function descr = struct2string_compact(S, varargin) % struct2string_compact % % Return a compact representation of a struct. Whole numbers are represented % as such, any others are given N digits of precision. This can be useful % to add to a filename for storing a figure or to use in a plot title or legend. % % EXAMPLE % % >> disp(struct2string_compact(struct('A', 1, 'B', 2, 'C', pi), 4)); % A=1,B=2,C=3.1416 % % FORMAT % % descr = struct2string_compact(S, n) % % IN % % S scalar structure, all values should be scalar numbers % n number of digits of precision. Defaults to 3. % % OUT % % descr compact string describing the structure % % $Id$ n = optargs(varargin, {3}); %descr = cellfun(@(v) sprintf('%s=%.*f,', v, n*~iswhole(S.(v)), S.(v)), fieldnames(S), 'UniformOutput', false); descr = cellfun(@(v) sprintf('%s=%s;', v, elem2str(S.(v), n)), fieldnames(S), 'UniformOutput', false); descr = strcat(descr{:}); descr = descr(1:end-1); % take off final comma end function s = elem2str(v, n) % elem2str Convert single element to string compactly if isempty(v) s = ''; return elseif isboolean(v) || istensor0(v) % isscalar is true for cell array with 1 elem s = sprintf('%.*f', n*~(iswhole(v)||isboolean(v)), v); elseif iscell(v) s = cellfun(@(u) [elem2str(u, n) ','], v, 'UniformOutput', false); elseif isvector(v) s = arrayfun(@(u) [elem2str(u, n) '-'], v, 'UniformOutput', false); else error('atmlab:struct2string_compact:elem2str', ... 'Unable to provide compact string representation of %s', ... evalc('disp(v)')); end if ~isscalar(v) s = strcat(s{:}); s = s(1:end-1); end end