function [month, day] = easterday(year) %EASTERDAY Easter day for a given year. % % [MONTH, DAY] = EASTERDAY(YEAR) returns the month and day for easter day. % % If no year is specified, the current year is used. Gregorian calendar % is assumed. % Author: Peter J. Acklam % Time-stamp: 2002-05-24 15:26:50 +0200 % E-mail: % URL: nargsin = nargin; error(nargchk(0, 1, nargsin)); if ~nargsin clk = clock; year = clk(1); end % The following algorithm is from the Calendar FAQ, % G = rem(year, 19); % For the Julian calendar: % I = rem(19*G + 15), 30); % J = rem(year + year/4 + I), 7); % For the Gregorian calendar: C = fix(year/100); H = rem((C - fix(C/4) - fix((8*C + 13)/25) + 19*G + 15), 30); I = H - fix(H/28)*(1 - fix(H/28)*fix(29/(H + 1))*fix((21 - G)/11)); J = rem((year + fix(year/4) + I + 2 - C + fix(C/4)), 7); L = I - J; month = 3 + fix((L + 40)/44); day = L + 28 - 31*fix(month/4);