% water_psd returns water clouds particle size distribution % % Returns a vector with a particle size distribution % n(r)=A*r^c1*exp(-Br^c2) % % % FORMAT [y] = water_psd(LWC,r,rc,c1,c2) % % % OUT y is a vector with the particle size distribution [#/m^3/m] % % IN LWC liquid water content [g/m^3] % r the size vector of the ice particles [m] % c1 psd parameter % c2 psd parameter % rc characteristic radius % % History: 2005-05-24 Created by Bengt Rydberg function [y]=water_psd(LWC,r,rc,c1,c2) %min_nargin( 5, nargin ); B=c1/c2/rc^c2; A=3*LWC*c2*B^((c1+4)/c2)*1e12/4/pi/gamma((c1+4)/c2); n=A*((r*1e6).^c1.*exp(-B*(r*1e6).^c2))*1e6; y=n;