function out = unpack_bip(in) % unpack_bip Unpacks Band-Interleaved by Pixel (BIP) data in uint16 % % AVHRR GAC data Earth views are stored in Band-Interleaved by Pixel (BIP) % 10-bit format. This function takes 32-bit words encoded with BIP and % extracts the counts for all channels. % % FORMAT % % counts = unpack_bip(bip_data) % % IN % % bip_data 682-element uint32 (as returned by avhrr_gac_read_raw % % OUT % % counts 409*5 uint16, counts for channels 1--5 % % $Id$ words = uint32([... bin2dec('00000000000000000000001111111111'), ... bin2dec('00000000000011111111110000000000'), ... bin2dec('00111111111100000000000000000000'), ... ]); bit_0_9 = bitand(words(1), in); bit_10_19 = bitshift(bitand(words(2), in), -10); bit_20_29 = bitshift(bitand(words(3), in), -20); % sort it as bit_20_29 bit_10_19 bit_0_9 because the data are big-endian % and like this, channel order will be contiguous (1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ... 4 5 -) % see also NOAA KLM User's Guide Table backsorted = [bit_20_29 bit_10_19 bit_0_9]'; backsorted = backsorted(:); ch1 = backsorted(1:5:end-5); ch2 = backsorted(2:5:end); ch3 = backsorted(3:5:end); ch4 = backsorted(4:5:end); ch5 = backsorted(5:5:end); out = [ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5];