% GF_EMPTY Creates an empty and minimal gformat structure % % The returned structure has the minimal set of fields for the selected % dimensionality. All fields are set to be empty, except DIM that is set to % *dim* and TYPE that is set to 'basic'. % % FORMAT G = gf_empty( [ dim ] ) % % OUT G Created gformat structure. % OPT dim Dimensionality. Default is 0. % 2010-01-06 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function G = gf_empty( dim ) % if nargin < 1 | isempty(dim) dim = 0; end %&% rqre_alltypes( dim, {@istensor0,@iswhole} ); %&% rqre_in_range( dim, 0 ); %&% G.TYPE = 'basic'; G.NAME = []; G.SOURCE = []; G.DIM = dim; G.DATA = []; G.DATA_NAME = []; G.DATA_UNIT = []; for i = 1 : dim G = gf_set_grid( G, i, [], [], [] ); end