function jd = date2jd(varargin) %DATE2JD Julian day number from Gregorian date. % % JD = DATE2JD(YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND) returns the Julian % day number of the given date (Gregorian calendar) plus a fractional part % depending on the time of day. % % Any missing MONTH or DAY will be replaced by ones. Any missing HOUR, % MINUTE or SECOND will be replaced by zeros. % % If no date is specified, the current date and time is used. % % Start of the JD (Julian day) count is from 0 at 12 noon 1 January -4712 % (4713 BC), Julian proleptic calendar. Note that this day count conforms % with the astronomical convention starting the day at noon, in contrast % with the civil practice where the day starts with midnight. % % Astronomers have used the Julian period to assign a unique number to % every day since 1 January 4713 BC. This is the so-called Julian Day % (JD). JD 0 designates the 24 hours from noon UTC on 1 January 4713 BC % (Julian proleptic calendar) to noon UTC on 2 January 4713 BC. % Sources: - % - The Calendar FAQ ( % Author: Peter J. Acklam % Time-stamp: 2002-05-24 13:30:06 +0200 % E-mail: % URL: nargsin = nargin; error(nargchk(0, 6, nargsin)); if nargsin argv = {1 1 1 0 0 0}; argv(1:nargsin) = varargin; else argv = num2cell(clock); end [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = deal(argv{:}); % The following algorithm is a modified version of the one found in the % Calendar FAQ. a = floor((14 - month)/12); y = year + 4800 - a; m = month + 12*a - 3; % For a date in the Gregorian calendar: jd = day + floor((153*m + 2)/5) ... + y*365 + floor(y/4) - floor(y/100) + floor(y/400) - 32045 ... + ( second + 60*minute + 3600*(hour - 12) )/86400;