function out = optargs_struct(userin, defaults, varargin) % optargs_struct A help function to handle optional arguments in a struct % % This function provides a simply way to define default values for function % inputs where this input consists of a structure. It takes two structures, % one consisting of default values and one of user-provided values. It % returns a structure containing the user values where provided and the % default values otherwise. % % If for a given field, both the default and the user-input are a % structure, optargs_struct recursively descends into substructures, where % pairs of structures are passed on to optargs_struct. % % FORMAT % % out = optargs_struct(userin, defaults[, recurse]) % % IN % % userin structure User provided optional settings % defaults structure Default values. % % OPTIONAL INPUT % % recurse bool Recurse into substructures; defaults to true % % OUT % % merged structure User's value where provided, default otherwise % % See also: optargs % Author: Gerrit Holl % $Id$ recurse = optargs(varargin, {true}); out = defaults; fields_userin = fieldnames(userin); for i = 1:length(fields_userin) f = fields_userin{i}; % special case: input and default are struct, then recurse % as far as I'm aware, structures cannot contain themselves, so this % cannot lead to any infinite loop (no need for explicit recurse % counting) if recurse && isstruct(userin.(f)) && isfield(defaults, f) if isstruct(defaults.(f)) out.(f) = optargs_struct(userin.(f), defaults.(f)); continue end end out.(f) = userin.(f); end end