% QP2_MAKE_PDF Compiles the Qpack2 manual % % The function extracts on-line documentation to be included on the PDF. % And runs pdflatex (twice) on qpack2.tex % % FORMAT qp2_make_pdf( [clean_files] ) % % OPT clean_files Flag to delete unnecessary files % 2009-08-10 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function qp2_make_pdf(clean_files) wd = pwd; % if ~strcmp( wd(end+(-5:0)), 'qpack2' ) error( 'This function must be exucuted from the qpack2 sub-folder.' ); end sw = atmlab( 'SCREEN_WIDTH' ); atmlab( 'SCREEN_WIDTH', 70 ); fid = fileopen( 'qarts.txt', 'w' ); qinfo( @qarts, 'all', fid, false ); fileclose( fid ); fid = fileopen( 'oem.txt', 'w' ); qinfo( @oem, 'all', fid, false ); fileclose( fid ); fid = fileopen( 'qp2_y.txt', 'w' ); qinfo( @qp2_y, 'all', fid, false ); fileclose( fid ); !pdflatex qpack2 !pdflatex qpack2 if nargin & clean_files delete('qarts.txt'); delete('oem.txt'); delete('qp2_y.txt'); delete('qpack2.log'); delete('qpack2.aux'); end atmlab( 'SCREEN_WIDTH', sw );