isempty(loc.textsize) tsize = loc.textsize; end talign='LT'; if isfield(loc,'textalign') && ~isempty(loc.textalign) talign = loc.textalign; end pstxt = sprintf('echo "%f %f %d 0 1 %s %s" | pstext ', ... loc.lon,, tsize, talign,; % Offset text from data point pstxt = sprintf('%s -Dj0.05i/0.05i',pstxt); pstxt = sprintf('%s -R -J',pstxt); pstxt = sprintf('%s %s',pstxt,in.plotPlacement); if isfield(loc,'textcolor') && ~isempty(loc.textcolor) color = loc.textcolor; end pstxt = sprintf('%s -G%s',pstxt,color); % selects Overlay plot mode and assume more pscode will be appended later pstxt = sprintf('%s -O -K',pstxt); command{end+1} = sprintf('%s >>',pstxt,file); end end