function [data,lat,lon] = binning_fast(in,lonspace) %% BINNING_FAST bins ungridded data onto a grid % % Purpose: % Bins ungridded data to a cell grid using d = in.gridsize. Each bin will contain a % vector of values for that bin. % % The structure elements lat,lon,data must be the same size, and the function % will preserve the variable class. % % IN % in struct containing: % MANDITORY: % data [data matrix] of any class. size(data,1) % must be the same length % as lat lon, but data may % have 2 dimensions or more, e.g. % lvls, seasons, etc. % lat [lat matrix] of any class % lon [lon matrix] of any class % % either: % gridsize [%f] or [%f %f] scalar for square % scaling. 2 values % if you want to have % separate lat,lon % resolutions % % % % or % newlat [lat vector] bin into new lat grid % newlon [lat vector] bin into new lon grid % % OPTIONAL % region [blcorner,trcorner] (lt1,ln1,lt2,ln2) % % % If region is given, the function will only bin the data within the % given region. Particularily useful if you have high resolution data % in a region. The default grid domain is assumed to be global % otherwise. % % lonspace %f Optional to indicate the longitude format % lonspace = 360 for lon=0:360, % lonspace = 180 for lon=-180:180 % lonspace = 0 do nothing (default) % % If lonspace is not given, the function automatically picks a format % which depends on if there is a longitude value larger than 180 (lon>180) % or not. This may be important if your input data does not cover both % hemispheres. % % Out: % 1) data ( cell ) % 2) lat ( vector ) % 3) lon ( vector ) % % USAGE: [data,lat,lon] = binning_fast(in,lonspace) %lonspace is optional % equivalent to e.g. % [data,lat,lon] = binning_fast(struct('data',data,'lat',lat,'lon',lon... % 'newlat',[-80+.5:80-.5],'newlon',[-180+.5:180-.5])) % % NOTE: % 1) Including newlon and newlat causes the function to ignore: in.gridsize % in.region % lonspace % % 2) A useful function to get statistics (e.g numel, mean, sum, etc) on % the binned data is binned_statistics. % % % Created by Oliver Lemke and Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ in = check_input(in); if nargin==1, lonspace=0;end [in,lat,lon] = outputlatlons(in,lonspace); % data might be 2D or more e.g. levels,etc sz = size(; =,:); %collapse data in = regionchop(in); % setup new GRIDSIZE d(1) = mean(diff(lat)); d(2) = mean(diff(lon)); %% assign index value latindex = floor( ( - (min(lat)-d(1)/2)) /d(1) ) + 1; lonindex = floor( (in.lon - (min(lon)-d(2)/2)) /d(2) ) + 1; % make sure lonindex and latindex don't exceed maximum latindex(latindex>length(lat))=length(lat); lonindex(lonindex>length(lon))=length(lon); indata =; %% GET COUNTS data = cell(length(lat), length(lon)); counts = zeros (size(data), class(indata)); for i = 1:size(indata,1) ilat = latindex(i); ilon = lonindex(i); counts(ilat, ilon) = counts(ilat, ilon) + 1; end %% PREALLOCATE DATA for i = 1:size(counts,1) for j = 1:size(counts,2) data{i, j} = zeros ([counts(i, j), sz(2:end)], class(indata)); end end %% LOOP DATA for i = 1:size(indata,1) ilat = latindex(i); ilon = lonindex(i); data{ilat, ilon}(counts(ilat, ilon),:) = indata(i,:); counts(ilat, ilon) = counts(ilat, ilon) - 1; end %% Subfunctions % || % VV function in = check_input(in) errId = ['atmlab:' mfilename ':badInput']; assert(all(isfield(in,{'lat','lon','data'})),... errId,'''lat'',''lon'',''data'' are required input fields') assert(isfield(in,'gridsize') || (all(isfield(in,{'newlon','newlat'}))),... errId,'Either field ''gridsize'' or fields ''newlat'' and ''newlon'' are required' ) if isequal(numel(,numel(,numel(in.lon)) =; =; in.lon = in.lon(:); end assert(isequal(size(,1),size(,1),size(in.lon,1)),... errId,'data,lat,lon must all be the same size') if isfield(in,'newlon') str = 'fields ''newlat'' and ''newlon'''; assert(~(any([in.newlon(:)>360;in.newlon(:)<-180;in.newlat(:)>90;in.newlat(:)<-90])),... errId,'lat/lon values are unphysical') if ~(max(diff(in.newlat))-min(diff(in.newlat))<1e-4 && ... max(diff(in.newlon))-min(diff(in.newlon))<1e-4) warning(['atmlab:' mfilename, ':WonkyNewgrid'],[... 'vectors in fields: ''newlat'' and ''newlon'' are not monotonously spaced. ',... 'The output grid will be monotonously spaced, ',... 'based on mean(diff(newlat)) and mean(diff(newlon))']) end if isfield(in,'gridsize') warning(errId,'%s cancel ''gridsize''',str) end if isfield(in,'region') warning(errId,'Region specified by newlat and newlon has presedence over in.region\n') end %internally span a region, so that values outside this region can be kicked out % [blcorner,trcorner] (lt1,ln1,lt2,ln2). This should be safe for both % centered and non-centered grids dlt = mean(diff(in.newlat))/2; dln = mean(diff(in.newlon))/2; in.region = [min(in.newlat)-dlt,min(in.newlon)-dln,max(in.newlat)+dlt,max(in.newlon)+dln]; end function in = regionchop(in) % Get rid of all data outside of region lt1 = > in.region(1); ln1 = in.lon > in.region(2); lt2 = < in.region(3); ln2 = in.lon < in.region(4); index = ln1 & ln2 & lt1 & lt2; =; in.lon = in.lon(index); =,:); function [in,lat,lon] = outputlatlons(in,lonspace) %% fix the latlons % Sets up lat lon and adjusts in.lon to the requested (if requested) % longitude regime (0:360 or -180:180) % errId = 'atmlab:binning_fast:badInput'; testmore = in.lon>180; %logical for any lons > 180 testless = in.lon<0; %logical for any lons < 0 if lonspace==360 in.lon(testless) = in.lon(testless)+360; in.f360=true; elseif lonspace==180 in.lon(testmore) = in.lon(testmore)-360; in.f360=false; elseif lonspace==0 in.f360 = any(testmore(:)); else error(errId,... 'lonspace must be 180, 360 or 0 (default (do nothing))') end if in.f360 && ~isfield(in,'region') in.region = [-90 0 90 360]; elseif ~in.f360 && ~isfield(in,'region') in.region = [-90 -180 90 180]; end if isfield(in,'newlon') lat = in.newlat; lon = in.newlon; if lonspace~=0 warning(errId,'fields ''newlat'' and ''newlon'' make lonspace irrelevant') end return end d = in.gridsize; assert(numel(d)<=2,errId,'''gridsize'' should contain 1 or 2 values') if isscalar(d), d = [d,d]; end lat = in.region(1)+0.5*d(1):d(1):in.region(3)-0.5*d(1); lon = in.region(2)+0.5*d(2):d(2):in.region(4)-0.5*d(2);