% QP2_L2 Standardised L2 output for Qpack2 % % The function allows that a L2 structure is generated where the set of % fields can be controlled through Q. The fields of L2 are determined by the % settings of the L2 field of the retrieval quantities (such as % Q.POLYFIT.L2) and Q.L2_EXTRA. The naming and content of the L2 fields % are described further in the Qpack2 manual. % % Possible choices for L2_EXTRA are: % ----------: These data are transferred from X, the output of *oem* % 'dx' : Last value of X.dx. See qinfo(@oem,'dx') % 'cost' : Last value of X.cost. See qinfo(@oem,'dx') % 'e' : See qinfo(@oem,'e') % 'eo' : See qinfo(@oem,'eo') % 'es' : See qinfo(@oem,'es') % 'ex' : See qinfo(@oem,'ex') % 'yf' : See qinfo(@oem,'yf') % 'A' : See qinfo(@oem,'A') % 'G' : See qinfo(@oem,'G') % 'J' : See qinfo(@oem,'J') % 'S' : See qinfo(@oem,'S') % 'So' : See qinfo(@oem,'So') % 'Ss' : See qinfo(@oem,'Ss') % ----------: Other data % 'date' : Date of the measurement. Taken from Y. Gives fields 'year', % 'hour', 'day', 'hour', 'min' and 'sec' % 'xa' : A priori state for each retrieval quantity. % 'y' : Measured spectrum. % 'bl' : Baseline fit. % 'tnoise' : Thermal noise magnitude. A scalar. Overall mean of Y.TNOISE. % 'ptz' : Includes 'p_grid', 'z_field' and 't_field' from corresponding % fields of Q. For higher atmospheric dimensionalities % 'lat_grid' and 'lon_grid* are also included. % % The variables G, J S, So and Ss are stored as complete matrices. The % matrix A, and the vectors e, eo, es, ex and xa (as well as x and mr) % are splitted, and are stored separately for each retrieval quantity. % % A field speciesX_vmr0 is added automatically when the retrieval unit is % rel or logrel. % % It must be ensured that the output of *oem* includes the data to be % extracted here. This is most easily done by this function, following the % first format below. Instead of initiating as O = oem;, instead do: % O = qp2_l2(Q); % And O will be initiated in a way that this function can be used for % producing the L2 data. % % FORMAT O = qp2_l2( Q ) % % OUT O OEM setting structure. % IN Q Qarts setting structure. % % or % % FORMAT L2 = qp2_l2( Q, R, xa, O, X, Y, m ) % % OUT L2 Creaed L2 structure. % IN Q Qarts setting structure. % R See *arts_oem_init*. % O OEM setting structure. See *oem*. % xa A priori state vector. % X Output structure from *oem* % Y Measurement structure. See qinfo(@qp2_y) % m Index of retrieved measurement. % 2009-07-01 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function L2 = qp2_l2( Q, R, xa, O, X, Y, m ) if nargin == 1 % L2 = oem; % if ~qarts_isset( Q.L2_EXTRA ) return; % ---> end Q.L2_EXTRA = qarts_get( Q.L2_EXTRA ); rqre_datatype( Q.L2_EXTRA, @iscellstr, 'Q.L2_EXTRA' ); %&% % for i = 1 : length( Q.L2_EXTRA ) switch Q.L2_EXTRA{i} case {'dx','cost','e','eo','es','ex','yf','A','G','J','S','So','Ss'} L2.(Q.L2_EXTRA{i})= true; case 'mresp' L2.A = true; case {'date','xa','y','bl','tnoise','ptz'} % otherwise error( sprintf('Unknow out variable: %s', Q.L2_EXTRA{i} ) ); end end % return; % ---> end %- To handle ase when no putput is selected % L2 = []; %- Set up some do-variables to avoid repetition of any(strcmp)) % do_mresp = any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'mresp' ) ); do_A = any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'A' ) ) ; do_xa = any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'xa' ) ); do_e = any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'e' ) ); do_eo = any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'eo' ) ); do_es = any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'es' ) ) ; do_ex = any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'ex' ) ) ; % Date and position % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'date' ) ) L2.year = Y(m).YEAR; L2.month = Y(m).MONTH; L2.day = Y(m).DAY; L2.hour = Y(m).HOUR; L2.minute = Y(m).MINUTE; L2.second = Y(m).SECOND; end % Retrieval diagnostics % L2.converged = X.converged; % if ~O.linear if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'dx' ) ) L2.dx = X.dx(end); end end % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'cost' ) ) L2.cost = X.cost(end); L2.cost_x = X.cost_x(end); L2.cost_y = X.cost_y(end); end % Measurement and fits % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'y' ) ) if qarts_isset( Y(m).F ) L2.f = Y(m).F; elseif Q.SENSOR_DO L2.f = qarts_get( Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE_F ); else L2.f = qarts_get( Q.F_GRID ); end L2.y = Y(m).Y; end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'yf' ) ) L2.yf = X.yf; end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'bl' ) ) L2.bl = R.bl; end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'tnoise' ) ) L2.tnoise = mean( mean( Y(m).TNOISE ) ); end % PTZ (last forward model fields) % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'ptz' ) ) L2.p_grid = R.p_grid; if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM >= 2 L2.lat_grid = R.lat_grid; if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM == 3 L2.lon_grid = R.lon_grid; end end L2.t_field = qarts_get( Q.T_FIELD ); L2.z_field = qarts_get( Q.Z_FIELD ); end % Optional matrices % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'G' ) ) L2.G = X.G; end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'J' ) ) L2.J = X.J; end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'S' ) ) L2.S = X.S; end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'So' ) ) L2.So = X.So; end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'Se' ) ) L2.Se = X.Se; end % Start and stop index for each retrieval quantity I = zeros( length(R.jq), 2 ); for q = 1 : length(R.jq) I(q,:) = [ R.ji{q}{1} R.ji{q}{2} ]; end % Measurement response and averaging kernel % if do_A & do_mresp [mresp,As] = mrespA( X.A, I ); elseif do_A As = splitA( X.A, I ); elseif do_mresp mresp = mrespA( X.A, I ); end % Retrieval quantities % i_asj = find([Q.ABS_SPECIES.RETRIEVE]); % for q = 1 : length(R.jq) atmfield = false; ind = I(q,1) : I(q,2); siz = [ length(ind), 1 ]; % Modified below for 2D and 3D variables if strcmp( R.jq{q}.maintag, 'Absorption species' ) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % It is assumed that abs. species are included first among the ret. quant. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ispecies = i_asj(q); vname = sprintf( 'Q.ABS_SPECIES(%d)', ispecies ); %&% rqre_field( Q.ABS_SPECIES(ispecies), 'L2', vname ); %&% out = qarts_get( Q.ABS_SPECIES(ispecies).L2 ); rqre_datatype( out, @isboolean, sprintf('%s.L2',vname) ); %&% % if out s = sprintf( 'species%d', q ); atmfield = true; Astruct = Q.ABS_SPECIES(ispecies); % L2.([s,'_name']) = R.jq{q}.subtag; end elseif strcmp( R.jq{q}.maintag, 'Atmospheric temperatures' ) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- rqre_field( Q.T, 'L2', 'Q.T' ); %&% out = qarts_get( Q.T.L2 ); rqre_datatype( out, @isboolean, 'Q.T.L2' ); %&% % if out s = 'temperature'; atmfield = true; Astruct = Q.T; end elseif strcmp( R.jq{q}.maintag, 'Frequency' ) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- rqre_field( Q.FFIT, 'L2', 'Q.FFIT' ); %&% out = qarts_get( Q.FFIT.L2 ); rqre_datatype( out, @isboolean, 'Q.FFIT.L2' ); %&% % if out s = 'ffit'; end elseif strcmp( R.jq{q}.maintag, 'Polynomial baseline fit' ) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- rqre_field( Q.POLYFIT, 'L2', 'Q.POLYFIT' ); %&% out = qarts_get( Q.POLYFIT.L2 ); rqre_datatype( out, @isboolean, 'Q.POLYFIT.L2' ); %&% % if out s = sprintf( 'polyfit%s', R.jq{q}.subtag(end) ); end else error( sprintf( 'Unknown retrieval quantity: %s', R.jq{q}.maintag ) ); end if out %--- Special stuff for atmospheric fields if atmfield % Output follows strictly retrieval range (empty L2_RANGE) if ~isfield( Astruct, 'L2_RANGE' ) % % Fill special L2 fields L2.