% PRSTNT_STRUCT Handles a persistent structure. % % This a help function to handle the setting and extraction of fields % values of a structure, defined as persistent in some function. % % A persistent structure can be used for several purposes. The application % in mind here is that the structure contains a number of settings of % global type. How this function works is best described by an example. % Let's say that we want to have a function that tells various plotting % function what color map to use, without having that as input to each % function. We create then a function called *cmap* with a local % sub-function *cmap_def*: % % function value = cmap( varargin ) % persistent A % [A,value] = prstnt_struct( A, @cmap_def, varargin ); % % function A = cmap_def % A.map = 'gray'; % % By executing % map = cmap('map'); % we get the present setting for the color map. A new color map is set as % cmap('map','jet');" % The existing fields and their values are returned by % cmap; % The default settings are re-created by: % cmap('defaults'); % That fields exist and are not NaN can be performed as: % cmap('require', {'map','dummy'} ); % where in this case an error will occur as the field 'dummy' does not % exist. % % This is a very simple example. The technique is of course more powerful % if more settings variables are involved. % % More fields are added to the structure by adding a definition in the % function setting the default values. It is not allowed to add fields % not defined in the default function. % % If the structure will contain large variables it could be worth the % effort to copy the code of this function (with some modifications) to % the function where the persistent structure is defined to avoid un- % necassary copying of data. % % FORMAT [A,value] = prstnt_struct( A, def_fun, varargin ) % % OUT A The structure. % value Extracted value (if applicable, otherwise []). % IN A The structure. % def_func Handle to function setting default values for fields. % varargin The input to the calling function. % 2002-12-14 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [A,value] = prstnt_struct( A, def_fun, varargin ) rqre_nargin( 3, nargin ); if isempty( A ) A = feval( def_fun ); end %=== As this function is called with a varargin argument, we have to extract %=== varargin as given to the calling function. % varg = varargin{1}; value = []; switch length( varg ) case 0 % value = A; case 1 % if strcmp( varg{1}, 'defaults' ) A = feval( def_fun ); else if ~isfield( A, varg{1} ) error('atmlab:input:undefined', ... 'The field %s is not defined', varg{1}); end value = getfield( A, varg{1} ); end case 2 if strcmp( varg{1}, 'require' ) for i = 1 : length(varg{2}) if ~isfield( A, varg{2}{i} ) error('atmlab:input','\nThe field %s is required.\n\n', varg{2}{i}); end if isnan( getfield( A, varg{2}{i} ) ) error('atmlab:input:undefined' ,... 'The field %s is required but is NaN.\n\n', varg{2}{i} ); end end else if ~isfield( A, varg{1} ) error('atmlab:input:undefined' ,... 'The field %s is not defined.', varg{1} ); end A = setfield( A, varg{1}, varg{2} ); value = varg{2}; end otherwise % error('atmlab:input','Too many input arguments.'); end