% BINNING Simple "binning" of data % % Binning means here that the original data Y will be binned % on a new grid in such a way that the binned data % Yb(x_i,y_i) will corresponds to weighted average % of Y over the intervall % [ x_i-(x_i-x_{i-1})/2, x_i+(x_{i+1}-x_{i})/2 ] % If the original data are not defined outside % the ranges of the new grid, the original data % are extrapolated, in order to deal with % with the end points. % The binning is performed in one dimension. % % FORMAT [Yb,dx] = binning( x_new, x, Y ) % % OUT Yb Binned data (vector or matrix). % dx The size of each bin of x_new % IN x_new The new grid to bin the data on. % x Original x-grid. % Y Data to be binned. % % 2007-11-12 Created by Bengt Rydberg. function [Yb,dx] = binning( x_new, x,Y ) if ~isvector(x_new) & ~isvector(x) error('x_new and x must be vectors.') end if isvector(Y) Y=vec2col(Y); end if length(x)~=size(Y,1) error('Mismatch in size between Y and x.') end if min(x_new)max(x) %warning('x_new is outside the range of x') end x_new=vec2col(x_new); x=vec2col(x); %create a grid with end points of x_new x_new2=zeros(length(x_new)+1,1); x_new2(1)=x_new(1)-(x_new(2)-x_new(1))/2; x_new2(end)=x_new(end)+(x_new(end)-x_new(end-1))/2; x_new2(2:end-1)=x_new(1:end-1)+(x_new(2:end)-x_new(1:end-1))/2; %combine the end points with the centre points for each bin x_new2=union(x_new2,x_new); %combine the update grid with the original grid x_new3=union(x_new2,x); ny = size( Y, 2 ); %interpolate data onto the combined grid Y1=zeros(length(x_new3),ny); for i=1:ny Y1(:,i)=interp1( x ,Y(:,i), x_new3,'linear','extrap'); end xlen=length(x_new); Yb=zeros(length(x_new),ny); dx=zeros(length(x_new),1); for i=1:xlen j1=2*(i-1)+1; j2=2*i+1; ind=find(x_new3>=x_new2(j1) & x_new3<=x_new2(j2)); %the size for matching indices dx3=x_new3(ind(2:end))-x_new3( ind(1:end-1)); %the size of each bin of x_new dx(i)=x_new2(j2)-x_new2(j1); Yb(i,1:ny)=sum((( Y1(ind(1:end-1),:)+ Y1(ind(2:end),:))/2.*... [dx3/dx(i)*ones(1,ny)])); end