% RQRE_IN_RANGE Require that a variable is inside a range % % Issues an error if criterion not fulfilled. % % The check considers all values and *a* can be a matrix or a higher order % tensor. % % FORMAT rqre_in_range( a, [, lowlim, highlim, nonstdname ] ) % % IN a Variable value. Can be of any numeric type. % OPT lowlim It is required that a >= lowlim. Default is -Inf. % highlim It is required that a >= highlim. Default is Inf. % nonstdname Name of variable to use in error message. Default is % to use the function *inputname* to determine the % variable name. % 2004-09-07 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function rqre_in_range( a, lowlim, highlim, nonstdname ) if nargin < 2 || isempty( lowlim ) lowlim = -Inf; end if nargin < 3 || isempty( highlim ) highlim = Inf; end %&% assert( isnumeric( a ) ); %&% assert( istensor0( lowlim ) ); %&% assert( istensor0( highlim ) ); %&% if any( a(:) < lowlim ) | any( a(:) > highlim ) if nargin < 4 || isempty(nonstdname) vname = sprintf( 'The variable *%s*', inputname(1) ); else assert( ischar( nonstdname ) ); vname = sprintf( '%s', nonstdname ); end error('%s is required to be in the range [%d,%d].', vname, lowlim, highlim ); end