function [fourier_coeff_2d, sorted_values_prof, x, y, template, mean_pdf_profile, no_values_x, no_values_y] = load_2d_data_vertical(number) % Load a 2D field. switch number case 1 %load data_altocumulus.mat %template = double(dbz); load('/home/bengt/CIWSIR/Dataset_gen/CloudSAT_data/test_2d23d.mat') template=IWC; %keyboard %template=template(8:end,61:100); %imagesc(template) %size(template) % This radar measurement of an Altocumulus field is mirrored to get % a field without jumps at the edges. The field was reduced in size % four times without averaging, do not use this field for scientif % purposes. %template = [template flipdim(template,2)]; %template = flipdim(template, 1); otherwise % A cloud field retrieved with Optimal Estimation by Ulrich % Loehnert. load data_cloud_prof.mat template = double(lwc); end [no_values_y, no_values_x] = size(template); x = 1:no_values_x; y = 1:no_values_y; mean_pdf_profile = squeeze(mean(template, 2)); % Make sorted vector. template = remove_average_profile(template, mean_pdf_profile); sorted_values_prof = sort(template, 2); sorted_values_prof = sorted_values_prof'; total_variance_pdf = std(sorted_values_prof(:)).^2; % Calculate Fourier coeffients and scale them. fourier_coeff_2d = abs(ifft2( template )); power = fourier_coeff_2d.^2; total_variance_spec = sum(sum(power)); power = power * total_variance_pdf / total_variance_spec; fourier_coeff_2d = sqrt(power');