% GRID_WEIGHTSPACED Creates a grid based on some response weights % % This function sets up a grid where the spacing is follows some weight. % The basic idea is that the grid shall be more dense where the response % is high. % % The end points of *g* equal the end points of *x*. The other points are % determined by dividing the cumulative sum of *y* in equal steps. % % This approach makes sense if *y* is some response function and the % representation error where *g* will be used increases linearly with % grid spacing. % % FORMAT g = grid_weightspaced(x,y,n) % % OUT g Created grid. % IN x Grid for *y*. % y Vector of weights. % n Number of points in *g*. % 2010-09-22 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function g = grid_weightspaced(x,y,n) % %&% rqre_datatype( x, @istensor1 ); %&% rqre_datatype( y, @istensor1 ); %&% rqre_datatype( n, @istensor0 ); %&% cs = cumsum( abs(y) ); g = interp1( cs, x, linspace( cs(1), cs(end), n ) );