% RQRE_FIELD Require that a structure has a particular field % % Issues an error if criterion not fulfilled. % % FORMAT rqre_field( Q, fieldname [, nonstdname ] ) % % IN Q The structure. % fieldname Name of field. % OPT nonstdname Name of variable to use in error message. Default is % to use the function *inputname* to determine the % variable name. % 2005-03-15 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function rqre_field( Q, fieldname, nonstdname ) % if nargin < 3, nonstdname = []; end %- Handle the cellstr case in recursive manner if iscellstr( fieldname ) for i = 1 : length(fieldname) rqre_field( Q, fieldname{1}, nonstdname ); end return end %&% assert( ischar( fieldname ) ); %&% assert( ischar( nonstdname ) || isempty( nonstdname ) ); %&% if isempty(nonstdname) vname = sprintf( 'The variable *%s*', inputname(1) ); else assert( ischar( nonstdname ) ); %&% vname = sprintf( '%s', nonstdname ); end if ~isfield( Q, fieldname ) error( sprintf('%s is required to have the field *%s*.', vname, fieldname ) ); end