([s,'_p']) = Astruct.GRIDS{1}; % if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM >= 2 L2.([s,'_lat']) = Astruct.GRIDS{2}; siz(2) = length( Astruct.GRIDS{2} ); % if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM == 3 L2.([s,'_lon']) = Astruct.GRIDS{3}; siz(3) = length( Astruct.GRIDS{3} ); end end % Modify range? else %- Check that L2_RANGE is OK range = qarts_get( Astruct.L2_RANGE ); rqre_datatype( range, @isvector, sprintf('L2 range for %s',s) ); %&% if length(range) < Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM*2 %&% error( sprintf('L2 range for %s is too short.',s) ); %&% end %&% if range(1) >= range(2) %&% error( sprintf( ... %&% 'Pressure limits in L2 range (for %s) in wrong order? .',s) ); %&% end %&% % Pressure dimension [ngrid,ip] = r2g_local( Astruct.GRIDS{1}, R.p_grid, range(1:2) ); siz(1) = length(ngrid); L2.([s,'_p']) = ngrid; % % Latitude dimension if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM == 1 ind = ind( ip ); Astruct.GRIDS{1} = ngrid; % Used to get VMR0 below elseif Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM >= 2 [ngrid,ilat] = r2g_local( Astruct.GRIDS{2}, R.lat_grid, range(3:4) ); siz(2) = length(ngrid); L2.([s,'_lat']) = ngrid; % if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM == 2 ind = ind( matvec( repmat( ip, 1, length(ilat) ) + ... repmat( (ilat'-1)*length(Astruct.GRIDS{1}), ... length(ip), 1 ) ) ); Astruct.GRIDS{2} = ngrid; else [ngrid,ilon] = r2g_local( Astruct.GRIDS{3}, R.lon_grid, ... range(5:6) ); siz(3) = length(ngrid); L2.([s,'_lon']) = ngrid; ind = ind( matvec( repmat( ip, [1 length(ilat) length(ilon)] ) + ... repmat( (ilat'-1)*length(Astruct.GRIDS{1}), ... [length(ip) 1 length(ilon)] ) + ... repmat( (reshape(ilon,[1 1 length(ilon)])-1)*... length(Astruct.GRIDS{1}) * ... length(Astruct.GRIDS{2}), ... [1 length(ilat) length(ilon)] ) ) ); Astruct.GRIDS{3} = ngrid; end end clear ngrid ip ilat ilon end end %--- Fill L2 % L2.([s,'_x']) = reshape( X.x(ind), siz ); % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'xa' ) ) L2.([s,'_xa']) = reshape( xa(ind), siz ); end % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'e' ) ) L2.([s,'_e']) = reshape( X.e(ind), siz ); end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'eo' ) ) L2.([s,'_eo']) = reshape( X.eo(ind), siz ); end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'es' ) ) L2.([s,'_es']) = reshape( X.es(ind), siz ); end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'ex' ) ) L2.([s,'_ex']) = reshape( X.ex(ind), siz ); end % if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'mresp' ) ) L2.([s,'_mr']) = reshape( mresp(ind), siz ); end if any( strcmp( Q.L2_EXTRA, 'A' ) ) L2.([s,'_A']) = As{q}; end % If ABS_SPECIES + rel or logrel, save also vmr0 if strcmp( R.jq{q}.maintag, 'Absorption species' ) if any( strcmp( R.jq{q}.mode, { 'rel', 'logrel' } ) ) vmr0 = arts_regrid( Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM, Q, getdims( ... R.vmr_field0(ispecies,:,:,:), 2:Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM+1 ), ... Astruct.GRIDS ); L2.([s,'_vmr0']) = reshape( vmr0, siz ); end end end end function [newgrid,ii] = r2g_local( retgrid, fmgrid, range ) % np = length( retgrid ); % if range(1) >= retgrid(end) & range(2) <= retgrid(1) ii = find( retgrid >= range(1) & retgrid <= range(2) ); newgrid = retgrid(ii); elseif range(1) < retgrid(end) & range(2) > retgrid(1) newgrid = [ min([range(2),fmgrid(1)]); retgrid; max([range(1),fmgrid(end)]) ]; ii = [ 1 1:np np ]'; elseif range(1) < retgrid(end) ii = find( retgrid <= range(2) ); newgrid = [ retgrid(ii); max([range(1),fmgrid(end)]) ]; ii = [ ii; np ]; else ii = find( retgrid >= range(1) ); newgrid = [ min([range(2),fmgrid(1)]); retgrid(ii) ]; ii = [ 1; ii ]; end return