function find_scanline_overlaps(sat, sensor, startdate, enddate) % find_scanline_overlaps Create hashtable with scanline overlaps % % Creates a hashtable (such as used by granule_first_line) that maps for % each sat/sensor granule the first scanline not occuring in the previous % scanline. % % The resulting hashtable is written to a file according to % datasets_config('firstline_data'), which is also where % granule_first_line is looking for it. % % FORMAT % % find_scanline_overlaps(sat, sensor, startdate[, enddate]) % % IN % % sat string Satellite % sensor string sensor % startdate datevec start here % enddate datevec (optional) end here. Default: today % or end of data, whichever comes first % % OUT % % none, but writes a file % Created by Gerrit Holl % % $Id$ %colloc_config('stdout', fopen(fullfile('~/log', ['line_overlap_' sat '_' sensor '_out']), 'a')); %colloc_config('stderr', fopen(fullfile('~/log', ['line_overlap_' sat '_' sensor '_err']), 'a')); scanfile = datasets_config('firstline_data'); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SAT', sat); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SENSOR', sensor); % read directly, not with read_granule, now I WANT the doubles reader = datasets_constants(['read_' sensor]); if ~exist('enddate', 'var') enddate = datevec(now); end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Locating granules\n'); allgrans = find_granules_for_period(startdate, enddate, sat, sensor); ngrans = size(allgrans, 1); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Found %d granules\n', ngrans); if exist(scanfile, 'file') tm = load(scanfile); ht =; else ht = java.util.Hashtable; end next = 0; for i = 1:ngrans-1 logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'granule %d/%d: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\n', i, ngrans-1, ... allgrans(i, 1), allgrans(i, 2), allgrans(i, 3), allgrans(i, 4), allgrans(i, 5)); uni = date2unixsecs(allgrans(i+1, 1), allgrans(i+1, 2), allgrans(i+1, 3), allgrans(i+1, 4), allgrans(i+1, 5)); if ht.containsKey(uint32(uni)) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Already exists (%d:%d)\n', uint32(uni), ht.get(uint32(uni))); continue end try couldreadcur = false; if isequal(next, 0) cur = reader(find_datafile_by_date(allgrans(i, :), sat, sensor)); else cur = next; end couldreadcur = true; couldreadnext = false; next = reader(find_datafile_by_date(allgrans(i+1, :), sat, sensor)); couldreadnext = true; catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'atmlab:find_datafile_by_date', 'atmlab:atovs_get_l1c:zamsu2l1c', 'atmlab:invalid_data'} logtext(atmlab('ERR'), 'Problem: %s\n', ME.message); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end %uni = date2unixsecs(allgrans(i+1, 1), allgrans(i+1, 2), allgrans(i+1, 3), allgrans(i+1, 4), allgrans(i+1, 5)); if couldreadcur && couldreadnext t_cur = cur.epoch + cur.time; t_next = next.epoch + next.time; %[t_cur, t_next] = unify_time_axis(cur.time, next.time); firstline = find(t_next > t_cur(end), 1, 'first'); if ~isempty(firstline) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'First line: %d\n', firstline); ht.put(uint32(uni), firstline); else logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'No first line, setting to -2\n'); ht.put(uint32(uni), -2); end elseif couldreadcur logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Could not read next, setting next to -3\n'); ht.put(uint32(uni), -3); else logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Could not read current. setting to -4\n'); ht.put(uint32(uni), -4); end end save(scanfile, 'ht'); %if ~isempty(getenv('SGE_CWD_PATH')) % running inside queing system % exit %end