function A = catstruct(varargin) % CATSTRUCT - concatenate structures % % X = CATSTRUCT(S1,S2,S3,...) concates the structures S1, S2, ... into one % structure X. % % Example: % = 'Me' ; % B.income = 99999 ; % X = catstruct(A,B) % % -> = 'Me' ; % % X.income = 99999 ; % % CATSTRUCT(S1,S2,'sorted') will sort the fieldnames alphabetically. % % If a fieldname occurs more than once in the argument list, only the last % occurence is used, and the fields are alphabetically sorted. % % To sort the fieldnames of a structure A use: % A = CATSTRUCT(A,'sorted') ; % % To concatenate two similar array of structs use simple concatenation: % A = dir('*.mat') ; B = dir('*.m') ; C = [A ; B] ; % % When there is nothing to concatenate, the result will be an empty % struct (0x0 struct array with no fields). % % See also CAT, STRUCT, FIELDNAMES, STRUCT2CELL % for Matlab R13 and up % version 2.2 (oct 2008) % (c) Jos van der Geest % email: % Copyright (c) 2009, Jos van der Geest % All rights reserved. % History % Created: 2005 % Revisions % 2.0 (sep 2007) removed bug when dealing with fields containing cell % arrays (Thanks to Rene Willemink) % 2.1 (sep 2008) added warning and error identifiers % 2.2 (oct 2008) fixed error when dealing with empty structs (Thanks to % Lars Barring) % Modified by Salomon Eliassson. 2011 % additions: Works recursively % Allows empty arguments in varargin % N = nargin ; error(nargchk(1,Inf,N)) ; if ~isstruct(varargin{end}), if isequal(varargin{end},'sorted'), sorted = 1 ; N = N-1 ; if N < 1, A = struct([]) ; return end else error('catstruct:InvalidArgument',... 'Last argument should be a structure, or the string "sorted".') ; end else sorted = 0 ; end FN = cell(N,1) ; VAL = cell(N,1) ; for ii=1:N, X = varargin{ii} ; if ~isempty(X) % Added by Salomon (allow empty arguments) if ~isstruct(X), error('catstruct:InvalidArgument',... ['Argument #' num2str(ii) ' is not a structure.']) ; end % empty structs are ignored FN{ii} = fieldnames(X) ; VAL{ii} = struct2cell(X) ; end end % Added by Salomon -- FN = FN(~cellfun('isempty',FN)); VAL = VAL(~cellfun('isempty',VAL)); [FN,VAL] = recursive_catstruct(FN,VAL); % -- FN = cat(1,FN{:}) ; VAL = cat(1,VAL{:}) ; [UFN,ind] = unique(FN) ; if numel(UFN) ~= numel(FN), warning('catstruct:DuplicatesFound',... 'Duplicate fieldnames found. Last value is used and fields are sorted') ; sorted = 1 ; end if sorted, VAL = VAL(ind) ; FN = FN(ind) ; end if ~isempty(FN), % This deals correctly with cell arrays A = cell2struct(VAL, FN, 1); else A = struct([]) ; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTIONS % function [FN,VAL] = recursive_catstruct(FN,VAL) %% recursive_catstruct % Look for structures in structure... a = cell(size(FN,1),1); for i =1:size(FN,1) % find which structures contain structures a{i}= FN{i}(cellfun(@isstruct,VAL{i})); end if all(cellfun('isempty',a)) return end % get the unique structure names F = unique(cat(1,a{:})); for f = F' % find the lower level structure in the the other structures structs_index = cell2mat(cellfun(@(X)any(ismember(X,f)),a,'uniformoutput',0)); if sum(structs_index)==1 % don't need to do more continue end fprintf('Stucture element: ''%s'' will be dealt with recursively\n',f{1}) % If this low level structure appears in more than 1 main level structure, % do another catstruct fnd = 1:length(structs_index); vargin = cell(length(structs_index),1); for loop = fnd(structs_index) vargin{loop} = VAL{loop}{ismember(FN{loop},f)}; % this is the low level struct end merged_lowstruct.(f{1}) = catstruct(vargin{:}); end if ~exist('merged_lowstruct','var'), return, end % nothing was done % Just make a extra structure knowing that this will be appended last and will % overwrite the others with the conflicting fields structure elements that are % also structures lowlvlF = fieldnames(merged_lowstruct); for lF = lowlvlF' FN{end+1} = lF{1}; %#ok VAL{end+1} = merged_lowstruct.(lF{1}); %#ok end